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Practice test

1. Write down the definition and one example of each energy

Gravitational potential: Found in an object or people when they are at a certain height
Chemical: Contained by the wind
Wind: Generated by the wind
Electric: movement of electric charge through a conductor
Thermal: Produce by heat
Hydraulic: generated by the movement of water
Light: Emited by objects in the form light

2. Write down its scientific contribution

Thomas Edison:
Samuel Morse:
William Gilbert:
James Clerk:
Alessandro Volta:
3. Write down the form on energy that they produce
Fan _____________________ tv _______________________
Radio ____________________ stove __________________________
4. What is an electric current?
5. What is a direct current
6. What is an alternating current
7. Write down the name of two electric circuits and one example
8. Draw an electric circuit with its 4 elements

9. Write down 4 conductor and 4 insulators

10. Explain 4 safe ways to use electric devices
11. What is the percentage of water in earth?
12. Write down 6 examples where we can find fresh water
13. Write down the place where we can find salt water:
14. Write down the percentages of water in earth
15. Write down the 5 places where we can find water on earth
16. Draw the water cycle and name its process

17. Write down the difference between salt and fresh water according to its physical
18. What is an island
19. What are continental shelves
20. Write down the two zones of the ocean
21. Write down the three zones of the lake
22. Write down the two types of tides in sea

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