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Every year more than 2800 youths graduate from various university across the country. They pour them into
the job market while the vacancies have decreased to previous years. Employment rate is increasing every
year and it is one of the biggest challenge Bhutan is facing. According to the report from the Economic and
Private Sector Development Committee, youth unemployment rate has increased from 11.02% in 2018 to
18.75% in 2021. Students avoid doing Royal Civil Servant Examination after seeing the slots available in their
field of study. After graduation they now opt to go abroad to either work or continue studying. This is because
of unemployment issues in the country.
Bhutan provides a variety of opportunities in terms of entrepreneurship to promote youths to do business.
Ministry of Labor and Human Resources encourages entrepreneurship and consider youths to self-
employment. They conduct programs and give trainings to the those interested in entrepreneurship. They also
provide Student Business Seedling Program to increase the spirit of entrepreneurship. There also conduct start
up weekend program and Start up Innovation Tech Week to develop business idea and present their
prototype. Their programs are organized at school level to university level to promote and encourage

Figure 1. Tshewang Zangmo

One of the successful entrepreneurs based in Chhukha is Miss Tshewang Zangmo. She graduated from College
of Language and cultural Language. She is known as JJK owing to name of her shop. Unlike other fresh
graduates, she didn’t have the yearn to look into job market and get herself a 9 to 5 hour’s desk job. She
started her flower enterprise in the year 2018. It first started as a flower collection not as a planned business.
Her family had a kiwi farm and they had visitors frequently to their farm. Her good collection of flowers along
with the kiwi farm attracted visitors and they used to buy by paying her some amount. This motivated and
pushed her to plant more. Moreover, being a woman, she didn’t want to be dependent and wanted to be self-
sufficient. She realized apart from being a housewife, she could do something she love and earn at the same
time. This also made herself financially stable and kept her engaged. After working for two years with flowers
in a green house, she was able to set up large green house and open an outlet on the highway.
Figure 2. Image of Tshewang Zangmo in her green house
On the onset of her business Tshewangs husband supported and helped her financially to set up. It started on
a very small scale to slowly increasing its scale and progress it on becoming a large-scale business. This was
the very reason she didn’t seek financial support from government. Now that the flower Nursery is running
well, she looks forward to get support from government to expand her business.
She got trained by Chukha Dzongkhag through floriculture training conducted in Gedu in September, 2021.
She also got trainings conducted by DCSI prior to it

Tshewang’s aim is to create opportunities for graduates who are un employed and to motivate people who
share same interest as her to take up business. She also has a dream to train people who love to plant flowers
and take up entrepreneurial journey. Challenges faced
As every entrepreneur is bound to face challenge to set up or to run and sustain it. The flower nursery
business faced few challenges despite the business running smoothly. One of the difficulties she faced was not
having a proper place to sell her flowers. Another challenge she faces that hampers her business is people
selling flowers and plants without license which reduces their customers. There are also regulations they need
to follow with license. Moreover, having license, they need to pay taxes to the government.
There is shortage of workers at times as she needs more hands in planting and taking care of the flowers. The
shortage of flower seeds and saplings are another problem.


The flower nursery is currently doing very well and is at good position. She doesn’t have any loan taken for her
business to worry about and he monthly income of her business ranges from 1 lakh being the minimum and it
ranges to 2 lakhs. Every day the flower nursery is able to make an amount of 15 thousand to 40 thousand if
there is a good sell.
As it is very cold in winter the business runs from February till the end of September. The outlet is closed for
more than three months as flowers don’t grow well.
She also did online business until last year but she states there are some hurdles in delivering the flowers.
Now she only delivers the flower if one personally requests to buy the flower.
To take her flower business forward and expand it, she has plans to open outlet in Thimphu where there is
larger range of customers and where market is much bigger. She also wishes to open an outlet in Eastern side
at Mongar.
Figure 3. Image of the Flower Nursery


1. Garcinium 1. Rubber Plants
2. Aistromerios 2. Phonix Palm
3. Cumellin 3. Jade
4. Azellin 4. Finger Jade
5. Snowball 5. Fiddle Panda
6. Cyclamen 6. PonyTail Palm
7. Fushin 7. Antherium
8. Pelargunium 8. Areca Palm
9. Chrysinthemum’ 9. Rosemarry
10. Gardenia 10. Larender
11. Jesmine 11. Boxus
12. Hibiscus 12. Elephant Bush
13. Mapple 13. Elephant Ear
14. Hygendia 14. Cuthelia
15. Peuny 15. Peperomia


Being a woman entrepreneur, she encourages women in her community to start working and start business.
She advices other women to not let just stay within the four walls of room but to come out of the cocoon. She
believes we as women can be independent and self sufficient if we are determined and have the perseverance
to work.
She has a deep concern for youths who are not able to complete their education and those who are un
employed. Youths have wide range of opportunities if they just don’t keep boundaries in the type of job they
want to do. Its not only the white color job that lets you live comfortably, there are other private job sectors
and one always start a business if you have an idea that you can fill in the market.
There are a lot of opportunities and support provided by the government in the field of entrepreneurship.
Chuka dzongkhag provides trainings and workshops to young aspiring entrepreneurs. She states that almost all
the youth are encouraged and they now have started their business and are self-sufficient. There are different
groups of entrepreneurs at Chukha flower nursery being one, mushroom farming, tailoring group, cafeteria,
metal craft and pig breeding farm and many more.

Figure 4: Image of Tshewang with her flowers

Entrepreneurship is a platform which provide opportunities to people to ideate and execute. It is an
alternative to a career or way of living life. One just need the guts and should be bold enough to start or
venture a business. Tshewangs journey of her business from opening up the flower nursery and running it
successfully is very inspiring. She advices young youths to not waste time and take entrepneurship as a way to
earn bread. She states that if you were to compare to a desk job, doing a business is far better. She is
hardworking and keen woman entrepreneur who not only supports her family but is able to help her
community. She quotes His Majesty the king,” It isn’t the matter of not knowing, it is just the matter of doing
and not doing.” and states that for an entrepreneur to succeed it is important to have a driving interest and
willingness to do the business followed by strong perseverance.

How did you start your business?

What inspired or made you to start your business?
When did you start your business?
Who supported you when you started your business?
What are the challenges you faced while doing the business?
What is your mission and strategy?
Who are your competitor’s in market?
What is current position and progress in the market?
How much do you earn every month?
What are the opportunities given through your business?
What advice do you have for younger entrepreneurs?



Entrepreneurs of Chukha. (2020, February 26).

Entrepreneurs of Chukha. (2022, August).


21 Success Tips for Young and Aspiring Entrepreneurs. (2019, April 6). htt


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