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The Language of Math

The video titled ‘Math isn’t hard, it's a language’ is all about reminding us that Math is so
simple and it is just like any other languages that we can easily understand. Moreover,
Mr.Polisoc said that Math is a language and use that as your advantage. I believe he’s indicating
that Math is easy and we don’t need to complicate things, and we can use this to communicate to
other people easily. The video tells those kids sees Math as a dehumanized subject, kids see
Math as a hard subject and this subject causes them to suffer by solving Math problems. Mr.
Polisoc also said that only 26% of 12 th graders in the United States of America is proficient in
Math however they claim that America is an exceptional country and 26% is not enough for
them. They want more so they are encouraging everyone to increase that 26%.

As for me I think that, this video is very helpful it encourages me to improve more in Math.
Many of us nowadays hates math because we can’t solve them and it gives us headaches
however, I believe that we can learn this step by step. We don’t need to hate Math; we need to
embrace it. I realized that Math is simple and easy if we don’t complicate things. The language
of Math helps us to do things that any other language can’t do. Does English, Filipino, Chinese
or rather Japanese can help us measure or calculate things? Absolutely not because only the
language of Math can help us in that aspect. We may think that Math is making our lives hard
but I realized that it is other way around, we’re just in the mindset of ‘Math is hard’, ‘I can’t do
Math’, ‘I can’t understand my teacher because it is very hard’. This mindset of us hinders us to
improve more, I believe in the phrase ‘mind over matter’ and I think this keeps us visualize Math
as a hard subject. I feel amaze while watching the video because I saw that a kindergarten had
solved the 1/3 + 1/3 because she thought the problem as 1 thirds + 1 thirds equals to 2 thirds that
came from the analogy of 1 apple + 1 apple equals to 2 apples.

Therefore, Math is everywhere it can be seen wherever we go. We need to acknowledge it

and believe that everyone can do Math. If we see ourselves as a dumb in Math, we need to stop it
and start improving. We always see the worst side of Math but what about the best side of it? I
think everyone should be enlightened and learn it in a simple way. I learned that if you say that
one person is hardwired for Math or not, it is not true because it is a human language that
everyone has the ability to understand it. I think we are just lazy to learn it because it composes
of numbers that makes it complicated for us. We must have confidence at Math, everyone at first
is not good at it but they worked on it. They keep studying, memorizing multiplication tables,
practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and most of all they keep loving it. As
long as we love and embrace it, things will get easily on us. As a Grade 11 STEM student being
fluent in the language of Math can be a game changer on our hardships in General Mathematics
as well as Pre-Calculus.

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