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Body temperature

We define temperature as the specific degree of hotness or coldness of the body. It is usually measured
with a thermometer.

Old people, people with disabilities, babies and young children typically feel more comfortable at higher

Why do you think so, it is becase Older adults have a thinner layer of fat under the skin, making them
more susceptible to cold. Conditions like diabetes, peripheral artery disease and kidney disease can
restrict blood flow and lower body temperature.

 Temperatures is measured in either Celcius, or Farenheit, with a fever defined as greater then
38-38.5°c or 101-101.5 °F

So there are two types of body temperatures.

First is the Core Temperature and second is surface Temperature.

Core Temperature

 Temperature of the deep tissues of the body

 Remains relatively constant unless exposed to severe extremes in environmental temperature
 Our core temperature can increase also if we are exerting energy or we are doing physical
activities. Example is when we are doing Jumping Jacks, our blood will keep on flowing, our core
temperature will increase.
 Assessed by using a thermometer.

Surface Temperature

 Temperature of the skin

 May vary a great deal in response to the environment
 Assessed by touching the skin
 Example nito is yung hinahawakan yung lower chin natin or yung noo para i check kung may

Temperature measurements are obtained by several methods

 Heat-sensitive patches

Patched placed on the skin; color changes on the patch indicate temperature readings.

 Electronic Thermometers

Consist of a rechargeable batter-powered display unit, a thin wire cord, and a temperature processing

 Tympanic Thermometer

Special form of electronic thermometer; inserted into auditory canal


Pyrexia, Febrile, or Hyperthermia

 Pyrexia is When the temperature is above normal.

 Febrile is when a person is having or showing the symptoms of a fever.
 Hyperthermia is an abnormally high body temperature caused by a failure of the heat-regulating
mechanisms of the body to deal with the heat coming from the environment.
 Fever is actually a body defense; it will destroy invading bacteria. Fever causes an increase in set
body temperature, which requires more energy to maintain. Thus, our bodies spend more
calories when temperatures rise. This makes fever a costly defense, so fever is usually only a
response used when it is needed to fight off infection.

Classification of Fevers

Constant: remains elevated consistently

Intermittent: rises and falls

Remittent: temperature never returns to normal until the patient becomes well


An abnormally low body temperature

Hypothermia is defined as a drop in body temperature below 95° F.

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