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60 How to Become a Better Negotiator

What sources of information do you need to tap on your opponent?


Once you understand the issues at stake and interests of the negoti-
ating parties, develop a mental picture of an ideal agreement. What
would be the best takeaway for you? And if you understand the
interests of the other side, how would they see the ideal resolution?
In cases where mutual interest can be found, as shown in Fig-
ure 7–1, think about things that you could trade off, at little ex-
pense to yourself, for things that the other side might find highly
valuable. For instance, if you were the vendor in our example and
had lots of techies with time on their hands this month, you might
say, ‘‘If we can negotiate the purchase before the end of the month,
I’d be willing to have two of our people spend three to four days
training your personnel. They’ll teach them what they need to
know to get the most out of your new system—and at no extra cost
to you.’’ Here, you saw a chance to sweeten the deal with some-
thing of little value to yourself (excess techie time), but that your
customer values highly (technical training). In exchange, you’ll get
something you value: a sale this month.


Take a moment to identify something you value little (e.g., excess

capacity), but your negotiating partner would dearly like to have.
Does your negotiating partner have something she values little, but
you’d like to have?

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