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Lesson Delivery Plan

Pay attention to the R-words to activate the brain for learning!

1. Objective (Rigor) - SMART and should be visible on your board daily.

SWBAT analyze and explain how characters’ qualities contribute to the advancement of the plot in a short-
constructed response, with 80% of students mastering the Reference in RRAP.

2. Opening (Retrieval) – How will you "hook" your students into the lesson--at both the thinking and
emotional level?

• What will you do to open the lesson to motivate and engage the students’ interest in the content?
• How will you help students make connections to prior knowledge?
• How will you identify and present your essential questions, Central focus, and Learning Targets (I CAN
• How will you identify / teach / assess language demands?
• How will you introduce language supports?
• Is your opening congruent to the objective?
Hook: Write a letter in the same voice as one of the characters directed toward the other character.

Remind students to make connections by thinking about the characters’ subjective points of view (previous

Put essential questions in powerpoint- have students read them out. Repeat for the central focus and learning
targets (have all students read the learning target together.)

Seating charts based on reading level, walk through the class to observe writing for the do first. Correct errors for
students. For the group of students who are EBs and below grade-level, offer sentence stem versions of the letter.
Lesson Delivery Plan

3. Teacher Input (Relevance) – What information is needed for the students to gain the knowledge/skill in the
objective? (Be sure you have done a task analysis to break the information/skill into small manageable
steps). How will you use strategies, technology, learning styles? What vocabulary and skills do the students
need to master the material? Are the strategies you plan to use congruent to the objective?
Students need to know RRAP and RACC, and master these to master the material. They have already been taught
these but will not have mastered it. I will constantly be moving around the classroom to observe student work, as
well as allow moments for think-pair-shares. Students need to also know the word qualities. These are congruent
to the objective to allow students to analyze and write OERs.
• Model (Routing) – Outline your I DO activities. Be sure to model strategies and academic language
supports needed.
I will model one point of the venn diagram, and then how to turn that into an OER by walking them through my
thought process with RRAP. Students need to know RRAP and RACC.

I will do the frayer model with them for the word qualities and walk them through an open-ended response.

• Guided Practice – Students demonstrate a grasp of new learning under the teacher’s direct
supervision. The teacher moves around the room to provide individual remediation as needed. “Praise,
prompt, and leave” is an excellent strategy to use. Outline your WE DO activities. Be sure to incorporate
strategies and academic language supports that are needed.
I have students turn and talk, then a class discussion of another point for the venn diagram. I will choose
students for each section of RRAP. I will move around the room to check on work.

Higher order thinking questions:

1. What are their personalities like and how do they interact with the other people around them?

2. What are the events that are being shared with us, the readers?

3. How do Meena and River confront their differences? What changes would you suggest they make in the way

they communicate, if any?

• Independent Practice (Retaining/Rehearsing) – Students demonstrate an independent

application of new skill. Outline your YOU DO activities. Students demonstrate an independent
application of new skill. Be sure to praise and assess strategies and academic language supports that are
being used.
Students will create another point on the Venn Diagram, then do a full OER using RRAP by themselves before the
Exit Ticket at volume 0.
Walk around to praise and comment on student work.

• Check for Understanding (Recognizing) – Practice doesn't make perfect; it makes

permanent. So, make sure the students understand how to proceed before moving to the practice phase
Lesson Delivery Plan

of the lesson. You may need to stop and reteach, so students practice correctly. How do you plan to
assess understanding? What HOTQs will you ask? List at least 3
I will start by focusing on the topic sentence and ensuring that they are on topic and answering the questions. If students are
not comprehending the questions or the topic sentences are consistently not on the right path, I will reteach RACC and what
is needed for a topic sentence. I will assess understanding through viewing the venn diagrams online and through the exit
ticket at the end.

Higher order thinking questions:

1. What are their personalities like and how do they interact with the other people around them?

2. What are the events that are being shared with us, the readers?

3. How do Meena and River confront their differences? What changes would you suggest they make in the way
they•communicate, if any?
How will you check for understanding or reteach?
I will start by focusing on the topic sentence and ensuring that they are on topic and answering the questions. If students are
not comprehending the questions or the topic sentences are consistently not on the right path, I will reteach RACC and what
is needed for a topic sentence by modeling and walking the class through the checklist.

4. Assessment – How will we know that the students have individually mastered the objective? What
evidence will be collected? What will be an acceptable score? What evidence will be collected to demonstrate
mastery of language demands?
We will know students mastered the objective when the topic sentence is articulate and on topic, when they have done their
checklist for RACC and RRAP, and when they have successfully used the word qualities correctly. An acceptable score will be a
¾ (Mastery is 4/4). Evidence collected off of submitted OERs.

5. Resources - What materials will you need for a successful lesson?

1. Copies of Same Sun Here for all students, Text projected on smart board, Annotated copy for teacher
Visual anchor chart, Checklists for RRAP and RACC for students. Seating chart with reading levels. -EB students need a partner
who is fluent in English and Spanish, Computers for each student to do the diagrams on canva, Papers and pencils for
students, stratmo tracker, and Paper copies for students who don’t have/can’t use computers. EB students need a partner.
Advanced students need the materials for their enrichment activity (frayer models).
6. Closure
2. (Re-exposure) – How will you have the students end the lesson/reflect upon what was learned?
Exit ticket (required by district). Have students take a poll stating how confident they feel about their ability to
implement the lesson.


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