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DA -5

Link of the video:

Register Number: 22PHD0658

Self- analysis:
The topic what I selected to speak is my village temple
The pronunciation is good altogether where I found few words has to be
pronounced good. Vocabulary part is important here where I must focus more
on the vocabulary. The body language is good. Today I am not struggling much
compare to first time I spoke on English class today I delivered good. Thanks for
giving confidence mam particularly mam you said “you can do it sir”

Even the examiner said that you have a good listening capacity.
Why I choose the temple topic is in between that lot of wonderful words
and new words are come Eg: beautiful, antiquity, sculptures, engraved,
inscriptions first time I pronounce this kind of words, and also few team
members in the team appreciated the topic selection and the way I delivered
the information.

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