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Physics For Civil Engineering

DAC 12102
Chapter 2: Temperature and Heat
Presented by: Dr.Norbaizura Nordin
CeDS, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Temperature scale for matters
Heat and Temperature
Learning Outcomes
• At the end of this chapter, student should be able to:
o Understand the of concept of heat and temperature change.
o Understand the concept internal energy.
o Define specific heat capacity
o Understand the phase change
o Define the latent heat
o Understand the concept of heat transfer by conduction, convection,
and radiation


• This tea kettle gets hotter
because of the transfer of
energy from the burner as
• You’ll learn that heat is
energy transferred due to a
temperature difference
between objects.

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• Heat is defined as energy that is transferred between the system and its
environment because of a temperature difference between them

T1 Heat T2 T1> T2

• SI unit of heat is Joule (J).

• One of the widely used is calorie (cal) defined as

• Heat require to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1 degree of Celcius at 1
atmospheric pressure.

1 kcal=1000 cal
1 cal= 4.1858 J
• Thermometer is a device used to measure the temperature of a

• Thermometer give the reading of temperature of an environment as

the thermometer in thermal contact with the environment and reach
thermal equilibrium with the environment. As thermal equilibrium
reached within the system, no heat energy exchange between the
thermometer and the environment.

• By using gas thermometer, the temperature reading is independent of
type of gas used.
• As gas pressure decreased, the temperature decreased as well until
the point the gas liquefies.
• If the curve extended back until pressure is zero, the temperature is
-273.15. This significant temperature is used as basis of Kelvin scale
where -273.15 is zero point (0 K).
• Celsius (oC)
• Boiling (100o) & freezing (0o) point of pure water at sea level
• Fahrenheit (oF)
• Also based on phase changes on water
• Boiling (212oF); Freezing (32oF)
• Kelvin (K)
• 0 K, Absolute zero -273.15oC
• Freezing point of water 273.15K; boiling point 373.15K
Temperature Scales
• The Celsius scale is defined so that the freezing point of
water is 0°C. The Fahrenheit scale is related to the Celsius

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Temperature Scales
• For the Kelvin scale, zero degrees
is the point at which the kinetic
energy of the atoms is zero.
• Kinetic energy is always positive,
so zero on this scale is an absolute
• All temperatures on the Kelvin
scale are positive, so it is often
called the absolute temperature
• The units are “kelvin” (K).

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Temperature Scales
• The spacing between divisions
on the Kelvin scale is the same
as that on the Celsius scale.
• Absolute zero is –273°C:

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Conversion Formula
• oF = 9/5 oC + 32o

• oC = 5/9 (oF – 32o)

• K = 5/9 (oF + 459.67)

• K = oC + 273.15
• Internal energy is all of the energy belonging to the system while it is
stationary (neither translating nor rotating), including chemical
energy, nuclear energy, and strain energy.

• Thermal energy is the portion of internal energy that changes when

the temperature of the system is changes. In general, thermal energy
includes other form of molecular energy such as rotational,
vibrational kinetic and potential energy.
• Work done on (or by ) a system is a measure of the energy transferred
between the system and its surroundings.

• The change of internal energy can be expressed as

∆𝑈 = 𝑈 𝑓 − 𝑈 𝑖

• For an isolated system, no heat transfer takes place, and no work

done on the system. Hence, the internal energy remain constant.

• A student eats a ‘burger’ rated at 2000 kcal. He wishes to do an

equivalent amount of work by lifting a 50-kg mass. How many times
must he raise the weight to expand this much energy? Assume that
he raises the weight a distance of 2m each time and that no work is
done when the weight is dropped to the floor.
Solution 50 kg
• The work done in lifting the weight n times is equal to the
potential gravitational energy
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒 = 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦
𝑊 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ 𝑊 mgh

• The work done by the student according to potential energy

will determined energy consumed
number of lifting, n =
2 × 106 × 4.186 J
n= 2
= 8540 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠
(50 𝑘𝑔)(9.81𝑚/𝑠 )(2𝑚)
*It is assumed a perfect conversion of chemical energy into
mechanical energy.
Transforming Energy
• The work-energy equation includes work, an energy
transfer. We now include electric and radiant energy in our
definition of work:

• Work is positive when energy is transferred into the

system and negative when energy is transferred out of the
• When other forms of energy are transformed into thermal
energy the change is irreversible. The energy isn’t lost,
but it is lost to our use.

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• The specific heat of a substance is defined as
quantity of heat energy required to raise the
temperature of a given substance for given unit of


where ∆𝑇 refers to the change of temperature

∆𝑇 = 𝑇𝑓 − 𝑇𝑖
• Thus, the heat transferred between the system of mass m and its
surroundings for temperature change ∆𝑇 is given by

𝑄 = 𝑚𝑐∆𝑇

• When ∆𝑇 and Q are negative, heat flows out of the system

• Heat also responsible to change the state of matter.
• A substance is usually undergoes change in temperature when heat is
transferred between it and surroundings.
• There are situation, however in which the flow of heat does not result
in a change in temperature.
• This is a case whenever a substance undergo physical alteration from
one form to another, referred as a phase change.
• Phase change of matters

• Melting Solid→ Liquid

• Boiling Liquid→Gas
Latent heat
• Every phase change involves a change in internal energy.

• The heat required to change the phase of a given mass, m of a pure

substance determined as

𝑄 = 𝑚𝐿

• Where 𝐿 is referred as latent heat of the substance and depend on

the nature of the phase change as well as on the properties of the
• Latent heat of fusion, Lf is referred to the phase change from solid to

• Latent heat of vaporization, Lv is referred to the phase change from

liquid to gas.

• latent heat of fusion of water at atmospheric pressure is 3.33 x10 5 J/kg
• latent heat of vaporization of water at atmospheric pressure is
2.26 x10 6 J/kg
• Latent heat of fusion and vaporization
• A 0.05 kg block of metal is heated to 200oC and then dropped into a
beaker containing 0.4 kg of water that is initially at 20.0 oC. If the final
equilibrium temperature of the mixed system is 22.4oC, find the
specific heat of the metal
𝑄𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 = −𝑄𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠

−(𝑚𝑐∆𝜃)𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙 = (𝑚𝑐∆𝜃)𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

−𝑚𝑐(𝑇𝑓,𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙 −𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 ) = 𝑚𝑐(𝑇𝑓,𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 − 𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 )

(0.4 𝑘𝑔)(4186 𝑜 )(22.4𝑜𝐶 − 20𝑜𝐶)
𝑘𝑔 𝐶
𝑐𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙 =
(0.05 𝑘𝑔)(22.4𝑜𝐶 − 200𝑜𝐶)

𝑐 = 453 𝐽/𝑘𝑔°𝐶
• Solids have definite shape and volume
• Cannot be compressed into smaller objects

• When solids are heated – they expand

• When solids are cooled – they contract
• Liquids have definite volume but no shape
• Cannot be compressed (meaning if I have 1 litre of coke, I cannot make it fit
into a pop can)

• When liquids are heated – they expand

• When liquids are cooled – they contract
• Have no definite shape or size
• Can be compressed

• When heated, gases – expand

• When cooled, gases - contract
Changes of State
• Define, in your notes, each of the following:
• Melt
• Freeze
• Evaporate
• Condense
• Sublimation
• Evaporative Cooling: A process in which the faster moving particles
on the surface of a liquid evaporate and escape into the air, the
slower ones are left behind creating a lower average kinetic energy
(cooling it)

• Particles are more or less organized when they are hot or cold????
An Atomic View of Thermal Energy and
• The thermal energy of an
[Insert Figure 11.8]
ideal gas is equal to the
total kinetic energy of the
moving atoms in the gas.

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An Atomic View of Thermal Energy and
• Heating a gas causes the atoms to
move faster, increasing the thermal
energy of the gas.
• Heating also causes an increase in
• The temperature of an ideal gas
is a measure of the average
kinetic energy of the atoms that
make up the gas.

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Phase Changing
• During a change from solid to liquid or liquid to gas the average temperature
does not change even though heat is being added, the name for the heat that is
added is latent heat.
Phase change of water
• Phase change can be described in terms of rearrangements of molecules
when heat is added to or removed from a substance.

• In Liquid-gas phase change, the forces between them in liquid are stronger
than those between widely separated molecule of gas.
• Therefore, work must be done on the liquid against these attractive molecular
forces in order to separate the molecule.

𝑄 = 𝑚𝐿𝑣

• The latent heat of vaporization is the amount of energy added to the liquid in
order to transformed into gas.
• Similarly at melting point of solid, in solid-liquid phase change, the forces
between them in solid are stronger than those between widely separated
molecule of gas.
• Therefore, work must be done on the solid against these attractive molecular
forces in order to separate the molecule.

𝑄 = 𝑚𝐿𝑓

• The latent heat of fusion is the amount of energy added to the solid in order
to transformed into liquid.
Heat transfer
• Heat can be transferred from one place to another by three main



• Conduction is a method of heat transfer in which heat or electrically is
directly transmitted through a substance when there is a difference of
temperature or of electric potential between adjoining regions
• Conduction is the process of heat flow that occurs in all forms of
material whether in solids, liquids or gases.
• Dominantly occurs in solids.
• When cylindrical bar is heated at one end, heat will flow from the hot
end to the cold end by means of the atomic/molecular collision.
• Atoms/molecules that are vibrating at the higher temperature end
collide with atoms/molecules at the lower temperature end resulting
in a net transfer of heat
• Convection is one of method of heat transfer from one place to
another that is caused by movement within fluid (liquid or air)
Convection is the flow of
fluid due to a difference in
temperatures, such as
warm air rising. The fluid
“carries” the heat with it
as it moves.
• Radiation is referred to heat transfer method by radiation of energy in
form of electromagnetic waves which unnecessary required physical
contact from heat source.
• The transfer rate of heat energy is calculated by


where H is heat transfer rate expressed in watts

𝑇𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 − 𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝐻 = 𝑘𝐴
where k is constant referred as thermal conductivity of material, L is
thickness, and A is cross sectional area
Substances with high thermal
conductivities are good
conductors of heat; those with low
thermal conductivities are good
Quiz 3
• A Styrofoam ice box has a total area of 0.950 m2 and walls with an
average thickness of 2.50 cm. The box contains ice, water, and canned
beverages at 0oC . The inside of the box is kept cold by melting ice.
Find the amount of ice that melts in one day if the ice box is kept in
the trunk of a car at 35.0oC ?
(Given the thermal conductivity for styrofoam is 0.010 J/s.m. oC and the
latent heat of fusion of ice 334x103 J/kg)
• This question involves both heat for a phase change (melting of ice)
and the transfer of heat by conduction. To find the amount of ice
melted, we must find the net heat transferred. This value can be
obtained by calculating the rate of heat transfer by conduction and
multiplying by time.
• Heat is defined as energy that is transferred between the system and
its environment because of a temperature difference between them.

• Heat transferred energy can be calculated by

𝑄 = 𝑚𝑐∆𝑇

• The heat required to cause phase change of matter is

𝑄 = 𝑚𝐿

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