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Lesson Plan N° 2

Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 1 Hello
Langauge skill(s) : Grammar (verb to be in simple present)

Teaching materials : TB + BB + handouts

Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, SS should be able to

- Conjugate verb to be with all subject pronouns.
-Differentiate b/w short forms and full form of the verb to be and distinguish b/w its singular
and plural.
-Know when to use the indefinite articles ‘a’ and ‘an’.

- Pronounce and differentiate between   and  


Procedures :

A/ Warm up :
- SS practice small dialogues in pairs (greeting and getting to know each other)+ review of
- Brief reference to subject pronouns.

B/ Setting the scene :

Teacher introduces himself : I’m a teacher. Then, he introduces SS by saying : you are students.
T asks one students : How old are you ?
Teaching of difficult words : dog – classroom –friend – boy – girl..
C/ Preparation :

SS do exercise on page 12 in pairs by filling the table with the appropriate forms of the verb to
-T asks SS to copy the table in their notebooks.
-SS do ex.N°2 and 3 page 12 and 13
- Whole class correction.

D/ Exploitation :

SS complete the short letter.

Indefinite Articles :
Mr. Sabri is a teacher
He is an English teacher.

An : a, e , i, u, o.
A : b, c, d , f, g, h , j, k , l, m, n, p, q, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.

SS do ex. n°5 p.13.

Whole class correction.

SS copy the examples in their lesson copybooks.

E/ Assignment (homework) :

Match :

I’m a . . Arabic poet

You’re an . . nurse
He’s an . . cat
She’s a . . English teacher
It’s a . . student

F/ Additional activities :

Workbook : ex.n°2 and 3 p.4

G/ Pronunciation :

  and   sounds.
Teacher provides a minimal pair distinguishing b/w the two sounds

H/ / Lesson evalution :

Were the objectives achieved ?

What activities were well conducted  and why ?

What activities were badly conducted and why ?

Did I manage to keep the class lively, motivated and involved in learning ? If not why ?

Have I finished the lesson on time ? If not , why ?

What possible changes/ adjustments would I have to make If I had to teach the same lesson
again ?
Lesson Plan N°3

Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 1 Hello
Langauge skill(s) : Study skills – vocabulary ( greetings).
Teaching materials : BB – TB – handouts.
Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, SS should be able to :

- use greetings expression appropriately.

- master and use the days of the week.
- spell a word correctly
- pronounce and sounds

A/ Warm up :

Homework correction + review

B/ Presentation :

Teacher tries to simplify the meaning of morning – afternoon – evening and night .

C/ Ccomprehension check :

SS do the exercises n°1 and 2 p. 14

Days of the week :
1- Presentation : use of a calendar / time table to present days of the week.
2- Repetition : SS repeat the days of the week in order
3- Comprehension check : T asks :
- When do you have Maths ? on…..
- When do you have Arabic ? on…..
- When do you have Frebch ? on…..etc.
SS complete the calendar / time table

D/ How do you spell ?:

Review of the alphabet.

Teacher asks one student about his/ her name and this latter spells it for the class.
Pair work : in pairs, SS ask each other questions about their names as well as words prensented in ex. n°4 p.14

E/ Pronunciation :

Teacher sets a minimal pairs to distinguish b/w and sounds

G/ Additional activities :

G/ Follow up/ Assignment :


H/ Lesson General Comments :

Lesson Plan N°4

Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 1 Hello
Langauge skill(s) : Skills work
Teaching materials : BB – TB – handouts.
Objectives :
SS should be able to :
1- scan and skim a text in reading and listening
2- Introduce oneself orally
3- Write a short letter about oneself.
4- Prounouce [p] and [b]

1- Reading:

a/ Pre-reading:

The T asks SS to at the picture and make a guess about Betty’s age.

b/ While reading:

SS read and answer the question:

How old is Betty?

c/ Post reading

SS read the letter again and correct the sentences.

2- Listening:

a/ Pre listening:

T. explains to SS that they have to listen carefully to complete the chart.

b/ While-listening:

T reads this short dialogue:

Hello! I’m a student. My name is Maryam.. I’m 15. My school name is Ibn khaldoun.
Hi! I’m John. I’m a student. I’m 14. My school name is Hamilton.

T. reads out the text again and SS complete the chart.

3- Speaking:

Open pair work:

What’s your name?
How old are you?

4- Writing:

a/ Pre-writing:
The speaking activity above is considered as a pre –writing activity.

b/ First draft:

SS individually write the short letter about themselves.

c/ Editing:

SS edit each other’s letter via pairs

d/ Last draft:

SS rewrite their paragraphs in class or at home depending on how much time is left.

5- Pronunciation:

[p] vs [b]

6 - Assignment
Lesson Plan N°5

Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 1 Hello
Langauge skill(s) : Cultural studies
Teaching materials : BB – TB – handouts.
Objectives :
SS should, by the end of the lesson, be able to:
-state monuments and locate them using the expression this is (+ name of the monument) in (city), (country)


1 – Welcome to English-speaking countries :

Pre-teaching vocabulary:
a/ city : examples : Rabat – Agadir – Fez – Paris – Newyork…
b/ country: Morocco – England – Egypt – France – USA…..
c/ Speak :I speak Arabic, French and English.
Americans speak English.
Moroccans speak Arabic
Soufian speaks Arabic, French and Tamazight
Lesson Plan N°6
Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 1 Hello
Langauge skill(s) : Review

Teaching materials : TB + BB + handouts

Objectives :

SS should be able to:

- Understand and answer correctly the exercises

- pronounce new words correctly.


A set of exercises is given to measure students’ progress in this unit

Exercises page 17

Additional exercises: see handout + exercises from focus workbook.

Lesson Plan N°7
Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 2 School
Langauge skill(s) : Communication

Teaching materials : TB + BB + handouts


A/ Warm up:

Review : greetings + asking and giving information about age.

T invites two students to act this dialogue:

1- say hello
2- ask for name
3- ask for age
4- ask where are you from

B/ Presentation:

Ask SS to look at the pictures and elecit from them the term school .Make a semantic mapping:

Students----------School ------teachers
-school bags…

C/ Setting the scene:

Students look at the pictures and match the names in the dialogue with the people.

This is Sara – this is Jamal……..

T. reads out the dialogues while SS are listening.
D/ Vocabulary teaching:

I’m Moroccan – I’m from Morocco = nationality
I’m French – I’m from France.
I’m British – I’m from Great Britain.
I’m English – I’m from England.

Ask SS to give other examples.


Example: My favourite city is Marrakesh

My favourite sport is football
My favourite country is Saudi Arabia…….

English – French – Arabic – Geography – Maths – Science – Computer Studies…are school subjects.

E/ Do this:

SS read the dialogues and do exercise n°1 p.19

Whole class correction.

SS read out the dialogues in pairs.

G/ What’s your favourite school subject?

Ex n°1 p19

Practise with SS the pronunciation of the school subjects provided in their course books and let them guess
the meaning in pairs. Then SS match the school subjects with the drawings

Ex n°2 p.19

T reads the mini-dialogue, then he asks SS to repeat the exchanges

SS look at the drawings in ex n°2 and choose thier favourite subjects.(pair work)

H/ Where are you from?

T rads out the mini-dialogue then asks SS to repeat the exchanges.

SS look at the flags and try to make their own dialogues: pair/group work.

I/ Pronuciation

SS must utter
Lesson Plan N°8
Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 2 School
Langauge skill(s) : Grammar :

Teaching materials : TB + BB + handouts


By the end of the lesson, SS should be able to

-use correctly verb to be

- ask yes/no

A/ Warm up:
What’s your favourite school subject?.(review of school subjects)
Where are you from?
Short and full forms of verb to be
B/ Setting the scene

The teacher asks one student:

Are you Moroccan?

St: Yes.
T. corrects : Yes, I am

T asks another St.: Are you Chinese/ French?

St: No

Teacher: No, I am not

C/ Practice:

Teacher asks SS different questions such as:

Are you from Fez?

Is Maths your favourite subject?
Are you a teacher?
Is Tahala a city?

D/ Exploitation

SS read the dialogue p 20 and put the colloured forms of to be in the appropriate columns.
With the help of the students the teacher writes on the board the interrogative and negative forms of to be

For the subject pronouns ‘ it’ , the teacher uses a VA:

Is this Elkoutoubia?
No, it isn’t/ it is not. It’s Hassan Tower.
SS copy down the examples on their notebooks.

E / Assignements:

SS do exercises n° 2 and 3 p. 21

Additional exercise:

Complete the questions and answers:

Am/ am not – are/ aren’t – is /isn’t

1/ …………you from Madrid?

No, we……………
2/…………………..they Algerians?

No, they…………….
3/ …………she French?
Yes, she……………..
4/……………you in class 7
No, I………………
5/……………Mike a teacher?
No, he………………….
Lesson Plan N°9
Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit : 2 School
Langauge skill(s) : Study Skills (school vovabulary+capitalization)

Teaching materials : TB + BB + handouts


By the end of the lesson, SS should be able to:

1- cite names of some school furniture, classroom and school objects.
2- use capital letters appropriately


A/ Warm up : review of verb to be (all forms).

B/ Vocabulary:

T presents the vocabulary found in the classroom and school bag.. SS listen and repeat
SS classify the objects found in the classroom and in the school bag using this table:

Classroom School bag

Desk – chalk – book case – blackboard – Books – notebook – pen – pencil – colour
waste bin – chairs – lamp – duster .. pencils – rubber/eraser – arc ruler – compasses
– glue – tape – sharpener – scissors – brushes/
paints – calculator – pencil case..

C/ Activity:
Ask some SS to come to the boar and bring their pencil cases. Then, they tell others what’s in .

SS classify the object they would need for each school subject
School Subject Objects

English Books – notebooks – dictionary –

Maths Ruler – arc ruler – compasses –scissors –the adolit..

Geography Maps – books – colour pencils ….

Art Paints – brushes – papers – colour pencils….

D/ Capital Letters:

T presents the label “capital letters”.

We use capital letters with:

Days of the week : Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday –Thursday….

Months : January – February – March – April …….

Languages : English – Arabic – French – Spanish….

Countries : Morocco – Egypt –France – England –

Subject pronoun : I

Cities / villages : Tahala – Tighmi – Tangier – Taza - Casablanca – Riyadh….

Nationality : Canadian – Iraqi – Australian – Algerian….

School subjects : Geography – Maths – Physics –S cience - ..

At the beginning of a sentence : John is a student. He is fourteen.

Proper nouns : Mustapha – David – Brian – Rachid…..

SS do exercise p22.
Whole class correction

E/ Pronunciation:

Differentiate b/w “ s” and “ z”

Lesson Plan N°10

Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit 2 : School
Langauge skill(s) : Review

Teaching materials : TB + BB + handouts

Objectives :

The following objectives should be met

Ss should be able to answer corretly the exercises.

Ss must overcome any possible difficulties with the help of teacher.


1/ communication:

Ss read the dialogues, then write the answers(p25)

Complete the conversation using the following words:

I’m – class – student –sport – favourite – yes.

Andrew: Are you a …………………………?

Amine : ……………., I am
Andrew : What ………..are you in ?
Amine : I’m in class 7.
Andrew : What’s your…………………….subject?
Amine : Maths. What’s yours?
Andrew : Physics. And my favourite……………………is handball.

2/ Grammar
Ss complete the table to revise all the forms of the verb to be then circle the correct form (p25)

More exercises ( see handout).

Lesson Plan N° 11

Teacher’s Name :
Class : 3/1
Unit 3 : Family
Langauge skill(s) : Communication.

Teaching materials : TB + BB + handouts

Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, ss should be able to:

A – cite family members correctly.

B – use the expression “ pleased to meet” appropriately.
C – ask and answer correctly “ who’s this?”


A / Setting the scene:

The teacher shows ss a picture of a family and he tries to elicit the word family from them.

What do you see?

How many persons are there? …..

B / Pre- teaching of vocabulary:

From the visual aids, the teacher presents new terms of family members: father/ mother
(parents) – sister / brother ( son/ daughter ) – uncle / aunt / cousin ( relatives) ….

And of the house.

The teacher reads out the introductory paragraph then asks ss to write the names of the members
of the family:

1- Philip
2- Janet : Philip’s mother.
3- Peter : Philip’s father.
4- Tim : Philip’s brother

C / Do this:

Ss read the dialogues and do exercise p27

Whole class correction.
D / pleased to meet you

T reads the dialogue. Ss listen and repeat, taking turns

In open/ pair work, ss introduce their peers to another student in the class

D / who’s this?

Ss listens first then repeat taking turns.

Open pair work

Ss copy down the following dialogue in their notebook:

Karim : Who’s this?

Mustapha : This is my brother. His name is Farid.

Farid, this is my friend Karim.

Farid : Hello, Karim. Nice to meet you.

Karim : Hello, Farid. Pleased to meet you.

E / Homework:

Complete this dialogue:

Mary : ……………………?

Karima : This is my brother.

Mary : ………………………?

Karima : His name is Badr.

Mary : And, who are …………………?

Karima : These are my aunt and my uncle.

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