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Triggering events, Unhelpful thoughts or Feelings (name the Self-compassionate Outcome: Understanding

feelings or images images (and their emotion or feeling) alternatives to unhelpful and change in feelings,
meaning) thoughts & images what I did that helped
Being told that they’re gonna They don’t care about me, I Rejected, unloved, scared, hurt, They care, it was an accident I can talk to them about it and
be busy on the night we need to leave them because I’m upset, alone, abandoned, Mistakes happen, it won’t explain how I feel. We wont be
specifically planned just going to keep getting hurt, uncared for, tired always be like this able to change that night but
it’s always an accident There are plenty of times maybe we’ll be able to change
where I’m happy with them the pattern for the future.
Having to cancel/move a I did something wrong, I’m Abandoned, unloved, insecure, It wasn’t my fault I’m in charge of what I do and
facetime call I was really unlovable, I’m not worth anxious, scared, alone, I’m not to blame don’t share. Them regulating
looking forward to anything, I’m bad, it’s my fault, distrusting, disillusioned, taken My emotions don’t make me and managing their emotions is
I’m difficult, it didn’t get better, for granted, unimportant, difficult not my responsibility and I
it’s always going to be like this small, like my feelings and They didn’t communicate don’t owe them information to
needs are secondary to effectively make them feel better.
everything else I’m allowed to not trust them, Likewise they don’t owe me
they’ve broken my trust a lot information just to reassure
recently me.
It’s okay for my needs to be my I don’t have to do things I don’t
priority want. I need to communicate if
their reaction is making me feel
guilty, and explore why that
may be.
Doing this worksheet helps me
lay out everything and assess
the situation logically so that I
don’t fly off the handle.

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