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Joshua Ando

Purposive Communication

Think Before You Speak

Staying mindful about what you say and do can prevent a host of communication
problems. If you are feeling so upset that you lash out at someone in a disrespectful
way, this can cause damage to the relationship – in the same way that a rock will cause
damage if it is thrown through a window. A clean apology with no explanations or
justifications will often repair the damage – but it causes less stress and hurt for
everyone if you can avoid the damage in the first place.
Respect the Other Person’s Point of View
People are different, and seeing things differently is normal. Communicating respect for
another person’s point of view does not mean that you are agreeing with it. For
example, you might say, “I really respect your point of view – and this is an area where
we are going to need to agree to disagree, because our perspectives are different.”
Encourage One-to-One Communication
One-to-one communication is important to develop a bond and understand your
teammates in a better way. When you talk to others on a personal level, you get to
know more about them. You can read their body language, know about the
communication methods that they are most comfortable with, know about the visual
cues that they use more. when you need to share some confidential information with
someone, you need to communicate one-on-one with someone who you trust. You can
easily talk about matters in private and get suggestions from a single person without
involving other people of your team.
Bring in Some Humor: Why So Serious?
Too serious conversations can put you and other participants in a negative state of
mind. And this will affect how you perceive information and draw conclusions. Moreover,
when a communication session becomes too serious, everyone wants to leave it at the
earliest and the flow of information gets hindered significantly. Sometimes, you need to
put across information that is intense, and it is not possible to avoid a stressful
communication session. In such a case, you should know how to lighten the mood of
yourself as well as others. A good joke can do the trick and help everyone to relax and
retain their interest in the matter being discussed.

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