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Grade 10 COOKERY

(Quarter 3) March 6-10, 2023

Name: ____________________________________ Section: ________________ Date:____________
Direction: Read and analyze each item. Specify the thickener and the liquid utilized in making the
following sauces. Two points for each number.
Sauce Liquid Thickener
1. Veloute Sauce ____________________ ____________________
2. Espagnole Sauce ____________________ ____________________
3. Bechamel Sauce ____________________ ____________________
4. Classic Tomato Sauce ____________________ ____________________
5. Hollandaise Sauce ____________________ ____________________

Learning Task #2
1.Write on your notebook the different fats and flour used as a thickener.
2. Explain the different kind of roux

Learning Task 3
Answer the following questions.
1. How do you maintain good quality sauces?
2. Why do we need to learn and understand the Basic Finishing Techniques in Sauce Making?

Learning Task 4
DIRECTION:Cut atleast 10 pictures of a different dish utilizes different sauces .
Paste it in your notebook

Learning Task 5

Modified True or False:Direction: Read and analyze each statement below carefully. Draw a star if
the statement is correct; and if it is wrong, underline the word/s that makes the sentence incorrect
and write the correct answer on the space provided before each number. Two points for every
incorrect item.
__________ 1. Soup is one of the most important component of a dish.
__________ 2. Slurry is a mixture of flour and cold water.
__________ 3. Butter adds flavor and richness to sauce.
__________ 4. Stock, soup and sauces can be reconstituted by adding water and other
__________ 5. Fat are the most commonly used thickeners in sauce making.
__________ 6. Roux is a combination of equal parts of flour and fat.
__________ 7. In making General sauce, the amount of butter is 2tbsp.
__________ 8. Liaison is added to give flavour and richness to sauce.
__________ 9. Stock will keep 4 – 5 days if properly refrigerated.
__________ 10. Sauces provides additional moisture and richness of flavour to food.
Sharing of Insight
Direction: Write your learning, realization and commitment by completing the following phrases. Create at
least three (3) sentences per phrase.

My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn:

It made me realize that:

I therefore commit to:

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