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Középfokú Nyelvvizsga Tanfolyam

Fekete Gábor
GO! Angol Tanfolyamok

Egyes kiegészítő feladatok és megoldókulcs szakaszok:

Horváth Zsolt

Czövekné Józsa Éva

Anyanyelvi hangok / felolvasók:

Phil Rawlinson
Todd Tolces
Jen Hadley

Külön köszönet a háttérmunkákban való intenzív részvételt

Szalatnyai Cilinek, Csürke Zsoltnak és Molnár Andreának.



Mi legyen az általános stratégiád a középfokú vizsgán?
Levélírás és fogalmazásírás 11. oldal
Baráti levélírás – a levél szerkezete 15. oldal
Levélírási feladatok 27. oldal
Mintalevél (hivatalos) 29. oldal
Fogalmazásírás – pontkaszálós stílusban 34. oldal
Fogalmazásírás – minta 36. oldal
Pannon nyelvvizsga írásbeli fogalmazás minta 38. oldal
ORIGO stílusú fogalmazásos feladatok 41. oldal
BME stílusú fogalmazási feladatok 42. oldal
Pannon stílusú fogalmazási feladatok 44. oldal
Cambridge first B2 fogalmazási feladatok 46. oldal
Fordítási feladatok (közvetítés) 48. oldal
Magyar-angol fordítások 64. oldal
Hogyan oszd be az idődet a vizsgán?
Melyik feladatot végezd el először?
Feleletválasztós feladatok szövegbeillesztéssel 71. oldal
Legfontosabb szerkezetek – gyakorlás 76. oldal
Feleletválasztós feladatok -gyakorlás
Szóbeírós feladatok (20/25) 115. oldal
Szövegértési feladatok (hiányos szövegek kiegészítése) 124. oldal
Olvasott szövegértés 134. oldal
Középfokú hallás utáni szövegértés feladatok 145. oldal
Nyerd meg a szóbeli vizsgát + vele együtt az írásbelit is!
A „killerek”
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Family 152. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Holidays 155. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Housing 157. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Schooling 160. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Entertainment 162. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Traffic and Travelling 164. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Shopping 167. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Health 169. oldal
Tematikus audiomagyarázat: Jobs 171. oldal
Hogyan nyerj a szóbeli vizsgád képleírás feladatán?
Hogyan beszélj a szóbeli szituációs feladatban?
Középfokú szituációk 176. oldal
Feleletválasztós tesztek 180. oldal


Avagy mit is csinálunk mi itt.

Hogyan fog és hogyan nem fog menni.
Meg hasznos idézetek indulásnak. 😊

A teljes nyelvvizsga tanfolyamot úgy kezdd el,
hogy először meghallgatod az ÖSSZES
audiomagyarázatomat. Ez segít képbekerülni a
teljes nyelvvizsga-stratégiáddal.
Utána kezdj neki a könyvnek,
és ahol kell, újra hallgasd meg az adott részeket!

”Már megvan a nyelvvizsgám,
de angolt tanulni nem nagyon volt időm
a nagy nyelvvizsga felkészülésben!”

Kállai Júlia
GO! Tanuló
a GO! Törzsasztal zárt Facebook csoportjában

Júlia szóról szóra megfogalmazta azt, hogy mit is jelent egy
nyelvvizsga felkészülés.

Egy biztos:
nem azt, hogy igazából angolul tanulsz,
de én azért ebbe az anyagba is becsempészem Neked,
hogy ténylegesen fejlődjön az angolod – a tematikus résznél és a levélírás résznél
olyan szókincset tanulsz meg, amit tényleg tudsz majd
használni is.

A GO! Középfokú Nyelvvizsga Tanfolyamban

egy 120%-ra tekert hatékonyságú anyagot kapsz tőlem
annak érdekében, hogy sikeres legyen a középfokú nyelvvizsgád.

A tanári hitvallásom, hogy a valódi beszélt angolt tanítom Neked:

ha ezt akarod tőlem tanulni, keresd az összes többi kiadványunkat,
élükön az Életre Való Angol sorozattal és a Tiltott Angollal.

Ez a nyelvvizsga felkészítő anyag nem arról szól

- ilyet inkább csak nyomokban tartalmaz. 😊

A középfokú nyelvvizsgára történő felkészülésednél
rengeteg helyen égnek a tüzek az angolodban.

Segítek eloltatni ezeket a tüzeket,

de lesz olyan épület is,
amit stratégiai okokból hagyunk szénné égni. 😊

Viszont ez mind egy célt szolgál:

a Te sikeres középfokú nyelvvizsgádat.

Hallgasd meg a bevezető

A letöltött csomagodban:

Online itt éred el:

Vagy kattints a QR kódra:


„If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your
mind and imagination,
you can shape the world to your desires.”
Malcolm Gladwell

„Ha elég keményen dolgozol és elszánod magad,

ha használod az eszedet és a képzeletedet,
akkor a világot a saját igényeidre tudod formálni!

Olyan jó, mert nekem gyakorlatilag ebbe az anyagba ezek szerint nem is kell írnom
semmit, hiszen mindenre találok idézetet. 😊


Ez lesz a legfontosabb nyelvvizsga stratégiád! Nem a magolás! Nem az állandó

tanulás! Nem az, hogy „Huhh, még 6x át kell néznem a teljes nyelvtant.”. NEM ÉS

A nyelvvizsga stratégiád vezéreleme mindvégig az lesz, hogy a nyelvvizsgát nem

ellenségnek fogod tekinteni, ami nehéz, ami hátráltat, ami tesztel, hanem helyette
úgy tekintesz a vizsgára, hogy kihasználod azokat a részeit, amelyek Téged

A nyelvvizsgát a saját igényeidre fogod formálni.

Igen, tudom, hogy ez most még kínainak is hangozhat, de ahogy meghallgatod a

STRATÉGIAI MAGYARÁZATOKAT az egyes feladatrészekhez, azonnal érteni fogod,
hogy miről is beszéltem itt a bevezetőben.

Nagyon sok ember nyelvvizsgázott a „kezeim között”. És most ezt a tapasztalatot
„kegyelmet nem ismerve” a Te hasznodra fordítjuk! Kihasználjuk közösen a
nyelvvizsgák „kiskapuit” annak érdekében, hogy Te több pontot szerezz,
könnyebben és stresszmentesebben menj át.

A stratégiai magyarázatok csak a nagyobb, nem butított csomagot rendelők részére

érhetők el. Remélem Te is ilyen nagyobb csomagot vettél. Ha nem, akkor keresd az
ügyfélszolgálatot az SOS felbővítésért. Ahogyan mondtam is Neked a GO!
Nyelvvizsga Tanfolyam ajánlati bemutató videójában, stratégia nélkül nem fog
menni, viszont ezek a részek csak a nagyobb csomagban vannak benne.

Ha a nyelvvizsga stratégiát, amit közösen velem most megtanulsz tudatosan,

kompromisszumokat és kifogásokat nem ismerve végigviszed, akkor annak
egyetlen egyértelmű eredménye lehet:
sikeres nyelvvizsgát fogsz tenni.

GO and do it!

Fekete Gábor
GO! Tanfolyamok



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Online itt éred el:

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Amin áll vagy bukik minden!

Ahol nyerned kell!
Ahol csak látszólag irányítanak Téged, de igazából Te irányítasz!
Ahol a könyv eleje és a könyv vége összeér!


feladatok BÁRMELYIK nyelvvizsgán!

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Online itt éred el:
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Levélírás és fogalmazásírás
A vizsgán a levélírás és a fogalmazásírás az a feladat, ahol nyerned kell.
Ez a legfontosabb feladat: ezért került a GO! Nyelvvizsga Felkészítő Tanfolyamod

Lesznek kiszámíthatatlan részei a vizsgádnak. Egy feleletválasztós, egy lukas

szöveges vagy egy szövegértési feladatban mindig lehetnek kiszámíthatatlan
részek, ahol így is, úgy is pontokat fogsz veszteni.

De ez egyáltalán nem számít:

mert van egy titkos fegyvered, van egy olyan stratégiai előnyöd, hogy Te
kőkeményen be fogod húzni a pontokat az írásos feladatokban! Nem 60%-ra
megyünk! A cél a 80-85%! Aztán akkor a vizsga egyes más részei nyugodtan
lehetnek 50%-osak is, a kutyát sem fogja érdekelni.

Az írásos feladatban hiába adnak ők meg Neked bármilyen irányítási szempontokat,

mégis Te vezeted a levél tartalmát, megmutathatod, hogy mit tudsz angolból, és
messze el kell kerülnöd azt, amit nem tudsz!

„Mondj magadról pár dolgot!”

Ki, de ki az, aki a való életben erre elkezdi sorolni, hogy „Hát, néha büdi a lábam, meg
van egy kis úszógumim, meg hát, igen, van 2 fogtömésem is hátul, meg elég
elviselhetetlen tudok lenni, ha nem tudok időben enni, ja és hirtelen haragú is
vagyok!” Na, ugye, hogy nem így adnád el magad egy olyan kérdésre, hogy „Mondj
magadról pár dolgot!” 😊

A nyelvvizsga írásos feladata egy lehetőség, hogy megmutasd az angoltudásod

legragyogóbb oldalát. Egy, a való életben nem is feltétlenül létező oldalát. Egy művi

Ne akarj brillírozni a levélírási feladatban szókincsileg, illetve akarj, de csak olyan
szókincset használj, amit már ismersz és magadtól tudsz használni. Szinte biztos a
kudarc, ha a levélírás során a leveledet teletömöd a szótárból éppen akkor kilesett
szavakkal, hiszen ezeket szinte 100 százalék, hogy rosszul, nem angolosan fogod
használni. Legyen szókincsed, de olyan, amit már korábban elsajátítottál!

No, és ehhez itt ebben az anyagban igazi nehézbombázókat adok Neked, amelyeket
bármikor bevethetsz: TELJESEN MINDEGY, HOGY MI A TÉMA! Tudod, nem a
nyelvvizsga irányít, hanem TE irányítasz! Ez az alapvetés!

Teljesen mindegy, hogy mi a téma, bármely témában el tudsz sütni egy fix
És nem el tudsz, hanem EL FOGSZ SÜTNI!

Merthogy azért vagy itt, ugye, hogy megcsináld, amit mondok, és kaszáld vele a
pontokat? Nem, nem unalmas, ha a 20. levélben is fixen ugyanazt a kifejezést írod
le. Teljesen lényegtelen, hogy Te tudod, hogy „Hát, mindenben ezt szoktam.” A javító
nem tudja. És csak úgy szórja rá Neked a pontokat. 😊


Nagyon fontos az angol levélformának vagy fogalmazásnak megfelelő formátum!

Minden elemnek (dátumnak, címnek, megszólításnak stb.) oda kell kerülnie, ahogy
azt az angol hagyományos levélformátum megkívánja, és nem csak oda, hanem
olyan formátumban is! Bármennyire pitiáner hibának is tűnik például, ha a dátumban
a nap után pontot teszel (7. July), ez akkor is helytelen és pontot vesztesz érte! Itt
nincs kegyelem, a formátumnak 100% pontosnak kell lennie!


Nem csak a formátum, a szerkezet is fontos. Az egyes témákat bekezdésekbe kell

rendezned, a bekezdések között meg kell teremtened a szövegösszefüggést
kötőszavakkal (lásd később), mert ezt mind-mind pontozzák a leveledben. Egy olyan

levél vagy fogalmazás, amit kötőszavak nélkül írsz meg, esélytelen rá, hogy max.
65%-nál jobb eredményt érjen el a vizsgán. Az audiomagyarázatban ki is térek rá
Neked, hogy miért.

Ráadásul a szerkezet megteremtésével amúgy a szókincsedre kapott pontszámod

is hirtelen elkezd az égbe szökni, ugyanis a kohéziót adó kötőszavaid igazi
szókincspontszám-rakéták is lesznek, mert jó kifejezésekkel fogod létrehozni az
írásod szerkezetét (adom itt ebben a részben, amiket használj). Ne térj el tőlük! Ne
rögtönözz! Ne változtass! Ez egy mirelit rendszer, így kell fogyasztani, így működik!


Nagyon fontos, hogy a levélírási feladat utasítását, a szempontokat pontosan

megértsd! Ha bármiben bizonytalan vagy, szótárazz! Ha félreérted és másról írsz,
mindegy milyen jól írsz: nulla pontot kapsz a feladatra! A gyakorlás során
rendszeresen látom az első írásos feladatoknál, hogy bizony nem arról írnak az
emberek, ami a feladat. Ha csak kicsi az elcsúszás, akkor csak szimplán rossz lesz
a pontszám, ha nagy az elcsúszás, akkor nulla lesz a pontszám.

A legjobb stratégia erre az, hogy az utasításokat gyakorlatilag visszamondod

(explicite beleírod) a fogalmazásodba! A javító mechanikusan keresi ezeket és ha
könnyen, szinte szószerint látja őket a bekezdések elején, akkor már löki is a
tartalom pontszámodat felfelé!

Ne tükrözz! Ne akard extrém átfogalmazni! A „Hát én itt arra gondoltam, hogy…”

magyarázattal kezdődő mondat már rég rossz! Egyértelműen és könnyen
azonosíthatóan a megadott irányítási szempontokkal kezdd a leveled vagy a
fogalmazásod bekezdéseit. Minden bekezdés egy téma, mégpedig az, amelyik
sorban következik a feladat szerint, és a bekezdés első mondata egyértelműen
mondja el azt, ami az irányítási szempont volt.

Ha értelmezgetni kell, már baj van!


És ha már mindez megy, akkor a végére még ki kell találnod pár olyan nyelvtani
figurát, amit mindenképpen beleépítesz a leveledbe, teljesen mindegy, hogy mi is a
téma! Ezáltal a nyelvtani része is rendben lesz a levelednek!

Egy simán, nyelvtanilag helyesen megírt levél nyelvtani pontszáma olyan 50-60%.
Igen, jól érted, ha Te simán, hibátlanul megírod a levelet, de csak unalmas, alapfokú,
egyszerű mondatokat használsz, akkor az attól még nem lesz átmenős egy
középfokú nyelvvizsgán! Akkor sem, ha egy deka nyelvtani hibát sem vétettél!

Ezt sokan félreértik. A nyelvtani pontszám, nyelvtani benyomás nem azt jelenti, hogy
rongyosra hibázod-e magad állandóan, vagy tökéletes nyelvtani pontossággal írsz.
Nem CSAK ezt jelenti.

Hanem azt is, hogy milyen szintű nyelvtant használsz.

És nincs mese: erre kellenek a fix, előre betanult nyelvtani elemek, amiket nem
variálsz, nem rögtönzöl, hanem óramű pontossággal építesz bele minden egyes
levélírási vagy fogalmazási feladatodba.

Oks? Megegyeztünk?

Akkor nézzük a konkrétumokat! 😊

Ne feledd:
a levélírást Te irányítod, akkor is,
ha ők adták meg az irányítási szempontokat!

Baráti levélírás – a levél szerkezete
(mintalevelet később találsz)
Jobb felső sarokba írd a Te címed.
házszám pont nélkül, utca neve, közterület neve magyarul
város neve, irányítószám

5 Állomás tér
Gödöllő 2100

Dátum (pontok sehol, év elé vessző!)

17 July, 2018

Dear John,
I haven’t heard from you for a long time so I have decided to drop you a line. What have
you been up to lately? I am writing to you to tell you that….
Válaszlevélnél: I have just received your letter and I was happy / sad to read that…

1. téma (az első kis bumszli a feladatnál a felsorolásban)

Kötőszó, témamondat 1, téma kifejtése (blabla)

2. téma (a második kis bumszli a feladatnál a felsorolásban)

Kötőszó, témamondat 2, téma kifejtése (blabla)

3. téma (a harmadik kis bumszli a feladatnál a felsorolásban)

Kötőszó, témamondat 3, téma kifejtése (blabla)

Kétszintű elköszönés:
I am looking forward to your answer.
See you,

Tipikus hibák – ezeket ne kövesd el:


Szép dolog, ha mindent le akarsz fordítani, de ezt a címedben nem kellene
Magyar címet MAGYARUL kell kiírni, de angol formátumban.

Tehát nem
5 Station Square, hanem 5 Állomás tér.
Mert nálunk Attila a postás csak lesne, ha a Station Square-re kellene levelet
vinnie. 😊


Nézd át a formátumot még egyszer. Mindent, de mindent pöccre be kell tartanod. Amikor
megkapom az első mintalevelet, akkor bizony szinte mindig az van, hogy “Nézd csak, ezt
nem így mutattam.” Ott a minta. Az utolsó fűszálnak is ugyanúgy kell kinéznie!


Az a nyomorék dátum. Én ezt javaslom: 17 July, 2018. Fixen ezt a formátumot használd és
ne variáld, mert csak bajod lehet belőle, ezt nem lehet elrontani. Nincs pont, nincs th meg
semmi, így használd!


Ne variáld a formátumban az elemeket! Igen, pontosan az a feladatod, hogy 30 levelet írj

meg a felkészülés során és 30x csontra ugyanúgy csináld az elemeket. Ez nem “uncsi”
kérdése. Pontokat akarsz, nem? Akkor ne variálj! A formátum variálása, belenyúlogatás a
lehető legnagyobb baki, amit csak el lehet követni.

Ugyanígy ne variáld a kötőkifejezéseidet, elköszönéseidet. Úgy használd, ahogy tanítom.

Tehát például a kétszintű elköszönés az mindig

I am looking forward to your answer.
See you,

legyen és ne kezdd el variálgatni. Igen, el lehet köszönni háromezerféleképpen és módon.

Csak tudod, mit tapasztaltam? Mindig elrontja, aki variálja… És már megy is lefelé a pont.


Tipikus hiba, hogy nem kötőszavakkal kezdődnek a bekezdések (nem tudják felfelé
pontozni a kohézió értékedet). Azzal kezdődjenek és punk és tum.


Tipikus hiba, hogyha a bekezdés első mondata nem adja vissza pontosan az irányítási

Na, ez nagy baj. Gondolj bele: emberek javítják a vizsádat. Sír a gyerek a szomszéd
szobában, a kutya ugat, csörög a telefon vagy épp csengetett a pizzafutár, vagy lejárt a
mosógép. Vagy a kolléga az irodában már megint idióta. Ebben a közegben javít egy javító.

Azt hiszed, hogy érdekel bárkit, hogy megfejtse a Te kesze-kusza gondolataidat, hogyha
nem tolod a javító arcába, hogy tessék, itt van, ezt kértétek, erről szól a bekezdés.

Igen borzasztóan hangozhat, de ez sajnos így működik. Itt nincs helye nagy
átfogalmazásoknak meg hűdenagy gondolatoknak. Ez egy nyelvvizsga.
Segítened kell a javítónak, hogy lássa, hogy arról írsz, mint ami a feladat volt.

Ezt úgy tudod elérni, hogy nem faramuci irányból, hanem nagyon DIREKTEN közelítesz.
És már meg is könnyebbül, hogy ok, írt róla, nem kell a tartalom pontból levonni.

Gyere, a követkető oldalon erre mutatom is a példákat,

hogy hogyan kell ezt csinálni:

Pl. a feladatleírásban ezt találod:


You spent a week at your English friend’s house. After your stay, write a letter to
him / her and give details about the following.

• thank them for inviting you

• tell them your best experience

• invite them to Hungary


• thank them for inviting you

Témamondat 1:

Firstly, I would like to thank you for inviting me to England.


• tell them your best experience

Témamondat 2:

It is also worth mentioning the best experience I had during my stay.


• invite them to Hungary

Témamondat 3:

Finally, I would like to invite you to Hungary sometime next June.


Ilyen szinten direkt módon utalj mindig a témára, mégpedig nem később,
hanem a bekezdésed legelső mondatában! Ha elolvasom a leveled
bekezdéseinek első mondatait, akkor pontosan tudnom kell, hogy miről szólt a
levél: minden más csak extra színezés.

- bárhova teheted őket, de bekezdések elejére mindenképpen –

besides this, emellett

Besides this, we also had many problems with the air-conditioning.

Emellett, még a légkondival is gondok voltak.

in addition to this, emellett

In addition to this, we also had many problems with the air-conditioning.

Emellett, még a légkondival is gondok voltak.

It is also worth mentioning that… Megéri megemlíteni azt is, hogy…

It is also worth mentioning that we went to a party on the last night of our stay.
Azt is megéri megemlíteni, hogy voltunk még egy bulin is az utolsó este.

However, azonban / viszont

, however, (mondat közepén előtte-utána vessző)

My wife enjoyed the beach. However, I preferred watching TV at the hotel.

A feleségem odavolt a tengerpartért, viszont én inkább csak tévéztem a szállodában.

It is a good car, however, it is really expensive.

Jó kocsi, azonban nagyon drága.

although habár / annak ellenére, hogy

(utána komplett mondat!)

Although Jenny likes concerts, she didn’t come with us.

Bár Jenny szereti a koncerteket, de nem jött el velünk.

despite this, ennek ellenére

Despite this, we had a good time.

Ennek ellenére jól éreztük magunkat.

in spite of this, ennek ellenére

In spite of this, we had a good time.

Ennek ellenére jól éreztük magunkat.

despite sg / in spite of sg vmi ellenére

In spite of the bad weather, we had a good time.

A rossz idő ellenére is jól éreztük magunkat.

Despite the bad weather, we had a good time.

A rossz idő ellenére is jól éreztük magunkat.

It comes from this that… Ebből következik, hogy…

All my money was stolen. It comes from this that I didn’t really enjoy the trip.
Az összes pénzemet ellopták. Ebből következik, hogy nem nagyon tudtam élvezni az utat.

On the one hand, …, on the other hand,… Egyrészről…….másrészről…..

On the one hand, it is really useful to have a car, on the other hand, it is really expensive.
Egyrészről nagyon hasznos, ha az embernek van kocsija, másrészről viszont nagyon drága.

On the one hand, it’s far away, on the other hand, it’s a wonderful place.
Egyfelől, messze van, másfelől viszont csodálatos hely.

Az on the one hand / on the other hand
olyan, mint egy elem:
az egyik oldalán pozitív dolog, a másik oldalán negatív dolog kell álljon!

Csak így használd, ne rontsd el!

Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Először is, másodsorban, harmadsorban,

Finally, végül pedig…

Many tourists come to Budapest.

Firstly, there are a lot of sights here.
Secondly, most tourists love the architecture of the city
and, thirdly, most tourists love the Hungarian cuisine.

Sok turista jön Budapestre.

Először is sok látnivaló van.
Másodsorban, a legtöbb turistának nagyon tetszik a város építészete,
és harmadsorban, a legtöbb turista imádja a magyar ételeket.


A legtöbb ember reflexből ilyeneket magától bele sem tesz az írásába,

pedig nagyon, de nagyon fontosak! Mindig színesebbé, hosszabbá 😊,
szókinccsel telibbé teszik a mondataidat. Használd őket!
A tőmondatok sem tőmondatok többé, hogy ha bevezeted egy véleménykifejezéssel!

I am quite convinced that…

Teljesen meg vagyok róla győződve, hogy…

I am quite convinced that he’ll love this present.

Teljesen meg vagyok róla győződve, hogy nagyon tetszeni fog neki az ajándék.

I guess / I suppose

Az I think tök jó kifejezés, de a nyelvvizsgán ne ezt használd,

mert “kill”-elni kell a mindenki által használt kifejezéseket, hogy kitűnj a
tömegből és a pontjaid felfelé kanyarodjanak.

I guess it’s very hard.

Szerintem ez nagyon nehéz.

I suppose he’ll come soon.

Szerintem nemsokára jön.

ezeknek semmi közük a guess (kitalálni) és a suppose (feltételez) eredeti
jelentéséhez. Így a mondat elejére bedobva egy I-jal együtt fel
sem merül, hogy félreérhetőek lennének. Azt jelentik: szerintem!

I am of the opinion that…

Azon a véleményen vagyok, hogy…

A legendás “in my opinion”-t dobd ki a kukába.

Olyan elcsépelt, hogy nincs is elcsépeltebb.
Ezt az “I am of the opinion that”-et használd viszont, ez szuper!

I am of the opinion that living in the countryside is better than living in the city.
Azon a véleményen vagyok, hogy vidéken jobb élni, mint nagyvárosban.


A vizsgán kell használnod magasabb szintű nyelvtani elemeket, mint amiket Te jelenleg
magadtól használnál. Jót tesz ugyanis a nyelvtani pontszámodnak, ha nem csak a
legegyszerűbb nyelvtan van benne az írásaidban.

Meg hát tudod, miért kell mindenképpen?

Mert úgyis fogsz egyéb nyelvtani hibát véteni. Még az is lehet, hogy sokat, attól függ honnan
vágsz neki ennek a felkészülésnek. Képzeld el, hogy van mondjuk 5-6 nyelvtani hibád az
írásodban, és mellette nem használsz semmit, ami kiemelkedik. Akkor a javítóban mi az
általános benyomás? “Jajj, hát nem tud egy nyomorék E/3-at elragozni!”

Ellenben mi van akkor, ha ott van az 5-6 nyelvtani hibád, de ott van mellette 5-6 magas szintű
nyelvtani elem is, amit (1) nem rontottál el, hanem tökéletesen használtál (2) és a javító tanár
aznap más írásaiban még csak hasonló szintet sem látott! Na, ilyenkor mi az ember
reakciója? “Jó-jó, elrontotta ott azt az E/3 ragozást, de atyaég, milyen szép szerkezeteket
használ, jó ránézni ezekre a mondatokra.”

Ezért nagyon nem mindegy, hogy használsz-e magas szintű nyelvtani elemeket vagy nem.
Ha nem, akkor a nyelvtani pontszámod bukás közeli lesz. Ha igen, akkor fel tudod húzni
átmenősre, vagy akár még jóra is (ha amúgy nem hibáztál).

Ne hibázz a fix szerkezetekben!

A fix, magas szintű nyelvtani elemeidre mindig csak olyan javaslatokat találsz itt a
Középfokú Nyelvvizsga Tanfolyamodban, amelyek használatakor minimálisan kell csak
gondolkodnod. Hiszen az a célunk, hogy ezekben ne hibázz. Hát ne is! A gond itt az szokott
lenni, hogy én megtanítom a kifejezést, és utána vannak, akik el akarják kezdeni variálni azt,
máshogy használni, “de azt gondoltam, hogy itt…” típusú mondatokkal megindokolva a
dolgot. Figyu: ezeket a szerkezeteket NE VAR-I-ÁLD! 😊 Oks? Különben pont az ellenkező
hatást fogod elérni és nem felfelé, hanem lefelé viszed a nyelvtani pontszámodat!

Na, gyere mutatok párat, amit könnyű beletenni bármilyen levélbe vagy fogalmazásba!

It must be very difficult. = must + ige → biztos, hogy értelemben
Szinte bármilyen írásba be tudod tenni. Ha van lehetőséged a múlt idejű változatát
használni (lásd a következő bejegyzést itt), akkor azt tedd az írásba, mert az szerkezetileg
már igazi orgia középfokon!

Amire figyelj: a must után itt mindig SZÓTÁRI alak áll, pl. az is az it be, ahogy látod, illetve
E/3-ban tilos ragoznod.

Pár példa rá:

I would like to travel to London because it must be a beautiful city.

Szeretnék elutazni Londonba, mert biztosan gyönyörű város.

You must be excited about the trip.

Biztosan izgulsz már az utazás miatt.

It must be difficult for you.

Biztos nehéz Neked.

He must live there but I don’t know where.

Biztosan ott lakik, de nem tudom, hol.

It must have been great. = must + have + ige3

→ biztos, hogy történt valami értelemben

It must have been a great holiday.

Biztos, hogy szuper nyaralás volt.

They must have been very happy about the present.

Biztosan nagyon örültek az ajándéknak.

I must have made mistakes but I hope I will pass my exam.

Biztosan hibáztam itt-ott, de remélem, hogy meglesz a vizsgám.

won’t / wouldn’t do sg = nem akar, nem hajlandó
A won’t segédigével akkor kell ezt mondanod, ha a szövegkörnyezet jelen idejű, a
wouldn’t akkor kell, ha a szövegkörnyezet múlt idejű.

The car won’t start.

= Nem akar elindulni a kocsi.

She won’t listen to me.

= Nem hajlandó rám hallgatni.

I gave them good advice but they wouldn’t keep it.

= Jó tanácsot adtam nekik, de nem akarják megfogadni.
Itt a gave múlt idő, múlt idejű szövegkörnyezetben wouldn’t kell, hogy ezt kifejezd,
ezért wouldn’t van a mondatban! Erre vigyázz!

I told him to lose weight but he wouldn’t do sports.

Mondtam neki, hogy fogyjon le, de csak nem hajlandó sportolni.
Itt is múlt idejű a szövegkörnyezet, ezért wouldn’t kell.

would prefer to do sg = én inkább ezt szeretnék csinálni

A levelekben sokszor van programegyeztetés (meghívtak valahova stb.) vagy “két

dolog összehasonlítása” típusú feladat (pl. Hol élnél szívesebben, városban vagy
falun? Színház vagy mozi? Kocsi vagy vonat? stb.), ezért sokszor el lehet sütni.

It’s great to live in a city but I would prefer to live in a village.

Jó dolog városban élni, de én szívesebben laknék faluban.

I love the theatre but today I would prefer to go to the cinema

Nagyon szeretem a színházat, de ma inkább moziba mennék.

I would prefer to see the car before I pay.

Szeretném látni az autót, mielőtt fizetek.

can’t afford to = nem engedheti meg magának, hogy…
couldn’t afford to = nem engedhette meg magának, hogy…

Ez határeset a nyelvtan és a szókincs között, mindenesetre a pontszámodat biztosan nem

lefelé viszi és nagyon könnyű szinte bármilyen szövegbe betenni!

Many people can’t afford to live in a house.

= Sok ember nem engedheti meg magának, hogy családi házban éljen.

I couldn’t afford to stay at a more expensive hotel.

= Nem fért bele, hogy drágább szállodát válasszak.

We can’t afford to make a mistake.

= Nem engedhetjük meg magunknak, hogy hibázzunk.

if I had the money, I would… = feltételes mód, NAGYON ÓVATOSAN!

A feltételes mód nem egy nehéz szerkezet, de mégis rengetegen elrontják, ezért NEM
szoktam javasolni, hogy szabadon használd a nyelvvizsgán. Ha mégis, akkor kizárólag
saját felelősségre. 😊 Viszont: feltételes mód nagyon jó, ha van az írásodban, ezért én egy fix
kifejezéssel szoktam javasolni a használatát, mert így a hibázás kizárva, a nyelvtani pontszám
viszont emelkedik. A money elé itt kell a THE, ez meg pláne extra nyelvtan, az okát nem kell,
hogy értsd, de ITT kell!

If I had the money, I would travel the world.

Ha lenne rá pénzem, beutaznám a világot.

If I had the money, I would buy a bigger car.

Ha lenne pénzem, vennék egy nagyobb kocsit.

If I had the money, I would do up the house.

Ha lenne rá pénzem, felújítanám a házat.

Baráti levél – minta (kiemelve a kötőszavak és a fix elemek)

You have recently bought a pre-owned car. Write a letter to your English friend and give details
about the following.

• the reason for buying a car

• the details of the purchase

• some problems with the car


5 Állomás tér
Gödöllő 2100

17 July, 2018

Dear John,

I haven’t heard from you for a long time so I have decided to drop you a line. What have you been up to
lately? I am writing to you to tell you that I have bought a new car.

Firstly, I would like to tell you why I needed a car. You know, we have two children and they often have
to go to different places. The elder one goes to football trainings three times a week, while the younger
one attends piano lessons at the local music school. It is also worth mentioning that the public
transport isn’t too good in the area. So I thought if we had a car, everything would be easier.

However, buying the car was not so easy. We couldn’t afford to buy a brand new car so we decided to
buy a used one. I checked several cars in the newspapers and on the Internet. Finally, I found a good
one in Budapest. I went to see it, I tried it and I managed to agree with the owner. It is a 4-year-old
Ford Focus.

Although it seemed to be in good condition, I have had a few problems with it. A week after I bought
it, one morning the car just wouldn’t start. I thought it must be the battery but it turned out that there
was some electrical problem. I also had to change one of the tyres.

Next time you come to Hungary, I will pick you up at the airport in my new car. When are you going to
buy a new car?

I’m looking forward to your answer.

See you,


FONTOS! A szóbeli vizsgatémák tematikus kifejezéseit itt is használnod kell!
A könyv 2. felében találod őket!

1. Your American friend has decided to buy a flat in Hungary. Write a letter to him / her and
give details about the following.

• the best area for buying a flat and the reasons

• the facilities in this area

• whether it is better to buy a flat or a house

• offer to organise the house-warming party

2. You have recently had several conflicts at your workplace. Write a letter to your
English friend and give details about the following.

• the cause of the conflicts

• the steps you have taken so far

• the steps you are going to take (change jobs)

3. Your son has just graduated from secondary school. Write a letter to your English
friend and give details about the following.

• how he did at his final exams

• what university he decided to go on to and why

• how you rewarded him for his good grades

4. You have lost a lot of weight recently. Write a letter to your English friend and give
details about the following.

• how you lost weight (diet, sports etc.)

• the thing you found the hardest about losing weight

• enquire whether s/he keeps a diet and detail the importance of being fit


5. Last week you were fined while travelling by underground in Budapest. Write a letter
to your English friend and give details about the following.

• detail why you were fined

• tell him/her about your travelling habits

• mention some of the problems of public transport in your area

• ask him/her about public transport in England

6. You have just seen a great film at the cinema. Write a letter to your English friend
and give details about the following.

• why you liked the film so much

• the story

• whether you like Hungarian films or not

7. You are getting married. Write a letter to your English friend and give details about
the following.

• invite him/her to the wedding party and give the details

• describe your future husband/wife

• introduce some Hungarian wedding customs and traditions

8. Last winter you had a car accident. Write a letter to your English friend and give
details about the following.

• describe how the accident happened and who was to blame

• mention a few things you must be careful about winter-driving

• describe how you can get a driving licence in Hungary


9. Angliai nyaralást tervezel és erről írsz levelet egy angol barátodnak. A leveledben írj:

• a tervezett nyaralás hosszáról, a meglátogatni tervezett helyekről és a tervezett


• kérd meg a barátodat, hogy csatlakozzon hozzád, amikor egy látnivalót nézel
meg (konkrétan írd le a terveidet)

• kérd meg az angliai barátodat, hogy segítsen elintézni az autóbérlést

10. Egy amerikai barátod elvesztette az állását. Írj neki egy levelet és adj tanácsot az
alábbi témákban:

• hogyan érdemes munkát keresnie

• hogyan viselkedjen az állásinterjún

• említsd meg, hogy Magyarországon mik a legnépszerűbb szakmák manapság

11. Az angliai barátod magyarországi nyaralást tervez. Írj neki egy levelet és ajánld fel,
hogy segítesz neki a nyaralás megszervezésében.

• ajánld fel, hogy segítesz a programok leszervezésében és ajánld fel, hogy lakhat
a lakásodban

• ajánlj neki egy pár helyet, amit érdemes megnézni

• mondj neki pár dolgot, amit semmiképpen ne felejtsen el magával hozni

12. A szomszédod nagyobb összeget nyert a lottón. Írd le a történetet egy amerikai

• hogy tudtad meg a hírt és mi volt a reakciód

• mondd el, hogy hogyan élte meg a szomszédod a nagy nyereményt

• mondd el, hogy Te mit tennél, ha ekkora összeget nyernél

Mintalevél (hivatalos)
You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English speaking country. You have been experiencing
problems recently. Write a letter to Mr Smith, the landlord. In your letter
- state your reason for writing
- describe the problems and explain how you feel
- say what action you would like the landlord to take

17 Ferlington Street
9 October, 2017
Mr Robert Smith
6 Abbey Road

Dear Mr Smith,
I am writing to draw your attention to a couple of problems I have been experiencing lately. As you
know, we have been living in this apartment since March and have always paid our rent on time.

However, we have had no hot water for the last three weeks now. Two weeks ago you said you would
send a workman to our flat within 3 days, but no one came. After calling many times, the workman
eventually arrived 5 days later. Unfortunately, he said it was impossible to repair the boiler since it was
too old.
Besides this, we are also having problems with the cooker. It regularly switches itself off, which makes
cooking impossible and causes a lot of frustration. We are now extremely unhappy about this
One of the reasons I chose your flat was that I was assured it had always been looked after and you
would help to solve any problems when it is needed. In spite of this, we seem to be left alone to solve
problems that are not our responsibilities.
I would be grateful if you could take whatever action necessary to ensure that this situation does not
continue. We are prepared to continue to rent your flat, but please arrange for emergency repairs to
be made. We also request a 40% discount on our rent for the period we have been without any hot

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Scott

A hivatalos levél szerkezetében és szókincsében teljesen ugyanez, 1-2 fontos
szerkezeti különbség van:

1. A címzett címét is fel kell tüntetned

(amennyiben kér címzést az adott vizsga és pl. nem kezdik el a levelet helyetted!).

A címzett címe bal oldalra kerül, a megszólítás fölé, lásd a mintalevélben.

2. Fix szokás a
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,
elköszönések használatában:

a) Ha tudod a címzett pontos nevét (Dear Mr Jackson), akkor a levél végén Yours
sincerely-vel kell elköszönnöd.

Dear Mr Jackson,

Yours sincerely,

b) Ha nem tudod a címzett nevét, (Dear Sir or Madam), akkor a level végén Yours
faithfully-val kell elköszönnöd.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Yours faithfully,

Ennyi. Ezt simán meg kell jegyezned.

Kelleni szinte sosem kell hivatalos levelet írnod, maximum választhatod.
Ha ilyet kell írnod, ne ijedj meg, ennyi a különbség érdemben a baráti levélhez


Ha van, akkor a leveleidet be tudod küldeni a GO! tanároknak javításra.

Ha nincs, akkor itt tudod megvásárolni

és teljesen korlátlanul segítünk Neked
az ilyen feladatokban.


A levélírás mellett
a fogalmazásírás a másik pontkaszálós terület, ahol nyerned kell.
Hallgasd meg a stratégiai audiómagyarázatomat ehhez a részhez!

A letöltött csomagodban:
Online itt éred el:
Vagy olvasd le telefonnal a QR kódot:

Fogalmazásírás – pontkaszálós stílusban
Egészen elképesztő, hogy mennyien félnek a fogalmazásírási feladattól a középfokú
nyelvvizsgán, pedig ez is olyan írásos feladat, ahol csak úgy kaszálhatod a pontokat!

Egyáltalán nem számít, hogy magvas gondolatokat fogalmazz meg a fogalmazásírási

feladatban. Az számít, hogy milyen nyelvezetet használsz. Márpedig erre mind előre fel
tudsz készülni. Szinte teljesen mindegy, hogy mi a téma, Neked ugyanazokat a
szerkezeteket kell csak folyamatosan elsütnöd.

Így kaszáld a pontokat a fogalmazásírási feladaton:

1. Arról írj, amit megadtak!

Ez lehet, hogy viccesen hangzik, de itt vesztik el a legtöbben a pontokat.
Nem elvontan, hanem direkten arról írj.

2. Használd az általam itt megadott fogalmazásírási kifejezéseket!

A kifejezéseket ne írd át, ne akard módosítani, ne akard feltalálni a spanyolviaszt. Abban a
pillanatban, ha hozzányúlsz a kifejezésekhez, akkor nagy esély van rá, hogy teszel bele egy
olyan nyelvtani hibát, amivel megölöd azt a plusz pontot, amit éppen kaszálnál a
fogalmazásírási kifejezésekkel. Individualisták hátrányban, de ez van, ez nyelvvizsga és
abban egyeztünk meg ugye, hogy most a pontokra koncentrálunk. 😊

3. Azonosítsd a témát!
Azonosítsd be, hogy “Ahha, ez a téma a … témáról szól, úgyhogy azokat a kifejezéseket kell
használnom, amiket ahhoz megtanultam.” Ez annyira blődnek és nyilvánvalónak hangzik,
tudom. De hányszor, de hányszor láttam sok-sok intelligens embernél, hogy mégis nem ez
az egyik első lépés. “Ja, tényleg, írhattam volna azokat is!” Na, ezért a mondatért nem jár
pont a nyelvvizsgán… Témát azonosítani és aztán tovább a 4. pontra!

4. Használd a szóbeli témákhoz megadott tematikus kifejezéseket!

Ahogy mondtam, a témák speciális kifejezéstára és szókincse nem csak a szóbeli

nyelvvizsgádon jön jól, hanem az írásbelin is. Nem 200 oldalt adok megtanulni, hanem nézd
meg majd, kb. 2 oldal van minden fejezethez. Nem egy anatómia könyvet kérek Tőled
bemagolni, ugye? 😊

No, azokat a kifejezéseket lézerpontossággal kell használnod itt a fogalmazásírási részben

is. Módosítgatni szigorúan tilos! Ezek ready-made, fagyasztóból kivehető, pontkaszálós
kifejezések, bármilyen módosításuk veszélyes és kifejezetten tilos!

5. Előre kitalált, magas szintű nyelvtan is kell.

Úgy, ahogy a levélírásnál mutattam, kell fix, előre kitalált, sosem módosuló, magas szintű
nyelvtan. Ha módosítgatsz, rögtönzöl, akkor hibázol. Ne rögtönözz, ne módosítgass.

6. Lehet, hogy nem kérték, de használj bekezdéseket!

Ééééss… ha már bekezdéseket használsz, akkor mi kell az elejére? No, mi? …. Naná, hogy
kötőszavak, mert a kohézió, a szövegösszefüggés olyan örömet okoz a javítónak, mint
vattacukor a kisgyereknek majáliskor.

7. Használd a vélemény-kifejezéseket!
Ne felejtsd el használni a vélemény kifejezésére alkalmas kifejezéseket, amiket tanítok
ebben az anyagban. Ezek is robbantják a pontszámodat!

8. Szótárat csak végső esetben használj

– meg, ha szabad az adott viszgán! 😊

Kiválóan el lehet rontani az írásos feladataidat azzal, ha szótárazgatsz. NEM LEHET! Csak
végső esetben! Az írásbeli témákra felkészülve kell menned, itt megadok Neked ehhez
mindent: kifejezéseket, szerkezetet, stratégiát. Ebbe bármilyen ismeretlen, szótárból
beszippantott elem csak belerondítani tud.

Fogalmazásírás – minta #01
Ez a fogalmazási feladat az ORIGO B2 egyik hivatalos mintafeladatának a Gáboros
megoldása. Tisztán nyomon tudod követni rajta azt, amiről beszélek.
Origo Mintafeladat:
City dwellers lead a more interesting and varied life than people in the country.
Elvárás: 12 sor terjedelem
véleménykifejezések - piros
gyorsfagyasztott témakifejezés - kék
kötőszavak – narancssárga
előre betanult magasabb nyelvtani elem - zöld
saját kútfőből kell hozzátenni - fekete

I go along with the statement to a certain extent that city dwellers lead a more
interesting and varied life than people in the country.

The reason for this is that in the city there are a wide range of places to go out, for
instance, cinemas, theatres, pubs, gyms, parks and so on and so forth. Many people
are keen on films, you can enjoy spectacular movies nowadays on the huge screens
at the cinema, and also plays at the theatre, where you can enjoy the live
performance of actors. Besides this, big cities never sleep, you can go out at any time
and it can be fun.

On the other hand, though, I am quite convinced that life in the country can be
interesting because of the nature. One of the biggest advantages of living in the
country is that you live close to the nature and this can be really interesting. However,
in the country there are not so many places to go out so life can sometimes be a bit

All in all, I should say that I would prefer to live in a city.

Nézd meg a színeket! Gyakorlatilag alig van fekete, azaz saját kútfő! Na, ezért lehet hatalmas
pontot kaszálni, ha rendesen felkészülsz a GO! középfokú nyelvvizsga anyaggal!

Na, még egyszer, de színes jelölések nélkül is:

I go along with the statement to a certain extent that city dwellers lead a more
interesting and varied life than people in the country.

The reason for this is that in the city there are a wide range of places to go out, for
instance, cinemas, theatres, pubs, gyms, parks and so on and so forth. Many people
are keen on films, you can enjoy spectacular movies nowadays on the huge screens
at the cinema, and also plays at the theatre, where you can enjoy the live
performance of actors. Besides this, big cities never sleep, you can go out at any time
and it can be fun.

On the other hand, though, I am quite convinced that life in the country can be
interesting because of the nature. One of the biggest advantages of living in the
country is that you live close to the nature and this can be really interesting. However,
in the country there are not so many places to go so life can sometimes be a bit dull.

All in all, I should say that I would prefer to live in a city.

Ebben a fogalmazásban semmi olyan elemet nem használtam Neked, amit ne

tanulnál meg könnyedén ebben az anyagban. Nézd meg, ez nem egy agysebészet:
fix betanult elemeket forgatsz, és az a poén, hogy TELJESEN MINDEGY, hogy mit
kérdeznek, Te mindig ugyanazokkal a kifejezésekkel fogsz pontokat kaszálni…

Elvárás: 160-200 szó terjedelem (az kb. ugyanannyi, mint az ORIGO-s, csak itt másban adják meg,
de kb 12-14 sor, de meg kell számolnod, hogy Te hány szót írsz le KÉZírással egy sorba, a terjedelem
betartása fontos! TÖBB se legyen!)

Irányítási kérdések / szempontok:

What makes sports dangerous?
Why extreme sports are so appealing to some people?
What kind of extreme sport would or wouldn’t you try and why?

I am of the opinion that professional sports take a heavy toll on your health.
However, it is also worth mentioning that not only professional sports but also
extreme sports can be dangerous.

First of all, sports are dangerous since you can easily get hurt while doing sports.
There is always a chance that something goes wrong and you hurt your body. It is
quite common to get scracthes or bruises or to break a bone while doing sports.
Unexpected things can happen.

In spite of this, extreme sports are appealing to some people as they think it is
something unique and really exciting. It gives you a lot of adrenaline and people
doing extreme sports are really keen on adrenaline. I am quite convinced that they
find these sports and exciting and fun and they tend to forget about the dangers.

Let me also mention that if I had the chance, I would certainly try some extreme
sports. I would prefer to try bungee-jumping since I don’t think it’s so dangerous.

All in all, sports are fun, I guess everyone should do sports and even try some
extreme sports if they like.
véleménykifejezések - piros előre betanult magasabb nyelvtani elem - zöld
gyorsfagyasztott témakifejezés - kék saját kútfőből kell hozzátenni - fekete
kötőszavak – narancssárga

Na még egyszer a kiemelések nélkül:

I am of the opinion that professional sports take a heavy toll on your health.
However, it is also worth mentioning that not only professional sports but also
extreme sports can be dangerous.

First of all, sports are dangerous since you can easily get hurt while doing sports.
There is always a chance that something goes wrong and you hurt your body. It is
quite common to get scracthes or bruises or to break a bone while doing sports.
Unexpected things can happen.

In spite of this, extreme sports are appealing to some people as they think it is
something unique and really exciting. It gives you a lot of adrenaline and people
doing extreme sports are really keen on adrenaline. I am quite convinced that they
find these sports and exciting and fun and they tend to forget about the dangers.

Let me also mention that if I had the chance, I would certainly try some extreme
sports. I would prefer to try bungee-jumping since I don’t think it’s so dangerous.

All in all, sports are fun, I guess everyone should do sports and even try some
extreme sports if they like.

Figyeld a fenti fogalmazásban, ezt kell utánoznod:

➔ egyértelmű, logikus szerkezet: bevezetés, utána 1 bekezdés 1 téma, befejezés
➔ fix kötőkifejezéseket használok
➔ az új bekezdést mindig kötőkifejezéssel kezdem
➔ fix véleménykifejezéseket használok (kiirtva az ilyen egyszerűt,
mint például, hogy I think)
➔ használok előre betanult és begyakorolt magasabb nyelvtani elemeket
➔ használom a témákhoz megtanult fix kifejezéseket
➔ a levél többi részében minél egyszerűbb angolt használj, hogy ott ne hibázz

Ennyi a pontkaszálásod kulcsa!
Ha ettől eltérsz, zuhannak a pontjaid. Ha betartod, akkor simán behúzható 80-85% a
vizsgának ezen a részén!

Fogalmazásírási feladatok
Teljesen mindegy, hogy melyik vizsgára mész, gyakorolni bármelyik lenti feladattal
tudsz. Ha már megvan a kiválasztott vizsgád, akkor arra figyelj, hogy a terjedelmet
az azon a vizsgán megkövetelt hosszban tartsd. Ne legyen se rövidebb, se
hosszabb a fogalmazásod! Egy 10%-os hossz túllépésnél már mínuszpontokat

„A fogalmazásírási feladat
a nyelvvizsgán irányított feladat.

A legtöbb vizsgázó engedi, hogy a vizsga őket


A Te nyerő stratégiád viszont ez:

Nem a vizsga irányít, hanem Te irányítasz a vizsgán!”

Egy adott vizsgának a íráskészség feladataival csak az adott vizsgára
tudok készülni?

Dehogyis. A különböző vizsgákon az íráskészség feladatok minimális dolgokban
térnek csak el:
- az írásod elvárt hosszában (tartsd be, többet se írj, kevesebbet se írj!)
- és esetlegesen 1-2 vizsgánál például már el van kezdve a levél, meg van írva az
első sor vagy ilyenek. Nyilván nem vagy vak, ezeket tudatosítsd magadban, hogy
„oké, itt minimálisan el kell térnem attól, amit tanultunk, mert ezen a vizsgán az
eleje már meg van írva”. 😊
- de ez semmit nem változtat azon, hogy a leveled testét, jól megtömve a fix
kötőkifejezéseiddel, kötőelemekkel, fix magas szintű nyelvtani elemekkel és fix
szófordulatokkal ugyanúgy kell megírnod bármelyik vizsgára is mész.

ORIGO stílusú fogalmazásos feladatok

Fejtsd ki a véleményedet az állításokról!
Terjedelmi elvárás: 12 sor minden esetben. (itt lent ez 8 külön feladat)

1. It is better to have a brother or a sister than to be a singe child.

2. Electric cars are the cars of the future.
3. Education at school should be more practical and teach students things that they
will need in life.
4. Smart phones have only bad effects on young children.
5. Pets can be your best friend in life.
6. Working from your home is always better than to go and work in an office.
7. Most people don’t do anything to keep fit.
8. It is important to spend holidays with your beloved ones.

BME stílusú fogalmazási feladatok
Jellemző terjedelmi elvárás: 120-140 szó vagy 170-200 szó.

1. You have just seen a documentary about horror films and decide to write to
your English friend, who is a keen cinemagoer. Write a 170-200-word e-mail

- your attitude to horror films;

- what makes a good horror movie;
- the biggest changes in making horror movies;
- why horror movies seem to be more popular than ever.

2. Surfing the Net you have stumbled upon a forum where a heated debate
about good manners is going on.

You would like to give your opinion, too.

In a post share your ideas in about 170-200 words writing about

- whether you think it is a problem at all;

- the reasons for the changes;
- something you find particularly annoying;
- the difference between different age groups.

3. Your English friend doesn’t know what career to choose and asks for your
advice. Write an e-mail of 170-200 words to him / her. Include the following

- whether you find it easy or difficult to choose;

- the importance of money and job satisfaction;
- how to choose the most suitable university / college;
- who to turn to for more advice and why.

4. You are a regular reader of a problem page on the Internet. The main topic
this week is about the importance of tests and exams. In a post give your
opinion in about 170-200 words writing about

- pressure;
- motivation;
- the sense of achievement;
- a pleasant personal experience.

5. Browsing the Internet you have found an English forum where several
students are sharing their opinions about summer jobs.

You want to take part in the discussion, too.

In a post give your opinion in about 120-140 words writing about

- the importance if summer jobs;

- the summer job you did last summer;
- the conditions and money matters;
- what you used the money for.

6. Surfing the Net you have stumbled across a problem page where a young
boy of 12 asks for help as he is being bullied.

Give him advice in about 120-140 words including

- whether you have ever been bullied;

- what you would do;
- who he can / should turn to;
- whether going to another school might be a solution.

7. You have recently become a reader of the "Funny Moments" page on the
Internet. This week many of the readers are writing about embarrassing but
funny experiences they have had.

You have decided to share one of your experiences with them.

In a post of 120-140 words write about

- when and where it happened;

- what happened exactly;
- how you felt and react;
- if you learned anything from it.

8. Your English friend’s father was taken to hospital three days ago. Your friend
feels depressed and worried, so you decided to drop him / her a few lines.

Write an e-mail of 120-140 words in which you

- express sympathy
- try to comfort him / her
- mention a personal experience of this kind
- offer your help


1. Write an email of 160-200 words to your friend. Write a text including the given

You are planning to have a gap year before going to university.

- Why did you decide to do so?
- What do you expect from it?
- What difficulties you are likely to have?

2. Write an email of 160-200 words to your friend. Write a text including the given

You have seen your best friend’s girlfriend / boyfriend kissing with someone. You
are not sure what to do and you feel you need advice.
- Why do you feel embarrassed?
- Do we have the right to interfere in other people’s relationships?
- What would you expect your friend to do if it happened to you?

3. Write an email of 160-200 words to your friend. Write a text including the given

Your friend’s parents are getting divorced and he / she was asked to choose who he
/ she wants to live with. Your friend turned to you for advice.
- What factors do you think he / should consider?
- How do you think he / she should tell them about his / her decision?
- Who would you choose in a situation like this and why?

4. Write an email of 160-200 words to your friend. Write a text including the given

Your friend has recently become very interested in the paranormal, especially UFOs.
- What he / she should be careful with?
- Why do / don’t you believe in UFOs?
- Have you ever experienced something that can’t be explained?

5. You have read a blog. Write a comment in 160-200 words including the given

- Why is / isn’t it important to use modern technology in schools?

- Your attitude to online-studying.
- The reliability of and problems with webpages.

6. You have read a blog. Write a comment in 160-200 words including the given

- What are the advantages of doing sports competitively?

- What are the disadvantages of doing sports competitively?
- The role of sports in forming personality.

7. You have read a blog. Write a comment in 160-200 words including the given

- The problem of teenage hooliganism.

- Whether stricter punishments would reduce the amount of crime?
- Whether this problem should be dealt with in schools? Why / why not?

8. You have read a blog. Write a comment in 160-200 words including the given

- What friendship means to you?

- The biggest disappointment in connection with friends and friendship.
- What isn’t fair to expect from a friend?

Terjedelmi elvárás: 140-190 szó

#01 Television and media have changed the way people look at themselves and at
the world. How do you think TV and media have changed us?
In your essay write about…
- the effects on personal relationships
- the amount of information we have on the world
- (your idea)

#02 Children’s upbrining has changed a lot over the past centuries.
In what aspects do you see the biggest changes?
In your essay write about…
- the typical parent-child relationship
- disciplining methods of the past and the present
- (your idea)

#03 Many universities now offer e-courses in the world.

What do you think about going to an e-university?
In your essay write about…
- the advantages and disadvantages of this method
- the efficiency of such trainings
- (your idea)

#04 An increasing number of people go to the gym these days. Why do you think
this is happening?
In your essay write about…
- the possible reasons for this trend
- advantages of doing exercise on a regular basis
- (your idea)


Az írásos feladatok után

a fordításon még mindig nyerésre állsz.

A letöltött csomagodban:
Online itt éred el:
Vagy olvasd le telefonnal a QR kódot:


Már a feladat nevében is benne van: közvetítés. A legnagyobb hiba, amit csak elkövethetsz a
fordítás során, ha ragaszkodsz az eredeti szöveghez akár szerkezetileg, akár szókincsében. Úgy
kell megírnod a magyar szöveget, hogy ne érezze rajta senki, hogy ez egy fordítás. A magyar
szövegednek MAGYARUL kell szólnia, mintha egy magyar újságban közölnék le. A címet mindig
a végén fordítsd le és nem baj itt sem, ha eltérsz az eredetitől.

A következő fordítás bár helyesnek tűnik, nem jó fordítás.

The hospital staff removed a 7-inch-long object from the man, who was injured in the accident. It
was made of steel.
A kórházi személyzet egy 7-inch hosszú tárgyat távolított el a férfiből, aki a balesetben sérült meg.
Acélból készült.
→ Mik a hibák?
- A magyarban teljesen bénán hangzik a kórházi személyzet kifejezés. Legyen helyette:
- Az inch nem magyar mértékegység. A legtöbben el sem tudják képzelni mennyi az a hét inch.
Gondolj csak bele milyen idegesítő azt hallani a természetfilmben, hogy a cápa már 800
yardról megérzi a vér szagát, vagy hogy az épület 1100 láb magas. Semmitmondó, rossz, nem
magyar. A mértékegységeket mindig váltsd át, nem kell matekolni, csak úgy nagyjából. Egy
inch 2,54 cm, legyen 2,5. Akkor ez a 7 inch legyen 17,5 cm és nyugodtan kerekítsd mondjuk
18 cm-re.
- Nyugodtan tegyél bele szavakat, amik magyarul jól hangzanak, de az angolban nincs benne:
pl. ne a férfiből, hanem a férfi testéből
- variáld meg a tagmondatok sorrendjét úgy, ahogy az a magyarban jól hangzik. Akár vonj is
össze mondatokat! Nyugodtan! Miért, ki tiltja meg? Ha így jobb magyarul, akkor legyen így!
És az eredmény?
A kórházban az orvosok eltávolítottak a balesetben megsérült férfi testéből egy kb. 18 centiméter
hosszú acéltárgyat.

Azért ugye ez jobb így?

Tipikus angolszász újságírói szokás, hogy feltüntetik a történet szereplőjének korát és lakhelyét.
James Hughlow (43) from Brookside, Alabama said....
Az alabamai Brookside-ban élő 43 éves James Hughlow azt nyilatkozta, hogy...

Tipikus probléma a szervezet és intézmény nevek fordítása. Erre a következőket tudom
- ha az intézmény nevének bizonyos részei lefordíthatók, mert önálló jelentéssel bírnak,
fordítsd le őket. Azokat a részeket, amelyek pl. tulajdonnevek, nehogy lefordítsd!
pl. South-Carolina Georgetown Hospital –> a Dél-Karolinai Georgetown Kórház
Azért a Dél-Karolinai Györgyváros Kórház mégis elég bénán hangzik. De az is, ha az egészet
angolul hagyod.
- ha a szervezet vagy intézmény neve olyan fordulatokat tartalmaz, amely magyarul
egyszerűen bénán hangzik, esetleg feleslegesen túl részletesnek hat, akkor inkább arra
törekedj, hogy a szervezet célját, lényegét fogalmazd meg, ne pedig lefordíts a nevét!
Emlékezz rá, úgy kell kinéznie a szövegnek, mintha egy magyar újságban közölnék le,
Magyarországon a kutyát nem érdekli az amerikai szervezet pontos neve!
the Counsel and Care Supportive Organisation for Disabled Veterans
egy, az amerikai veterán katonákat támogató szervezet

the Organisation for the Peaceful High-Seas Life of Whales

a bálnavédő szervezet

- konkrét cégneveket soha ne fordítsd le! Ezek tulajdonnevek!

- Nem vicc, van ám, hogy megtörténik a kevésbé ismert cégnevek fordítása, ne tedd!
Microsoft → Picipuha?
GO! English Courses → Hajrá! Nyelvtanfolyamok? ☺
Blackberry Ltd. → Szeder kft.?

He said… He told reporters… He explained… → azt nyilatkozta, hogy…

azt mondta, hogy

Mr Bush said.’This will not be repeated’

Tipikus hibás megoldás:
Bush úr mondta, „Ez nem fog megismétlődni”.
Egy csomóan kihagyják az azt szót, pedig magyarul igencsak kell oda. Az urazást meg el kell
Bush azt nyilatkozta, hogy „ez nem fog megismétlődni”.
A He explained… kifejezést ne fordítsd úgy, hogy magyarázta!

Mértékegységek (kerekítve!)
Mile → mérföld → 1,6 kilométer
Yard → 0,9 méter
Foot → 30 centi
Inch → 2,5 centi
Pound → 0,5 kiló
Stone → 6 kiló

A 250 font súlyú nő alig tudott lefutni 80 yardot, így ő és az 5 láb 6 inch magas 30 köves férje komoly
fogyókúrának néz elébe. → ugye nem fogsz ilyet írni?
A 125 kilós nő alig bírt lefutni 70 métert és így ő és a 175 centiméter magas, de 180 kilos férje komoly
fogyókúrának néz elébe.

A fordítás megkezdése előtt olvasd végig az egész szöveget, mire végigérsz rajta, már egy csomó
szót érteni fogsz, amit az elején még ki akartál szótárazni. Címet akkor adj a fordításnak, ha elkészült
a magyar változat, de ne felejtsd el leírni is a címet, különben súlyos mínuszok járnak érte! Ha szóvicc
van a címben, és esetleg nem tudod visszaadni jól magyarul, ne görcsölj rajta. Írj olyan címet, ami a
tartalom alapján megfelelhet.

És végül a szótárhasználat!
középfokon semmiképpen nem. Ezer meg ezer oka van, hogy miért nem, de messziről ordít egy-egy
szövegről (a levélírásban meg pláne), hogy nem modern, nyomtatott szótárból dolgozott az illető.
Ezen kívül a vizsgán is csak nyomtatottat használhatsz és ha hiányzik a szótárhasználati rutin, az
bizony nagy gond lehet.
A nyomtatott szótárban nézd át a szó összes jelentését, ha a leggyakoribb jelentése nem illik a
szövegbe. Jó nyomtatott középszótárakat tudsz vásárolni nálunk a GO! Ügyfélszolgálat segítségével
(már amennyiben éppen a nyomdák és nagykerek tartanak, érdekes módon hiánycikk mostanában),
jóval a bolti árak alatt. Az xy szupermarket 1500 Forintos szótára sajnos nem jó a nyomtatottak között

Ha leírsz valamit és úgy érzed, hogy az magyarul értelmetlen, hülyeség, akkor az BIZTOS, HOGY
ROSSZ! Írd át, fogalmazd át, tippelj, rizsázz vagy akár hagyd ki azt a rázós részt (ne feledd: közvetítés!).



Donald Duck rocks Germany

Germany, the land of Goethe, Thomas Mann and Beethoven has an unlikely new hero.
Comics featuring Donald Duck are available at almost all German newsstands and the
national weekly ’Micky Maus’ sells an average of 250,000 copies, outselling even
’Superman’. Nowadays the audience is mostly made up of adults.

‘Donald is so popular as everyone can identify with him. He has strengths and weaknesses
and despite the fact that he lacks clear speech, he is cultured and
well-read.’ says Christian Pfeiler, president of German D.O.N.A.L.D. Association (German
Organisation for Non-commercial Followers of Pure Donaldism).

Much of the appeal of the German Donald lies in the German translations. Unlike the short
sentences in the American version, the German Donald speaks in grammatically correct
sentences and the stories often take a political tone.

Donald Duck didn’t always find Germany so hospitable. After World War II, the Germans
banned and burnt many American comics being afraid that students reading them would
not be able to express themselves in complete sentences.

(Original article in International Herald Tribune. Excerpt.)


Great Amazon Burn-Off Worsens

In Porto Velho in Western Brazil, thick clouds of black smoke have forced airports and
schools to shut down. In southern Para state near the Amazon frontier, people gasping for
air have collapsed and ended up in hospitals. In the city of Manaus, the sun has disappeared
for days at a time.

Twenty years after the goal of rescuing the Amazon rainforests first captured world attention,
deforestation and the burning of vast territories are again climbing.

Despite the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to save the rain forest,
burnings in the Amazon region are up 28 per cent over last year, according to satellite data.

‘The money spent seems to be worthless. Deforestation has done nothing but increase.’ said
Stephen Schwarzmann of the Environmental Defense Fund, a nonprofit group based in

A report recently published by the Fund says the trend may have ‘potentially enormous
global consequences.’


Tennis for Two paved the road

for Playstation era

Before the era of electronic ping pong, hungry yellow dots, plumbers, mushrooms, and fire-
flowers, people waited in line to play video games at roller-skating rinks, arcades, and other
hangouts. Fifty years ago, before either arcades or home video games, visitors waited in line
at Brookhaven National Laboratory to play “Tennis for Two,” an electronic tennis game that
is unquestionably a forerunner of the modern video game.

In 1982, Creative Computing magazine picked up on the idea that Tennis for Two might be
the first video game ever and it published a story on the game in that year’s October issue.
It credited Higinbotham as the inventor of the video game — until they heard from someone
who could document an earlier game. The same story was reprinted in the Spring 1983 issue
of Video and Arcade Games, a sister magazine to Creative Computing.

In 1958, when Tennis for Two was first introduced, the oscilloscope display was only five
inches in diameter. In 1959, the game was improved. A larger screen between 10 and 17
inches in diameter was used and players could select variations of tennis on the moon, with
low gravity, or on Jupiter, with high gravity.

Higinbotham, who died in 1994, wished to be known for his work on radar displays and his
efforts to slow the nuclear arms race. Little did he know that Tennis for Two, the game he
had created for Brookhaven Lab’s open house in 1958 to entertain visitors and convey the
relevance of scientific endeavors for society, would lead to Pong, Pac-Man, Mario, new video
game systems and new video games, magazines, and Congressional debates. He might
have guessed that it would lead to fun.


Travel to Mars at hand

For years, people have speculated about, written about and made movies about traveling to
Mars. Those dreams of landing a human being on the planet may become a reality sooner
than we think.

Although no official deadline for achieving human travel to Mars has been set, a mission to
our closest neighbor—136 million to 150 million miles from Earth—is imminent, according to
some scientists.

"Let's burn it into our brains that in our lifetimes, we will extend the reach of these human
species onto other planets and onto other bodies in our solar system," said Daniel Golden,
director of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

While many scientists say a mission to Mars is technologically possible today, there are
many questions of whether it is practical, economic, or safe to undertake such a mission.

Currently, the only means of extended space travel is by chemically propelled rockets, similar
to those used today. Using such rockets, it would take about six months to fly to Mars, and
the amount of fuel needed just to get there would be so large that the fuel would make up a
huge part of the spacecraft's volume. Moreover, there would not be enough fuel for the
spacecraft to turn around and come back to Earth if the mission needed to be aborted.

In the view of some scientists, it is just a matter of some time when a spacecraft capable of
carrying people to Mars will be developed. Robert Zubrin, president of Pioneer Astronautics
and The Mars Society, told National Geographic Today, "We are much closer today to
sending people to Mars than we were to sending people to the moon in 1961."

(source: Human Travel to Mars May Happen Sooner Than Expected, Scientists Say by Betsy Querna
National Geographic Today May 15, 2001)


Prehistoric man's cave found in southwest China

A group of construction workers have accidentally stumbled upon a prehistoric man's cave
underneath a Buddhist temple in southwest China's Guizhou Province, archaeologists said here

The stone structure, containing hundreds of mammal fossils and stone implements, was
between 10,000 and 40,000 years old and presumably dated back either to the end of the Old
Stone Age or the start of New Stone Age, said Cai Huiyang, a top archaeologist with the
Guizhou Provincial Museum.

"We hired the workers to relocate one of the Buddha statues at a donors's suggestion last
month," said Sheng Guo (48), abbot of Simingdong Temple in Xiuwen County, in the northern
suburbs of the provincial capital Guiyang.

After they removed the statue, the workers found a hole about the size of a rice bowl, and
caught a snake about 3 inches thick, he said. "When they dug deeper, they found the stone
cave and the fossils."

After two weeks of research at the site, Cai and his colleagues concluded it was a prehistoric
residence of human beings, similar to that of the Peking Man found in Beijing early last century.

Before this major discovery, Cai said archaeologists had found pieces of similar animal
fossils and stone implements near the temple.

"We're conducting research to see whether the cave should be excavated further in search of
human skeletons and other relics."

Guizhou is home to a number of heritage sites, including a prehistoric man's cave in Panxian
County that contains fossils of mammals, birds, fishes and a human tooth.



Housing problems grow further

In most of Europe, the most basic problem is a shortage of adequate housing. This statement
may seem strange, because most European countries have a crude surplus of houses over
households. The apparent surplus includes, however, large numbers of properties which are
unfit to live in. When these are excluded, the result is a net shortage. This does not take
account of other reasons for shortage - like second homes, housing in the wrong place or
the need for a vacancy surplus so that people can move house.

The effect of having too little housing is that some people are left out. Because housing
operates in a market, the people who are most likely to be left out will be those who have
least resources. They cannot obtain accommodation, or have to live in unfit accommodation.
The shortage also leads to increasing prices, creating problems in the supply of affordable
housing. The economic downturn may lower the price but will certainly increase the number
of those unable to have any housing.

“The current economic crisis hits the whole world hard but it hits those with mortgages the
most.” says Brian O’Connel housing expert of Live and Let Live Housing Organisation.
“Many have lost their houses as well along with losing their jobs. It’s a problem we’ll have to
handle somehow. We can’t just go on saying it’s all their and the circumstances’ fault”.


Plastic surgery still on the rise

The history of plastic surgery began more than 4,000 years ago. Although reconstructive
surgery was used in India in 800 BC, the history of plastic surgery moved very slowly for
thousands of years, especially in European medicine.

In the late 19th century the American medical community embraced reconstructive surgery
and the history of plastic surgery in the United States began. The first major American
surgeon to make his mark in the history of plastic surgery was Dr. John Peter Mettauer, who
performed the first cleft palate operation in the North American history of plastic surgery in
1827 with instruments he designed himself.

The modern, and more well-known, history of plastic surgery begins in the 1960s and 70s.
Plastic surgeons were contributing to the history of plastic surgery in a number of areas,
including a Surgeon General, and a Nobel Prize winner. The past few decades in the history
of plastic surgery have brought enormous advances in treatment and awareness among the
public. As the history of plastic surgery continues to be written, the ways to improve form
and function will continue to expand, still its development has also produced some rather
shocking social side-effects.

Nowadays people seem to be obsessed with their looks. They long to be perfect in an
unnatural way more than ever. Their obsession, however, often takes a heavy toll. Quite
recently a scandallous case has been revealed in which a woman of 53 sought to save
money by performing plastic surgery on herself injecting silicone in her lips and some other
parts of her face. She is now facing a series of costly operations to reconstruct her heavily-
damaged face.

Not even such cases deter people from resorting to cosmetic surgery. Human vanity seems
to outdo our rational fears.

(Source:, last two paragraphs added)


Mankind’s on the highway to hell

What’s the biggest environmental problem? We are. And here’s the tricky part of our crime.
We are the culprits and the victims in one.

Considering mankind as the victims of Global Warming, animals must also be considered.
Many animals may become endangered or extinct because of the climate changes that are
happening rapidly. Animals will find their homes disappearing when trees are cut down or
dead because of drought. Drowning might also be a consequence when animals are
overtaken by water when rivers and streams rise. This will force people and animals together
even more in an overpopulated world.

As John Blairfell, president of the activist group For The Nature With The Nature recently
stated ’That’s something we as a race are not able to grasp until our hide is really at stake.
Now people say, wow, one degree up, the world’s still not that hot, that’s okay, I won’t change
my wasting life-style a bit. The problem is soon they’ll experience first-hand the

Global Warming does not only have an environmental effect, it also has effects on other
things such as inflation. Due to crops being destroyed, prices will rise, and in some areas it
could mean prices rising so high that only few would be wealthy enough to buy food. Global
Warming also has an effect on the world’s economy and it could mean costs that mankind
could never dream of. Action must be taken now before it is too late. Some say it already is.

A recent study has revealed that less than 15 per cent of people decide to go green. Being
environmentally conscious is still often laughed at.


More reserch is required

becuase we can’t right

A study concerned with how educated today’s youngsters are published last month revealed
what many had already been whispering about: today’s young generation of America has
spelling that sometimes leaves so much to be desired that it practically renders them

Spelling and reading have never been easy in English they say but it just cannot be as
difficult as the current trends suggest. A national survey conducted by US Educational
Assessment Office has taken even the most pessimistic experts by surprise. 18 per cent of
the students surveyed had massive difficulty writing, while another 31 per cent produced
major mistakes in writing. A mere 14 per cent were able to pull off the spelling test without
any mistakes.

What’s to blame? Spell-check? Neglectful parents? Too much TV? Probably a combination
of all these and further reasons but some simply say it’s education malpractice. The methods
used at US elementary schools have long been criticised but the faulty methods continue to
be used as it’s big business. Each year publishing companies compete for selling millions of
workbooks to schools. A workbook that goes against the traditional, but faulty, practice
would not see much success on this market.

According to current estimates, the number of functionally illiterate adults in the US is

increasing by approximately two and one quarter million persons each year. This number
includes nearly 1 million young people who drop out of school before graduation, 400,000
legal immigrants, 100,000 refugees, and 800,000 illegal immigrants, and 20 % of all high
school graduates. Eighty-four percent of the 32,000 people who took an exam for entry-
level jobs at state-owned enterprises in 2008, failed.

SET 10
Angol-magyar fordítás
Rövid cikk (pl. ORIGO nyelvvizsgán ilyet kell fordíts)

The biggest spider

The world’s largest spider is the Goliath spider. It is also known as the Goliath bird
spider and is considered to be the largest spider on the planet when looking at the
total body mass. Despite the name, it only rarely preys on birds.

The eight-legged monster can reach a weight of more than 150 grams and has a
poison hook of about 1 inch – long enough to penetrate the human skin. Although
it is the world’s largest spider, its bite is not mortal to humans. Their venomous bite
is likened to a wasp sting, at worst you'll suffer some pain and swelling. However,
they usually deliver a dry bite, one with no venom.

Interestingly enough, when threatened, Goliath spiders rub their legs together to
make an intense hissing that sounds like a rattlesnake. The sound is meant to
scare potential threats, so the spider doesn't have to fight for its life.

SET 11
Angol-magyar fordítás
Rövid cikk (pl. ORIGO nyelvvizsgán ilyet kell fordíts)

The Winner Takes It All

Like plants in the rainforest, humans often compete for the same resources.
Politicians compete for the same votes, authors compete for the same spot at the
top of the best-seller list, and athletes compete for the same gold medal. The
difference between these options can be razor thin, but the winners enjoy massively
outsized rewards.

Imagine two women swimming in the Olympics. One of them might be 1/100th of a
second faster than the other, but she gets all of the gold medal. Ten companies might
pitch a potential client, but only one of them will win the project. You only need to be
a little bit better than the competition to secure all of the reward. Or, perhaps you are
applying for a new job. Two hundred candidates might compete for the same role but
being just slightly better than other candidates earns you the entire position. It’s
hardly justice, is it?

SET 12
Angol-magyar fordítás
Rövid cikk (pl. ORIGO nyelvvizsgán ilyet kell fordíts)

Ban on Animated Characters

Jamie Oliver has removed a baking tutorial video from his YouTube channel that
featured a cartoon after stating that he believes animated characters shouldn’t be
used to promote unhealthy food. The chef recently gave evidence to politicians
about the effect that the use of cartoons to marketing unhealthy food can have on
childhood obesity.

He stated that although he is very fond of characters such as Tony the Tiger on
Frosties cereal boxes, cartoons and superhero-like figures shouldn’t be used to
“peddle rubbish”. Oliver believes that cartoon characters should be utilised to
encourage children to eat healthier alternatives to sugar-heavy cereals, such as
porridge oats.

Some politicians concluded that the government must make stronger efforts to ban
cartoon characters or TV and film characters from promoting products that are high
in fat, sugar and salt.

SET 13
Angol-magyar fordítás
Rövid cikk (pl. ORIGO nyelvvizsgán ilyet kell fordíts)

Fans or a tribe?

Fandom is the ultimate form of tribalism. Each sect worships their own deity, and if
music is to serve as religion or means to achieve some sort of purpose, it is the
concert hall where these various sects come to worship.

Aware of this, photographer James Mollison spent three years documenting the
appearances and behaviours of these 21st century disciples.

Mollison has an interesting theory: the more dedicated you are to a specific
musician or band, the more likely you are to dress like them when you see them in
concert. Regardless of their reasons for doing so (perhaps as a subconscious
attempt to establish intimacy or reduce the barrier between musician and music
lover), Mollison has travelled to concerts the world over in an attempt to understand
the bizarrely tribal elements.

Magyar-angol fordítások
Egy-két vizsgán még létezik magyarról angolra fordítás, közvetítés, de már nem
jellemző ez a feladat a vizsgákon.

A legfontosabb az ilyen feladatoknál, hogy közvetítesz, tehát nehogy szószerint

akarj feltétlenül mindent visszaadni.

A könyv készítésének pillanatában ez már kizárólag az Euroexam-en kötelező

elem a vizsgán, tehát éppenséggel ezt a feladattípust nem nagy kunszt elkerülni,
mert a vizsgák nagy részén nincs ilyen.

Viszont gyakorlásnak tökéletes, mert nincs nagy különbség ahhoz képest, mintha
a saját gondolataidat mondanád el egy levélírási feladatban. 😊

A trükk annyi, hogy soha ne használj olyan szerkezetet, amiben már bizonytalan
vagy. Ha egyszerűbben adod vissza ugyanazt az üzenetet, az jobb, mintha
megpróbálnád bonyolultabban, de elrontod. Ugyanis az üzenet átadása a lényeg.

Magyar-angol fordítás
Set 01

Your friend has asked you to translate his e-mail into English.

Tisztelt Hölgyem / Uram!

Július 6 és 12-e közötti időpontra foglaltam szállodájukban szobát még március 7-

én. Online rendszerükön keresztül történt a foglalás és a tranzakció
azonosítószáma AG4100PG255. A szobafoglaláshoz Mastercard kártyámat
használtam, amelynek utolsó négy számjegye 5891.
Rajtam kívül álló okokból sajnos nem tudunk Velencébe utazni nyaralásra és le kell
mondjam foglalásunkat. Szállodájuk szabályzata értelmében a teljes összegre
jogosult vagyok, tekintettel arra, hogy a foglalást 14 nappal az érkezés előtt
Kérem, levelem kézhezvételét követően utalják vissza az előleget bankkártyámra.
Szíves elnézésüket kérem az esetlegesen okozott kellemetlenségekért.

Nagy Bálint

Magyar-angol fordítás
Set 02

Your uncle has asked to you to translate his e-mail into English.

Tisztelt Hölgyem / Uram!

Azért írok, mert még mindig nem kaptam meg a 150 dolláros visszatérítést, amelyre
ügyfélszolgálatuk ígéretet tett.
Két héttel ezelőtt vásároltam egy BJ4-es okostelefont web áruházukból, ám a termék
hibásnak bizonyult és az applikációk többsége nem működött megfelelően.
Azonnal hívtam ügyfélszolgálatukat hogy cserét kérjek.
Tekintettel arra, hogy nem volt a termékből raktáron, megegyeztünk, hogy a teljes
visszatérítés mindenki számára elfogadtató megoldás lesz. Habár biztosítottak róla,
hogy a szóban forgó összeg legkésőbb öt munkanapon belül a számlámon lesz,
még mindig nem kaptam meg.
Arra szeretném kérni, hogy gyorsan intézkedjen ebben az ügyben és az említett
összeget utalják számlámra, amilyen gyorsan csak lehetséges.
Segítségét előre is köszönöm.

Molnár Péter

Magyar-angol fordítás
Set 03

A colleague of yours has asked you to translate her e-mail into English.

Kedves Andrew!

Szeretném megköszönni azt a felbecsülhetetlen értékű segítséget, amelyet

unokatestvérem álláskeresésével kapcsolatban adtál nekünk. Az információ és a
Tőled kapott tanácsok, különös tekintettel a cégek elérhetőségi listájára,
hihetetlenül hasznosnak és óriási segítségnek bizonyultak. Örömmel tájékoztatlak,
hogy Zoltán elfogadott egy új állást a Forthdale Kft-nél.
Amikor a szóban forgó cég felhívta állásinterjúra való időpontegyeztetés kapcsán,
külön kiemelték, hogy mennyire tetszett nekik a referencia levél, amelyet Te írtál
Még egyszer nagyon szépen köszönök mindent. Nagyon hálás vagyok


Magyar-angol fordítás
Set 04

A friend has asked you to translate her e-mail into English.

Tisztelt Hölgyem / Uram!

Londoni francia nyári iskolájukkal kapcsolatban írok Önöknek.

Elsőként szeretném megtudni, hol található az iskola és hogyan közelíthető meg a
legközelebbi metrómegállótól. Azt is szeretném megkérdezni, hogy milyen nagyok
az osztályok és milyen egyéb lehetőségeket biztosítanak.
Másodsorban, megnéztem weboldalukat, de nem találtam részletes tájékoztatást az
időpontokról és az árakról az intenzív francia tanfolyamokat illetően. Lennének
kedvesek egy listát küldeni a különböző lehetőségekről?
Végezetül, a testvérem szeretne meglátogatni ott tartózkodásom alatt és
szeretnénk egy helyen lenni. Megoldható ez? Amennyiben igen, szükséges bármit
is tennem ezzel kapcsolatban?
Várom válaszukat.

Anna Sebő


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Melyik feladatot végezd el először?
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A feleletválasztós feladatokon
nem feltétlen fogsz nyerni.
Viszont megtanítalak drasztikusan növelni
az esélyedet.
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A feleletválasztós feladat a legtöbb angolos számára a vizsga legnehezebb része,
mivel a legtöbb vizsgán ehhez szótár nem használható és emellett a kérdések
legnagyobb része szigorúan nyelvtani jellegű kérdés.

Nagyon fontos, hogy megszokd, hogy nem baj, ha nem érted a szöveg bizonyos
részeit. A fontos számodra csak és kizárólag a kipontozott rész kitalálása! Ehhez
mindig vizsgáld meg a „lyuk” környékét (rossz az, aki rosszra gondol! ☺ ).

Fontos, hogy mi van a lyuk előtt és mi van utána, hiszen a legtöbbször különféle
vonzatokra kérdeznek rá a tesztírók. Nézd meg a következő mondatot:

The various religious organisations that have hitherto campaigned against the
introduction of the method now want ............ see a complete ban at the soonest

1. A. for B. by C. to

A fenti mondatban valószínűleg a szavak nagy részét nem ismered. De ez nem

szabad, hogy megakadályozzon abban, hogy tudd, hogy a want igének a to a
vonzata. Ne akadj ki azon, hogy nem érted a szöveget! Csak a lyuk és az odaillő
kifejezés számít! Sokszor persze fontos a szöveg értelme is, de a kérdések nagy
részénél teljesen lényegtelen, hogy mit jelent a szöveg!

Az igeidők és különféle szerkezetek ismerete nagyon fontos a feleletválasztós

teszthez. Az igeidők leírásával ebben a könyvben nem találkozhatsz (de a GO!
főtanfolyam segít), viszont a következő oldalakon összefoglalva megtalálod a
legfontosabb és a középfokú nyelvvizsga tesztekben leggyakrabban szereplő
nyelvtani szerkezeteket. Nincs mese, ezeket BE KELL MAGOLNOD! Hajrá! ☺
És még egy fontos dolog: NEM a feleletválasztós teszten kell megnyerni a vizsgát.
Arra ott van a levélírás. De arra figyelned kell, hogy nagyon nagyot azért ne bukj itt


ige + sy + to + do

advise sy to do sg tanácsolni valakinek, hogy megtegyen valamit

allow sy to do sg megengedni valakinek, hogy megtegyen valamit
ask sy to do sg megkérni valakit, hogy megtegyen valamit
beg sy to do sg könyörögni valakinek, hogy megtegyen valamit
convince sy to do sg meggyőzni valakit, hogy megtegyen valamit
enable sy to do sg lehetővé tenni, hogy valaki megtegyen valamit
encourage sy to do sg bátorítani valakit, hogy megtegyen valamit
expect sy to do sg elvárni valakitől, hogy megtegyen valamit
forbid sy to do sg megtiltani valakinek, hogy megtegyen valamit
help sy (to) do sg segíteni valakinek, hogy megtegyen valamit
permit sy to do sg megengedni valakinek, hogy megtegyen valamit
recommend sy to do sg tanácsolni valakinek. hogy megtegyen valamit
remind sy to do sg emlékeztetni valakit, hogy megtegyen valamit
teach sy to do sg megtanítani valakit valamit csinálni
tell sy to do sg megmondani valakinek, hogy tegyen meg valamit
want sy to do sg azt akarom, hogy valaki megtegyen valamit
warn sy to do sg figyelmeztetni valakit, hogy megtegyen valamit
would like sy to do sg szeretném, hogy valaki megtegyen valamit

ige + to + do
(can) afford to do megengedheti magának, hogy megtegyen valamit
agree to do beleegyezik, hogy megtegyen valamit
arrange to do elintézi, hogy megtehesen valamit (arrange to meet)
attempt to do megkísérel megtenni valamit
decide to do eldönti, hogy megtesz valamit
deserve to do megérdemli, hogy megtegyen valamit
fail to do nem sikerül megtennie valamit
forget to do elfelejt megtenni valamit
hope to do reméli, hogy megtehet majd valamit
learn to do megtanul csinálni valamit
manage to do sikerül valamit megcsinálni
offer to do felajánlja, hogy megtesz valamit
plan to do tervezi, hogy megtesz valamit
pretend to do úgy tesz, mintha csinálna valamit
promise to do megígéri, hogy megtesz valamit
refuse to do visszautasítja, hogy megtegyen valamit
tend to do hajlamos arra, hogy csináljon valamit (szokott)
threaten to do fenyegetőzik vele, hogy megtesz valamit
try to do megpróbál megtenni valamit
want to do meg akar tenni valamit
would like to do szeretne megtenni valamit

be likely to = valószínűleg
He is likely to win. = Valószínűleg nyerni fog.

ige + doing

avoid doing elkerüli, hogy csináljon valamit

consider doing fontolgatja, hogy megtegyen valamit
delay doing halogatja, hogy megtegyen valamit
deny doing tagadja, hogy csinált (csinál) valamit
finish doing befejez valamit
imagine (sy) doing elképzeli, hogy csinál valamit
involve (sy) doing azzal jár, hogy csinálni kell valamit
like doing szeret csinálni valamit
love doing nagyon szeret, imád csinálni valamit
postpone doing elhalasztja / halogatja, hogy valamit megcsináljon
practise doing gyakorolni valamit
risk doing kockáztatni valamit
stop doing abbahagyni valamit

To + ing

admit to doing sg beismerni, hogy csinált valamit

confess to doing sg bevallja, hogy csinált valamit

look forward to doing sg már alig várja, hogy csináljon valamit

Egyéb trükkösek

STOP DOING SG = abbahagy valamit

He stopped smoking. Abbahagyta a cigizést.

STOP TO DO SG = megáll, hogy csináljon valamit

He stopped to smoke. Megállt, hogy cigizzen egyet.

BE AFRAID TO DO SG = fél megtenni valamit

I’m afraid to climb up the ladder. Félek felmászni a létrára.

BE AFRAID OF DOING SG = fél, hogy megtörténik vele valami

I’m afraid of falling. Félek, hogy leesek.
(a leesést nem direkt csinálom, hanem történik velem, ezért már of + ing)


Have sg done
Get sg done

Get sy to do sg
Have sy do sg
Make sy do sg

Látni, hallani, nézni valakit, hogy csinál valamit

See sy doing sg
See sy do sg
Hear sy doing sg
Hear sy do sg
Watch sy doing sg
Watch sy do sg

Ilyenkor TO soha nincs!

I saw him come.

I saw him coming.
I saw him to come.

Harmadik alak előtt:

Have, had és a be alakjai (am, is, are, was, were, been, be, being)
és a műveltető get és have

Segédigék után szótári alak (SOHA NEM inges!)

should, can, could, may, might, will, shall, ought to, must stb.

ING-es alak:
1) vagy egy ing vonzatú ige után
2) vagy folyamatos igeidőben (am, is , are, was, were, be) után
3) vagy főnévi igenév (gerund) alakban → Swimming is healthy.

recommend sy to do sg
advise sy to do sg

suggest doing sg
Suggest that sy should do sg

had better (not) do sg = jobban tennéd, ha…

I would rather do sg = szívesebben csinálnék valamit

I would rather (not) stay at home.

I would rather sy did sg = Jobban szeretném, ha valaki csinálna valamit

I would rather you stayed at home.
I would rather you didn’t stay here.

Want sy to do sg
I want you to help me.

Would like sy to do sg
I would like you to help me.


Thank you for coming.
He is thinking about moving house.

Tipikus feltételes módok:

If + jelen; will / can + ige szótári alak
If + múlt; would / could + ige szótári alak
If + had + 3. alak; would have / could have + 3. alak

I wish = If only = De jó lenne, ha… (bárcsak…)
(az alábbi mondatokban az I wish bárhol cserélhető If only-ra)

Jelen időben 2 irány lehetséges:

Statikus igéknél múlt idő: Mozgalmas igéknél would + ige:

I wish I were taller. I wish they would come soon.

I wish I had a lot of money. I wish you would call me more often.
I wish you knew her. I wish you would do more sports.
I wish she didn’t live in Gödöllő. I wish it wouldn’t rain so much.

Múlt időnél már eltűnik ez a különbség:

I wish sy had done sg

I wish I had been taller in my childhood.

I wish I had had more money on me.
I wish I had known that.

I wish they had come earlier.

I wish you had called me yesterday.
I wish she hadn’t left me.

that vagy which vagy what?

Az alapszabály, amit magadtól is tudnod kell használni pl. a levélírásban is:

1. that előtt van főnév, amire a that visszautal

I have bought the car that I talked about.

Bring me the pen that is on the table.

2. what előtt soha nincs főnév, a what nem tud egy főnévre visszautalni!

I didn’t understand what you said.

Have you seen what I’ve drawn?

Nézd csak!
I didn’t understand the word that you said.
De: I didn’t understand what you said.

Magyarázat nélkül, de a teszthez tudnod kell:

- ha vessző után merül fel a tesztben valamelyik szó, akkor az tuti a which. That és what vessző
után nem szerepel (középfokon tuti nem). Vessző után which / who lehet! Ezt a gyakorlatban
nagyon nem kell tudnod használni, de ha érdekel, kérdezd tanárodat!

Pl. Microsoft, …….which……. has recently introduced several new products, is still the biggest IT company
in the world. → ide that és what a vessző miatt tuti nem jön!


After __________ (1) for almost a week, two 10-year-old boys from Longdale finally confessed
__________ (2) their parent’s house purple.

The boys undoubtedly made a silly mistake. Maybe a classmate advised them__________ (3) paint
the house purple for their parents as a birthday present, but now they wish they hadn’t __________ (4)

They even had their 2-year-old brother __________ (5) them. When the toddler saw his brothers
__________ (6) at night, his interest rose and wanted __________ (7) them.

’You had better __________ (8) on your children. If you allow them __________ (9) whatever they want,
then you will surely have a hard time with them. I will certainly make them __________ (10) in the corner
for this one. I would rather my kids just __________ (11) back to their story books instead of __________
(12) so mischievous.’

1. A. hesitate B. that they had C. hesitating


2. A. to paint B. to having painted C. painting

3. A. should B. to C. might have to

4. A. been done B. doing C. done

5. A. help B. to help C. helping

6. A. to get up B. to be getting up C. getting up

7. A. joining B. to join C. to joining

8. A. not let B. keep an eye C. be strict on

9. A. doing B. be going C. to do

10. A. to stand B. standing C. stand

11. A. to go B. went C. go

12. A. being B. be C. to be

’I’d rather your grandmother __________ (1) ’I do’ to me.’ – said my grandfather with a lot of irony in his
voice. With this sentence he seemed to admit __________ (2) getting married to grandma. My
grandfather was in general considered very wise, so his words must have had a reason. ’You know’ –
he went on – ’ I’d been a great womanizer all my life but my friends __________ (3) a wife. They begged
me __________ (4) any more women’s hearts. I just tried to postpone __________ (5) as much as I
could. Then I met your grandma. She was travelling with a circus and just stopped __________ (6) in
our little town. I went to see the show she was in and those eyes, those eyes __________ (7) in love
with her at once. I saw her __________ (8) to the changing rooms and I wrote her a short message. We
met the following day. I thought there was nothing wrong about __________ (9) a circus artist but I
was wrong. Some friends of mine suggested __________ (10) but I was just amazed by her beauty. I
tried to avoid __________ (11) in love, I just couldn’t. I __________ (12) what was coming. After
__________ (13), she toured the country with the circus, and cheated on me wherever she could. Of
course, she denied __________ (14), but I knew it. I __________ (15) an eye on her and he told me. But
she just refused __________ (16) divorced; she said she loved me.

1. A. not say B. hadn’t said C. didn’t say

2. A. to regretting B. regretting C. to regret

3. A. made me to look for B. had me looking for C. got me to look for

4. A. breaking B. not to break C. not to have broken

5. A. getting married B. to get married C. getting married to

6. A. to deliver a show B. delivering a show C. to delivering a show

7. A. made me fall B. got me fall C. were made to fall

8. A. went B. go C. to go

9. A. to date B. dating C. date

10. A. me to be careful B. me being careful C. I should be careful

11. A. to have fallen B. to fall C. falling

12. A. ought to have known B. should know C. had to know

13. A. getting married B. marrying C. having get married

14. A. to have done so B. having done so C. being

15. A. got the clown keeping B. had the clown keep C. made the clown to keep

16. A. to get B. getting C. to have got

SET 1 / 1

Last year when Christmas was approaching, I decided to do the Christmas shopping well ............(1) time.
............(2) I went to Victoria's Secret at a ............(3) mall. My job was to find items that a man could
purchase for his wife ............(4) dying of embarrassment. On my search, I discovered that there are two
kinds of men who shop for their wives in ............(5) place like Victoria's Secret. ............(6), there are the
experts. Guys like Todd. Todd not only was more ............(7) willing to go on camera and discuss ............(8)
he shops for his wife, he also gave a little tour of the store. I felt kind of foolish following ............(9)
through the bra section, as he excused himself in front of a mother and daughter and kind of nudged
them out of the way in order ............(10) show me the latest in seamless bodywear. Then there was poor
Jeff. Jeff was shopping with his ............(11) daughter, Olivia. He agreed to go on camera. But, when the
light went ............(12), Jeff lost all of his verbal skills. ............(13) highly-appreciated lingerie for your beloved
wife seems quite hard to ............(14). At least, men are not really able to complete the process without
feeling embarrassed. ............(15), I believe that women wouldn’t be able to buy the latest model of our
favourite car make either without feeling lost when looking at the technical details.

1. A. on B. in C. at

2. A. So B. While C. During

3. A. near B. nearby C. near to

4. A. by B. that C. without

5. A. such B. as C. a

6. A. Suddenly B. First C. After

7. A. like B. as C. than

8. A. the way B. how like C. what is like

9. A. it B. her C. him

10. A. to B. of C. that

11. A. 6-months-old B. 6-month-old C. 6 months old

12. A. up B. on C. in

13. A. To shopping B. You shopping C. Shopping

14. A. do B. buy C. pay

15. A. Although B. However C. Despite

SET 1 / 2

Flu season coming up

In winter, whenever I go out in the street, I find people ............(16) and coughing all the time. Winter is
the flu season. ............(17) an important job at the company, I am not really ............(18) to drop out ............(19)
work for too long, so I ............(20) have shots against the flu as early as October. The shots ............(21)
developed for each and every season as the virus ............(22). The cost of the vaccination is rather low
compared to the money I could lose if I ............(23) sick.

16. A. to sneeze B. sneeze C. sneezing

17. A. Have B. Having C. To have

18. A. allowed B. let C. permission

19. A. from B. --- C. of

20. A. should have B. had rather C. ought to

21. A. are B. have C. been

22. A. has always changed B. is always changed C. is always changing

23. A. had fallen B. fall C. fell

SET 1 / 3

Help Your Child Learn to Write Well

American children ............(24) be ready to learn from the first day of school. And of course, preparing
children for school is a historic responsibility of parents. ............(25) you help your child ............(26)
writing? Yes, if you want your child to do well in school, enjoy self-expression and become more self-
reliant. ............(27) will be important from first-grade through college and throughout adulthood. Study
............(28) study shows that students' writing lacks clarity, coherence, and organization. Only a few
students can write persuasive essays ............(29) competent business letters. As many ............(30) one
out of four have serious writing difficulties. And students say they like writing less and less as they
go through school.

24. A. has to B. must C. are

25. A. Should B. Do C. Want

26. A. in B. with C. to

27. A. It B. So C. They

28. A. and B. plus C. after

29. A. either B. neither C. or

30. A. as B. so C. that

SET 2 / 1

To Grandma's house we go

Making your home safe for your grandchildren is an ongoing project ............(1) changes with each stage
of his or her development. What works for a newborn isn't going ............(2) be enough for a crawling,
alert 8-month-old, and certainly not for ............(3) inquisitive toddlers. Daunting as it seems now, I can
assure you, it'll seem less ............(4) as you grow along with your grandchild. It's an effort that will ............(5)
you, your grandchildren and their parents feel relaxed and secure. Maintain an "emergency procedure"
that allows you ............(6) quickly contact your grandchild's doctor, hospital emergency room and
poison control center. Keep these phone numbers both by every phone in the house when your
grandchild is visiting ............(7) in your purse. One way that will help you see potential hazards to your
grandchildren ............(8) to get down on your hands and knees and see a room from their perspective.
Just imagine what you would do if you ............(9) your grandchild. Never underestimate your
grandchild's ability ............(10) climb, explore or move furniture to reach something high up. Follow the
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's Grandchild Safety Checklist to ensure your home will be
safe for your grandchild.

1. A. that B. what C. ---

2. A. to B. should C. must

3. A. an B. the C. ---

4. A. as B. that C. so

5. A. put B. turn C. make

6. A. a B. to C. for

7. A. and B. but C. or

8. A. is B. you C. that

9. A. had B. had had C. were

10. A. of B. to C. for

SET 2 / 2

The Internet Era

The Silicon Valley campus Tuesday released the results of a survey ............(11) 4,113 people that indicated
49 percent of those ............(12) responded spent 1-5 hours a week on the Internet, and that a quarter of
that group admitted ............(13) spending less time with friends and ............(14) ones. The respondents
............(15) said they spent more spare time at home ............(16) on their jobs. "We're moving from a world
in ............(17) you know all your neighbors, see all your friends, interact with lots of different people every
day, ............(18) a functional world where interaction takes place at a distance," Stanford political science
professor Norman Nie told the Washington Post. ............(19) the fact that the virtual world does us more
good than harm, we are ............(20) to end up wondering whether we really want this good or not.

11. A. of B. in C. that

12. A. people B. who C. which

13. A. to B. why C. that

14. A. loving B. loved C. lover

15. A. neither B. as well C. also

16. A. to work B. work C. working

17. A. that B. what C. which

18. A. to B. from C. about

19. A. In spite B. Despite C. Although

20. A. like B. going C. lively

SET 2 / 3

Children’s Diet

Looking at ............(21) diet of a group of preschool children in the Knoxville area, University of Tennessee
researchers found a disturbing trend: The most commonly eaten foods were fruit drinks, sodas, 2
............(22) cent milk and French fries.

„It's a ............(23) scary thing if they're having French fries as often as milk," said Dr. Jean Skinner,
professor of nutrition ............(24) the University of Tennesseee at Knoxville and lead author of the study,
............(25) was published in the December issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

The situation ............(26) as it is as people do not seem to realise the importance of diet. The US as a
society is neglecting ............(27) needs of its youngest generations. The problem that starts in preschool
............(28) later as elementary schools start the day off at the McDonald’s ............(29). Dietetists would
much rather they ............(30).

21. A. a B. --- C. the

22. A. per B. dollar C. pint

23. A. quite B. rather C. real

24. A. on B. at C. in

25. A. that B. which C. what

26. A. stay B. will be stayed C. is feared to stay

27. A. the B. every C. ---

28. A. continues to worsen B. goes on to improve C. keeps to bad

29. A. rarely B. regularly C. renting

30. A. wouldn’t B. hadn’t C. didn’t

SET 3 / 1

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. -- Sharon Stone ............(1) done it again. She opened her mouth and launched
herself into big trouble. ............(2), the actress who starred in "Casino," "The Muse," and the new
"Simpatico," is used to it. Stone does ............(3) most actresses in Hollywood wouldn't dare to do: she
tells the truth.

She tells the truth about show biz, about the press, about the alarming spread of AIDS (and she does
that in front of the U.N.). But most of all, she tells ............(4) truth about herself. ’ ............(5) honest and
open to yourself is key.’

............(6) Stone recently hit the big 40, she admitted it. "Yes, I'm ............(7) punished," she says. "I'm
standing in the corner right now. I have my nose in the corner ............(8) doing that bad thing. I did that
very bad thing. I turned 40. But that wasn't the bad thing. The bad thing was I told the truth. 'I'm 40.
How great is that?' Well, not too."

Stone says she can ............(9) spot the results of her indiscretion.

"I see other actresses ............(10) cast in parts I can't get seen for because I am too old because they're
not telling their age," she says.

1. A. is B. had C. has

2. A. Of course B. Although C. Despite this

3. A. that B. the thing what C. what

4. A. some B. a C. the

5. A. I am B. Being C. If you are

6. A. As B. By the time C. Just

7. A. being B. having C. so

8. A. because B. of C. for

9. A. already B. be C. see

10. A. to get B. got C. getting

SET 3 / 2

Losing employees

Q: I have an excellent employee who's showing definite signs of ............(11) In plain English, she seems
to be bored ............(12) her bookkeeping job and apparently taking interviews on her lunch hour. Now
that I've been tipped off by one of her co-workers, I'm in a dilemma. An assistant controller's job has
............(13) opened up, but this lady doesn't have all the qualifications. But I don't want to lose her. How
do I convince her ............(14) "hang in" with my firm for just a few more years? _ Helpless Boss, Biddeford,

A: What's wrong with you? Can't speak up? ............(15) you have to do to keep this "excellent" employee
is ask a simple question, "What are you looking for that you're not getting in your current position?"
Then sit down and listen carefully. Perhaps your bookkeeper would ............(16) to take a new job within
the company and pick up the necessary skills ............(17) she goes along. Discuss the job's pros and
cons for both the staff and your company, and encourage her ............(18) open with you. For you to
convince her to simply "hang in" is not enough. You ............(19) let her understand your wish to keep her
there. ............(20) her see she matters.

11. A. look B. looking C. to look

12. A. by B. with C. about

13. A. just B. been C. to

14. A. to B. for C. that she

15. A. All B. That C. -

16. A. be willing B. happily C. with pleasure

17. A. after B. as C. when

18. A. being B. to be C. be

19. A. had rather B. had better C. would rather

20. A. Get B. Take C. Make

SET 3 / 3

Paying off mortgage

What would you do if suddenly you ............(21) into a pile of money, enough to pay off your mortgage
and be rid ............(22) it once and for all. Would you do it? This is not as farfetched ............(23) it sounds.

Many middle-aged people have parents who will eventually leave behind ............(24) big sum that costs
shall never be a problem for them. The stock market has increased the wealth of families at almost
............(25) income levels. And in the last few years the number of millionaires in the United States has
doubled ............(26) 8 million.

Paying off the mortgage seems ............(27) a no-brainer at first glance. After all, you know that with a
30-year loan you are paying tens of thousands, in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars in
interest. You can avoid ............(28) all that money to the bank by paying off the mortgage early.

You also gain peace of mind. In some households, the fear of a setback ............(29) could lead to loss
of the house is always lurking. If you're ............(30) type who frets about such things, it probably makes
sense to pay off the mortgage as soon as you can.

21. A. were coming B. had come C. came

22. A. from B. of C. off

23. A. as B. than C. like

24. A. so B. such a C. a

25. A. every B. much C. all

26. A. by B. to C. for

27. A. that B. to C. like

28. A. to give B. giving C. having given

29. A. who B. what C. that

30. A. the B. a C. -

SET 4 / 1

Music and the Burger

The Backstreet Boys have signed ............(1) promotional deal with Burger King, ............(2) will include a CD
and video offer. The deal also calls for the Miami-based hamburger chain ............(3) sponsor the pop
group's return due in 2011.

BKC marketing executives say the exclusive CD and video tie-in will feature an advance single ............(4)
the group's upcoming album - scheduled to hit stores next October -- ............(5) well as five previously
recorded but never-before-released ............(6) songs.

............(7) addition, a video with new backstage footage ............(8) personal interviews with the Backstreet
Boys -- Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell, A.J. McLean and Kevin Richardson -- will be ............(9)
only at Burger King restaurants. We expect ............(10) to be sold.

1. A. the B. a C. some

2. A. however B. which C. that

3. A. for B. on C. to

4. A. on B. from C. in

5. A. more B. just C. as

6. A. living B. life C. live

7. A. On B. To C. In

8. A. also B. but C. and

9. A. selling B. sell C. sold

10. A. a lot of B. many C. much

SET 4 / 2


Dear Sir: I'm interviewing ............(11) a job that involves ............(12) a polygraph exam. What can and cannot
be asked during this type of interview, and is it acceptable to require a job ............(13) to take such a
test? (message received ............(14) e-mail)

Dear Reader: Just the thought of an interview can get many job searchers' heart rate up, and a
polygraph could put some over the edge!

In order ............(15) get an accurate legal answer, I networked with my employment law contact, Jim May
of Bradley, Arant, Rose & White in Birmingham. The following is May's response.

"The 'Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988,' ............(16) general, prohibits such testing and
outlawed a ............(17) of widespread employer practices in use before its passage. There are limited
exemptions for the U.S. government, and state and local governments, national defense and security,
the FBI and ............(18) contractors, security services (although definition is not across the entire
industry) and drug companies ............(19) the employee in question would have 'direct access' to the
manufacture, storage, sale or distribution of a controlled substance.

"Lie detectors are not used ............(20) most employers any more in hiring or for current employees."

11. A. for B. in C. on

12. A. to take B. to be taken C. taking

13. A. appliance B. applicant C. applier

14. A. on B. via C. at

15. A. to B. for C. that you

16. A. on B. by C. in

17. A. many B. number C. wide

18. A. its B. our C. it is

19. A. where B. what C. that

20. A. for B. in C. by

SET 4 / 3

Dad and Child Activities

We understand that ............(21) with your children and creating close, lasting family relationships is a
priority. But, we are also mindful of the fact that after a ............(22) work week, free time is at a minimum.
With that in mind, look here every week for a fun simple activity for the whole family.

Dad’s Time for Dinner

............(23) show that successful students ............(24) parents who create and maintain family routines.
Routines generally include time for doing homework, doing chores, preparing and eating meals
together, and going to bed ............(25) an established time. Routines are important to make life
predictable and satisfying for ............(26) family members. Discussion of daily events at mealtimes,
............(27) example, is an important routine. This ............(28) not sound too easy but it is worth ............(29).
Why ............(30) it?

21. A. play B. to play C. playing

22. A. forty hours B. forty-hour C. fourty hours

23. A. Students B. Studying C. Studies

24. A. have B. have had C. has

25. A. on B. in C. at

26. A. every B. both C. all

27. A. for B. as C. an

28. A. must B. might C. has

29. A. -- B. it C. sounding

30. A. aren’t you trying B. don’t you try C. haven’t you try

SET 5 / 1

Vitamin C benefits smokers

Vitamin C can help smokers, study confirms. Smokers can benefit significantly ............(1) taking vitamin
C supplements to help offset depletion of ascorbic acid caused ............(2) their habit, a new study
confirms. Researchers at the University of California-Berkeley and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
found that a group of middle-aged male smokers showed ............(3) three-fold increase in vitamin C
levels after taking supplements compared ............(4) a similar group of non-smokers with the same
dietary habits. "In general, smokers eat more fat and ............(5) fruit and vegetables than do non-
smokers, ............(6) has to be taken into consideration when the effects of smoking on concentrations
of dietary anti-oxidants ............(7) studied,'' said Bruce Ames, a professor of molecular and cell biology
at Berkeley and senior author of the study.

The study was published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Basically, if smokers
consumed more Vitamin C, their vitamin C levels ............(8) considerably. The researchers said other
experiments that have tried to assess the effects on nutrition between smokers and non-smokers
may have been confounded by what the two groups ate. ............(9) interestingly, taking vitamin C has
nowhere near such good effects on non-smokers.

Matching up food intake in a group of 37 smokers and 38 non-smokers from the San Francisco area
"enabled us ............(10) the effect of smoking in the depletion of plasma antioxidants,'' Ames said.

1. A. from B. out of C. of

2. A. from B. by C. for

3. A. a B. the C. ---

4. A. by B. for C. to

5. A. less B. fewer C. little

6. A. that B. where C. which

7. A. are B. were C. will

8. A. would have increased B. had increased C. would increase

9. A. So B. Quite C. On

10. A. to isolate B. isolating C. isolate

SET 5 / 2

'Always Coca Cola'

Coke Classic remains the nation's most popular soft drink and Pepsi ranks second. ............(11) seems
natural to many due to the ever-existing dominance of Coke, ............ (12) both products lost market share
last year, says the industry trade publication Beverage Digest. The Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Co. had
five ............ (13) the country's top 10 brands, according ............ (14) an analysis of 2008 soft-drink sales.
Coke Classic had a 20.3 percent share of the soft-drink market in 2008 and Pepsi had a 13.8 percent
share. Diet Coke ranked third with 8.5 percent. All three products lost market share last year. They will
not be able to sell the quantities sold ............ (15) the beginning of this millennium ............ (16) they manage
to grow their market share via intensive marketing. The Pepsi-Cola Co.'s Mountain Dew ranked fourth
and Coca-Cola's Sprite was fifth. Beverage Digest estimates the total retail value of the U.S.
carbonated soft drink industry was $57.9 billion in 2008, up 3 percent from 2007. Higher prices
accounted for much of the increase in monetary sales. But the problem is, the higher the price is, ............
(17) it gets to retrieve customers. Product volume, measured in cases, rose 0.5 percent, which the
publication ............ (18) was the slowest growth rate in at least 15 years. No matter how much capital
these companies have, they won’t be able to launch development and even more intensive marketing
............ (19) the economic crisis hits hard. This is due ............ (20) these beverage giants have a lot of their
capital invested in other industries, like the bank sector and a range of properties.

11. A. There B. It C. That

12. A. yet B. already C. despite

13. A. from B. of C. ---

14. A. to B. for C. by

15. A. at B. by C. on

16. A. even if B. although C. in spite of

17. A. the harder B. harder C. it just harder

18. A. told B. was told C. said

19. A. until B. while C. during

20. A. to B. to that C. to the fact that

SET 5 / 3

Signs of Violent Child

By John Lang, Scripps Howard News Service

You can spot a child who ............ (21) kill, experts say. Not every one with ............ (22) behaviors will end
up killing, but there are actions and attitudes ............ (23) can identify who will become, as psychologist
Stanton Samenow warns, "a one-man walking crime wave."

The author of "Before It's Too Late: why some kids get into trouble and what parents can do about it,"
Samenow cites these early patterns that point to crime:

1. ............ (24) kind of child who is uncompromising, insists ............ (25) others, having his or her way no
matter what. They will use any means for an end, deception, intimidation or brute force.

2. A child who constantly refuses to take responsibility, but blames others. It's always ............ (26) else's

3. The child who shuts off fear. He or she knows right from ............ (27), knows potential consequences
of his or her act, but has the chilling capacity to shut off that knowledge long enough to do ............ (28)
he or she wants.

4. The child who lies as a way of life. Not the white lie or social lie or the occasional ............ (29), but the
child who lies ............ (30) when there seems to be no purpose, saying he went to McDonald's when he
went to Burger King, for example.

21. A. may be B. may C. maybe

22. A. so B. like C. such

23. A. what B. who C. that

24. A. a B. the C. ---

25. A. to control B. on controlling C. controlling

26. A. someone B. some body C. his

27. A. wrong B. left C. the start

28. A. anything what B. anyhow C. whatever

29. A. one B. that C. which

30. A. if B. even C. after

SET 6 / 1

For a Happy Marriage

A psychologist and co-author ............. (1) a new book says the key to a happy marriage ............. (2)
accepting the fact that your spouse is not ............. (3) to change his or her ways. Andrew Christensen,
professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, said, “People cannot change their
basic essence ............. (4) if they try, and it is no use ............. (5) that they do so.”

Christensen has worked with hundreds of couples in therapy for ............. (6) 20 years. “To ............. (7)
people understand my point I always tell them, to love and marry someone, you must accept the
essence of the other person, you must accept who he or she is,” he said. Marriage is a package deal;
you don't get a veto over your partner's personality where you can ............. (8) the traits you don't like.”

............. (9) couples have conflicts, said Christensen, co-author of a book aimed at helping couples learn
............. (10) from arguments more quickly, reduce the number of arguments and minimize the anger
and resentment that often accompany arguments. The book was co-authored by the late Neil
Jacobson, who was professor of psychology at the University of Washington.

1. A. for B. to C. of

2. A. was B. is C. by

3. A. like B. lovely C. likely

4. A. still B. even C. -

5. A. to demand B. demanding C. demand

6. A. above B. over C. since

7. A. make B. get C. force

8. A. throw up B. discard C. get rid from

9. A. Every B. All C. Each

10. A. recover B. recovering C. how to recover

SET 6 / 2


If you find yourself ............. (11) behind on the mortgage, don't assume all is lost. ............. (12) the size of
your debt, the lenders are increasingly willing to help you ............. (13) out a solution ............. (14) will let
you stay in the house. It's in their financial interest as well. Fannie Mae, a big secondary mortgage
provider, reports that last year for the first time, more troubled loans in its portfolio were worked out
than foreclosed. In almost 15,000 cases, borrowers who fell three or more months behind on
payments were ............. (15) stay in the house.

Another 2,400 people lost their homes but were able to avoid ............. (16) into a nasty foreclosure
process by a sale.

Still, 16,800 homeowners went through foreclosure, often ............. (17) illness, death or extended
unemployment. If the economic crisis ............. (18) that hard, they wouldn’t have lost their house.

But Sakole's focus is all on the upside since Fannie Mae has steadily increased the percentage of
problem loans three ............. (19) more monthly payments missed worked out over the past three years.

In 1997, only 35 percent of problem loans were worked out, meaning that foreclosure was avoided. In
1998 that figure rose to 48 percent and last year it was 51 percent. We will soon wish we ............. (20)
under 50 again.

11. A. fall B. falling C. to fall

12. A. Regardless of B. Despite of C. Although

13. A. working B. to work C. worked

14. A. what B. who C. that

15. A. able to B. allowed C. forbidden to

16. A. to get B. got C. getting

17. A. because B. due C. because of

18. A. hadn’t hit B. hit C. would hit

19. A. or B. than C. four

20. A. could go B. will go C. must go

SET 6 / 3


Parents agonize over what to call their newborns, ............. (21), they have lots of help today from books
and Web sites. The question isn't so much what's in a name as much as ............. (22) goes into picking
a name.

For parents, naming their newborn baby might be the last thing on their minds or it might be the object
of much debate. ............. (23) parents always can change the wallpaper in the baby’s room, a baby's first
name usually sticks for life. So what to name your baby?

"In a very real way, the names we choose for our babies reflect ............. (24) we feel about ourselves,"
writes Sue Browder, author of "The New Age Baby Name Book."

"In this country, we ............. (25) witnessed an explosion of new names that were unheard of just a few
decades ago. As we reinvent ourselves, often the names that worked so well in the past ............. (26)
seem just right, so we find new ones."

A baby is born about ............. (27) in the United States. More than 7.8 million babies will be born
worldwide this year. And it seems that parents have almost as many names ............. (28). From Aaron to
Zytka and everything in between, the list of potential first names continues to grow.

Current naming trends in this country include ............. (29) children after places, using traditional last
names as first names, borrowing from international customs and, this ............. (30) 2009, marking the
new millennium.

21. A. but B. however C. although

22. A. why B. which C. what

23. A. While B. Some C. Any

24. A. the way how B. how to C. how

25. A. are B. have C. were

26. A. any longer B. anyway C. no longer

27. A. every eighth second B. every eight seconds C. eight-second

28. A. for choosing B. to choose C. for a choice

29. A. naming B. the names of C. to name

30. A. is B. being C. must be

SET 7 / 1

Positive thinking is positive?

People used to think that positive thinking ............. (1) good for them. ............. (2), recently, American
psychologists ............. (3) a different approach to happiness. ............. (4) their research, moaning and being
generally pessimistic can be more beneficial to people.

Cheerfulness ............. (5) sometimes be taken very far. This kind of overdone happiness often ............. (6)
some people feel worse than better. ’It’s better to be honest ............. (7) yourself and say ............. (8) you
really feel.

............. (9) being optimistic and ever-happy is expected by most of the society. But Dr Francis says we
shouldn’t be so. ’Being cheerful and upbeat has a negative effect ............. (10) our health.’

1. A. is B. was C. will be

2. A. Although B. Quite C. However

3. A. have adopted B. is adopting C. adopting

4. A. Due to B. Because of C. According to

5. A. is B. will C. can

6. A. gets B. makes C. turns

7. A. to B. for C. with

8. A. what B. that C. why

9. A. Also B. Still C. Despite of this,

10. A. for B. to C. on

SET 7 / 2

The Beijing and the London Olympic Games

On March 6, 2009 the Beijing Organizing Committee reported that total spending ............. (11) the games
was "generally as much as ............. (12) of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games", ............. (13) was about $15
billion, and that surplus revenues from the Olympic Games ............. (14) exceed the original target of 16
million USD. Other sources, ............. (15), estimated that approximately US $40 billion had been spent
on the games, which would make it the most expensive Olympic Games by a wide margin.

The British Olympic Association ............. (16) announced that no more than US $19 billion will be spent
on the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, ............. (17) the 2000 Sydney Olympics and 2004 Athens
Olympics cost US$7 billion and US $15 billion respectively.

The British Government ............. (18) to spend £800 million on infrastructure improvements on the
Lower Lea Valley. This is not included in the Olympic budget. The total cost of public transport
expenditures relevant to the Games ............. (19) estimated at £7 billion, but most of these projects .............
(20) happen in any case, though much later.

11. A. for B. on C. of

12. A. one B. that C. those

13. A. that B. it C. which

14. A. will B. would C. shall

15. A. in spite of them B. regardless of C. however

16. A. has B. was C. has been

17. A. in fact B. while C. additionally

18. A. be going to B. is planning C. likely to

19. A. are B. will be C. is

20. A. would have B. would C. must be

SET 7 / 3

Modern Art

Although modern sculpture and architecture are believed ............. (21) emerged at the end of the
nineteenth century, the beginnings of modern painting ............. (22) be located earlier. The date perhaps
most commonly identified ............. (23) marking the birth of modern art is 1863, the year that Édouard
Manet exhibited his painting Le déjeuner sur l'herbe in the Salon des Refusés ............. (24) Paris.

Earlier dates ............. (25) also been proposed, ............. (26) them 1855 (the year Gustave Courbet exhibited
The Artist's Studio) and 1784 (the year Jacques-Louis David completed his painting The Oath of the
Horatii). In the words ............. (27) art historian H. Harvard Arnason: "............. (28) these dates has
significance for the development of modern art, but ............. (29) categorically marks a completely new
beginning ... A gradual metamorphosis ............. (30) place in the course of a hundred years."

21. A. to have B. that they C. that

22. A. will B. can C. to

23. A. as B. like C. than

24. A. at B. to C. in

25. A. had B. have C. has

26. A. between B. including C. among

27. A. that B. whose C. of

28. A. Each B. Each of C. Every

29. A. neither B. nor C. none

30. A. has B. took C. made

SET 8 / 1

Tobacco against diabetes

Scientists have ............. (1) a healthy use for tobacco after breeding genetically modified plants ............. (2)
a medicine that could stop type 1 diabetes. The move marks ............. (3) latest advance in the emerging
field of molecular farming, ............. (4) may offer a cheaper way of making biotech drugs and vaccines
than traditional factory systems. European researchers said on Thursday they had produced tobacco
plants containing a potent anti-inflammatory protein called interleukin-10 (IL-10) that ............. (5) help
patients with insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases. A number of
agrochemical companies, including Bayer and Syngenta, ............. (6) for years at ways to make complex
protein drugs in plants, although progress has been slow. However, Mario Pezzotti of the University
of Verona, who led the tobacco study published in the journal BMC Biotechnology, believes they could
............. (7) more efficiently in fields, since plants are the world's most cost-effective protein producers.
Several different plants have been studied by research groups around the world, but tobacco is a firm
favorite. "Tobacco is a fantastic plant because it is easy to transform genetically and you can ............. (8)
regenerate an entire plant from a single cell," Pezzotti said in a telephone interview. His group's work
has attracted interest from tobacco giant Philip Morris, which is supporting a conference ............. (9)
plant-based medicine in Verona in June. Pezzotti and colleagues -- who received funding for their
research from the European Union -- now plan to feed the plants to mice with autoimmune diseases
............. (10) how they respond.

1. A. found B. considered C. discover

2. A. that contains B. which are contained C. containing

3. A. the B. --- C. a

4. A. what B. which C. whose

5. A. can B. could C. be able to

6. A. has looked B. have been looking C. look

7. A. be grown B. grew C. grown

8. A. easier B. easily C. much more easier

9. A. for B. on C. into

10. A. in order to find out B. to finding out C. so find out

SET 8 / 2

Nuclear weapons

In the history of warfare only two nuclear weapons ............. (11) offensively and ............. (12) these near the
end of World War II. The first was detonated ............. (13) the morning of 6 August 1945, when the United
States dropped a uranium gun-type device code-named "Little Boy" on the Japanese city ............. (14)
Hiroshima. The second was detonated three days later ............. (15) the United States dropped a
plutonium implosion-type device code-named "Fat Man" on the city of Nagasaki, Japan. These
bombings resulted in the immediate deaths of ............. (16) 120,000 people (mostly civilians) from
injuries sustained from the explosion and acute radiation sickness, and even more deaths from long-
term effects of (ionizing) radiation. The use of these weapons was and remains controversial.

............. (17) the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, nuclear weapons have been detonated on over two
thousand occasions for testing purposes and demonstration purposes. ............. (18) countries known to
have detonated nuclear weapons – and that acknowledge possessing such weapons – are
(chronologically) the United States, the Soviet Union (succeeded as a nuclear power by Russia), the
United Kingdom, France, the People's Republic of China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea. Israel is
also ............. (19) nuclear weapons, though it ............. (20) not acknowledge having them.

11. A. would have been B. have been detonated C. are likely to be detonated

12. A. all of B. neither of C. both of

13. A. on B. in C. at

14. A. of B. on C. over

15. A. after B. when C. only

16. A. around B. more C. as much as

17. A. Since B. As C. Because

18. A. Many B. The only C. Which

19. A. thought having B. said to had C. believed to have

20. A. may B. does C. could

SET 8 / 3

Surfing the Net

People who have grown up with the Internet ............. (21) just beginning to realise what its possibilities
are. ............. (22), the idea that a relatively new method of communication also ............. (23) a new set of
formal and informal rules of behaviour ............. (24) so far. Take the many teenage girls, for example,
who ............. (25) the Buckingham Palace website and have been sending Prince William sexy emails.
William’s grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh is of course not so ............. (26) by those emails. No wonder
that the Internet divides the public opinion, it’s ............. (27) one of the greatest inventions ever created
by man in modern history and the biggest danger to the young generations. The more you use it, .............
(28) you are likely to get if you read the right pages. ............. (29) free for access by everyone, the Internet
is probably the freedom of speech itself. It will surely stay ............. (30) in the future.

21. A. are B. have C. were

22. A. Although B. Moreover C. However

23. A. take B. wants C. requires

24. A. has been ignored B. is being ignored C. will be ignoring

25. A. discovery B. have discovered C. often discovers

26. A. impresses B. impressing C. impressed

27. A. both B. not C. quite

28. A. the better-educated B. more informed C. which

29. A. It’s B. To be C. Being

30. A. so B. like C. up

SET 9 / 1

The Oscar Awards

The Academy Awards, popularly known ............. (1) the Oscars, are presented annually by the Academy
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) ............. (2) recognize excellence of professionals in the
film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards .............
(3) presented is one of ............. (4) prominent film award ceremonies in the world. The Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ............. (5) was conceived by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio boss Louis
B. Mayer.

The 1st Academy Awards ceremony was held on Thursday, May 16, 1929, ............. (6) the Hotel Roosevelt
in Hollywood to honor outstanding film achievements of 1927 and 1928. It was hosted by actor
Douglas Fairbanks and director William C. deMille.

The first awards were presented on May 16, 1929 at a private dinner in Hollywood, with an audience of
less than 250 people. Since the first year the awards ............. (7), at first by radio then by TV after 1953.
............. (8) the first decade the results were given to newspapers for publication at 11 p.m. on the night
of the awards. This method was ruined when the Los Angeles Times ............. (9) the winners before the
ceremony began; ............. (10), the Academy has since used a sealed envelope to reveal the name of the
winners. Since 2002, the awards have been broadcast from the Kodak Theatre.

1. A. like B. as C. than

2. A. for B. to C. by

3. A. were B. are C. be

4. A. them B. the most C. ---

5. A. had B. who C. itself

6. A. at B. on C. next

7. A. have been broadcast B. are broadcast C. had always been broadcast

8. A. While B. During C.

9. A. announced B. believed C. was found out

10. A. On the contrary B. Nevertheless C. As a result

SET 9 / 2

Holidays in crisis

The economic crisis has made it impossible for a large number ............. (11) people to go on holiday at
all. We now reveal that going on holiday is possible ............. (12) you haven’t got a single penny.

Home swapping ............. (13) you to exchange your house or apartment for someone else's, anywhere
in the world. ............. (14) you trade for a 400-year-old stone house in medieval Padua or a ski condo in
Aspen, you won't pay ............. (15) penny beyond the small registration fee.

Or why not sail off into the sunset? Volunteer to work with a yacht delivery crew. Find opportunities
around the world ............. (16) the classifieds on Crew File, a free web resource that links yacht crews
with sailing opportunities around the world. You don't need sailing skills or experience. Captains will
often accept novices, if they have the right attitude, and teach them everything they ............. (17) know.

Camp for a nominal fee, or stay in an inexpensive park cabin and take classes ............. (18) by the U.S.
Park Service. Study the technical aspects ............. (19) winter wildlife photography at Yellowstone
National Park, learn new fishing techniques from the marine biologists at Biscayne, or hone your
wilderness orienteering skills in the Great Smoky Mountains. ............. (20) way you choose, you are to
have a great holiday for practically nothing.

11. A. of B. --- C. in

12. A. so that B. even if C. as long as

13. A. allows B. makes C. encourages

14. A. Although B. Because C. Whether

15. A. a B. any C. no

16. A. through B. about C. onto

17. A. mustn’t B. need to C. has to

18. A. offered B. offering C. that offers

19. A. of B. in C. up

20. A. No matter B. When C. Whichever

SET 9 / 3

Americans make more coffee at home

Daily coffee consumption in the United States was steady this year compared to 2008, ............. (21) the
number of people making their coffee at home ............. (22), the National Coffee Association of U.S.A.
said on Saturday.

Data ............. (23) the 2009 National Coffee Drinking Trends survey, which polled more than 3,000
adults in the United States ............. (24) telephone in January and February, was released at the NCA's
annual convention in Boca Raton, Florida.

"Consumers ............. (25) see coffee as an integral part of their everyday lives," NCA chief Robert Nelson

"Even if economic conditions cause some to alter ............. (26) coffee choices, they are nonetheless
continuing to enjoy coffee at levels very much on par with ............. (27) years," he said in a release.

"If they ............. (28) afford to visit cafés, they certainly would. Most of them now prefer ............. (29)
consuming their favourite drink in the peace of their homes ............. (30) going to expensive cafés.”

21. A. and B. while C. beside

22. A. rose B. risen C. raised

23. A. from B. to C. is

24. A. in B. with C. by

25. A. still B. never C. rarely

26. A. there B. their C. theirs

27. A. recent B. late C. lately

28. A. could B. may C. are able to

29. A. that B. to C. ---

30. A. --- B. to C. than

SET 10 / 1


Some species of birds ............. (1) in small groups. Other species fly in flocks ............. (2) composed of as
many as several million birds. Most small birds travel ............. (3) night and should stop ............. (4) and
rest during the day. Most large birds do the opposite. The majority of migrating birds fly at altitudes
of about 3,000 to 6,000 feet but some species, ............. (5) various kinds of shorebirds and geese, .............
(6) by the radar at 20,000 feet. The question of how migrating birds ............. (7) their way to the same
destination every year has ............. (8) puzzled and fascinated scientists. Scientific research has
provided several answers ............. (9) this question. For example, birds that migrate by day follow various
landmarks, ............. (10) river valleys and mountain ranges. Experiments ............. (11) that some birds
navigate by the stars. Some other birds are guided by the earth’s magnetic field. However, discoveries
like these raise ............. (12) more puzzling questions. ............. (13) navigate by the stars or to be guided by
the earth’s magnetic field, birds ............. (14) highly specialized and highly complicated sensory organs.
But scientists do not ............. (15) know what these sensory organs are or how they function.

1. A. have been migrating B. are migrated C. migrate

2. A. which B. that C. ---

3. A. in B. at C. during

4. A. feeding B. being fed C. to feed

5. A. that include B. which included C. including

6. A. are being detected B. have been detected C. is detecting

7. A. find B. get C. take

8. A. never B. long C. yet

9. A. for B. to C. ---

10. A. such B. like C. etc.

11. A. have been shown B. is shows C. have shown

12. A. even B. lot C. several of

13. A. In order to B. So that they C. For

14. A. must have had B. must have done C. must have

15. A. neither B. either C. nor

SET 10 / 2

The worst newspaper ever

............. (16) successful of any newspaper ever printed was the ill-fated Commonwealth Sentinel, .............
(17) in London by Lionel Burleigh. 50,000 copies were printed ............. (18) the evening of 6 February
1965 and delivered to Brown’s Hotel, where Mr Burleigh ............. (19) with his daughter. Unfortunately,
they had forgotten to arrange for the paper’s distribution and were required by police to remove the
packages from the pavement ............. (20) the hotel. Mr Burleigh made a few calls ............. (21) the paper
could be sold but ............. (22) by all distributors. Rumour has it that Miss Burleigh ............. (23) one copy
to a passer-by but by the time the newspapers were removed from outside the hotel, the news was
............. (24) news and it became completely useless. The Commonwealth Sentinel could not survive
this and ............. (25) down business on 7 February 1965.

16. A. The least B. The most C. Lest

17. A. that was found B. founded C. fined

18. A. in B. on C. at

19. A. has been staying B. stayed C. was staying

20. A. outside B. in front C. out of

21. A. to B. so that C. in order to

22. A. had been refused B. has been refused C. was refused

23. A. managed sell B. successfully have sold C. succeeded in selling

24. A. no longer B. nevertheless C. still

25. A. must have closed B. had to close C. needed to closed

SET 10 / 3

Plastics now and tomorrow

Plastics are the raw material of the future. Engineers, builders, manufacturers
............. (26) on them. Plastics more and more often substitute for materials ranging from glass through
leather to metals. Weight is one good reason ............. (27) using plastics instead of conventional
materials. Plastics ............. (28) well into the 21st century. The only problem with them is that by the time
they disintegrate, maybe the whole flora and fauna of the Earth ............. (29). Some green organisations
wish factories ............. (30) them to such a large extent.

26. A. rely B. are relied C. has relied

27. A. of B. for C. to

28. A. will long be used B. will be using for long C. will long be being use

29. A. will be destroying B. will be died C. will have been destroyed

30. A. would stop using B. would stop to use C. had stopped using

SET 11 / 1

Wembley Stadium

Wembley Stadium (usually shortened to just Wembley) ............. (1) in the Borough of Brent in North West
London, England. Primarily a football venue, Wembley
............. (2) The Football Association (The FA) via its subsidiary Wembley National Stadium Limited, and
hosts England's home international football matches and the main English domestic cup finals. The
Stadium ............. (3) for music concerts and other sporting events. Wembley will host the 2011 UEFA
Champions League Final.

One of the most expensive stadiums ever built, Wembley's 90,000 capacity ............. (4) it the second
largest stadium in Europe, and is the largest in the world with every seat under cover. Immediately
following its opening, it was often referred to as the "new Wembley Stadium" ............. (5) distinguish it
from the original stadium.

The previous Wembley Stadium (originally known as the British Empire Exhibition Stadium or Empire
Stadium) was one of the world's most famous football stadiums, ............. (6) England's national stadium
for football, and because of the geographical origins of the game was often referred to as "The Home
of Football". It hosted the European Cup (now the UEFA Champions League) final a record five times,
and is one of seventeen stadiums to have held a FIFA World Cup final. In 2003, the original structure
was demolished and construction began on the new stadium, originally ............. (7) open in 2006. This
was later delayed until early 2007. The final completion date of the stadium was 9 March 2007, when
the keys to the stadium were handed over to the FA.

1. A. has been located B. is to be located C. is located

2. A. is owned by B. belongs for C. has

3. A. often used B. also is often used C. is also often used

4. A. makes B. is making C. has been making

5. A. but B. --- C. to

6. A. being B. which C. for

7. A. it was intended to B. intended to C. intended

SET 11 / 2

Blue whales

Mating starts in late autumn and continues to the end of winter. ............. (8) is known about mating
behaviour or breeding grounds. Females typically give birth once approximately ............. (9) at the start
of the winter after a gestation period of ten to twelve months. The calf weighs about two and a half
tonnes (2.75 short tons) and is around 7 m (23 ft) in length. Blue Whale calves drink 380–570 litres
(100–150 US gallons) of milk a day. Weaning takes place for about six months, by which time the calf
has doubled in length. Sexual maturity is typically ............. (10) at eight to ten years, by which time males
are at least 20 m (66 ft) long (or more in the Southern Hemisphere). Females are ............. (11) larger,
reaching sexual maturity at around the age of five, ............. (12) they are about 21 m (69 ft) long. Scientists
estimate that Blue Whales can live for at least 80 years; however, since individual records do not date
back into the whaling era, this ............. (13) with certainty for many years. The longest recorded study of
a single individual is 34 years, in the north-east Pacific (reported in Sears, 1998). The whales' only
natural predator is the Orca. Studies report that as many as 25% of mature Blue Whales have scars
resulting from Orca attacks. The rate of mortality ............. (14) such attacks is unknown. Blue Whale
strandings are extremely uncommon, and, because of the species' social structure, mass strandings
are unheard of. ............. (15), when strandings do occur, they can become the focus of public interest. In
1920, a Blue Whale washed up near Bragar on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. It
had been shot ............. (16) by whalers, but the harpoon failed to explode. Two of the whale's bones were
erected just off a main road on Lewis and remain a tourist attraction.

8. A. Little B. Many C. Nothing

9. A. all three yearsr B. in every three years C. every three years

10. A. reached B. reaching C. reach

11 A. also B. even C. more

12. A. which B. where C. by which

13. A. will not know B. will not be known C. would not be known

14. A. as B. due to C. considered

15. A. However B. Despite C. Although

16. A. on its head B. head C. in the head

SET 11 / 3

Shocking findings on teenage crime

Almost half of school children ............. (17) 11 to 17 have committed a crime,

............. (18) a major study of behaviour published today by a York-based organisation. The national
Youth At Risk survey, published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, also revealed that four ............. (19)
ten students in Year Ten admitted they ............. (20). Violence, including weapon-carrying, was an
"acknowledged part of life" for a significant number of young people, ............. (21) boys. One in five boys
aged 15 to 16 admitted to attacking someone with the intention of seriously ............. (22) them.
Researchers found that one in ten boys aged 11 to 12 admitted to carrying a knife or other weapon in
the previous year, ............. (23) to one in four by Year 11. The study involved a sample of 14,000 secondary
school pupils ............. (24) filled in a confidential questionnaire. Jane Brown, director of Safer York
Partnership, said she had not seen the report, but said levels of youth offending in York were dropping.
"We ............. (25) our second crime audit, which has found that there has been a reduction in the
proportion of crimes committed by ............. (26) aged between 10 and 17," she told the Evening Press.
"The percentage has dropped from 28 per cent in the first survey ............. (27) 22 per cent now, which
suggests we have been quite successful locally in preventing young people from offending, and
dealing with them when they do. ............. (28) we take good care of them, they are not likely to commit
serious crimes. "I'm sure most young people would admit ............. (29) some kind of crime. If we .............
(30) anything about the situation, it would surely just get worse.”

17. A. between B. --- C. aged

18. A. say B. according to C. tells

19. A. from B. and C. out of

20. A. are drinking B. had drunk C. drink

21. A. furthermore B. especially C. moreover

22. A. hurting B. hurt C. to hurt

23. A. rising B. rose C. that rose

24. A. that B. whose C. which

25. A. have recently completed B. recently done C. had recently finished

26. A. who B. those C. then

27. A. to B. for C. until

28. A. While B. Until C. By the time

29. A. to commit B. to having committed C. that they were committed

30. A. had not do B. didn’t do C. would do

SET 12 / 1

The shortest marriage ever

Just a few days ago, a newlywed couple from Poland had an argument shortly after ............. (1) the cake
at their wedding reception and left the party ............. (2) seek an annulment. Could this be the shortest
marriage on record? Perhaps. I suppose it will depend on how quickly an annulment ............. (3) granted...
if they even qualify for one. But at least this couple is in good company. Zsa Zsa Gabor's marriage to
Felipe De Alba was a ............. (4) deal, ruled illegitimate because Zsa Zsa was still technically married to
Michael O’Hara. This will teach you all to double-check that the ink on your divorce papers is .............
(5) dry. Britney Spears taught us that one can get divorced in Las Vegas as quickly as ............. (6) can
get married, when she ended her fifty-five-hour marriage to Jason Alexander. And who could forget
Drew Barrymore's short-lived marriage (28 days) to Jeremy Thomas? You can read about the Polish
couple here. Aren't you glad to see that the sacred institution of marriage ............. (7) so seriously?

1. A. they have cut B. cutting C. being cut

2. A. so that B. in order C. to

3. A. could have been B. will have been C. is

4. A. 24 hours B. twenty-four-hour C. 24-hours long

5. A. despite B. as regards C. actually

6. A. one B. she C. they

7. A. is being taken B. thought C. was built

SET 12 / 2
The History of London

Londinium was established ............. (8) a civilian town by the Romans about seven years after the
invasion of AD 43. Early Roman London occupied ............. (9) relatively small area, roughly equivalent to
the size of Hyde Park. In around AD 60, it was destroyed by the Iceni ............. (10) by their queen Boudica.
However, the city was quickly rebuilt as a planned Roman town and recovered after ............. (11) 10 years,
the city growing rapidly over the following decades. During the 2nd century Londinium was ............. (12)
its height and replaced Colchester as the capital of Roman Britain (Britannia). The Norman invasion
of Britain in 1066 is usually ............. (13) the beginning of the Medieval period. William, Duke of
Normandy, killed English king Harold Godwinson in the Battle of Hastings. ............. (14) he burnt down
Southwark, south of the bridge, he avoided London, instead waiting until the city officials in London
............. (15) him as King. During the 19th century, London was transformed ............. (16) the world's largest
city and capital of the British Empire. Its population expanded from 1 million in 1800 to 6.7 million a
century later. ............. (17) this period, London became a global political, financial, and trading capital. If
it ............. (18) New York’s rise, London would surely have kept its dominance. The population of London
has ............. (19) changed throughout the centuries of its history. Around 50 AD it had about 50
inhabitants and the population ............. (20) its peak in 1931 when 8,615,000 people lived in the city.
Today it has a population of 7,657,000.

8. A. --- B. as C. to

9. A. a B. the C. some

10. A. led B. were led C. who led

11. A. several B. perhaps C. may be

12. A. on B. by C. at

13. A. thought B. considered to be C. regarded to be

14. A. Even if B. Although C. However

15. A. recognised B. did not recognise C. had not recognised

16. A. into B. as C. ---

17. A. While B. For C. During

18. A. not because of B. hadn’t been for C. didn’t

19. A. not B. been C. greatly

20. A. achieved B. reached C. got

SET 12 / 3

The automobile as we know it was not invented ............. (21) a single day by a single inventor. The history
of the automobile reflects an evolution that ............. (22) place worldwide. It ............. (23) that over 100,000
patents created the modern automobile. However, we can point to the many firsts ............. (24) occurred
along the way. Starting with the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle that ............. (25) by both
Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton. In 1771, the inventor Cugnot drove one of his road vehicles into
a stone wall, ............. (26) Cugnot the first person to get into a motor vehicle accident. Steam engines
powered cars ............. (27) burning fuel that heated water in a boiler, creating steam that expanded and
pushed pistons that turned the crankshaft, which then turned the wheels. Steam engines added so
much weight to a vehicle ............. (28) they proved a poor design for road vehicles; however, steam
engines were very successfully used in locomotives. Mankind ............. (29) soon start using fully
electronic cars as we ............. (30) end up destroying our world if we carry on like this.

21. A. at B. in C. for

22. A. made B. took C. had

23. A. has estimated B. was an estimated C. is estimated

24. A. that B. what C. to

25. A. would have planned B. has planned C. had been drawn up

26. A. which B. but C. making

27. A. thorough B. by C. with

28. A. that B. for C. because

29. A. ought B. had better C. should have

30. A. will probably B. are likely C. may to


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A feladatban egy 20 lyukat tartalmazó szövegbe kell beírni szavakat egy előre megadott 25 szavas
készletből. Tehát 5 szóval több van megadva, mint amennyire szükséged van!
A feladathoz szótár nem használható. Emiatt sokszor elég nehéz a szöveg megértése, de ez megint
nem szabad, hogy zavarjon, hiszen megint csak a lyuk előtti és utáni részeket kell vizsgálnod
nyelvtani szempontok szerint.

A szerkezetek és vonzatok megfelelő tudása itt is elengedhetetlen. Tanuld meg őket!

Nagyon fontos: tipikus hiba a diákok nagy részénél, hogy amit már beírt azt szentírásnak veszi! Nem!
Bármikor bátran gondold újra a már beírt szavakat is, ha esetleg találsz egy helyet ahova biztos egy
bizonyos szó illik.

Tipikus ilyen hiba:

Szövegrész: …many different places, ............. example, London and Glasgow….

Diák: Ide nem írtam semmit.

Én: De hát mi szokott jönni az example szó elé?
Diák: For.
Én: És akkor miért nem írtad be?
Diák: Mert az már be volt írva egy másik lyukhoz.

Na ilyet ne csinálj.

Legfontosabb feladatmegoldási szabályok:

1. olvasd el a feladatot és írd be amiben biztos vagy
2. ha később beugrik valami, amiben biztos vagy, ne félj változtatni
3. a végén NE hagyj üresen egyetlen lyukat sem! Ha más nem, akkor tippelj!

A feladat értékelése:
Minden helyes válaszod 1 pontot ér.

Megjegyzés: A számozást azért találod ezekben a feladatokban 31-50-ig, mert a feleletválasztós

tesztekkel együtt egy összesen 50 kérdéses tesztet alkotnak. A cél, hogy az 50 kérdésből legalább
30 meglegyen stabilan. Érdemes összeadni minden egyes SET kitöltése után az eredményeket, hogy
lásd hol tartasz.

SET 1 20/25 szóbeírós feladat

The History of the Globe Theatre

The Globe was owned by actors who ............. (31) also shareholders in the Lord Chamberlain's Men. Two
of the six Globe shareholders, Richard Burbage and his brother Cuthbert Burbage, owned double
shares of ............. (32) whole, or 25% each; the other four men, Shakespeare, John Heminges, Augustine
Phillips, and Thomas Pope, owned a single share, or 12.5%. (Originally William Kempe was intended to
be the seventh partner, but he sold out ............. (33) share to the four minority sharers, ............. (34) them
with more than the originally planned 10%). ............. (35) initial proportions changed over time as new
sharers were added. Shakespeare's share diminished ............. (36) 1/8 to 1/14, or roughly 7%, over the
course of his career. The Globe was built in 1599 using timber from an earlier theatre, The Theatre,
which ............. (37) been built by Richard Burbage's father, James Burbage, in Shoreditch in 1576. The
Burbages originally had a 21-year lease of the site on which The Theatre was built but owned the
building outright. However, the landlord, Giles Allen, claimed ............. (38) the building had become his
with the expiry ............. (39) the lease. On 28 December 1598, ............. (40) Allen was celebrating Christmas
at his country home, carpenter Peter Street, supported ............. (41) the players and their friends,
dismantled The Theatre beam by beam and transported it to Street's waterfront warehouse near
Bridewell. With the onset of more favourable weather in the following spring, the material was ferried
over the Thames to ............. (42) it as The Globe on some marshy gardens to the south of Maiden Lane,
Southwark. On 29 June 1613 the Globe Theatre went up in flames ............. (43) a performance of Henry
the Eighth. A theatrical cannon, set off during the performance, misfired, igniting the wooden beams
and thatching. According to one of the few surviving documents of the event, no one was hurt .............
(44) a man whose burning breeches were put out with a bottle of ale. It was rebuilt in the following

............. (45) all the other theatres in London, the Globe was closed down by the Puritans in 1642. It was
pulled down in 1644, ............. (46) slightly later—the commonly cited document dating the act to 15 April
1644 has been identified as a probable forgery.

Examination of old property records has identified the plot of land occupied by the Globe as extending
from the west side of modern-day Southwark Bridge Road eastwards as far ............. (47) Porter Street
and from Park Street southwards as far as the back of Gatehouse Square. The precise location of the
building however, remained unknown until a small part of the foundations, ............. (48) one original pier
base, was discovered in 1989 beneath the car park at the rear of Anchor Terrace on Park Street. The
shape of the foundations ............. (49) now replicated on the surface. As the majority of the foundations
lie beneath Anchor Terrace itself, which is a listed building, no further excavations have ............. (50)
as been by during except
from had has his leaving
like including is of or
reconstruct that the these their
with was went were while

Set 2 20/25 szóbeírós feladat

Looking back at 1989: Exxon Valdez creates oil slick disaster

An oil tanker ............. (31) run aground on a reef off the Alaskan coast, releasing gallons ............. (32) crude
oil into the sea.
The Exxon Valdez got ............. (33) trouble in Prince William Sound when it hit Bligh Reef, splitting its
side open ............. (34) releasing oil, with reports of an eight-mile (12.8km) slick.

High winds are affecting attempts ............. (35) suck the slick from the sea's surface and residents have
reported poor air quality as emergency crews try to burn off the top layer ............. (36) oil.

Environmentalists are also battling to save sea ducks, which number ............. (37) to 10 million in the
area. Ducks and seals have ............. (38) discovered drenched in oil ............. (39) the tanker.

The Coast Guard ............. (40) dropping chemicals in an attempt to break up the slick but local officials
say Exxon is responding too ............. (41).

Exxon Shipping president Frank Iarossi said: "The clean-up is not ............. (42) well. Believe me, that is
an understatement. We have a mess on our hands."

Mr Iarossi said the oil tanker was a mile off course ............. (43) its navigational systems were working.

It had encountered icebergs in the shipping lanes and Captain Joe Hazelwood ............. (44) his men to
take the Valdez out ............. (45) the lanes to go around the icebergs.

The crew ............. (46) to make the turn back into the shipping lanes and the ship ran aground at 1204
local time. Cpt Hazelwood was in his quarters at the time.

A spokesman for the Alaska department of environment said efforts ............. (47) steer the Valdez back
into the narrow shipping lane ............. (48) like "trying to park a Cadillac in a Volkswagen spot".

Businessmen are afraid the oil slick ............. (49) affect tourism in the area, famous ............. (50) whale-
watching boat trips.

a although and are been

failed for from has have
had is into near of
of of ordered proceeding slowly
to to up was will

SET 3 20/25 szóbeírós feladat


Sipping champagne ............. (1) politely answering questions, Vivienne Westwood was hardly the
subversive one imagined ............. (2) reading stories of her early days as a fashion designer. ............. (3)
this really be the same woman who dressed young men and women in black leather ............. (4) rubber
in London in the 1970s, and who, with her partner Malcolm McLaren of the Sex Pistols, was allied
............. (5) the punk movement?
For press interviews ............. (6) the Hotel Teatro in Denver on the afternoon before her recent exhibition
and show at the Denver Art Museum, ............. (7) British designer, 58, wore a draped-front dress in
oversized brown and taupe checks, the skirt hiked up in places and attached at the waist in swags.
Her skin looked ............. (8) porcelain, a mass of blond curls topped her head and her feet were in green
leather and black patent boots with 4-inch heels.

Later ............. (9) night, when 400 people assembled at the museum ............. (10) dinner and a fashion
show, Westwood and her style ............. (11) applauded by the fashion-savvy audience. But ............. (12) the
average woman want a floral dress with subtle "wine stain" and "grass stain" fabric treatments built
in? How about skirts that rest on the hips and ............. (13) made of plastic?

Westwood doesn't care ............. (14) such thoughts. She just continues turning out strange dresses and
quirky suits. Widely considered to be ............. (15) the top fashion designers of the 20th century,
Westwood didn't arrive ............. (16) her lofty position by playing by the rules. She loves her cult status,
............. (17) a high opinion of her talents and doesn't worry about stepping on others’ toes when she
speaks her mind.

She insists the emphasis on "comfort" is an excuse to dress in shapeless, awful clothes. "I ............. (18)
feel very uncomfortable in clothes that just hang on ............. (19) body. If someone is fat, baggy and
shapeless clothes aren't going to ............. (20) them look less fat," she says. "So they might as well wear
something that fits at their waist and hips." The abundance of logos and conformity is another target.
"When I see a child with GAP on his chest, I see a gap between his ears," she says.

and about among and at

at are after by could
does for has like make
on of that the the
was were which with would

SET 4 20/25 szóbeírós feladat


If you're ............. (1) American woman over 30, you've probably walked around on spiky stiletto heels,
clumped along on platforms, had your feet disfigured by pointy toes and been a long-suffering fool
for fashion. So ............. (2) you ready for what's next?

Comfortable shoes. Make that attractive, comfortable shoes. Something you can wear and not be
mistaken for your mother ............. (3) grandmother.

Shoe designers ............. (4) replacing standard rigid heels and soles ............. (5) what the industry is calling
"unit" bottoms, or bottoms that are made ............. (6) a single piece of material, such ............. (7) rubber or
polyurethane. The shoe bottoms often have the ridges, indentations and shapes found on athletic

This isn't confined to shoe bottoms, ............. (8). The shoes have been designed from scratch to meet
the highest comfort demands. And they ............. (9) it done perfectly.

Retailers and manufacturers say they are simply responding ............. (10) the customer's desire for shoes
that feel as good as they look.

"The customer ............. (11) been asking for a long time for comfortable footwear," says Carol Steele, a
fashion director for Nordstrom's.

"It's an extension of ............. (12) emphasis on comfort in sportswear," Steele says. "There's a need for
shoes that have an athletic style and level ............. (13) comfort."

In addition, she says, people are staying home to work, and they need clothes and shoes ............. (14) fit
their more casual lifestyle. They're also traveling frequently ............. (15) both business and pleasure, and
want footwear that will get them through airports and long flights ............. (16) ease.

Steele says acceptance of these shoes ............. (17) the fashion crowd started with styles shown by
Prada, the hot Italian clothing and fashion company, a couple of seasons ............. (18).

"Prada is a fashion leader. They took the molded sole and ............. (19) it mainstream," Steele says.

While they're perfect to wear with casual clothing, ............. (20) comfort shoes be worn for dressier
occasions? "There's a very big trend to flat shoes for evening," Steele says. "They can look beautiful
and sexy."

an as are are by
either for got and back
can of of or to
the that made has must
will what with with would

SET 5 20/25 szóbeírós feladat

Beer can help your bones

People who enjoy a glass or two of wine ............. (31) beer every day could be helping to keep their bones
strong, new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests. ............. (32),
drinking more -- and choosing hard liquor ............. (33) of wine or beer -- may actually weaken bones, Dr.
Katherine Tucker of Tufts University in Boston and her colleagues found. In ............. (34) interview with
Reuters Health, Tucker agreed ............. (35) keeping track of the health benefits and risks of alcohol is
tough these days. "It is very confusing for people because alcohol has such diverse effects on different
things," she said; for example, while drinking may prevent heart disease, it increases breast cancer

Nevertheless, the researcher added, the effect of alcohol ............. (36) bone mineral density (BMD) that
she and her colleagues saw was "larger ............. (37) what we see for any single nutrient, even for
calcium. It's not ambiguous. It's very clear." In the ............. (38) study, Tucker and her team investigated
how different types of alcohol affected bone density in 1,182 men, 1,289 postmenopausal women, and
248 premenopausal women participating in the Framingham Offspring study. Study participants
ranged in age ............. (39) 29 to 86. Men who had a glass or two of wine or beer daily ............. (40) denser
bones than non-drinkers, the researchers found, but those who downed two or more servings of hard
liquor ............. (41) day had significantly lower BMD than the men who drank ............. (42) to two glasses
of liquor daily.

The women ............. (43) drank more than two glasses a day of alcohol or wine had greater BMD than
the women who drank less. Nonetheless, this finding shouldn't be ............. (44) as meaning that the
more a woman drinks the better it is for her bones, Tucker noted; there were simply not that many
women in the study who drank ............. (45) more than this.

Beer is an excellent source of silicon, a mineral needed ............. (46) bone health that has become
increasingly rare ............. (47) the modern diet, the researcher noted. Beer's silicon content accounted
for ............. (48) some of its bone-building effects in men, she added; there were too few women who
drank beer to draw conclusions about how the mineral affected female bone density.

Beer and wine may be better for people than liquor, she ............. (49), because they contain potentially
beneficial plant substances such as resveratrol, while hard liquor has had most natural substances
distilled out ............. (50) it. It's likely, Tucker said, that alcohol may help build bones by boosting
estrogen levels -- which is the mechanism that also may account for the increased breast cancer risk
seen for women who drink even moderately. "The main message here is that if you are drinking up to
one or two glasses of wine or beer a day, you don't need to stop for your bones' sake, in fact it's
helpful," the researcher said. "It's a personal decision."

a an current at least for

from had however instead there
in may or of much
suggested to quite has now
who seen up that than

SET 6 20/25 szóbeírós feladat

The Biggest Hotel in the World

"Sorry, all 6,118 of our rooms are booked." Are you ............. (31) kind of traveler who’s slightly allergic to
three-room B&Bs that are impossible ............. (32) find and require morning nibbling around a table full
of strangers? Presenting the Forbes Traveler list of the world’s biggest hotels, ............. (33) for
some may represent the impersonal travel experience defined, but for thousands are simply the steel-
and-concrete answers to any traveler’s most pressing question, “Where ............. (34) stay?” It’s .............
(35) surprise that the more rooms a property has, the easier time you’ll have securing a reservation.
Indeed, we based our rankings on that single criterion: room count.

With very few exceptions, the biggest hotels in the United States are to be ............. (36) in Las Vegas. In
fact, until recently, Sin City’s MGM Grand, with 5,044 rooms, was the largest hotel ............. (37) the world,
but since 2006 that distinction has belonged to the First World Hotel in the Genting Highlands of
Malaysia. ............. (38) most megahotels, the First World is about more than just a place to hang one’s
hat—although with 6,118 rooms, the sizeable place incorporate a theme park and a half-million square
feet of shopping space, ............. (39). Speaking recently to Malaysian tourism officials, Alan Teo,
president of the resort group ............. (40) built the First World Hotel, said, "It is a huge and ............. (41)
task to cater to such volume in a single location. We have in place 32 check-in counters ............. (42) 64
terminals located in the hotel lobby, requiring a Queue Management System ............. (43) manage a
maximum check-in capacity of 700 rooms per hour."

............. (44) guests, the memorable thing about this big hotel chart topper may be its gaily painted
exterior. “We are delighted that our Laundry Department was featured by Discovery Travel,” he
declared in ............. (45) speech. “The facility has a total floor space of 26,000 square feet allocated just
to cater to the guest laundry and beddings ............. (46). The laundry department manages ............. (47)
amazing production of 40 tons worth of laundry per day. You had ............. (48) prepare for a high bill if
you book in any of these hotels. Services ............. (49) to be way more expensive than in ordinary hotels.
............. (50) to book right now?

a an anyone better come

challenging for for found in
like lent may no requirements
that than the to tend
to too takes which with

SET 7 20/25 szóbeírós feladat

George Washington

Historically, the American public has had a curious relationship with the actual facts of George
Washington's life. As definitions of "American virtues" ............. (31) shifted over time, our grasp of the
historically accurate traits ............. (32) events that constitute his life have changed. From the famous
cherry tree story, to Washington's (apocryphal) wooden teeth, the biography of Washington has been
enlarged to mythic proportions. In ............. (33) attempt to separate fact from fiction, academic
biographers have delineated a skeletal view of Washington's "real" life. On February 22, 1732 in the
British Commonwealth of Virginia, Mary Ball Washington gave birth ............. (34) her first son. Although
she could not have ............. (35) understood the importance of his birth at the time, his name, George
Washington, ............. (36) someday become synonymous with the founding of the United States of
America. Washington's childhood offered few omens of greatness. He was ............. (37) of ten children
(six by Mary Ball and four by George Washington's father's first wife) in an aristocratic Virginian family,
bent almost exclusively on growing tobacco and preparing timber. Washington received his primary
education............. (38) a nearby churchyard school and then ............. (39) sent to a boarding school 30
miles away. He enjoyed ............. (40) about the practical world (how to count one's goods and be a good
gentleman farmer), but was not versed in the literary classics of the day, nor did he excel in reading or
languages. In Washington's early teens his formal education came to an end. When Washington was
16, ............. (41) met Lord Thomas Fairfax, an Englishman who owned an enormous tract of land in the
northern neck of the colony. Fairfax gave Washington his first job, surveying the lands of the
Shenandoah Valley. Through his surveying work, Washington was able ............. (42) earn enough money
to begin buying plots of land. By the age of 21 (now employed as the offical surveyor of the county of
Culpeper), he ............. (43) more than 1500 acres, all purchased out of his own accounts. In 1752,
Washington's older brother Lawrence died, endowing George with care of his Mount Vernon estate
and asking him to replace his office ............. (44) an adjutant general of the colony. His responsibilities
included overseeing the militia of the districts. In 1753, Washington ............. (45) carried a British
ulimatum to the French in the Ohio River Valley. A year later, he served as a colonel in the French and
Indian War.

By the late 1700s, the public knew well of Washington's military skill--just at the time the American
Revolution was taking shape. In 1775, Washington was appointed military advisor for New York,
defending it ............. (46) British attack. Weeks later, the Second Continental Congress appointed him
Commander-in-Chief of the entire military, a position he did not seek and asked not to be paid .............

............. (48) the beginning, Washington's military maneuvers consisted mainly of sharp correspondence
............. (49) the British. He lost his first battle, but was overwhelmingly successful in New Jersey. By
1781, with a bedraggled but determined regiment behind him, Washington forced the surrender of
Cornwallis at Yorktown. The war was won. He served two terms, managing the affairs of a nation in
the debt of war, and refused a third term in 1796. Three years later, he died at Mount Vernon of what
physicians today say ............. (50) have been strep throat. The country mourned as it never had before.

and an at as asked
between for from may in
he have learning one owned
successfully possibly to to making
were was with would when


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mondatokat kell betenned. A trükk az, hogy…

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Ebben a feladatban egy több helyen hiányos szöveg hiányzó részeit kell a megfelelő
helyre beírnod általában kicsit több előre megadott lehetséges válasz közül.

Ennél a feladattípusnál is fontos, hogy ne akadj ki azon, ha nem érted a szöveget

teljes egészében.

Teljesen lényegtelen sokszor a szöveg. Ami számít, az az előtte levő mondatrész és

az utána levő mondat vagy mondatrész.

Figyelj a különféle vonatkozó szavakra, pl. he, this, after that… amelyek minden
esetben visszautalnak valamire. Ezek segítségével könnyen megtalálhatod a helyet,
ahova illenek.

Ahol érdemes szótáraznod, azok a beírandó mondatok: azokat pontosan értsd meg,
ne legyenek sötét foltok bennük!



The civil rights movement was made up of millions of decisions by individuals to brave scorn,
violence, even death, in order to do what was right. Pushing for desegregation and voting
rights in the South a scant 40 years ago was always dangerous and potentially lethal. The
decisions were not made lightly.
"Freedom Song" tells the story of how those decisions were made in one family in one
small town and does it brilliantly. .................................................. (1)

In 1949, Will Walker (Danny Glover) suffered humiliation at the hands of a white man in a
small Mississippi town. .......................................................... (2) His father can't make Owen
understand that keeping the family together is paramount to him and making some
sacrifices to honor may be necessary.

That tension between father and son continued to the early 1960s, when Owen, an 18-year-
old high school student, is captivated by the civil rights movement. Go, go, go, says Owen.
.......................................................... (3)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, says Will. He has everything to lose: his home, his business, even his life.
The sit-in movement began 40 years ago, on Feb. 1, 1960, in Greensboro, N.C. The Student
Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee was born soon thereafter. It consisted of people who
agreed to apply nonviolence as a political tactic but could not pledge to live a life of

.......................................................... (4) In Mississippi in the early 1960s, to fight back often meant you
were destined to die.

.......................................................... (5) All you needed to do was disrupt the social and political status
quo, no matter how slightly.

A. SNCC members might not fight back when being arrested at a lunch counter, but they
would fight in other instances.
B. This was going to happen to everyone.
C. The movie premieres at 6 Sunday night on TNT; it repeats at 8:30 p.m.
D. Even if you didn't fight back, you could die
E. His son Owen (Vicellous Reon Shannon) never forgot the incident, and never forgave his
father for not standing up for him.
F. He feels he doesn't have anything to lose by pushing for immediate desegregation of
public facilities.

1 2 3 4 5


Is mind-reading possible?

Scientists have shown for the first time that it may be possible to "read" a person's mind
simply by looking at brain activity. Using a modern scanner to measure blood flow, British
researchers said on Thursday they were able to tell where volunteers were located within a
computer-generated virtual reality environment.

.......................................................... (1), Eleanor Maguire of the Wellcome Trust Center for Neuroimaging
at University College London told reporters. "In other words, we could 'read' their memories."

The discovery opens up the possibility of developing machines to read a range of memories,
although Maguire said the risk of "intrusive" mind reading was still a long way off. Instead,
she believes the discovery, reported in the journal Cell Biology, will help research into
memory disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

.......................................................... (2). Maguire and colleagues used a technology known as functional

magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, which highlights brain regions as they become active.
By scanning the brains of people as they played a virtual reality computer game they were
able to measure the activity of certain neurons in the hippocampus, a region known to be
critical for navigation and memory.

The research paves the way for analyzing how other thoughts -- including fuller memories
of the past or visualizations of the future -- are encoded across neurons.
.......................................................... (3). That could eventually mean using fMRI for examination of
memories and thoughts in police investigation in murder cases, which would, of course, lead
to much debate again. .......................................................... (4). But the research definitely has a
promising future.

.......................................................... (5). Fellow researcher Demis Hassabis said it would be at least 10

years before criminal applications become a possibility. "It's a long way off before that kind
of technology is going be possible where you can read someone's thoughts in a single
short session, when they don't want to be cooperative," he said.

A. For the moment, however, the technology only works with willing volunteers.
B. To some people, reading the mind of dead people does not sound like a good idea.
C. "Surprisingly, just by looking at the brain data we could predict exactly where they were”
D. This technology could be used in a great many new fields.
E. This seems almost impossible to do.
F. The way to read the mind has long been searched for and now it seems to have been

1 2 3 4 5


The first underground railways

Railway construction in the United Kingdom began in the early 19th century. By 1854 six
separate railway terminals had been built just outside the centre of London: London Bridge,
Euston, Paddington, King's Cross, Bishopsgate and Waterloo. At this point, only Fenchurch
Street Station was located in the actual City of London. ..........................................................(1). The idea
of building an underground railway to link the City of London with the mainline terminals
had first been proposed in the 1830s, but it was not until the 1850s that the idea was taken
seriously as a solution to traffic congestion.

In 1854 an Act of Parliament was passed approving the construction of an underground

railway between Paddington Station and Farringdon Street via King's Cross which was to be
called the Metropolitan Railway. ..........................................................(2). It was agreed that a junction
would be built linking the underground railway with their mainline terminus at Paddington.
GWR also agreed to design special trains for the new railway. ..........................................................(3).

A shortage of funds delayed construction for several years. The fact that this project got
under way at all was largely due to the lobbying of Charles Pearson, who was Solicitor to the
City of London Corporation at the time. ..........................................................(4). He advocated plans for
the demolition of the unhygienic slums which would be replaced by new accommodation for
their inhabitants in the suburbs, with the new railway providing transportation to their places
of work in the city centre. Although he was never directly involved in the running of the
Metropolitan Railway, he is widely credited as being one of the first true visionaries behind
the concept of underground railways. And in 1859 it was Pearson who persuaded the City of
London Corporation to help the scheme. ..........................................(5). Pearson died before the work
was completed.

A. Some of these finally could not be used in the beginning owing to technical problems but
the problems were then remedied.
B. Its price was much higher than initially expected.
C. Traffic congestion in the city and the surrounding areas had increased significantly in
this period.
D. Work finally began in February 1860, under the guidance of chief engineer John Fowler.
E. He had supported the idea of an underground railway in London for several years.
F. The Great Western Railway (GWR) gave financial backing to the project.

1 2 3 4 5



Operation Overlord, the Allied codename for the invasion of Normandy, involved more than
150,000 men and 5,000 ships. It consisted of American, British, Canadian, Polish, and Free
French Armies under command of General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the
Allied Expeditionary Force (the choice of Eisenhower was officially made by President
Roosevelt in December 1943, and agreed upon by the British). ....................................................(1).

The first units were given the missions of securing the Eastern and Western flanks of the
beach by destroying bridges and laying mines. ....................................................(2). They were tasked
to destroy bridges where the enemy was likely to stage a counterattack, and to secure
bridges where Allied forces were expected to go immediately on the offensive. At 0300 on
the morning of June 6th, fleets of Allied bombers roared overhead delivering thousands of
tons of bombs onto the German coastal defenses. ....................................................(3).

Although the attack took the Germans by surprise, the heavy defense lines were rather hard
to break through on Utah beach. However, reinforcements were coming in quickly and
yielded success. ....................................................(4).

Unlike on the famous and infamous Omaha Beach, where very little went as planned.
Difficulties in navigation caused the majority of landing craft to miss their targets throughout
the day. ....................................................(5).Under heavy fire, the engineers struggled to clear the beach
obstacles. 2400 Allied troops died on Omaha Beach within half a day, whereas the total
number of casualties for D-Day was around 10,000. These 10,000, however, helped to
change the tide of the war.

A. Their main mission was to allow for the main invasion force to come ashore.
B. These tanks helped a lot in achieving victory on D-Day.
C. Losses here for the Allied Forces were quite light thanks to the well-planned preceding
heavy bombardment.
D. The defenses were unexpectedly strong, and inflicted heavy casualties on landing US
E. The naval bombardment was to follow afterwards which had been planned to immediately
precede the invasion itself.
F. The Deputy Supreme Commander of the invasion was British Air Chief Marshal Arthur W.

1 2 3 4 5


English Dictionaries

The first English dictionary was written by English schoolteacher Robert Cawdrey in
1604. It was no more than a collection of words in alphabetical order. The English language
did not have a proper dictionary until Samuel Johnson’s dictionary published in 1755.

....................................................(1).The Oxford University Press began writing and releasing the Oxford
English Dictionary in short booklets from 1884 onwards. It took nearly 50 years to finally
complete the huge work, and they finally released the complete Oxford English Dictionary
(OED) in twelve volumes in 1928. It remains the most comprehensive and trusted English
language dictionary to this day, with revisions and updates added by a dedicated team every
three months. One of the main contributors to this modern day dictionary was an ex-army
surgeon, William Chester Minor, a convicted murderer who was confined to an asylum for
the criminally insane. ........................................(2).

By the time the first edition was published, it was already outdated. ....................................................(3).
For the second edition more than 120 US typists started keying in over 350,000,000
characters, their work checked by 55 proof-readers in England.

There is now a need for another complete revision. The planned Third Edition, or OED3, is
intended as a nearly complete revision of the work. Each word is being examined and revised
to improve the accuracy of the definitions, derivations, pronunciations, and historical
quotations—a task requiring the efforts of a staff consisting of more than 300 scholars,
researchers, readers, and consultants, and projected to cost about $55 million.
....................................................(4). The style of the dictionary will also change slightly. The original text
was more literary, in that most of the quotations were taken from novels, plays, and other
literary sources. The new edition, however, will reference all manner of printed resources,
such as cookbooks, wills, technical manuals, specialist journals, and rock lyrics. The pace of
inclusion of new words has been increased to the rate of about 4,000 a year.
....................................................(5). The estimated date of completion is 2037. Can hardly wait to read

A. This dictionary is often referred to as THE Dictionary of English.

B. The result is expected to double the overall length of the text.
C. Since his work, English dictionaries have undergone massive development.
D. However, it promises to be hard to do it.
E. He proved to be one of the most effective of the volunteers, systematically reading
through his library, and compiling lists of the occurrence of words.
F. The language had changed so much during the creation of the work that it had to be

1 2 3 4 5


The Baseball Hero

Any American who is asked to name one great baseball player will certainly come up with
the name of Babe Ruth. He is a baseball legend. ....................................................(1). In 22 seasons, Babe
Ruth hit a record 714 home runs. Many of Babe Ruth's numerous records lasted for decades.

Babe Ruth, born as George Herman Ruth Jr., and his sister Mamie were the only two of George
and Kate Ruth's eight children to survive childhood. George's parents worked long hours
running a bar and so little George ran the streets of Baltimore, Maryland getting into trouble.
When Babe was seven years old, his parents sent their "incorrigible" son to St. Mary's
Industrial School for Boys. ....................................................(2).

By the time George Ruth was 19, he had drawn the eyes of minor league recruiter Jack Dunn.
Jack liked the way George pitched (threw the ball) and so signed him to the Baltimore Orioles
for $600. ....................................................(3). There are several stories about how George Ruth got his
nickname "Babe." The most popular is that Dunn was often finding new recruits and so when
George Ruth showed up at practice, another player called out, "he's one of Dunnie's babes,"
which eventually was just shortened to "Babe." Jack Dunn was great at finding talented
baseball players, but he was losing money. After only five months with the Orioles, Dunn
sold Babe Ruth to the Boston Red Sox on July 10, 1914.

One of the most famous stories about Babe Ruth involves a home run and a boy in the
hospital. In 1926, Babe Ruth heard about an 11-year-old boy named Johnny Sylvester who was
in the hospital after having an accident. The doctors weren't sure if Johnny was going to live.
Babe Ruth promised to hit a home run for Johnny. In the next game, Babe not only hit one
home run, he hit three. ....................................................(4) Babe later went to the hospital and visited
Johnny in person.

On May 25, 1935, Babe Ruth hit his 714th home run. Five days later, he played his last game
of major league baseball. ....................................................(5) He died in 1948, aged 53.

A. With only a few exceptions, George lived here until he was 19 years old.
B. This made the ill kid feel better.
C. This record was broken only 39 years later.
D. George was ecstatic to get paid to play the game he loved.
E. They were not just players, they were seen as Gods.
F. Babe Ruth is often referred to as the greatest baseball player who ever lived.

1 2 3 4 5


The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine exploded on April 26, 1986. The plant is
located nine miles (14.5 kilometers) northwest of Chernobyl. ....................................................(1)
Several things caused the disaster at Chernobyl. The plant was not properly designed, and
could only be run with very specific instructions. The operators of the plant failed to properly
follow these instructions. ....................................................(2) The scientists decided to conduct the test,
and had to remove safety and cooling equipment in order to do so.
Eventually, pressure on the reactor's roof blew it away. Everything inside, including molten
uranium, burning graphite, and radioactive ashes were emitted into the atmosphere.

....................................................(3) There was no chain reaction or explosion like that in an atomic

bomb. However, the amount of radioactive material released was ten times that was caused
by the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Radioactive fallout spread throughout Europe. It
hit Poland, Hungary, Germany, Belgium, France, and Holland, then shifted towards the
Balkans and Italy.

It is impossible to tell just how many people were affected by the Chernobyl explosion. A
British report estimated that the radioactivity will give or has given 98 000 people cancer,
though others think the number is much higher. ....................................................(4)
The concrete tomb encasing the reactor hasn't held up. ....................................................(5) Forty tons
of radioactive dust have accumulated inside. And there's a pressed slab of uranium and
concrete that some believe could lead to a chain reaction, causing a more powerful explosion
than the original one.

A. This was not a nuclear explosion.

B. It was just as dangerous as expected.
C. And some believe it's a threat to the world.
D. Certain cases will be hard to link to the disaster as it may cause a variety of diseases.
E. Though in a remote area, the explosion's effects were felt for thousands of miles.
F. Furthermore, some scientists conducted a highly risky experiment that led to the

1 2 3 4 5


The 20th-century tornado record

May 3, 1999 started sunny, warm, and humid across the affected region. The Storm
Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma initially issued a "slight risk" for severe weather for
most of the state of Oklahoma early that morning. ....................................................(1) The SPC
upgraded sections of the southern plains to "moderate risk." By 3 p.m. it had become evident
that a widespread severe weather event was imminent. Parts of Oklahoma and Kansas were
then further upgraded to "high risk". ....................................................(2)

The SPC issued a tornado watch by mid-afternoon as conditions gathered together for what
would be a historic tornado outbreak. Large supercell thunderstorms developed and in the
late afternoon through the mid-evening hours of that Monday, tornadoes began to break out
across the state. ....................................................(3)

Thirty-six people died in this series of tornadoes. Over 8,000 homes were badly damaged
or destroyed and the tornado caused $1.1 billion in damage, making it the single most costly
tornado in U.S. history. This was also the deadliest tornado since the April 10, 1979 Wichita
Falls, Texas Tornado which killed forty- two. ....................................................(4) Warnings were issued
well in advance of the tornado's arrival, and the Oklahoma City broadcast media interrupted
programming to follow the storms on radar and even by helicopter. ....................................................(5)

A. Altogether 66 tornadoes broke out in Oklahoma and Kansas.

B. By late morning the latest observations and forecasts began to indicate an increasing
likelihood of widespread severe weather.
C. The death toll would, most likely, have been higher if people had not had the benefit of
the advance warning.
D. However, early action saved many lives.
E. These people did not see the tornado as a potential danger and they did well.
F. When this level is issued, this usually indicates the potential for a significant severe
weather event, including damaging tornadoes.

1 2 3 4 5


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Angol kérdésekre angol válaszokat kell adni, vagy magyar kérdésekre magyar
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szabad használni szószerint, ez nem minősül másolásnak (pl. Global Warming).


Janice enjoyed spending hours on her grandma’s porch. She would always find
herself fascinated by the gorgeous animals that dwelled her granny’s farm. She
marvelled at the white stallions, the snowhite wool of the sheep, the leaping rabbits
in the lush meadow and the twittering of the birds.

A kérdés, amire a válasz itt található:

What was Janice’s favourite activity at her grandma’s farm?

A Te válaszod: She loved watching the animals.

Vannak olyan kérdések, ahol több információra van szükség (a, b, c stb.). Ilyenkor
akkor kapsz csak pontot, ha minden válaszod jó az adott kérdésen belül! Ha 4-ből 3,
akkor nulla pontot kapsz. Az ilyen kérdéseknél, ha van időd, érdemes jól átrágni az
összes választ. Ha esélytelennek látod, hogy megtaláld az összes információt, akkor
pedig gyorsan ugord át (valamit azért írj be, minden mindegy alapon).


Water problems
The world needs to act urgently to avoid a global water crisis due to increased population, rising living
standards, dietary changes and more biofuels production, the United Nations warned on Thursday.

By 2030, nearly half of the world's people will be living in areas of acute water shortage, said a report
jointly produced by more than two dozen U.N. bodies and issued ahead of a major conference on
water to be held in Istanbul next week.

The report, "Water in a Changing World," made "clear that urgent action is needed if we are to avoid a
global water crisis," said a foreword by Koichiro Matsuura, head of the U.N. Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

"Despite the vital importance of water to all aspects of human life, the sector has been plagued by a
chronic lack of political support, poor governance and underinvestment."

"As a result, hundreds of millions of people around the world remain trapped in poverty and ill health
and exposed to the risk of water-related disasters, environmental degradation and even political
instability and conflict," Matsuura said.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has repeatedly identified water shortage as a major underlying
cause of the conflict in Darfur, western Sudan, which began with a rebellion against the central
government six years ago. Water is also a major issue between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

The world's population of 6.6 billion is forecast to rise by 2.5 billion by 2050, with most of the growth
in developing countries, many in regions where water is already scarce. The growth rate means
demand for fresh water is increasing by 64 billion cubic meters a year, the report said. Authors told a
news conference that most of North Africa and the Middle East had already reached the limits of their
water resources.

Migration from the countryside to cities was also increasing water use, the 318-page report said, as
was growing consumption of meat -- the production of which requires more water than vegetables --
in China and elsewhere.

The report added to recent U.N. warnings about the downsides of developing biofuels to replace
heavily polluting hydrocarbons as an energy source, because of the water needed to grow crops like
corn and sugar cane to produce ethanol.

Saying about 2,500 liters of water is needed to make 1 liter of biofuel, it said implementing all current
national biofuel policies and plans would take 180 cubic kilometers of extra irrigation water and 30
million hectares of cropland.

"The impact could be large for some countries, including China and India, and for some regions of
large countries, such as the United States," it said. "There could also be significant implications for
water resources, with possible feedback into global grain markets." When oil prices peaked at over
$140 a barrel last year, "the kneejerk reaction was 'well, we are going to grow our energy - biofuels.'
But nobody took account of how much water it was going to require," William Cosgrove, coordinator
of the report, told journalists.

On the positive side, the report pointed to successful water policies in Uganda and Turkey and said a
U.N. goal of halving the population lacking access to safe drinking water by 2015 would be achieved
except in sub-Saharan Africa.

1) Name three problems the water crisis is likely to cause.




2) What causes water crisis? Name two factors.



3) Why are the developing countries in an especially bad situation in terms of their water

4) Does the Middle East have any water-related problems? (Write ONLY YES / NO).

5) How does meat production worsen the water crisis?

6) What did sub-Saharan Africa NOT manage to do?

7) Biofuel production will help the problem by providing energy for drinkable water production.
(Write ONLY YES / NO).

8) What good things did the report find?

9) How many people are expected to live on the planet in 2050?

10) Why is 2030 an important date according to the report?


Live Earth was a monumental music event that brought together a global audience on July 7, 2007 to
combat the climate crisis. Live Earth staged concerts in New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai,
Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Hamburg - as well as special broadcast events in Antarctica, Kyoto
and Washington, DC - and featured feature more than 150 of the world's best music acts - a mix of
both legendary music acts like The Police, Genesis, Bon Jovi and Madonna with the latest headliners
like Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, Black Eyed Peas and Jack Johnson. They are all more than willing to
accept invitation to perform at Live Earth.

Live Earth's 24 hours of music across 7 continents delivered a worldwide call to action and the
solutions necessary to answer that call. Live Earth launched a multi-year campaign to drive
individuals, corporations and governments to take action to solve the climate crisis. Live Earth is
partnering with the Alliance for Climate Protection, Avaaz, The Climate Group (We're in This Together),
Stop Climate Chaos (I Count) and other international organizations in this ongoing effort. Live Earth
was founded by Kevin Wall, CEO of Control Room, the company that produced the concerts globally.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is the Chair of the Alliance for Climate Protection and a Partner of
Live Earth.

Exclusive online media partner MSN is helping Live Earth reach people in every corner of the globe.
Official Live Earth concerts were streamed live. MSN's 39 localized web portals worldwide attract 465
million monthly users.

Although Green Peace fights for similar causes, it has nothing to do with Live Earth. The non-
governmental organization was never listed as a Live Earth supporter. What’s more, Greenpeace once
went as far as harshly criticizing Live Earth organizers as they were furious at the decision to allow
DaimlerChrysler to sponsor Saturday's string of Live Earth concerts. The group claims Daimler is an
environmentally unfriendly organization that should not be affiliated with the concert. Meanwhile,
poor ticket sales plague the Hamburg show.

This Saturday a 24-hour music marathon will kick off across the globe, with the Live Earth concerts,
organized by the climate protection alliance Save our Selves (SOS), stretching across the continents.
The first concert kicks of at 5 a.m. in Sydney, Australia, and the day will end with a concert on
Copacabana Beach in Rio. Germany's concert is one of two European events, and the proceedings will
be opened at 2 p.m. by Colombian superstar Shakira. Even the smallest concert is going to recorded
and broadcast. What is exprected to be the most extraordinary is a concert given by five scientists
working at a research station on Antarctica, who are planning to play a bit of indie rock for their 17
But environmental campaign group Greenpeace is enraged by the fact that the show is being
sponsored by DaimlerChrysler and that the company's Smart car is being used to shuttle artists and
other VIPs to and from the concerts.

The declared aim of the organizers has been to raise public awareness -- for Africa, for a just
globalization and now for the fight against global warming. But this well-meaning spectacle could be
in danger of being misused as advertising space. In the past the organizers of big benefit concerts,
people like Bob Geldof and Bono, have been accused of abusing their roles as saviors of the world to
up their status and lure their target audiences. Now the sponsoring debate has given rise to another
focus of criticism. At first glance it would appear that Live Earth's goals would have little in common
with those of big business. But it seems that cooperation with multinationals is not seen as
contradictory, but indeed something that actually might help the organizers to turn their ideas into a
In a message on DaimlerChrysler's Web site, SOS founder, music producer Kevin Wall, welcomes the
Smart brand as an official sponsor. "I'm pleased that we've got a strong partner in Smart, which has
already taken major steps forward in the battle to stop global warming. Together, we can demonstrate
to billions of people that there are technologies on the road today with low CO2 emissions, which is
an important contribution to achieving global climate protection goals."

The company's commitment to the more environmentally friendly car seems genuine: "Why use two
liters of gas to go buy a liter of milk?" is DaimlerChrysler's message on the Live Earth Web site. The
ad is for the smart fortwo -- which, according to the company, at only 88 grams of carbon dioxide per
kilometer -- boasts the lowest emissions in the world.

1) Which organization organizes the Live Earth concerts?

2) Name three organizations that help Live Earth organizers.




3) Are Live Earth concerts successful everywhere? (Yes / No)

4) What’s the goal of organizing these concerts?

5) Why did Greenpeace criticize the Live Earth organizers?

6) Why did Greenpeace criticize Daimler-Chrysler?

7) Why did the Live Earth organizers let Daimler-Chrysler sponsor the Live Earth concerts?

8) Is it easy to get the bands to perform at the concerts? (Yes / No)

9) Which non-superstar concert promises to be the most special?

10) What is former US Vice President Al Gore’s relationship with Live Earth?


The Woman who changed the world of children

J.K Rowling was born in Chipping Sodury, July 31st 1965. Her childhood was generally happy,
although she does remember getting teased because of her name, “Rowling” – She recalls
often getting called “Rowling pin” by her less than ingenious school friends. J.K. Rowling says
she never really warmed to her own name, although, she does remember having a fondness
for the name Potter from quite an early age. J.K.Rowling studied at a school in
Gloucestershire, before moving to Chepstow, South Wales at the age of 9.
From an early age, J.K. Rowling had an ambition to be a writer. She often tried her hand at
writing, although little came from her early efforts. In her own autobiography she remembers
with great fondness, when her good friend Sean became the first person to give her the
confidence that one day she would be able to make a very good writer.

Sean was also the owner of a battered old Ford Anglia, which would later appear in one of
the Harry Potter series as a flying car.

After finishing school, her parents encouraged her to study French at the University of Essex.
She slightly regretted choosing French, saying she would have preferred to study English.
However, it was her parents wish that she study something “ more useful” than English.

After having spent a year in Paris, J.K.Rowling graduated from university and took various
jobs in London. One of her favourite jobs was working for Amnesty International; the charity,
which campaigns against human rights abuses throughout the world. Amnesty
International, is one of the many charities, which J.K.Rowling has generously supported since
she attained a new found wealth.

It was in 1990, that J.K.Rowling first conceived of the idea about Harry Potter. As she recalls,
it was on a long train journey from London to Manchester when she began forming in her
mind, the characters of the series. At the forefront, was a young boy, not aware that he was
a wizard. The train was delayed for over 4 hours, as she didn’t have a pen, and was too shy
to ask for one nothing was written down. But she remembers being very enthusiastic, and
excited about the ideas which were filling her mind.

On arriving in Manchester, she began work on writing the book immediately, although, it
would take several years to come to fruition. It was also in December of 1990 that J.K.Rowling
lost her mother, who died of Multiplex Sclerosis. J.K.Rowling was very close to her mother,
and she felt the loss deeply. Her own loss gave an added poignancy to the death of Harry
Potter’s mother in her book. She says her favourite scene in the Philosopher’s Stone is, The
Mirror of Erised, where Harry sees his parents in the mirror.

In 1991, J.K.Rowling left England to get a job as an English teacher in Portugal. It was here
that she met her first husband, and together they had a child Jessica. However, after a couple
of years, the couple split after a fierce argument; where by all accounts J.K.Rowling was
thrown out of the house. So she returned to England in 1994; still trying to finish her first
book. She was also working full time, and bringing up her daughter as a single parent. She
was struggling on state-assisted income. Eventually, she finished her first copy, and sent it
off to various agents. She found an agent, Christopher, who spent over a year trying to get a
publisher. Eventually, a quite small publisher, Bloomsbury agreed to take the book on. The
editor Barry Cunningham also agreed to pay her an advance of £1500. The decision to take
on the book was, in large part, due to his 8-year-old daughter’s enthusiastic reception of the

first chapter (However she was advised to continue teaching as writers of children’s books
don’t tend to get very well paid.)

Within a few weeks of publication, (1996) the book sales really started to take off. The initial
print run was of only 1,000 – 500 of these went to libraries. First editions are now said to be
worth up to £25,000 each. She also received a grant from the Scottish arts council, which
enabled her to write full time. After the books initial success in the UK, an American company
Scholastic agreed to pay a remarkable £100,000 for the rights to publish in America. In 1998,
Warner Bros secured the film rights for the books, giving a 7 figure sum. The films have
magnified the success of the books, making Harry Potter into one of the most recognisable
media products. Under the close guidance of J.K.Rowling, the films have sought to stay close
to the original plot; also at J.K.Rowling’s request all the actors are British. J.K.Rowling has
stated recently, that on the 21st December 2006, she finished her final book of the Harry
Potter Series – "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". The book is due for release in July
2007. J.K.Rowling has said the book is her favourite, and it makes her both happy and sad.
She has said she will continue writing but there is no chance of continuing the Harry Potter
Series. She however, may release a dictionary of things related to Hogswart and Harry Potter,
that were never published in other books.

J.K.Rowling currently lives in Scotland, on the banks of the river Tay, with her 2nd husband
Neil Murray; J.K.Rowling has 3 children, 2 with husband Neil.

1) Why does J.K. Rowling remember the name Potter from her childhood?

2) Has she always been a productive writer? (Yes / No)

3) How is Amnesty International related to Rowling? Mention 2 things.



4) How long did it take her to finish the first Potter book?

5) Was the first book an immediate success? ( Yes / No)

6) What made Harry Potter really famous?

7) What similarity may we find between Rowling’s and Harry’s lives?

8) How would you describe Rowling’s life before the first Potter book?

9) What special publication may fans expect soon?

10) How does Rowling see the future of the Harry Potter books?

The Fajita Heist

A Texas man who plead guilty to stealing more than $1.2 million in fajitas while acting
as a public servant has been sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Gilberto Escamilla, 53, was employed at the Darrel B. Hester Juvenile Detention
Center in San Benito, Texas, until August 2017 — when it was discovered that he had
been placing orders for fajitas using county funds and then selling them for his own
profit since December 2008, according to Cameron County Court filings.
When sentenced on Friday, Escamilla was also served with the maximum fine of
$10,000 on top of the $1,251,578.72 he was ordered to pay back for the cost of the
fajitas, officials said.
According to The Brownsville Herald, Escamilla's scheme unraveled last August
after a delivery driver with Labatt Food Service phoned the detention center to give
kitchen employees a heads up that an 800-pound delivery of fajitas had arrived.
Employees immediately thought the delivery to be suspicious as minors at the
detention center are not served fajitas, however the delivery driver insisted that had
been delivering fajitas to the detention center's kitchen for the past nine years.
After being fired and arrested, Escamilla's house was searched by police, who found
packages of the fajitas in his refrigerator.
"It was selfish. It started small and got bigger and out of control," Escamilla
said during court testimony, according to the Herald. "It got to the point where I
couldn't control it anymore."
Texas State District Judge J. Manuel Banales, who handed down the sentence,
dismissed an additional theft charge as part of an earlier plea deal made by
Escamilla. Because Escamilla stole more than $200,000 worth of goods, Texas law
considers the crime to be a first degree felony and allows for a sentencing of up to
99 years in prison. It also allows for a more severe punishment if the defendant
commits a crime while acting as a public servant.
Escamilla’s attorney, Gustavo Elizondo, did not return a request from NBC News for
comment. – NBC News

1. Pontosan hogyan követte el a bűncselekményt az említett texasi férfi?

2. Hogyan derült fény a férfi által elkövetett csalásra?
3. Mit mondott a tettéről a férfi a bíróságon?
4. Hány éves börtönbüntetést kapott a bűncselekmény elkövetéséért?
5. Miért ilyen súlyos a büntetése?

Leaning Tower of Pisa

One of the world's most famous buildings, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, has survived
everything from four powerful earthquakes to two world wars. Now, engineers may
have solved the mystery of how the building has managed to survive, undamaged,
for centuries.
Ironically, the reason the tower is tilted is also why it survived so long: "The very
same soil that caused the leaning instability and brought the tower to the verge of
collapse can be credited for helping it survive these seismic events," said George
Mylonakis of the University of Bristol's department of civil engineering.
The height and stiffness of the tower — along with softness of the soil underneath
it — reduces vibration in such a way that the tower doesn't shake during an
earthquake. This has been the key to its survival, Mylonakis said.
Because Italy is located on multiple fault lines, earthquakes have played an
important part in its history, according to Popular Science. Given the vulnerability of
the structure, which barely manages to stand vertically, it would be expected to
sustain serious damage or even collapse during even moderate seismic activity.
But thanks to the softness of the soil underneath, that hasn't happened.
The tower's original purpose was as a bell tower for the Pisa cathedral.
Now leaning precariously at a five-degree angle, construction on the 183-foot-tall
Tower began in 1173 but was halted five years later. The tower likely appeared
slightly tilted in 1178 because of a poorly laid foundation and loose subsoil, but
became more noticeable when construction continued on the tower a century later.
It was finally finished about 200 years later.
Benito Mussolini ordered Italian engineers to fix the tower in 1934, but that plan
failed. It was almost destroyed by the Allies during World War II, who were
concerned that it may have been a hideout for German snipers, but it was saved at
the last moment.
Mylonakis will formally announce his research at an earthquake engineering
conference in Greece next month.

1. Milyen rejtélyre találhattak most választ a tudósok?

2. Minek tudható be a tudósok szerint, hogy a torony még nem dőlt le?

3. Eredendően minek építették a Pisai ferdetornyot?

4. Mikor fejezték be a torony építését?

5. Miért akarták a Szövetségesek lerombolni a tornyot a 2. világháborúban?


The Walking Dead

ABC News reports -
Constantin Reliu learned in January that he was dead.
After more than 20 years of working as a cook in Turkey, the 63-year-old returned
home to Romania to discover that his wife had had him officially registered as
He has since been living a legalistic nightmare of trying to prove to authorities that
he is, in fact, alive. He faced a major setback Thursday when a court in the
northeastern city of Vaslui refused to overturn his death certificate because his
request was filed "too late."
The decision, the court said, is final.
"I am a living ghost," Reliu told The Associated Press in a phone interview Friday
from his home in Barlad, northeastern Romania.
"I am officially dead, although I'm alive," he said. "I have no income and because I
am listed as dead, I can't do anything."
During the interview, Reliu was deeply emotional, starting off by saying "I think I am
going to cry" and going on to voice rage and a desire for revenge against his wife,
who now lives in Italy.
"I am not sure whether I am divorced or not," he said. "I am not sure whether she is
married to someone else or not. Nobody will tell me."
Reliu explained that he first went to work in Turkey in 1992 and returned in 1995 to
the first big shock of his marriage — his wife's infidelity. In 1999, he decided to
return to Turkey for good.
The AP was not able to locate his wife to hear her side of the story.
Last December Turkish authorities detained him over expired papers and in
January deported him to Romania.
Upon landing at Bucharest airport, he was informed by border officials that he had
been officially declared dead and underwent six hours of questioning and tests.
They measured the distance between his eyes to see if it corresponded to an old
passport photograph; they asked him questions about his home town, such as
where the town hall was; they checked his fingerprints.
"They decided that it was me!" he said.
But authorities in Barlad were less convinced. He spent weeks trying to persuade
them to issue him papers so that he officially "existed," he said. When that failed, he

asked them to overturn the ruling on his death certificate, issued in 2016, which
also ended in failure Thursday on procedural grounds.
Reliu said he would like to file a fresh lawsuit but has no money and suffers from
diabetes, which makes everything more difficult.
He also said he has been banned for life from returning to Turkey but would like to
write to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to appeal the decision.

1. Milyen furcsa információ jutott tudomására a román férfinek?

2. Milyen döntést hozott a bíróság a férfi keresetére és milyen indoklással?

3. Milyen problémát okoz a férfi életében, hogy hivatalosan „halott”?
4. Mi történt a férfivel a reptéren, amikor hazatért Romániába?
5. Miért nem térhet vissza a férfi Törökországba sem?


Ha azt gondolod, hogy a középfokú hallás utáni szövegértés területén meg lehet
váltani a világot egy gyors felkészüléssel – akkor nem fogsz most szeretni.
Ugyanis nem lehet.

A hallás utáni szövegértés egy valós nyelvi képességedet mér, ami nem
fejleszthető csak úgy egyik napról a másikra.

Fontos, hogy kerek, egész mondatokkal válaszolj a kérdésekre, és amennyiben

meg van adva előre, hogy hány pontos egy kérdés, akkor a sokpontos kérdéseknél
igyekezz minél több infót adni, az 1-2 pontos kérdéseknél valószínűleg rövid válasz
is elegendő lesz. Üresen ne hagyj semmit! Tippelj, az is jobb, mint az üresen
hagyott válasz. Hátha bejön belőle egy kicsi és 1-2 pontot már pluszban kapsz.

És hát ennyi. Itt nincs stratégia. Itt nincs vizsgaátverés.

Ha szeretnéd alaposan fejleszteni a hallás utáni beszédértésedet, akkor

kőkeményen állj neki úgy fejleszteni azt, ahogyan a Nulla nyelvérzékkel
folyékonyan angolul könyvemben ezt egy komplett fejezetben tanítom Neked.

Hiába hallgatsz meg 20 nyelvvizsga szöveget, a hallás utáni értésed ettől éppen
nullát fog fejlődni. Éppen ezért én ennek a vizsgákon nagy feneket nem kerítek,
40% alá ne menj! A hallás utáni beszédértés képességed fejlesztése hónapok és
évek kérdése, éppen ezért semmilyen szinten nem szoktam a nyelvvizsga
felkészítő tanfolyamaim részévé tenni, ugyanis konkrétan időpazarlás a vizsgád
eredményessége és a nyelvtudásod szempontjából is.

1-2 szöveget meg kell csinálni, hogy legyen rutinod, de ettől a pontszámod és a
képességed sem lesz magasabb, egyszerűen csak látod, hogy milyen jellegű
feladatok lesznek a vizsgán.


Hanganyag itt:

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1. (A) Where was a small earthquake detected on June 17? (1 point)

(B) What was the reason for it? (1 point)
(C) Did locals feel the earthquake? (1 point)
2. How many soccer fans mobbed the main square after the game? (1 point)
3. How often do sports fan cause artificial earthquakes? (1 point)
4. (A) What is the ‘Beast Quake’? (1 point)
(B) When did it happen? (1 point)
(C) What sport is it related to? (1 point)
(D) What did the ‘Beast Quake’ inspire scientists to do? (2 points)
5. What other man-made earthquakes are mentioned in the article? (2 points)
6. Why does water gets pumped back into the ground? (1 point)
7. Which US state is mentioned and why? (2 points)


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1. What did the new documentary claim and what were the consequences? (3 pts)
2. Why did J. Kent Layton decide to start a research. Why is it important (according
to him)? (3 points)
3. What three things journalist Senan Molony refer to to support his claims? (3
4. What was the most shocking claim in the documentary? (1 point)
5. How did the experts respond to these and other claims? (5 points)


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1. Miért és mi közben hagyják Mark Watney-t a Marson? (2 pont)

2. Milyen kihívásokkal kell szembenéznie? (3 pont)
3. Mely szervezetek és mikor tervezik emberek Marsra juttatását? (2 pont)
4. Milyen problémák merülnek fel a Marsra való utazással és ott tartózkodással
kapcsolatban? (3 pont)
5. (A) Mi az ISS és hol található? (1 pont)
(B) Milyen feladatokat látnak el ott? (2 pont)
(C) Milyen hosszú ideig tartózkodnak ott az asztronauták? (1 pont)
6. Milyen élelmet termesztenek az űrállomáson? (1 pont)


Hanganyag itt:

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1. (A) Mikor találta fel Benz az első automobilt? (1 pont)

(B) Benz előtt milyen meghajtású autókkal kísérleteztek már? (1 pont)
2. Mekkora volt Verbiest járműve és kinek készült? (2 pont)
3. Mi volt a probléma az 1700-as évek találmányaival? (2 pont)
4. Mit tudunk Benz járművének kerekeiről? (3 pont)
5. Mi volt Benz járművének alapanyaga és mit tudunk a benne használt motorról?
(4 pont)
6. Mi történt a nyilvános bemutatón? (1 pont)
7. Mekkora távolságot tett meg Benz továbbfejlesztett járműve? (1 pont)


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My nuclear family

I live in a family of ( 4 ).

We live in a detached house in ( Bivalyröcsöge ).

My nuclear family consists of my (husband, my two sons ) and me.

I get on well with my family, we have a great relationship.

My extended family

My extended family consists of my (grandmother, my grandfather, my godmother,

my godfather, my cousins and my uncles and aunts. )

I keep in touch with my extended family on a regular basis. We meet ( every week /
at holidays … )

When does your family get together?

There are a lot of different times when we get together. We always get together at
holidays, at Easter or Christmas and we celebrate birthdays together.

How do you celebrate birthdays?

We do a lot of different things on birthdays. Of course, we always buy a present to
the person who has a birthday. We usually sing ‘Happy Birthday to you’ and we buy
a big cake. And of course, we have a big meal.

Do you resemble anyone in the family?
I take after my mother. We have the same looks, for instance…
I take after my father. We have the same personality, for instance….

Is there a generation gap in your family?

Well, different generations tend to have problems with each other, for instance….
- they like different kinds of music and films
- they have different values
- and they have different ways of thinking

Is it good to be a single child? Is it good to have a brother / sister?

I guess it’s good to have a brother or a sister since you can share your problems and
you can discuss everything. Of course, sometimes there are some problems when
children are young, for instance, you fight over little things.

What’s the ideal age for getting married?

I guess the ideal age for getting married is (26) since ……
- at this age the man and the woman have a job
- and they are ready to start a family.

Further expressions:

It’s the mother’s / father’s / children’s responsibility to do sg.

strong family ties

Television has a bad effect on families.

A good upbringing is really important.



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Holidays – Christmas → How do you spend Christmas?

What do you do at Christmas?

At Christmas:

- there is a big family gathering at our place, we celebrate Christmas together

- we decorate a Christmas tree, usually ( my sons and I ) decorate the tree
- we have a Christmas meal together
- and we give each other presents

New Year’s Eve → What do people do on New Year’s Eve?

How do you spend New Year’s Eve?

On New Year’s Eve people:

- go to parties and they eat, drink and dance

- and people have a good time.

At midnight:
- people clink glasses with champagne
- they wish Happy New Year to each other
- they sing the national anthem

Easter → How do people celebrate Easter in Hungary?

What do you do at Easter?
In Hungary, there is a custom that boys go from house to house to sprinkle girls.
- The boys tell a poem and they sprinkle the girls.
- The girls give the boys Easter eggs or money.
- People eat a lot of eggs and ham at Easter.

15 March
On 15 March we celebrate the revolution of 1848 when the Hungarians started fighting the Austrians
for independence.
23 October
On 23 October we celebrate the revolution of 1956 when the Hungarians started fighting the
Russians for independence.
20 August
On 20 August we celebrate the founding of the Hungarian State by Saint Stephen. There are a lot of
open-air concerts and a big fireworks display in Budapest and throughout the country.



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About your town

I live in a small town, Gödöllő.

It is situated near Budapest.
It has a population of (35 000).
Gödöllő is famous for……….

About places in town

There are a wide range of amenities and facilities in my town where you can do different things.
We have sports facilities, shops and quite a lot of health facilities.
For instance, there are…

Sports facilities Shopping facilities Health facilities Other facilities

gym supermarket polyclinics petrol station

ice-rink furniture store doctor’s office railway station
football pitch market dentist’s office bus station
tennis court Small shops: X-ray centre
basketball court confectionery
athletic track stationery
clothes shop

About you and the town

I am fond of living in my town since…

+ it’s a peaceful and quiet place

+ most of the people are really kind
+ there are some nice places
+ you can go for walks in the nature and in the parks

Which is better? Living on the outskirts or living in the centre?
One of the biggest advantages of ….. is that…
Another advantage is that…

In the centre On the outskirts

+ if you live in the centre, everything is within an + the outskirts are usually more quiet and less
easy reach polluted, the air is cleaner

+ the public transport tends to be better in the + if you live on the outskirts, there are more green
centre areas

- the centre is often really polluted as there is - the public transport tends to be poor on the
heavy traffic outskirts

- the centre is very often noisy - most facilities are far away

In the city In the countryside

+ if you live in a city, everything is within an easy + the countryside is usually more quiet and less
reach polluted, the air is cleaner

+ the public transport tends to be better in the + if you live in the countryside, there are more
centre green areas

- the city is often really polluted as there is heavy - the public transport tends to be poor on the
traffic outskirts

- cities are often very noisy - most facilities and amenities are far away

Advantages of living in a flat versus advantages of living in a house

Flat House

+ first of all, flats are a lot cheaper, so more people + a house is more spacious than a flat, there is
can afford to buy a flat more room and you can have a garden

+ the costs are lower in a flat + houses are usually situated on the outskirts of a
town, where the air is cleaner
- you have a lot of neighbours and they can be
really annoying and noisy - a house is really expensive to buy, fewer people
can afford it
- in a flat there is less room than in a house
(kevesebb hely! Nem szoba!) - the costs are higher

Types of housing
There are a wide range of different houses, for instance,
- blocks of flats (high-rise buildings)
- terraced houses
- detached houses
- semi-detached houses



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What schools have you attended in your life?

What schools have you attended so far?
What educational facilities do children attend in Hungary?

In Hungary, children first go to nursery school / kindergarten.

At the nursery school children learn how to behave in a community, how to play together and they
learn, the nursery school prepares them for elementary school.

Then at the age of six, children go on to elementary school.

In the first years of elementary school they learn to read, write and count. Then they start
learning a wide range of subjects such as Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Literature and Foreign

After elementary school, students can apply to different secondary schools. In Hungary there are three
basic types of secondary schools.

1. First there are the grammar schools. At a grammar school, you receive no technical
qualification but the requirements are the highest at these schools. If you want to go on to
university, a grammar school is definitely the best choice. Students learn a wide range of
subjects in detail and can take A-level or O-level exams at the end and get a GCSE.

2. The second type is the technical school. At a technical school, students must learn a
number of technical subjects depending on their field. They receive a GCSE and a technical

3. The third type is the vocational school. Usually students with poor results are admitted to
such schools. They can receive only a technical qualification but no GCSE. Such schools
focus mainly on technical skills.

After secondary school, you can go on to college or university.

Nowadays it is really important to have a degree as it is required in most jobs.

There are many types of universities, such as

- the University of Medicine

- the University of Economics
- Law School
- Technical University

During your university studies, you specialise in a certain field and become an expert in it.



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There is a wide range of places to go out.

To tell the truth, I am not much of a theatre-goer / movie-goer.

To tell the truth, I am really keen on going to the theatre / to the cinema.

Well, I’m not much of a couch potato, I prefer going out.

I am really keen on … news programmes.

quiz shows.
talk shows.
films and series.

Among films, I especially like…

action films as they have an exciting story and they are really spectacular
horror films as they have an exciting story and they are really spectacular
comedies as you surely have a good time when you watch a comedy.
dramas as they are full of emotions and they make you think about life.
documentaries as they give you much interesting information about past events.
nature films as they are about animals, which I’m really fond of.
TV series as you can see episodes with the same characters on a daily or a weekly basis.

The cinema The theatre

+ you can enjoy spectacular movies nowadays + you can enjoy the performance of live actors.
on the huge screens at the cinema.
+ theatres tend to have a better atmosphere than
+ you needn’t prepare much for going out to the cinemas.
cinema, you can decide to go whenever you like.
- you must book your tickets in advance
+ Usually you needn’t book a ticket and you
needn’t wear formal clothes. - you must wear formal clothes at the theatre

- At the cinema, the audience may disturb you as - theatre tickets tend to be more expensive
they are eating during the film. than cinema tickets.

About TV

Nowadays a great number of people have become couch-potatoes and they are watching TV all the

There are too many advertisements on TV and I hate them.

Most films nowadays are full of violence and gore and they have a bad effect on children.

I guess more films should be shown with subtitles as it is a very good way of learning foreign
languages, especially English, of course.

the last book / the last film / the last play ->
The story is about a man / a gang / a group / a couple who…
The story is set in Italy.



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Public transport:

Do you use public transport?

As I need to commute to school/work, I use public transport on a daily basis.
I rarely travel by public transport as I usually tend to travel by car.

What is public transport like in Budapest?

Unfortunately, vehicles tend to be in rather poor condition in Hungary, all the vehicles are crowded,
especially in the rush hours and some services are very expensive nowadays.
However, there is an extended network of public transport in Budapest so it’s pretty easy to get from
one place to another.
There are a wide range of means of public transport that you can use, for instance, the bus, the train,
the tram, the local train and the underground.

What main parts does a car have?

A car has a wide range of parts, for instance:

• the engine
• the wheels
• the boot
• the hood
• the windscreen
• the headlights and the taillights (brake lights and indicators)

In the interior, there are

• seats and seat belts

• a steering wheel
• different switches
• a gear shift (automatic or manual)
• speedometer, fuel gauge
• airbags
• pedals, the clutch, the brake pedal and the gas pedal (accelerator)

How do you get a car started?

When you get into the car, first you must fasten the seat belt. Then insert the ignition key and turn it
to get the engine running. You mustn’t forget to turn on the headlights. Then you must use the
indicator and push down the clutch and put the car into first gear. Then you must slowly let up the
clutch and step on the accelerator at the same time. And you’re going.

One of the biggest advantages of the ……… is that ………… And besides that, ……..
One of the biggest disadvantages of the ……… is that ………… And besides that, ……..


The train:

+ the train is the most spacious vehicle in public - some trains in Hungary tend to be really dirty
transport, you can walk to and fro in the corridors and old trains can be very noisy
and there are toilets available
- travelling by train is sometimes really
+ the train is the best choice to travel long expensive, especially when you travel short
distances as it is very comfortable and there is distances
plenty of room for your luggage
- on some long-distance trains you can’t book a
+ on some trains you can book a seat in seat, so you may have to stand for hours and
advance, so it’s not so crowded and you can be hours if you can't find a vacant seat.
sure to have a vacant seat.

The underground:

+ the underground is definitely the best choice - the underground can get extremely crowded in
when you travel in the city as it never gets into a the rush hours
traffic jam
- there are very few seats, so you often have to
+ it runs very frequently, about every 5 minutes stand

+ it’s quite fast, you can get from one side of the - there are a lot of ticket inspectors who often
city to the other in about 30 minutes stop you to check your ticket

The tram:

+ the tram runs very frequently - the tram can get extremely crowded in the rush
+ there are a great number of tram lines in
Budapest - there are really few seats, so most people have
to stand

- there is no air conditioning on trams, so they

The bus: can get really hot on hot summer days

+ there is an extended bus line network in

Budapest, basically you can go anywhere by bus - buses are not very comfortable

+ buses have many stops, so you can travel short

distances - there are very few seats

+ some supermarkets and malls have a direct

bus connection - buses tend to be overcrowded and not only in
The taxi: the rush hours

+ travelling by taxi is definitely the most

comfortable way of travelling in the city -- travelling by taxi is the most expensive way of
+ you can take a lot of luggage in the taxi
-- the taxi can get into a traffic jam, so it can be
+ you can go wherever you want and whenever slower than other vehicles
you want -- there are some taxi drivers who tend to deceive
passengers, so you must be very careful



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Shopping and services

About you and shopping

To tell the truth, I am not much of a shopper, I only go shopping when necessary.
Well, I am really keen on shopping. I guess it’s more like a hobby to me.

About places to go shopping

There are many different places where you can do your shopping.
When you want to buy mostly groceries, then nothing is a better idea than going to a huge

When you want to buy clothes or shoes and you want to have a good time while shopping, you should
choose a mall.

When you have just run out of something at home, the local corner shop is the best choice.

About malls
Malls have become really wide-spread and popular recently especially because they are a shopping
place and a place to go out at the same time.

+ you can find many different shops under one roof in a mall
+ the staff tend to be polite and the place is usually clean
+ malls offer very good parking facilities for your car
- malls tend to be very crowded and expensive places

Supermarkets Small local shops

+ there is a wide choice of products at + small shops are usually situated close to your
supermarkets place, so you can go there whenever you run out
of something
+ often there are sales so you can buy products at
a very low price + shop assistants tend to be kinder at small shops
than at supermarkets
-service tends to be very poor, it often happens
that you can’t find any shop assistants at all. - the choice is very limited at small shops

- these huge supermarkets are usually situated on - prices tend to be higher than at supermarkets
the outskirts of cities, so you need a car to get



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I think people in general tend to neglect their health, which is a great mistake.

If you want to keep fit, you must do sports on a regular basis and you must have a healthy diet.

A healthy diet consists of food rich in nutrients and vitamins. You mustn’t eat too much fatty meat.

Eating too much junk food is likely to lead to obesity.

Hospitals are in terrible condition in Hungary.

Most people are overburdened and overstressed.

It is vital to see your GP on a regular basis.

Eating too much sweets is bad for your teeth.

Typical symptoms: Children’s diseases:

I have a runny nose.
I have a sore throat. chicken pox bárányhimlő
mumps mumpsz
I have a high temperature.
measles kanyaró
I have a bad cough.
I have a pain in my…..(chest). Common diseases
pneumonia tüdőgyulladás
appendicitis vakbélgyulladás
flu influenza
cancer rák

infectious diseases fertőző betegségek

fatal diseases halálos betegségek
epidemic járvány


The doctor…
It is essential do some sports on a
…checks your throat.
…checks your lungs.
regular basis since it keeps you fit and
…takes your blood pressure. healthy.
…has an X-ray made.
…makes out a prescription. I am quite convinced that professional
…sends you to hospital. sports take a heavy toll on your health.

The dentist…
Sports can be exciting and fun.
… checks for cavities.
… fills the tooth.
… pulls out a tooth.



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About jobs in general

Basically, jobs can be divided into two major groups, blue-collar jobs and white-collar jobs.

Blue-collar jobs are jobs where you have to do manual work and use your physical power. These jobs
tend to be very tiring and often very dirty. Some blue-collar jobs, for instance, are the plumber, the
carpenter, the builder, the mechanic, the painter and so on. For some blue-collar jobs you don’t need
any qualifications at all, for some others, you need a technical school qualification.

White-collar jobs are jobs where you have to use your mental abilities rather than your physical skills.
Some white-collar jobs, for instance, are the architect, the engineer, the teacher, the doctor and so on.
You need a college or university degree for most white-collar jobs but these jobs tend to be better-
paid and usually you have a better working environment.

What do you consider important about a job?

What gives you job satisfaction? What kind of job would you like?
What I find the most important about a job is, of course, the salary. But besides the money, I guess
you shouldn’t forget about such things as the working environment, getting on well with the
colleagues and having a good boss. And I would hate to travel long distances to work every day.

What do you think about working abroad?

Hungary is a member of the European Union, so getting a job abroad seems to be a lot easier. Working
abroad has a wide range of advantages, for instance, the higher salaries and the better working
environment. However, working abroad means living far from your country and living in a different
culture is never easy.

How can you find a job?

Nowadays it is not easy to get a job. When you are looking for a job, you should look at advertisements
in newspapers and on the Internet. When you apply for a job, you must write a CV with your personal
particulars, your qualifications and skills. Then if the company is interested in you, they will have a job
interview with you.




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Középfokú szituációk – teljesen vegyes témákban
1. Foglaljon szobát családja részére egy szállodában. Tengerre néző szobát foglaljon.
Kérdezzen rá az árakra, válasszon szobát, adja meg adatait értelemszerűen.

2. Étteremben van. Kérje el a pincértől az étlapot és rendeljen húslevest és steaket, illetve

valamilyen üdítőt. A fizetésnél a számlán azt látja, hogy 10 Fonttal többet számláztak Önnek,
mint amennyit kellett volna. Tegye szóvá a dolgot a pincérnek.

3. Vásároljon férjének/feleségének egy pólót ajándékba egy londoni ruhaboltban és

csomagoltassa be.

4. Adjon tanácsot angol barátjának arról, hogy hogyan éljen egészségesebben. (egészséges
étrend, sport, stresszmentes munka stb.)

5. Hívja fel telefonszolgáltatóját telefonon és reklamáljon, hogy a számlán magasabb összeg

szerepel, mint kellene.

6. Összefut egy rég nem látott ismerősével. Hívja el moziba. Beszéljék meg, hol, mikor
találkoznak és hogy mit nézzenek meg.

7. Összefut egy rég nem látott ismerősével május végén. Érdeklődjön nyári terveiről és mondja
el a sajátjait is. Vesse fel egy közös nyaralás ötletét.

8. Elromlott az autója külföldön. Hívja fel a helyi sárga angyalt és kérjen segítséget. Kérdezzen
rá, hogy mennyibe fog kerülni segítségnyújtásuk.

9. Egy külföldi útbaigazítást kér Öntől, hogy hogyan találhat oda a város főterére. Adjon
útbaigazítást és említsen meg néhány helyi látnivalót.

10. Fia rosszul tanul az iskolában. A szülői értekezleten kérdezzen rá a tanárnál ennek okára és
kérjen tanácsot.

11. Új házba költözött. Meglátja a szomszédot. Mutatkozzon be és mondja el, hogy miért
költözött ide, miért ezt a környéket választotta.

12. Vigyen vissza egy, a boltban vásárolt hibás televíziót és mondja el a hiba jellegét. Kérje a
termék cseréjét.

13. Orvoshoz kell mennie, mert csúnyán megfázott. Mondja el a panaszait az orvosnak.
Kérdezzen rá, hogy hol van a legközelebbi patika.

14. Autót kíván vásárolni. Az autókereskedőnek mondja el igényeit (nagy, családi autót keres).

Tematikus szituációk


1. Fiad rosszul tanul az iskolában. Menj el osztályfőnökéhez és beszéld meg

vele az ügyet.

2. Meséld el angol ismerősödnek, hogy Magyarországon milyen húsvéti

szokások vannak.

3. Karácsonyra angol rokonodtól egy olyan ruhát kaptál, aminek sem a színe,
sem a mérete nem megfelelő. Beszéld meg vele ezt telefonon.

4. Egy angol barátod elújságolja, hogy megházasodik. Érdeklődj az esküvő

részletei felől. Mondd el a saját véleményedet a házasságról és, hogy Te
milyen esküvőt szeretnél majd.

5. Hívd meg egy angol ismerősödet a születésnapi bulidra. Mondd el a


6. Egy amerikai barátod nem jön ki a szüleivel. Adj tanácsot neki, hozz fel saját
példákat is.


7. Szomszédod az utóbbi időben zajos partikat tart. Tedd szóvá neki.

8. Egy újsághirdetésből kinézett albérletet szeretnél kibérelni. Érdeklődj a

részletekről telefonon, egyeztess időpontot személyes találkozóra.

9. Mondd el amerikai ismerősödnek, hogy mik a problémák a magyarországi

nagy panelházakkal.

10. 5 éve Angliában élsz. Menj el egy bankba, ahol lakásvásárlásra szeretnél
kölcsönt felvenni. Mondd el az ügyintézőnek igényeidet (lakás ára, igényelt
kölcsön, hol és milyen lakást szeretnél venni, hány év alatt tudnád
visszafizetni a kölcsönt stb...)

11. Kollégiumban laksz és külföldi szobatársad nem veszi ki a részét a házi

munkából. Hozd fel ezt a problémát és egyeztess vele, hogy ez után ki és
milyen házi munkát fog végezni.

12. Külföldi ismerősöddel egy hétre lakást szeretnétek cserélni nyaralás

céljából. Jellemezd saját lakóhelyed (ház, szobák, környezet, település stb.)
és tegyél fel kérdéseket az ő lakásával kapcsolatban.


13. Menj el az orvoshoz külföldön, mert influenzához hasonló tüneteid vannak

(köhögés, tüsszögés, láz, torokfájás). Mondd el panaszaidat és kérdezz rá az
orvosnál, hogy a vizsgálat számodra ingyenes-e, illetve, hogy merre találod a
legközelebbi gyógyszertárat.

14. Egy amerikai barátod meglátogat Téged Magyarországon és látod, hogy az

utóbbi időben nagyon elhízott. Adj neki tanácsot, hogy hogyan fogyhatna le.

15. Mesélj egy külföldi ismerősödnek a magyar egészségügyi helyzetről. Térj ki

arra, hogy szerinted az emberek nagy része miért nem él egészséges életet
és arra is, hogy milyen az egészségügyi ellátás Magyarországon.

16. Hívd fel angol ismerősödet és mondd le angliai utazásodat, mert eltört a lábad.
Mondd el, hogy milyen kezelést kaptál.

17. Egy barátod keményen dohányzik. Tanácsold neki, hogy szokjon le és mondd
el, hogy miért.


18. Egy ismerősöd állást keres. Mondd el, hogy szerinted mik a leghatékonyabb
módszerek és ajánld fel, hogy rákérdezel, hogy a cégeteknél nincs-e
véletlenül valamilyen üresedés.

19. Állásinterjún vagy. Mondd el eddigi tapasztalataidat és tegyél fel

informálódó jellegű kérdéseket (munkaidő, fizetés, feladatok).

20. Egy amerikai ismerősöddel beszélgetsz és a munkahelyedre terelődik a szó.

Mondd el, miért szeretsz és miért nem szeretsz ott dolgozni.


21. Hívd el barátodat magaddal a piacra vásárolni. Mondd el, Te miért szeretsz

22. Egy ruhaboltban vásárolsz magadnak télikabátot. Mondd el az eladónak az

igényeidet és vedd meg a kabátot.

23. Barátod hitelre szeretne vásárolni magának egy drága televíziót. Mondd el,
hogy szerinted ez miért jó, vagy nem jó ötlet.

24. New Yorkban egy amerikai barátod el szeretne menni veled egy plázába.
Mondd el, hogy inkább valamilyen bevásárló utcába szeretnél menni, ha
lehet, mert jobban szereted az ilyen helyeknek a hangulatát és egyébként
tapasztalataid szerint a plázák drágábbak is ezeknél az utcai boltoknál.
Mondd el, hogy főként milyen dolgokat szeretnél vásárolni (szuvenírek a
családnak, ruhák stb.)

25. Egy angol ismerőd karácsony előtt vásárolni hív. Mondd el ezzel
kapcsolatos aggályaidat, hogy ilyenkor a nagy boltok tömve vannak
emberekkel és csak nagyon hosszú idő alatt lehet elvégezni az ajándék
vásárlást. Mondd el, hogy Te általában már jóval korábban el szoktál kezdeni
karácsonyra vásárolni, hogy elkerüld ezt a nagy nyüzsgést.


26. Londonban utazol, ahol az ellenőr meg akar büntetni. Mondd el, hogy azt
hitted, hogy ez a jegy érvényes ide és mentegetőzz.

27. Egy angol turista megállít az utcán és érdeklődik, hogy hogyan juthat a
Hősök terére. Magyarázd el neki, hogy hogyan juthat el oda a
legkönnyebben tömegközlekedéssel.

28. Repülővel utaztál New Yorkba, ahol a reptéren nem találod a csomagjaidat.
Menj oda a pulthoz és reklamálj a poggyászod végett. Mondd el, hogy
hogyan nézett ki a csomagod.


29. Hívd el moziba egy ismerősödet. Mondd el, hogy milyen filmet szeretnél
megnézni és beszéljétek meg, hogy hol találkoztok.

30. Színházba kívánsz jegyet foglalni. Mondd el, hogy a földszinti nézőtérre
kívánsz 3 jegyet foglalni. Kérdezz rá, hogy mikor ér véget az előadás és hogy
hány felvonásos.


A 4 válaszlehetőséges feleletválasztós teszt pont ebben a formában ma már nem

nagyon szerepel (szerencsére! 😊) a középfokú nyelvvizsgákon.

Viszont mindenféle variánsai (beillesztés 3 lehetőségből, több szóból, ugyanez csak

mondatokkal stb.) szinte mindenhol jelen vannak.

Éppen ezért, bár pont ezzel nem találkozol vizsgákon, gyakorolgatásnak (és
nyelvtani tudatosságod fejlesztésének) tökéletes gyakorlás.

Azt elmondtam Neked a feleletválasztós feladatról szóló stratégiai

audiomagyarázatban: nyerned nem ezen a részén kell a nyelvvizsgádnak.

Viszont, ha Te szeretnéd fejleszteni az általános – főleg nyelvtani – tudatosságodat,

akkor a következő 15 szettnyi gyakorlóanyag ebben sokat tud segíteni Neked.



Peter simply walked in with no clothes on, _________ shocked everyone in the room.

A: what B: which

C: that D: -


When did they last __________a really exciting film on TV?

A: saw B: seeing

C: see D: seen


I never have ___________ money in the car because it attracts criminals.

A: some B: any

C: little D: many


I’m going to finish it, ___________ it’s getting dark.

A: however B: in spite of

C: although D: nevermind


I don’t think students ____________ to use their smartphones during maths tests.

A: should allow B: should be allow

C: should be allowing D: should be allowed


It’s not surprising he doesn’t like it, ________?

A: does he B: is it

C: doesn’t he D: isn’t it


What is your sister planning to do after she ____________ this project?

A: has finished B: will finish

C: finish D: is finishing


How much money ___________ on useless things, I don’t know.

A: has been spending B: is been spending

C: has been spent D: has spent


A good friend is someone __________ can always turn __________.

A: you… B: who…to

C: who… you to D: you… to


When I saw his eyes, I knew he _____________ computer games for hours.

A: was playing B: has been playing

C: had been playing D: had been played


Have you ever ____________? It looks awful.

A: had painted this room B: been painting this room

C: get this room painted D: had this room painted


If you __________ only one week to live, what ____________ you do?

A: had… would B: have… would

C: will have… will D: had… will


Jenny doesn’t like watching films and _______________.

A: Tom doesn’t like it too B: so does Tom

C: Tom doesn’t like it either D: Tom does neither


There’s nothing to do here. I feel lonely and bored. I wish __________ here.

A: I didn’t have to be B: I don’t have to be

C: my brohers are D: I hadn’t had to be


You never seem to take my advice. I told you __________ there alone.

A: don’t go B: to don’t go

C: not to go D: to not go


Everyone was shocked as we ________________ a dragon before.

A: have never seen B: had never seen

C: didn’t see D: weren’t seen


A key is a thing ____________ you can open a door.

A: with what B: with which

C: with that D: which


You ____________. You wouldn’t feel hungry now.

A: should have been eaten B: should have been eating

C: should have eaten D: should have had eaten


When I arrived, they _____________dinner. That’s why I had to go bed hungry.

A: had had B: had

C: were having D: have had


’Have you ever seen the midnight sun?’ ’Yes, I ______________to Norway two years ago.’

A: had been B: was

C: have been D: went


I don’t know anyone who likes _____________this stupid show on TV.

A: watching B: looking

C: watch D: look


The letters are full of spelling mistakes. They need ______________before we print them.

A: to check B: check

C: to be checking D: checking


As they were alone and didn’t have more time they had to do all the housework ___________.

A: themself B: themselfs

C: themselves D: by themself


We saw the firefighters heading north. There must have been a farmhouse _____________fire.

A: in B: on

C: at D: under


Mary is always there for you when you need support. She is ______________ kindhearted girl.

A: so B: such a

C: such D: so a


It’s not a problem if we start in the morning. I ___________________early.

A: used to get up B: used to getting up

C: am used to get up D: am used to getting up


There’s no point ___________ more money. Jim won’t sell his car, believe me.

A: in offering B: to offer

C: to be offered D: in offer


I don’t know how old _____________ but I know he _____________in Manchester.

A: is he… was born B: he is… was born

C: he is… was borne D: is he… borned


My grandfather ____________ a hardworking farmer. He despised lazy people.

A: says to be B: was said to be

C: was said he is D: says to have been


I ________________ my coat after locking the front door.

A: put off B: took on

C: took off D: put up


I feel really sorry for her. She is weak and broken. She has been in hospital __________ Wednesday.

A: for B: on

C: since D: by


I’m disappointed now. You said you ______________ my instructions.

A: would follow B: will follow

C: would be follow D: are going to follow


In my hometown, __________ is famous for its unique churches, it’s impossible to book a hotel room
in the peak season.

A: that B: what

C: -- D: which


I can’t make it on Thursday but how about ______________ at the weekend?

A: to go for a swim B: going for a swim

C: to go swimming D: swim


Anthony seems to be very nervous. You _____________ to him a bit later.

A: would better talk B: had better talk

C: had better talking D: had better to talk


He will have to take responsibility for this, whether he wants to or _________.

A: not B: doesn’t

C: won’t D: not to


Everyone was tired and sleepy. We ______________ for eleven hours.

A: have been driving B: had been driving

C: had driving D: were driving


Don’t be so angry with him. It’s not the end of the world he has forgotten __________ her your

A: giving B: to give

C: give D: not giving


’Will they come to our aid?’ ’I _____________’.

A: hope so B: hope that

C: hope it D: hope they do


Although it is said to be a good exhibition, I don’t think it’s worth ___________.

A: visiting B: to visit

C: visit D: be visiting


No matter how hard we try, we ______________ as professional as the others.

A: can not be B: will not be

C: must not be D: should not be


You won’t make as much money as ____________.

A: their B: theirs is

C: them D: them will


I asked him to stop ________________ films. He sould start ____________ immediately.

A: to download… work B: downloading… work

C: downloading… to working D: to download… working


The police are still looking for the possible victims. They __________________ since.

A: haven’t seen B: weren’t seen

C: haven’t been seen D: hadn’t been seen


Would you mind _____________ this box for me, please?

A: lift B: to lift

C: lifting D: to lifting


‘Must I paint all of them today?’ ‘No, you __________ . We have plenty of time.’

A: won’t B: mustn’t

C: don’t D: needn’t


I’m sure Kate _________________ if you __________________nicer to her.

A: would have helped… had been B: would help… have been

C: would have helped… were D: would help… will be


The whole thing started in a park in the west _________ the city.

A: from B: to

C: of D: at


He fell asleep on the sofa _______________ the final game.

A: while B: at

C: unless D: during


____________ you work, ______________ it is to finish in time.

A: The more harder… the likelier B: The harder… the more likely

C: The harder… the likely D: The hardly… the more likelier



My father needed a lot of money when he wanted to ____________ his own firm.

A: set up B: set off

C: settle in D: put on


Whenever we come to this bar we have three sandwiches ___________.

A: ourself B: ourselves

C: each D: one another


He _________________ to get tickets for the Chicago Bulls match for ages, but he couldn’t.

A: has been trying B: had been trying

C: was trying D: tries


You _______________ put it in your pocket. You might need it later on.

A: would better B: would rather

C: had rather D: had better


‘Does she enjoy talking to people in bars?’ ‘_________________.’

A: It depends on. B: It depends.

C: It depends from what. D: It depends of the bar.


I would like to apologize ________ you _________ behaving so stupidly.

A: from… because B: from… about

C: to… for D: to… about


If only you __________ less! I can’t stand bad language.

A: would swear B: swear

C: didn’t swear D: would swore


You can’t imagine how much he’s looking forward ______________ around that region.

A: for travelling B: to travelling

C: to travel D: for travel


Stop it, please. This issue is _________ vital importance.

A: for B: --

C: of D: with


____________ my brother was quite hungry, he didn’t want to eat the last sandwich.

A: In spite of B: Although

C: Despite D: However


He will never make a good teacher. He has never liked ________________.

A: the children B: children

C: childrens D: the childrens


I ____________ many excellent pictures of the castle before, but to be there was beyond imagination.

A: have seen B: have been seen

C: had seen D: had sawn


Come over around 10 o’clock. By then I _____________ the second chapter.

A: will read B: have read

C: would read D: will have read


Can you see that dog? It’s __________ right. It’s sitting __________ left of the rock.

A: in the… for the B: on the… to the

C: on… in D: on the… in the


At first I was surprised, but I soon realized that all the cakes ________________.

A: was eaten B: had eaten

C: had been eaten D: were eating


We can’t play table tennis outside ____________ it stops raining.

A: unless B: until

C: nevertheless D: however


They asked me when ____________________ him.

A: did I first met B: I was first meeting

C: I had first met D: had I been first met


They weren’t really good brothers. They _____________ a lot.

A: fell in B: fell out

C: fell off D: fell on


Luckily enough, we managed _____________________ an appointment _________ the lawyer.

A: for making… with B: making… to

C: to make… with D: to make… from


She couldn’t find the envelope anywhere in the room. Somebody ______________________ taken it.

A: might have B: need have

C: can have been D: should have had


In some regions people can ________read _________write. They are illiterate.

A: either… or B: neither… or

C: neither… nor D: not… nor


Don’t worry. It’s not going to be a problem. He ______________ it.

A: is used to B: gets used to

C: used to D: is been used to


It feels so strange. _________________ the colours?

A: Have you changed B: Did you change

C: Did you changed D: Are changed


As they couldn’t find an acceptable solution, they _____________.

A: broke off B: tied the knot

C: broke up D: split off


He wanted to know who ____________ his car without asking him.

A: used to B: had used

C: did used D: has used


As I had no idea what was going on, I couldn’t help ________ the people in the room.

A: to B: --

C: for D: along


____________ her stories is about lonely people.

A: All B: All of

C: Each of D: Both


Let’s wait five more minutes, ________?

A: shall we B: will we

C: do we D: would we


‘Wow! I really enjoyed every second of it.’ ‘Me _______.’

A: also B: either

C: same D: too


How many children ______________ they have?

A: do you think B: you think

C: what do you think D: you do think


That’s the architect ____________ we saw at the cinema on Sunday.

A: who’s daughter B: the daughter of whom

C: whose daughter D: whom daughter


It’s time ______________ complaining. Pull yourself together and behave like man.

A: you stopped B: you stop

C: for you stop D: to be stopped


Of course I was angry. He made __________________ I didn’t want to.

A: me to do something B: me do something

C: for me to do D: me doing


Don’t open it _____________ you are asked to.

A: during B: unless

C: meanwhile D: however


____________ people don’t read as much as their parent did.

A: The most B: Most

C: Most of D: The most of


When I arrived at the cinema, Jimmy ______________the tickets and was standing near the door.

A: had already been picked up B: has already picked up

C: had already picked up D: was already picked up


You can find a great pub ___________ the shop.

A: opposite of B: next

C: in front at D: near


I could hear them clearly. The two men were talking in ______________ to be English, but it wasn’t.

A: what seems B: which seemed

C: what seemed D: which seems


Why ____________ the others _______________ the Irish guests?

A: didn’t… understand B: didn’t… understood

C: didn’t… understanding D: did… not understood


We are talking about a society ___________ women are free and independent __________.

A: which… at B: where… in

C: where… - D: in that… -


English is _______________ global communication.

A: a means of B: a mean of

C: a means for D: a mean for


Her birthday present was a diamond ring. It ___________ have cost a fortune.

A: can B: should

C: must D: had to


They walked ___________ the building three times looking _________ the shop.

A: along… after B: around… at

C: opposite… by D: around… for


His son decided ________________ economics in the USA.

A: to study B: study

C: that study D: studying


They got confused and arrived for tea at 6 p.m. _______________ 5 p.m.

A: instead B: despite

C: between D: instead of


__________ you ___________ watch documentaries when you were younger?

A: Did… used to B: Did… use to

C: Do… used to D: Did… use


Tina is going to speak French well when she _____________ from that school in Paris.

A: is getting back B: will get back

C: gets back D: has back


It’s not about creativity. Do _______ you are told.

A: as B: such as

C: similar D: similar to


You liked sweets when you were a child, ____________?

A: did you B: didn’t you

C: liked you not D: do you


I need a new phone, but the one I saw in the shop was _____________ to buy.

A: much expensive B: expensive enough

C: too expensive enough D: too expensive



We _____________ the station and went straight to the office.

A: arrived in B: arrived at

C: have arrived at D: had arrived in


I don’t know what his intension was, but he suggested ______________ there alone.

A: me to go B: that I should go

C: to go D: go


Although she is over 9, she can’t draw _____________.

A: very good B: well

C: good enough D: enough good


When he starts reading this note, I __________________ in a beach bar.

A: will be drinking a cocktail B: am drinking a cocktail

C: will have drinking a cocktail D: drink a cocktail


Would you mind _____________ me a hand, please?

A:give B: to give

C: giving D: if you give


The party was directed from Moscow, and it was only a question of time when the takeover
_________ take place.

A: will B: would

C: is going to D: was going


It was a heart-breaking moment. I ________________ that car for ten years when I sold it.

A: have had B: was having

C: had had D: had been having


______________ money we spend, ____________ we can buy the new car.

A: The less… the soon enough B: The fewer… the sooner

C: The less… the sooner D: The more little… the faster


I visit my grandfather every Friday, but this week ___________.

A: I don’t B: I am not

C: no D: I will


The minister’s reforms went _____________ than other party members had expected.

A: much further B: much farthest

C: a lot far D: more further


Which pub would you _____________ me to go to?

A: prefer B: suggest

C: prevent D: advise


Paula doesn’t even know your brother-in-law. He can’t be a colleague of __________.

A: hers B: hers’

C: her’s D: Paulas’


‘Who ____________________?’ ‘I don’t know. I was not here when it happened.’

A: was it broken by B: was it broken

C: broke it by D: did it break


__________ keen supporters of the local handball team.

A: Both girls are B: Either girls are

C: Both them are D: Both of them is


He wanted to know if they _______________ her the week before.

A: would visit B: may visit

C: had visited D: have visited


You were terrified when you saw what was inside, ___________?

A: didn’t you B: did you

C: weren’t you D: were you


‘I can’t stand spiders. I can’t even look at a photo of a spider.’ ‘____________’.

A: I can’t too. B: I can’t also.

C: Neither I can. D: Neither can I.


__________ does he look like and what does he ____________ ?

A: What… like doing B: How… like doing

C: What… likes D: How… like


It’s _______________. The _________ were arrested at a birthday party. Unbelievable.

A: the funniest news… thief B: a funny piece of news… thieves

C: a funny news… thieves D: a funny piece of news… thefts


Napoleon ____________ a great military leader.

A: was sad to be B: was said to be

C: said to be D: said to have been


An armed robber _____________ a prison sentence, ____________ it will help him study criminals.

A: welcomed… says B: welcame… saying

C: welcomed… saying D: welcome… saying


What is important _______ you ________ a man?

A: for… at B: for… in

C: by… in D: to… at


We can’t go ______________ this summer. My husband has just been fired.

A: nowhere B: anywhere

C: somewhere D: any where


Mr. Blakemoore appears __________ the most qualified person __________ the project.

A: to be… for B: being… for

C: by being… to D: be… to


He ____________ five times so far. He has to be very careful.

A: has warned B: has been warned

C: was worn D: has been worn


I’ve borrowed the book __________ you recommended _________.

A: that… for B: -… for

C: -…. – D: to which… -


So _____________ nobody went to the party.

A: at the end B: however

C: in case D: in the end


‘________ I put it on the chair?’ ‘Oh, yes. That’s very kind.’

A: Shall B: Must

C: Need D: Will


The snowstorm ruined the evening and the match was called ___________.

A: on B: away

C: off D: in


I’m fed up with you. I ______________ help you again.

A: will B: am not willing to

C: am not willing D: wouldn’t


I ‘m fond of thank-you letters. It’s nice ________________.

A: to love B: to be loved

C: to have been loved D: being and loved


What ___________________ when the window was smashed?

A: you have been doing B: were you doing

C: you were doing D: have you been doing


I really liked the dancer __________________ blue trousers.

A: who wearing B: who wearing

C: wearing D: that was worn


If my parents ______________ support me, I ________________ pay my bills.

A: wouldn’t… didn’t B: didn’t… wouldn’t be able to

C: hadn’t… couldn’t D: don’t… wouldn’t


Tourism _____________ more and more important. Now it’s the second biggest in the country.

A: get B: has getting

C: is getting D: has been


My dog can eat more bones than ____________.

A: yours dog B: your dog do

C: your dog’s D: your dog can


With a French father and a Spanish mother his French is _________________ his Spanish.

A: no weaker from B: as good

C: the same with D: not better than


‘Are you like your father?’

A: ‘Yes, we do things together and we often B: ‘Yes, my mum always says that.’
have arguments.’

C: ‘No, I don’t like him because he left my D: ‘I can’t help feeling happy when I hear his
mother.’ name.’


I wish I _________________ a time machine.

A: would rather have B: had

C: have D: will construct


My father ____________ this company in 1998 and it __________a family business ever since.

A: found… has been B: was found… is

C: founded… has been D: was founded… is


No matter ____________ hard I __________, I can’t get out of this situation.

A: how… try B: what… try

C: what… am trying D: however… try


______________ his ankle was sprained, he decided to play on Saturday.

A: In spite of B: Despite the fact that

C: However D: In case


Their parents didn’t know about it __________ they __________ up the next day.

A: until… had got B: until… didn’t get

C: when… got D: until… got


‘Are there many African students in your group?’ ‘___________. But no one that you know.’

A: Few of. B: A little

C: A few. D: Little.


If only I could play __________ guitar. I like instruments like _________ guitars and violins.

A: -…. – B: the… -

C: -… the D: a… the


The flight took only 2 hours. He _______________ exhausted after such a fight.

A: mustn’t be B: can’t be

C: must be D: can be


It was brilliant. I felt ____________.

A: myself good B: myself well

C: good D: me good


Of course it was tough at first, but I soon _______________ it.

A: used to do B: got used to

C: used to doing D: got used to do


‘I don’t really like animals. I don’t keep pets.’ ‘_____________’.

A: Nor does my sister B: So doesn’t my sister

C: My sister doesn’t too D: My sister also


The police ____________ give ___________ while the investigation is in progress.

A: don’t… a single information B: doesn’t… an information

C: don’t… any information D: don’t… any informations



Joey is very keen ________ football, but he is not very fond _______ other sports.

A: on… of B: on… for

C: of… of D: of… with


You __________ regret it if you ___________ choose any of these fabulous holiday resorts!

A: won’t… - B: won’t… will

C: don’t… - D: wouldn’t… -


It doesn’t need electricity. It ___________ by __________ the handle for a minute.

A: is powered… turn B: powers… turning

C: is powered… turning D: powers… turn


There were ___________________ in the streets. The atmosphere was fantastic.

A: thousand of people B: thousands of peoples

C: ten thousands people D: thousands of people


He explained in great detail ____________ my idea couldn’t possibly work.

A: why he believed B: why did he think

C: what he thought of D: the reason


Your parents always eat in the Chinese restaurant when they celebrate, __________?

A: do they B: don’t they

C: are they D: aren’t they


The two brothers stopped talking. _____________ the subject up again.

A: None of them brought B: Neither of them brought

C: Either of them didn’t bring D: Both of them didn’t bring


She waited __________ what was going to happen.

A: see B: seeing

C: to see D: to have seen


The judge didn’t believe _________ him and sentenced him __________ ten months.

A: to… to B: -… -

C: -… to D: -… by


‘How _________ wine would you like?’ ‘___________. I have to work a lot tomorrow.’

A: many… A little B: much… No much

C: many… A few D: much… A little


Modern toys often make the ___________ room ____________ in the house.

A: childs’… the most expensive B: child’s… the most expensive

C: child’s… the expensivest D: childrens’… the most expensive


He _______________ many awards for his work, ____________ one from the owner of the company.

A: has been given… included B: has given… including

C: has been given… including D: has given… included


‘How long are you planning to stay?’ ‘Well, actually, we __________________ now.’

A: ought to going B: ought to be going

C: need going D: should be go


All the chairs in the room ____________. The burglars were like wild animals.

A: were broken B: got broke

C: had been breaking D: were broke


I have made an important decision. I ___________________ next month.

A: will my house redecorated B: am going to have my house redecorated

C: will have redecorated my house D: will my house redecorate


_____________ I really enjoy here is the sunshine.

A: The things B: What

C: That D: Whatever


You can’t learn anything if you are too stressed, ____________?

A: can you B: aren’t you

C: are you D: cannot you


No, it wasn’t me! I _______________!’

A: didn’t do nothing B: did anything

C: didn’t do something D: did nothing


She fell asleep. I think she felt ___________.

A: bored B: boring

C: interested D: de-intrested


‘Which one?’ ‘Well, you can take _________.’

A: both book B: either book

C: either books D: both of books


The car theft ___________ shortly after 6 o’clock.

A: reported B: was reported

C: reports D: has been reported


A builder ___________ the cat while he ___________ to mend a pipe.

A: has found… tried B: found… was trying

C: found… tried D: was found… was trying


She is smart. She has an IQ of 156, __________ puts her in the top 3% of the class.

A: that B: which

C: what D: which is really


We took a few coats _____________ warm.

A: in order to keep B: so keeping

C: in case to keep D: because keeping


Coca-Cola is a drink ________________ all over the continent.

A: enjoyed B: enjoys

C: which enjoyed D: what enjoys


I think it’s a very bad idea. He can’t run __________ to get there in time.

A: fastly enough B: so that

C: enough fast D: fast enough


Why didn’t you ask me? I _________________ you a lift to the airport and you
____________________ the plane.

A: could have given… would have missed B: would have given… didn’t miss

C: wouldn’t have given… wouldn’t have missed D: would have given… wouldn’t have missed


We _______________________ while we were __________ a business trip in Russia.

A: have been introduced… on B: were introduced… on

C: were introduced… at D: introduced… at


My dog has scratched the front door again. We _____________ only two weeks ago.

A: had it repainted B: had it been repainted

C: had been repainting it D: were going to be repainting


____________ do it nicely, I ____________ you a great deal of money.

A: When you… would pay B: If you will… will pay

C: Unless you… will pay D: If you… will pay


If you can’t find the hammer, try ___________ it with something else, ________ a stone or a piece of

A: break… such as B: breaking… like

C: to break… such D: to breaking… like


Let’s go crazy and buy another one, __________?

A: let we not B: won’t we

C: shall we D: do we


I remember now. He’s the guy who is married ________ a Spanish lady.

A: -- B: to

C: with D: for


I don’t think you should worry _________ your job interview. Calm down.

A: of B: at

C: about D: by


He asked for _____________, but he didn’t want to listen __________ me.

A: an advice… to B: some advices… for

C: advice… - D: some advice… to


He is not very reliable. He ______________.

A: works hardly B: works hard

C: hardly works D: works hardly nothing


_________ was your uncle who started the game.

A: There B: It

C: Who D: Which


He likes meat, but he prefers pork _________ beef.

A: for B: to

C: than D: while


___________ people I meet, ____________ friends I have.

A: The less… the more B: The fewer… the more

C: The fewer… the less D: The less… the fewer


Nobody knows _____________________ have been lost in the accident.

A: how many lifes B: how much lives

C: how many life D: how many lives


__________ you can do is to show some taste.

A: The less B: The last

C: The least D: For last


When it snows he wears_______ .

A: a glove B: gloves

C: a pair of glove D: glove


I wish I ______________ a dog when I was a child.

A: had B: would have had

C: had had D: was given


How disgusting! I’m sure this room _____________ for weeks.

A: hasn’t cleaned B: wasn’t cleaned

C: hasn’t been cleaned D: need to be cleaned


Can you tell me where _____________________ the nearest shop?

A: can I find B: I find

C: do I find D: to be found


He has to do it, __________________.

A: weather he likes it or not B: even if he doesn’t

C: whether he likes it or not D: wheter he likes it or no


Don’t talk to me like that! _______________________

A: Who do you think you are? B: What do you think who are you?

C: What do you think where are you? D: Who are you what do you think?


We met when we were 10. It means that we _______________ each other for over 23 year.

A: know B: have known

C: have been knowing D: known


George likes drinking beer very much.

A: So does my brother. B: My brother either.

C: So my brother does. D: Such as my brother.


Look! It happened at 5 o’clock. I ______________ the car in the garden then. So it ________________

A: was washing… mustn’t have been B: had washed… shouldn’t have been

C: was washing… couldn’t have been D: washed… wouldn’t have been



We _________________ when a car crashed into a lorry.

A: were just about to leave B: were just about left

C: were just being left D: just leaved


‘How is your house?’ ‘I need to________________.’

A: have the fence rebuilding B: have the fence rebuilt

C: rebuilt the fence D: make the fence rebuild it


____________ you ever___________ in a traditional Japanese restaurant when you lived in Tokyo?

A: Have… eaten B: Did… eat

C: Have…. been D: Were… eating


We had ____________ the breath ____________ the voice to speak.

A: neither… nor B: either… or

C: not… alike D: no both… and


The judge didn’t believe _________ him and sentenced him __________ ten months.

A: to… to B: -… -

C: -… to D: -… by


It is no _____________ that children spend more time in their rooms than _____________ else in the

A: surprise… anywhere B: surprising… anywhere

C: surprise… nowhere D: surprising… nowhere


Would you like to have more money than ____________ your friends?

A: the most of B: most of

C: most D: most of the


What ______________ Jeremy for his help?

A: are you going to buy B: will you have bought

C: are you going buying D: will have been bought


Kids can’t get _________ sleep on Christmas Eve. They’re too____________.

A: to… exciting B: for… excited

C: to… excited D: -… exciting


‘What’s ________ TV tonight?’ ‘I don’t know. I’m just switching _______the channels.’

A: in… - B: on… -

C: in… for D: on… at


He has never offered to help anyone since he started working here, __________ ?

A: did he B: has he

C: hasn’t he D: didn’t he


You ____________________ if you didn’t want to.

A: needn’t have to come B: didn’t need coming

C: needn’t have come D: should have not come


I would take you to the shops, but my car______________ at the moment.

A: is serviced B: is being serviced

C: is having me serviced D: has been servicing


Do you have a moment? I need __________ help ________ this exercise.

A: bit… with B: -… with

C: some… for D: little… to


Berty knows ____________ people who live around here.

A: a lots of B: plenty of

C: lot of D: great deals of


‘Let’s have something to eat.’ ‘I can’t. I _____________ someone for dinner.’

A: will see B: am seeing

C: will have seen D: will be see


There were no faults on ____________ side.

A: neither B: both

C: either D: none of the


You __________ receive free travel insurance as soon as you __________ make your booking.

A: would… - B: will… -

C: -… will D: could… would


Are you waiting ________ the postman ___________ ?

A: for… for arriving B: for… to arrive

C: -… for arrive D: for… arrive


That was our second meeting. We ______________ the year before.

A: have met B: had meaten

C: had met D: were met


I fell in love with her in 2012. Next year we ______________ out for 5 years .

A: will go B: are going out

C: will have been going D: will have going


The business didn’t start ________. The first two factories _________ after two months.

A: well… have closed down B: smoothly… closed down

C: nicely… made a huge profit D: at all… produced a lot


Gary wants ___________ a businessman because he enjoys _____________ with money.

A: to be… to work B: being… to work

C: to be… working D: to be… to work


There are more pink flowers in his garden than in__________.

A: your B: yours

C: yours’ D: your garden has


The student answered the question, ___________ surprised the teachers.

A: that B: what

C: which is D: which


The problem is that he has__________ too ____________.

A: made… many mistake B: done… many mistakes

C: made… much mistaeks D: made… many


Do you remember when_______________ Aunt Jenny?

A: did we last visit B: we last visited

C: we did last visited D: visited


Your new colleague doesn’t seem to like your company, ____________?

A: seems he B: doesn’t he

C: seems he not D: does he


He ____________ you back _________ he next sees you.

A: will pay… unless B: will pay… when

C: pays… although D: pays… if


I didn’t know why they were angry, but I _____________.

A: was shouted B: was shouted by

C: was shouted at D: shouted at


By the time you got there, we _________________ five hamburgers each.

A: ate B: had eaten

C: were eating D: have already eaten


‘Are you coming with us, John?’ ‘No, I_________________ on my project.’

A: still work B: am yet working

C: am doing the final touches D: have still been working


She__________________ the plane if she _____________ the ferry.

A: would have catched… hadn’t miss B: would catch… won’t miss

C: would have caught… hadn’t missed D: catches… won’t miss


The first sandwich_________________ by the last guest.

A: ate B: was ate

C: was eaten D: has eaten


I am a bit confused, __________?

A: aren’t I B: amn’t I

C: do I D: don’t I


__________your grandfather ___________ you bedtime stories?

A: Did… use to tell B: Did… use to telling

C: Did… told D: Were… used to tell


Danny claims _____________ to the royal family, but no one ____________ him.

A: to be relating… believe B: being related… believes to

C: to be related… believes D: relating… believe


I don’t know how many times I told her _______________ with her hands.

A: to don’t eat B: not to eat

C: to not eat D: not eating


I find the girl ____________ behind John really pretty.

A: who sitting B: is sitting

C: sitting D: who sit


‘How many people came to his party?’ ‘Unfortunately ___________.’

A: too few B: too less

C: too little D: too plenty of


______________ car is fast enough for him.

A: Both B: All

C: None D: Neither


What is this village famous __________?

A: of B: for

C: from D: by


When did you ______________ ?

A: had that book written B: wrote that book

C: have that book writing D: have that book written


Where’s my money? Who ________________ it?

A: should have taken B: must have taken

C: could have taken D: need have taken


‘Shall I phone her now?’ ‘I________________. She is in hospital.’

A: would rather you didn’t B: had better you don’t

C: don’t want you phoning her D: would rather you don’t


She won’t stop complaining until she _________________ what she wants.

A: doesn’t get B: gets

C: won’t get D: is got


This is _______________ coffee I have ever drunk.

A: the worse B: the most disgusted

C: the least sugar D: the least traditional


_____________ they were all healthy, they didn’t want to meet in person.

A: Despite B: Nonetheless

C: Although D: in spite of


You never go to the zoo, ___________?

A: don’t you B: do you

C: do you go D: will you


What are you so afraid _______?

A: from B: of

C: at D: --



We ____________ in this part of town since February.

A: are staying B: have been staying

C: stayed D: stay


Why ___________ you always disagree with me?

A: must B: can

C: would D: may


Zoe has spent three hundred pounds this month, _____________ a bit too much.

A: that is B: it was

C: which is D: which are


There were no Irish ____________ the students in the classroom.

A: between B: along with

C: among D: beside


Do you remember _____________?

A: to visit Madrid first B: visiting Madrid at first

C: visiting Madrid for the first time D: visiting Madrid first of all


___________ in this restaurant are booked.

A: No one of the tables B: None of the tables

C: All of tables D: No table


That oven is just ________ ours, but double the price.

A: as B: such as

C: alike D: like


I’ll have dinner ready by the time you ___________.

A: are arriving B: will arrive

C: arrive D: will be arrived


Nobody heard the burglar _________ the front door.

A: is opening B: open

C: has opened D: to open


I wish you __________ to her. It is so embarrassing now. She knows everything.

A: you didn’t talk B: hadn’t talked

C: wouldn’t have talked D: wouldn’t talked


I don’t think I can afford __________ . It’s too expensive.

A: repairing B: to have my car repaired

C: to have repair my car D: repair my car


Her daughter is very intelligent ____________.

A: for six year old B: as a six years old

C: being six years old D: for a six-year-old


The __________ of the protest is still unknown.

A: reason B: cause

C: responsible D: fact


I intended to give him your present, but when I finally arrived he _______________.

A: has gone B: left

C: had left D: was going


‘What ____________ this weekend?’ ‘There will be a match, so they _____________ come.’

A: are they doing… can’t B: do they do… mustn’t

C: are they going… can’t D: are they doing… shall


Well, I’m _______ now. See you tomorrow morning.

A: down B: off

C: up D: down with


We are not pressed for time at all. We ______________ yet.

A: needn’t leave B: have to leave

C: won’t have left D: needn’t to leave


When _________ this building __________?

A: was… designed B: was… designing

C: did… design D: is… going to design


Kathy is not very good ________ making decisions. She always worries that she ___________ the
right choice.

A: in… makes B: at… might not make

C: at… might not makes D: in… won’t make


He is not very ______________ snooker.

A: good in B: fond about

C: bad at D: crazy by


The picture _________ she has just finished is brilliant.

A: -- B: by which

C: with that D: what


__________ I sleep, _________ I can prepare for my tests.

A: Little… so B: The less… the more

C: Hardly… so D: Only a few… so that


I regret __________ what I said. I __________ that.

A: to say… mustn’t have said B: saying… wouldn’t have said

C: saying… shouldn’t have said D: to say… shouldn’t have


We ______________ hear that you had been offered a new job.

A: were all relieved to B: had all relief hearing

C: all relieved of hearing D: were all relieved for the


He was so angry that I __________ to speak.

A: daredn’t B: daren’t

C: wasn’t dared D: didn’t dare


_________ of the cars is damaged.

A: All B: Every

C: Every one D: Everyone


I’d phone her if I ___________ her number.

A: know B: have known

C: knew D: had known


His uncle __________ in bed ____________ week.

A: has been… for the last B: is… for

C: has been… for last D: is going to be… for


Are you ___________ to be free tomorrow?

A: possibly B: likely

C: probably D: maybe


You ________ touch that switch. It’s dangerous.

A: don’t have to B: ought to

C: mustn’t D: needn’t


Do you know who ____________ ‘Gone with the Wind’?

A: had written B: has written

C: wrote D: was writing


It’s impossible to get some people _________ properly.

A: working B: to work

C: that work D: to be worked


As soon as we ___________enough, we ___________ a boat.

A: have saved… will buy B: saved… would bought

C: will save… will buy D: had saved… buy


There is _____________ milk left in the bottle.

A: hardly some B: isn’t hardly

C: not many D: not much


Their new colleagues are very pleasant to _____________.

A: to talk B: to talk to

C: to talk to them D: for talking to


I don’t want to go fishing. I ____________ swim instead.

A: am going for a B: would rather to

C: prefer D: think I


Long ago people _______________ that there were no other planets.

A: used to believe B: were used to believe

C: used to believing D: have believed


The lady this letter is addressed _______ no longer lives in this house.

A: at B: to

C: for D: with


He ___________ much healthier if he ___________ drinking in time.

A: would be… would give up B: had been… would have given up

C: would be… had given up D: is… will give up


He used to work at the border, ___________?

A: usedn’t he B: didn’t he

C: wasn’t he D: not


_________ the lion, the tiger is a member of the cat family.

A: Such as B: Like

C: Alike to D: Unlike


They should have told their parents they __________ home an hour later than usual.

A: coming B: were coming

C: come D: will come


After his fourth accident Jeremy gave up driving for __________.

A: health B: good

C: bad D: fear


My grandmother __________ to tell a lie.

A: has never said B: has never been known

C: has never known D: has not known


It was very kind of you, but you really ___________ have sent anything.

A: mustn’t B: shouldn’t

C: oughtn’t D: wouldn’t


Unless you _________ me what you owe me, I’ll report the matter to the police.

A: will pay B: don’t pay

C: pay D: will not pay


I intended to give the waiter a tip, but I didn’t have _________ change.

A: a few B: any

C: a little D: no


The witness said the bus _____________ at about 50 miles per hour when it hit the dog.

A: has been travelling B: was travelling

C: travelled D: had travelled


‘When _____________?’ ‘In ten minutes.’

A: has the train left B: is the train leaving

C: does the train leave D: will the train leaves


He’s a biologist. He knows a lot about ________ nature.

A: the B: a

C: -- D: his



Why didn’t you have Janet ___________ your hair?

A: cutting B: cut

C: to cut D: for cutting


At the interview I was asked whether I ____________ similar _________ before.

A: did… job B: had done… work

C: had done… occupation D: did… work


‘Which of these trainers are hers?’ ‘________________.’

A: The green ones B: These greens

C: This green pairs D: The green one


We can’t help them __________ they tell us what’s wrong.

A: while B: as long as

C: unless D: before


Johnny is quite _________ his brothers.

A: different B: unlike

C: similar D: other


I decided not to lend the book to anyone until I ____________ it again.

A: am read B: would read

C: would have read D: had read


If he ________________ smoking, he _______________ such a horrible death.

A: had stopped… wouldn’t have died B: stopped… won’t die

C: stops… wouldn’t D: would stop… hadn’t died


They were noisy enough to waken ____________.

A: any dead B: some deads

C: the dead D: a dead


Let’s get started, there’s work ____________.

A: to be doing B: to be done

C: which to do D: for doing


I’m sorry but you can’t park here, it’s ______________.

A: prevented B: prohibited

C: disapproved D: disallowed


Are you going to ___________ your mother______ knit you a new jumper?

A: have… to B: make… to

C: get… to D: let… for


There wasn’t a corkscrew __________ the bottle with.

A: which opens B: to open

C: that we open D: in case we open


These scissors are broken. I’ll have to get a new _______.

A: one B: pair

C: couple D: --


_____________ co-workers are helpful.

A: The majority B: The greater part of

C: Most of the D: The most


Everyone dislikes _____________.

A: being kept waiting B: being kept to wait

C: to be kept to wait D: to be kept wait


If I ________________, I ____________ any of their questions.

A: was asked… wouldn’t answer B: asked… won’t answer

C: had been asked… didn’t answered D: am asked… wouldn’t answer


‘How do you feel after everything that has happened?’ ‘It’s difficult to explain. I can’t _____ ______

A: get it at B: put it into

C: work it along D: pull it up in


Why isn’t she here?’ ‘She ___________ the office.’

A: has gone to B: has been to

C: goes to D: had gone to


‘I hurt my knee when I was running in the park.’ ‘___________? I hope everything is OK now.

A: Were you B: Did you

C: Didn’t you D: Weren’t you


The kitchen smells ________ onions and garlic. She ___________.

A: with… cooks B: of… has been cooking

C: in.. is cooking D: -… has cooked


Don’t you think your trousers need __________ ?

A: to be cleaning B: cleaning

C: to clean D: clean


They looked ________ everything ________. The building was dark and scary.

A: for… in a carefully way B: at… carefully

C: on … in a careful way D: -… careful


The little boy was not able to lift the bag. It was _________________.

A: heavy enough for him to carry B: too heavy to be carried

C: enough heavy for him to carry D: too heavy for carry


His hands were dirty. He ________________ in the garden for hours.

A: had been working B: was working

C: has worked D: has been working


All these machines have automatic timers. They can switch _____________ on and off.

A: themself B: itselves

C: themselves D: --


________________ hardworking. I can say they are obsessed with their jobs.

A: Both of my sister is B: Both of my sisters are

C: Both of sisters are D: Both my sisters has been


The visitors ___________________ enjoyed the tour a lot.

A: to whom he talked to B: whom he talked

C: whom to he talked D: to whom he talked


I spent two weeks at ______ Lake Balaton and next month I’m going to swim in _______ Pacific

A: the… the B: -… the

C: -… - D: the… -


___________ he was bored to death, he still pretended to be interested.

A: Regarding B: Even though

C: In spite of D: Because


‘May I go out for a walk?’ ‘______________ you __________.’

A: I would rather… didn’t B: I had rather… didn’t

C: I had better… don’t D: I had rather… may not


It’s __________ pity you have to leave now!

A: such B: what a

C: such a D: great


My sister was the first ____________ the strangers in the garden.

A: noticing B: to notice

C: she noticed D: one noticing


My neighbour _____________. I’m fed up listening to his problems.

A: is always complaining B: always complains

C: can complain always D: complain every times


The bank robber ordered everyone _______________ on the floor.

A: lie B: to lie

C: lying D: that they lay


______________ terrible shock it must be for them!

A: Such a B: How

C: what D: What a


I couldn’t help _____________ why Dave wasn’t there with the others.

A: wondering B: to wonder

C: but wonder D: being strange


A survey ____________ to test people’s reaction.

A: carried off B: was carried out

C: carried out D: was carried on


____________ the government has made a wise decision.

A: To my opinion B: In my view

C: According me D: On my mind


You ______________ sit on that chair. It’s a bit shaky.

A: had better not B: would better not

C: wouldn’t mind to D: shouldn’t have


He ___________ to the theatre twice last month.

A: used to go B: went

C: has been to D: had been to


They _________ the surface because there _________ too many clouds.

A: haven’t seen… are B: didn’t see… was

C: couldn’t see… were D: wouldn’t see… are


Bobby had three accidents last year. He drives _____________ than Gary.

A: more carefreely B: more carelessly

C: more carefully D: more careless


If everything stays the same, I ___________ €2.000.000 by the end of this year.

A: am earning B: will have earned

C: have been earning D: earn


I don’t think you _______________ .

A: owe her an apology B: have to apologize for her

C: should accept your apology D: could take her an apology


Don’t forget to tell _______ John that ____________ conference has been postponed.

A: to… next week’s B: -… next week of

C: -… next week’s D: to… next week


Everyone likes _____ football in this town. All ______ parks in the centre are full of fans after

A: the… the B: -… of

C: -… the D: the… -


Did the subject ____________ in the course of conversation?

A: come off B: come across

C: come up D: come in


I saved everything ____________ forget it.

A: so as not to B: so not to

C: so that I don’t D: in order to not


His wife left him. Perhaps he ______________ her better.

A: would have treated B: may have treated

C: should have treated D: can have treated


It was John who drank what was ________ of the wine.

A: leftover B: left

C: remaining D: leftovers



The earthquake _______________ to the buildings.

A: did a lot of damages B: made a lot of damages

C: did a lot of damage D: made a lot of damage


The ___________ guests you invite, the __________ money you have to pay for the food.

A: less… less B: fewer… less

C: more… lot D: less… least


She was sitting ______ in a corner when a tall young man asked her to dance.

A: herself B: by herself

C: on herself D: with herself


Has he ___________ what he has been looking for?

A: founded B: been found

C: found D: been founded


Why didn’t they wait for you? They ______________ so early.

A: hadn’t to leave B: wouldn’t have left

C: can have left D: needn’t have left


‘Why do you want a pay-rise?’ ‘Because I can’t __________ on my salary any more.’

A: get out B: get by

C: get with D: get off


What is the first thing you ___________ if you ___________ the boss?

A: will do… are B: would have done… were

C: would do… were D: can do… have been


We were quite lucky. I didn’t cut _________. It was only a scratch.

A: herself badly B: Kate serious

C: me at all D: Kate badly


______________emergency, don’t hesitate to call me immediately.

A: When an B: In case of

C: Nevermind an D: If there will be


I can’t imagine why they decided _______ buying that enormous mansion.

A: to B: --

C: at D: against


Jim has eaten __________ cakes than ____________.

A: less… Pauls’ B: fewer… Paul is

C: more… Paul has D: a lot less… Paul


I’d prefer ___________ chess rather __________ violent TV series again.

A: to play… than watch B: playing… than to watch

C: play… than watching D: to play… like watching


Would you __________ the door, please?

A: close kindly B: mind to close

C: kindly close D: be so kind enough to close


Every time I see red roses, I __________ of my last birthday.

A: remember B: remind

C: am reminded D: am remembered


I can recommend this special drink _________ a headache.

A: for B: in case for

C: with D: though


An attic is usually used _________ old things.

A: to keep B: for keep

C: to be kept D: keeping


I can’t sleep. I’m worried ________________ exam.

A: about tomorrow’s B: for tomorrow

C: of tomorrow’s D: at tomorrow


We all had this uncomfortable feeling that we _______________.

A: were followed B: were being followed

C: used to be followed D: were used to following


I won’t let you ____________ unless you _________ your homework.

A: watch TV… will do B: to watch TV… do

C: to watch TV… don’t do D: watch TV… do


The students in the group promised to help __________.

A: one another B: another ones

C: each another D: each others


__________ you see Gary, tell him I miss him a lot.

A: Will B: Should

C: Would D: May


The Smiths had their car stolen, __________ ruined their holiday.

A: that B: which

C: what D: and so


It’s impossible to tell what fruit this wine was made _________.

A: by B: from

C: of D: with


He felt ________ a new man after the holiday.

A: such B: as

C: similar to D: like


The best advice I can give you is ________ the matter too seriously.

A: not to take B: you don’t take

C: to not take D: you will


‘I can’t stand wild animals.’ ‘__________.’

A: Not me, either B: I neither can

C: So can’t I D: Neither can I


____________ the storm, we could put up all the tents.

A: Despite of B: In spite of

C: Regardless D: In case of


Since the last bus _________, there was nothing we could do but _________ home.

A: has gone… walk B: had gone… walk

C: had gone… walking to D: went… to walk to


Is this the first time you _________ the country?

A: are in B: have been to

C: come to D: are visiting


When we got home, we found that the house ______________.

A: was broken into B: had been broken into

C: had broken into D: has been broken into


Would you like to ____________ and know what your future will be.

A: make your fortune told B: have your fortune told

C: let your fortune tell D: let your fortune telling


The little girl ___________ wait to tell her family _____________.

A: couldn’t hardly… good piece of news B: could hardly… these good news

C: could hardly… the good news D: couldn’t… a good news


Isn’t it time ____________ to visit them and apologize _______ them.

A: you go… to B: you went… for

C: for you to go… to D: you should go… for


This milk __________ be fresh. It has an awful smell.

A: mustn’t be B: wouldn’t

C: can’t D: needn’t


What _______ we do with this __________ meat?

A: shall… leftover B: would… left

C: may… leftover D: are… left


I’d rather you ________ remind me of what happened yesterday.

A: don’t B: wouldn’t

C: didn’t D: may not


There’s a terrific atmosphere at work. All the staff ___________ really well.

A: keep on B: share out

C: get on D: turn out


‘Why are you so out of breath?’ ‘ I ______________. I ___________ 3 miles.’

A: have been running… had run B: have run… was running

C: have been running… have run D: was running… have run


My neighbour intends _______ a new house. I wonder where he would like to move.

A: buy B: buying

C: to buy D: to be bought


I wish ___________ more time with my son. We __________ a better relationship now.

A: spent… would have B: would have spent… would have

C: had spent… would have D: spent… had


The policeman asked us ______________.

A: our passports B: for our names

C: to move on D: what were we doing there


__________ people from the village set off to climb ____________.

A: Some of… the Himalaya B: Some… the Himalaya

C: Some of the… the Himalayas D: Some… Himalayas


Our neighbour seldom stops _______ to us these days. We ___________ offended him.

A: talking… might have B: to talk… might have

C: to talk… can have D: talking… should have


If you want to get the towels really white, I suggest you _________ them.

A: to bleach B: bleach

C: being bleached D: may bleach


How long _____________ they are going to travel?

A: do you think B: you think

C: are you thinking of D: if you think


That blue shirt ___________ your eyes perfectly.

A: fits B: suits

C: matches D: goes by


I’ll see you in three _____________.

A: week’s B: weeks time

C: weeks’ time D: week’s time


________ the cup final three players ____________ the pitch.

A: While… were sent off B: When… sent off

C: During… were sent off D: In… sent off


He _______ be at his desk by 8 o’clock, or his boss gets annoyed.

A: has to B: ought to

C: would D: may


____________ the crisis ____________ workers had to be fired.

A: Because… two thousands B: For… thousands

C: Because of… thousands of D: Due to… a plenty of



That was a lovely meal we had last night, ________?

A: hadn’t we B: wasn’t it

C: didn’t we D: had we not


It was the strongest wind _______ living memory.

A: during B: while

C: in D: at


Their kids are spoilt. They ____________ whatever they want.

A: are always given B: are always get

C: always give D: never get


I ____________ but I’ve given it up.

A: was playing the guitar B: play the guitar

C: used to play the guitar D: am used to playing


‘I don’t feel well.’ ‘_________, I’d better take you home.’

A: In that case B: According to me

C: Nevertheless D: No matter that case


Mrs. Grey’s husband __________ for five months.

A: has been died B: is dead

C: has been dead D: is dying


It will take my students ___________ to get used to their new maths teacher.

A: sometime B: some time

C: quite while D: too long enough


Most dogs _________ chasing cats and other animals.

A: are enjoyed B: enjoy

C: are tend to D: are fond by


It’s no use ________ for another loan. I wouldn’t recommend it.

A: to ask B: asking

C: you ask D: that you ask


I wish I __________ when I was younger.

A: was able to travel B: had been able to travel

C: could travel D: would have travelled


__________ a voice above me, I looked up.

A: Hearing B: Because hearing

C: As I would hear D: Owing to I heard


_________ like this needs cleaning every week.

A: An equipment B: Equipment

C: The equipment D: Equipments


We seem ____________ out of petrol. We need to stop at the next filling station.

A: to be running B: to have run

C: that we run D: running


Ten minutes ____________ this exercise.

A: can be enough finish B: should be enough for you finish

C: must be enough for D: can’t be enough to him to finishing


Ken doesn’t smoke or drink, and ________________.

A: his wife doesn’t neither B: his wife doesn’t too

C: his wife either doesn’t D: neither does his wife


If only I could make the baby _________ to sleep.

A: go B: fall

C: to go D: going


By next August we _________________ the rooms upstairs.

A: will finish B: will have finished

C: finish D: might have finish


Rather than _________ any longer, we decided to take a taxi.

A: waiting B: wait

C: to wait D: we waited


___________ excellent at mathematics.

A: They are both B: Both they are

C: They are either D: Either of them aren’t


‘Whose is it?’ ‘Don’t look at me. It ___________.’

A: doesn’t belong to me B: is not my

C: is hers’s D: isn’t mine pen


It’s at least two years ___________ a hamburger.

A: since I haven’t eaten B: since I don’t eat

C: that I wasn’t eating D: since I ate


My brother hates __________ to help with the housework.

A: when told B: being told

C: we tell him D: that he tells


I don’t remember ___________ off the lights. I’d better ____ back and check.

A: to turn… go B: turning… go

C: to turn… going D: turning… to go


We’ll have breakfast after the guests have finished ____________.

A: their’s B: theirs

C: their one D: with themseves’


___ the end of the film the hero marries ______ the clean lady and they live happily ever after.

A: At… to B: In… -

C: At… - D: By… to


You _________ buy a map of the city. I can lend you mine.

A: needn’t B: haven’t to

C: can’t have to D: don’t need


‘Has he ever tried it?’ ‘Yes, he _______it in Italy last winter.’

A: has tried B: tried

C: was trying D: had tried


If you don’t keep yoghurt in the fridge in the summer, it will soon ____________.

A: go off B: go down with

C: go ahead D: go along


‘I will be promoted if I sell four more cars’ ‘__________? That sounds great.’

A: Do you B: Won’t you

C: Will you D: Don’t you


Can I have that paper when he ____________ it?

A: has finished reading B: finishes to read

C: has finished to read D: finish reading


Although she always encouraged her son _________ hard, he failed ________ a promotion.

A: to work… to get B: to work… getting

C: working… getting D: working… to get


It’s ____________ that he can’t pay his bills. He spent too much money on clothes last month.

A: a fault himself B: by himself

C: only at him D: his own fault


How could you leave the door wide open? __________ could have come in.

A: No one B: Neither of their

C: Anybody D: Each body


We had to go to his favourite pub, _____________ sounded very funny.

A: who’s name B: the name of which

C: which’s name D: of the name of which


My feet were killing me. Six miles _________ a long way to run.

A: are B: was

C: had had D: has been


_____________ the strong wind, we decided to hold the table tennis competition.

A: However B: Despite of

C: In spite of D: Even if


Why doesn’t he keep a dog instead ______ a cat. There are many advantages _______ a good dog.

A: of… by B: -… of

C: of… of D: than… for


It was a most embarrassing situation. They accused me ________ taking someone else’s umbrella.

A: for B: of

C: with D:--


I felt really sorry for him. He __________ hard but he didn’t ______________ passing the tests.

A: had been working… succeeded in B: has been working… succeed in

C: had been working… succeed in D: was working… succeeded in


It was________ nice weather that he ____________ take a warm coat. A jumper was enough.

A: so… didn’t need to B: such a… needn’t

C: such… didn’t have to D: such a… didn’t need to


My sister used to enjoy playing tennis, but she never seems to have _______ time these days.

A: some B: the

C: more D: a


_______________, I went to work by train.

A: Being serviced the car B: Since the car was being serviced

C: While the car was at a service D: As I was having the car service


This must be the worst history book ____________ ever been published.

A: what has B: which have

C: that has D: has


‘Shall we eat now?’ ‘___________, if you don’t mind.’

A: I won’t rather B: I’d rather not

C: I’d not rather D: I rather don’t


We would like ____________ as soon as possible.

A: repairing the car B: having the car repaired

C: you to repair the car D: done repair


The rules prohibit ___________ in the school grounds.

A: cycling B: to cycle

C: you cycle D: the cycling


By the time they arrived the whole building was __________.

A: in fire B: in flames

C: across smoke D: setted on fire


I ____________ gardening if it ___________ such a lot of dirty work.

A: would enjoy… doesn’t involve B: would have enjoyed… didn’t involve

C: would enjoy… didn’t involve D: would enjoy… wouldn’t involve


He __________ all the food. That’s impossible.

A: needn’t have eaten B: can’t have eaten

C: shouldn’t have eaten D: must not have eaten


She said she didn’t know ____________ there?

A: how she had been taken B: how did they take her

C: how had they taken her D: how she has been taken



____________ your motorcycle tomorrow? I’d like to borrow it.

A: Do you use B: May you be using

C: Will you be using D: Do you plan using


George said he would lend me the money as long as I _________ it back at the end of the month.

A: paid B: will pay

C: have paid D: should pay


People in rich countries waste food while millions are dying _____ hunger in Africa.

A: in B: of

C: with D: by


Laura’s husband is a gamekeeper, so he ____________ guns.

A: he used to handle B: is used to handling

C: is used to handle D: is used to be handled by


You ________ be exhausted. We have only ____________ for an hour.

A: can’t… been walking B: mustn’t… been walking

C: shouldn’t… been walked D: won’t… walked


The general’s army is said to ___________ by a group of native people.

A: defeat B: have been defeated

C: be defeated D: have defeated


Mary! For the last time! Pack your suitcase, ___________?

A: don’t you B: will you

C: could you D: wouldn’t you


__________ knows the answer to the teacher’s question.

A: None else B: All of you

C: Everyone of us D: Not one of them


‘Wouldn’t it be fantastic to perform with him on stage?’ ‘I wish _________.’

A: I can B: I would

C: I could D: you may


Finishing this project took a week longer ________ expected.

A: as B: like

C: than D: such as


_________ she always make a cup of tea in the morning, she never has enough time to drink it.

A: Even if B: In spite of that

C: Though D: Although that


Some friends of mine _________ basketball very well. They have been playing for years.

A: are playing B: play

C: plays D: will be playing


‘Are they coming at the weekend?’ ‘I ___________.’

A: believe it B: expect so

C: think not so D: suppose it is


If only we ____________ all my money. Now we can’t pay for the hotel room.

A: didn’t spend B: hadn’t spent

C: wouldn’t have spent D: wouldn’t spend


‘Can I speak to Mr. Sediac, please?’ ‘One moment, please. I’ll put you _______ to her office.’

A: on B: along

C: through D: up


What? No bread? Then I _________ and buy some.

A: am going B: will go

C: go D: will be going


As soon as the money _________, I _________ it to your bank account.

A: has arrived… will transfer B: arrives… would transfer

C: arrived… will transfer D: arrives… would transfer


They fired three people and then they had to __________ more staff to meet the demand.

A: put up B: call with

C: take on D: turn at


‘Why was your friend so sad?’ ‘He _____________ all his money. He doesn’t know what to do now.’

A: had been lost B: was lost

C: had lost D: had been losing


7 o’clock is not good for me. I ______________ at the doctor’s then.’

A: sit B: am going to sit

C: will be sitting D: will be sat


I don’t like Romeo and Juliet. I hate stories in which the main characters kill ____________.

A: themselves B: each one and another

C: themself D: in their own


The last time I saw his wife she ____________ a smart dress and looked____________.

A: worn… beautiful B: wore… beautifully

C: was wearing… beautiful D: was wearing… beautifully


Did you know that __________ can recognize anyone’s voice?

A: blinds B: the blinds

C: the blind D: a blind men


It’s about time my sister ___________ a new job. She hardly earns anything.

A: to find B: finds

C: found D: finding


I didn’t get into the school in Paris ___________ having excellent results.

A: despite B: although

C: in spite at D: even though


My boss prefers ____________ at weekends _____________ spend time with his kids.

A: to work… rather than B: working… than to

C: to work… instead of D: working… than


They worked so much ___________ they made ____________ sick. It was a silly thing to do.

A: -… themselves B: so that… themselves

C: so… themself D: so that… one each other


Nobody can write as __________ letters in an hour as ______________.

A: much… Tessa can B: a few… Tessa’s

C: many… Tessa can D: less… Tessa


No matter how hard I tried to keep calm, I couldn’t help ____________ nervous.

A: feeling B: to feel

C: feel D: being feeling


___________ in the basket _______ rotten. We couldn’t even taste one.

A: Every apple… were B: Every apple… was

C: All the apple… were D: All of apples… were


They used to play cricket_____________ in summer. It was a family tradition.

A: each evenings B: whole evenings

C: the whole of evenings D: --


He wishes he _________speak Italian.

A: can B: could

C: would be able to D: was able


He wanted to buy _________.

A: a new jeans B: four new pair of jeans

C: some new jeans D: a new jean


Good news. _____________ passed the exam.

A: Both Dan, both Carol have B: Both Dan and Carol have

C: Both Dan, both Carol has D: Both Dan and Carol has


Show me ________ download these files, please.

A: how to B: how can I

C: where shall I D: that to


I ____________ her if I ____________ she is worthy enough.

A: wouldn’t help… don’t think B: hadn’t helped… wouldn’t have belived

C: wouldn’t help… didn’t believe D: won’t help… wouldn’t believe


They can’t speak English and they can’t speak French __________.

A: neither B: nor

C: also D: --


He says there is nothing to ___________.

A: worry about B: to be worried

C: worry D: worry at


They ____________ ever since they _________ school.

A: play chess… started B: have been playing chess… started

C: were playing chess… started D: have played chess… have started


‘Would you like some more milk?’ ‘Yes, please, _______.’

A: a little B: a few

C: but only few D: but only little


We ___________ by the Rocky Mountains last summer. We _____________ before.

A: were all impressed… were never there B: were all impressed… had never been there

C: are all impressed… had never been there D: were all impressed… have never been there


Drink ________ water and ________ beer.

A: many …. less B: much more… fewer

C: a lot more… less D: a lots… only a little


We usually go away ____ Christmas, and this year we had ____ fantastic Christmas by _____ Lake

A: -… -… - B: at… a… -

C: on… the… the D: on… a… the


Trevor has threatened to take you to court if you don’t __________ what you said.

A: take it off B: take along from

C: take down at D: take back


‘Whose are those?’ ‘ They are ___________.’

A: the tights of Dan B: Dan’s tights

C: the tights of Dans’ D: Dans’ tights


Have they finished _____________ housework?

A: all the B: whole of

C: whole their D: the all of


Do you __________ listen to music here?

A: give permission that I B: allow me

C: mind if I D: let me to


Can you tell me ______________ him down?

A: why she turned B: why did she turn

C: if she is going turn D: is she turning


Jake is not honest at all. He never ____________.

A: says the truth B: tells the truth

C: tells true D: says what true is


I’m not particularly popular, but I have __________ friends.

A: a plenty of B: a little

C: a quiet few D: a couple of



How long have you and Jenny known __________?

A: each others B: one another

C: yourself D: together


‘Why is he late again?’ ‘He ____________ his hair.’

A: washes B: is busy washing

C: has washing D: washed


The window was broken and a bat __________ into the room.

A: flew B: was flying

C: has flown D: had flew


I haven’t been to a good party ___________.

A: since a year B: for long ago

C: since I last have seen you D: for ages


Why are you laughing ________ me? I feel so stupid.

A: with B: at

C: for D: on


He was interested __________ that we had sold our house.

A: in hearing B: to hear

C: with the news D: to be heard


The head of the gang was sent to ______ prison. His son went to _____ prison every Saturday to visit
his father.

A: the… the B: -… -

C: -… the D: the… -


It was so smoky and smelly in the room that I nearly _____________.

A: blew out B: passed out

C: got along D: took off


By the time you finish your studies, he ________________ promoted again.

A: will be B: will have been

C: should D: --


We started to reorganize the department last week and I have _____________ time for other things
now. I can’t even sleep enough.

A: a little B: hardly some

C: very little D: very few


They missed the ferry so all of them __________ late ________ the meeting.

A: was… with B: were… for

C: were… at D: was… for


Travelling by plane is comfortable ____________ you don’t sit at the back of the plane.

A: as long so B: provided

C: even D: though


Let me _________ that heavy bag of yours.

A: carrying B: to carry

C: carry D: myself carry


They offered four shirts but ______________ to my liking.

A: neither of them was B: not one of them was

C: all of them were D: both of them weren’t


They thanked ____________ so patient.

A: us to be B: to us for being

C: us for being D: for why were we


Please do not talk __________ the director is giving a speech.

A: during B: while

C: or else D: in the meantime


Do you mind_________ a little in the garden?

A: to dig B: for digging

C: digging D: dig


The whole class wanted to choose the second version except__________ me.

A: to B: --

C: of D: at


They have two bedrooms, _________ nicely decorated.

A: both of that are B: both of which are

C: none of which is D: all of them are


Sometimes we have a fight, but ______________ we get on quite well.

A: on the whole B: apart that

C: as a such D: on the contrary


We had to be there early in the morning so we decided to travel _________ train.

A: with B: in

C: on the 5.30 D: by a


I believe we should ___________________.

A: have had a new fence built B: have a new fence build

C: built a new fence D: build to have a new fence.


Although we arrived in time, the match _____________.

A: has been cancelled B: had cancelled

C: had been cancelled D: was not cancelled


The company is _____ touch ______ employees all the time.

A: on… for B: in… with

C: in… for D: at… with


Why don’t you put it into practice _____________ just talking about it?

A: so not to B: instead of

C: apart from D: regardless of


They drove off without saying ____________.

A: anything to anyone B: nothing to no one

C: something to nobody D: whatever to someone


I can’t get it ____________. It’s simply unbelievable.

A: off my mind B: out of my mind

C: from my mind D: on my mind


A new position ______________ in Canada. Isn’t it wonderful?

A: has been offered Dave B: has offered to Dave

C: is going to be offered to Dave D: Dave is going to get


The cat doesn’t like fruit. It _________________ the orange.

A: mustn’t have eaten B: can’t have eaten

C: needn’t have eaten D: might not have eaten


____________ student has come late this week!

A: Not one B: All

C: Every of D: Too much


What ____________ they don’t want to come and celebrate?

A: do you think B: makes you think

C: does make you think D: is making you thinking


Nobody could tell us how many cars_____________ in the car park.

A: were there B: there were

C: can have been D: --


The guests got _________ same meal __________ everyone else.

A: -… like B: the… such as

C: -… like D: the… as


__________ of the three scientists got an award.

A: Both B: Neither

C: Each D: A little


I don’t often eat ____ pears, but ____ pears he gave me last weekend were very tasty.

A: the… the B: the… -

C: -… - D: -…. the


‘Did she accept your suggestion?’ ‘No, she ____________.’

A: turned it down B: turned it into

C: turned into it D: turned it back


He ______________ in front of the house for 15 minutes.

A: made them standing B: was made to stand

C: made them stood D: was made for standing


They have never visited Paris, ___________?

A: haven’t they B: have they

C: have they visited D: visited they


Did you send _______________ the party on Monday?

A: the invitations for B: the invitations to

C: an invitations to D: the invitations about


______________ when he started shouting?

A: Was she singing B: Has she been singing

C: Had he been singing D: Was she sung


If you need assistance, _____________ at the hotel until Saturday.

A: I’ll be staying B: I stay

C: I will have stayed D: I will be stayed


‘__________ spaghetti have we got?’ ‘Let me see. _______’

A: How many… A lot B: How much… A few

C: How much… None D: How many… Only a little


The war ended ____________ ago.

A: a quite few years B: quite few years

C: a couple of years D: many year


I know he was a gifted player, but he ______________ tournaments.

A: didn’t used to win B: wasn’t winning

C: didn’t use to win D: wasn’t used to win


She wished she __________ that cheap necklace.

A: was buying B: has bought

C: had bought D: wouldn’t have bought


I ___________ enjoyed myself this much for a long time.

A: didn’t B: haven’t

C: hadn’t D: wasn’t


The people were getting ________ the train one by one.

A: off B: from

C: up D: in


He _________ sorry if he __________ that it would change anything.

A: says… would believe B: would say… believed

C: would have said… believes D: would say… had believed


Can we __________ on you to help?

A: expect B: rely

C: wait D: ask


The team __________ a warm welcome when they return back from Australia.

A: would receive B: will receive

C: have received D: received



Everyone ___________ the test earlier than expected.

A: was ready to B: managed to finish

C: succeeded to finish D: were able to finish


My parents keep _____ they will contact us soon.

A: to hope B: hoping

C: hopping D: on to hope


These books contain _____________ about many things.

A: a lot of informations B: a few information

C: pieces of informations D: information


His watch is ____________.

A: late by twenty minutes B: slow twenty minutes

C: ten minutes slow D: ahead by twenty minute


Who __________ you cry?

A: did make B: get

C: made D: has making you


We asked them ___________ where the main square was.

A: that they knew B: whether they known

C: if they knew D: they had known


Is it mine or ____?

A: her B: hers

C: hers’ D: she’s one


It was a miracle. She _________________ herself when she fell off the ladder, but nothing serious

A: must have hurt B: could have hurt

C: might have hurt D: would have hurt


Let’s go and have some fun, __________?

A: do we B: will we

C: shall we D: will we not


We were chatting on the phone when suddenly we were _____________.

A: put down B: cut off

C: taken aback D: picked away


Let’s meet at 9 o’clock. I _______________ both rooms by then.

A: clean B: am cleaning

C: will have cleaned D: will clean


‘How long _______________ there?’ ‘For about an hour.’

A: has he sitting B: did he sat

C: has he been sitting D: is he sitting


As he was exhausted, he didn’t feel like _____________ out.

A: having eaten B: eating

C: to eat D: eat


They know a lot more ___________.

A: than we B: as us

C: than we do D: from us


_______________ live in the city centre. That’s why I travel so much.

A: All of my friends B: Half of my friend

C: Some of the my friends D: All friends


One hundred thousand forints ____________ from my wallet yesterday. I immediately reported it to
the police.

A: were stolen B: have been stolen

C: was stolen D: got steal


Don’t be silly! You are not ____________ to keep up with them.

A: as big B: enough big

C: so big D: big enough


To tell the truth, this cycle _________ worth more than €40.

A: doesn’t B: isn’t

C: can’t D: will not


If you thought he was unreliable why ___________ ?

A: you gave him the job B: did you give the job him

C: did you give him the job D: you gave the job to him


It’s two months ___________.

A: for he earned any money B: since he earned any money

C: during he didn’t earn any money D: since he didn’t earn some money


The last person __________ the room must turn off the lights.

A: leaving B: who leave

C: whose leaving D: to be left


The trains were held up ______ fog.

A: with B: by

C: through D: in by


I never dreamt I’d win when I ______________ the competition.

A: took after B: brought on

C: entered for D: got around at


The rain prevented _____________ in the garden. We couldn’t do anything outside.

A: us from working B: us to work

C: us of working D: ourselves against working


Would you __________ a glass of brandy?

A: care about B: care for

C: take care of D: prefer to


Unless they __________ soon, we __________ start the conference without them.

A: will come… will have to B: don’t come… have to

C: come… will have to D: are coming… must


‘May I invite her to the party?’ ‘Yes, _________.’

A: by every mean B: by all means

C: by any means D: in every way


I would __________ for another day.

A: prefer you stay B: rather you stayed

C: rather you stay D: prefer you stayed


Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was a slip _____ the tongue.

A: off B: on

C: of D: in


I don’t like their car half as much as __________.

A: our’s B: ours

C: our ones D: that what we have


Would you recognize the man if you _______ him again?

A: saw B: see

C: had seen D: will see


Her parents told her off __________.

A: because she late B: for being late

C: as she is late D: because being late


Whenever I spend time with her, she makes ___________ I am strong and young again.

A: myself feel like B: to feel as

C: me feel like D: me feel as if like


They always go to ____ church _____ Easter.

A: the… at B: -… at the

C: the… at the D: -… at


We’d better _______ an early train if we don’t want to be late.

A: to catch B: catch

C: catching D: caught


He denied everything but I know he __________ my car again.

A: has used B: had used

C: has been using D: would use


The film starts at 7 o’clock so we __________ another game.

A: might well play B: might as well play

C: would play D: would as play


‘We are rather pressed for time. Where is he?’ ‘I have no idea, but he _______.’

A: might be in his was B: would be here soon

C: might be on his way here D: would phone if there is a problem


You look ________ you have seen a miracle.’

A: though B: than

C: as if D: as like


In spite of doing all the housework alone she didn’t appear __________ exhausted.

A: being B: to be

C: having been D: that she was to be


Does he feel like ________ us?

A: to join B: that he join

C: joining D: as if joining


Why __________ impolite to listen to music in public?

A: is considering B: is it considered

C: is it considering D: is considered


His friend ___________ on Saturday.

A: hardly worked B: worked hardly

C: harder worked D: worked more hardly


Kate decided to buy __________.

A: every B: all the pen

C: each pens D: all of them


One day you will meet her, _________ is going to be a pleasant experience.

A: what B: that

C: which D: that one


I am terribly sorry but I seem ____________ the passports at home.

A: to forget B: to have left

C: I have forgotten D: to lose


Can you give _______?

A: me it B: it to me

C: me D: it me


While he was talking to the others I ____________ music.

A: have listened to B: have been listening to

C: had been listening D: was listening to


Can you tell me what ___________?

A: is he doing here B: does he do here

C: he is doing here D: has he been doing here


___________ I wouldn’t accept their offer.

A: According to me B: As for me

C: Considering myself D: On my view



By the time I got to the hotel it _________ heavily.

A: started snowing B: had started to snow

C: has started snowing D: used to start snowing


He couldn’t swim when he was five, __________?

A: wasn’t he B: was he

C: could he D: couldn’t he


It was ____________ scary film _________ he couldn’t even finish it.

A: so… that B: such a… that

C: a such… so that D: such a... so that


Everyone was warned ___________ distance. The tigers were very irritated.

A: to keep B: keeping

C: to be kept D: not to keep


He said he ___________it before he ________.

A: must finish… went B: will finish… goes

C: must have finished… would go D: had to finish… goes


Two metres of snow fell during the night. __________, several roads were blocked.

A: As a result B: Nonetheless

C: Due to D: In a consequence


The problem was that he wasn’t taken to _____ hospital _____ due time.

A: the… in B: -… in

C: -… on D: the… at


You really _________ believe that I may be involved in anything like this.

A: may not B: shouldn’t

C: ought not D: will not either


Why don’t they ________ do what he wants to?

A: let him to B: let him

C: allow him D: prevent him


There was a serious accident in town yesterday. A bus ___________ an old lady.

A: ran over B: bumped in

C: got off D: knocked back


Jim’s compositions are better than Jennifer’s but ____________ Tim’s.

A: not as better as B: not as well as

C: not as good as D: is worse as


We had never seen _________ high buildings before.

A: so B: such a

C: so much D: such


_________ you practise in your free time, __________ your performance will be.

A: The more… the worse B: The fewer… the worst

C: The less… the worse D: The more… the best


When he worked in the city centre he _______ quite a few interesting people.

A: has met B: was meeting with

C: had met with D: met


_______ I thought he was a helpful young man but he turned out to be a lazy nobody.

A: At the beginning B: First of all

C: At first D: As beginning


News ______ very worrying nowadays.

A: are B: is

C: have been D: have got


I knew he wanted something but I didn’t believe he was going to ______________.

A: ask from me my holiday home B: ask my holiday home from me

C: ask me from my holiday home D: ask me for my holiday home


If only you _________ with us. Without you I always feel bored.

A: could come B: should have come

C: had came D: are coming


It isn’t _________ they will offer their help.

A: possibly B: likely

C: perhaps D: reliably


They don’t have _________ energy as ____.

A: as many… she has B: as much… her

C: as much… hers D: quite much…. her


Why do doctors always _________________ ?

A: keep their patients wait B: keep their patients waiting

C: make their patients waiting D: have their patients waited


My brothers seldom have _________ money.

A: some B: any

C: lot of D: a few


My father likes tennis and ____________.

A: football, too. B: so does football

C: as well football D: football neither


The food was not _______ bad ______ we expected.

A: as… than B: so… as

C: so… than D: as… like


He was very proud _____ his sons.

A: with B: of

C: for D: at


He went to the optician’s _____________________.

A: for his eyes to test B: to have his eyes tested

C: for testing the eye D: to have tested his eyes


They insisted ________ doing everything _____________.

A: on… on themselves B: in… with themselves

C: on… on their own D: of… themselves


_________ the school rules they put on white socks.

A: Despite B: Although

C: Opposite D: Moreover


Have you had _________ dinner yet?

A: a B: --

C: The D: yours


Sarah said she____________ to me, but she didn’t.

A: will write B: would write

C: will have written D: might have written


He has a very strong accent. He is difficult __________.

A: to understand him B: to understand

C: to make himself understood D: to be understand


She walked into my room while I _________ personal documents.

A: typed B: was typing

C: had typed D: have been typing


They avoided __________ him the truth as they believed he ______ go mad.

A: to tell… will B: telling… would

C: saying… might D: to tell… would


‘How much is it?’ ‘It’s free of _________.’

A: money B: payment

C: charge D: anything


Everybody _________ their kid although he is very naughty.

A: is fond of B: is keen to

C: are fond of D: is pleased for


This piece of paper is too small for you to write on, _________?

A: doesn’t it B: can’t you

C: don’t you D: isn’t it


Look at her! ________ attractive young lady!

A: How B: What

C: What an D: How an


New Zealand is ____________.

A: remote place B: far away

C: a distantly country D: long ago


There was a photo ___________ his family on the wall.

A: of B: by

C: with D: at


Do you think she will forgive ________ me _________ him a birthday present.

A: to… for not buying B: -… not to buy

C: -… for not buying D: to… because not buying


We had no difficulty__________ the things we planned to.

A: getting B: to get

C: of getting D: to be get


He often goes skiing in ______ Alps in winter. In summer he always spends two weeks in _____
south of France.

A: the… the B: -… the

C: -… - D: the… -


If you _______________ by a dog, you __________ in the hospital.

A: have been bitten… had better go and have B: have bitten… should have it checked
it checked

C: are bitten… would better go and have it D: were bitten… might check it


‘What’s this noise?’ ‘It sounds _________ a dog is whining.’

A: as B: like

C: as if D: as though


I couldn’t sleep very well __________ extremely exhausted.

A: although I was B: in spite being

C: despite of being D: whatever I felt


Most people prefer meat _________ vegetables.

A: over B: against

C: to D: than


He hasn’t cooked __________, he doesn’t even know how to start.

A: so long B: so long time

C: such long time D: since a long time


I thought we would never get there. _______________.

A: The journey took five hour B: It was a five hours journey

C: It was a five-hour journey D: The journey took five-hours


I think something is not OK. _______________________ here in this room?

A: Do you suppose to be B: Are you supposed to be

C: Are you supposing to be D: Do you suppose being


Nobody has seen her. She is ______________.

A: nowhere to be found B: must be somewhere

C: anywhere to stay D: nowhere to see



We were able to _________ with the French we’d learnt at school. Can you believe that?

A: stand for B: fall for

C: get by D: put up


She asked you to lay the table, __________?

A: didn’t she B: did she

C: really she did D: isn’t it


There was an old house _______ the picture and there were birds flying around _______ chimney.

A: in… it’s B: on… its

C: in… its D: on… their


Let’s buy something for the kids too, we have __________ cash left.

A: a little B: some of

C: a few D: little


Before I ________ to the reunion I __________ the presents.

A: go… wrapped B: went…. had wrapped

C: will go… wrap D: had gone… would


The island ____________ James Cook _______ turn of the century.

A: discovered by… at the B: was discovered by… at the

C: was discovered by… in the D: would be discovered by… before the


There is a brand new cinema _________ their house.

A: close enough B: opposite of

C: near with D: behind


My brother ______________.

A: taught me to fence B: was taught how to fence to me

C: taught fencing by me D: taught me fence


It’s _________ they __________ to do for their parents.

A: the least… expect B: the least… are expected

C: at least… are expected D: less… expect


I don’t know what to do now and my wife doesn’t have an idea __________.

A: too B: neither

C: also D: either


__________ the shops had closed, we had to wait for two days.

A: Because of B: As

C: As far so D: Although


They _________ learn French than Spanish.

A: prefer to B: like better

C: would rather D: want to avoid


The collision ___________ serious, but nobody ___________.

A: was seemed…. died B: seemed… was injured

C: was likely to be… have hurt D: looks… are injured


By 2 o’clock in the afternoon he _______________ for five hours without a break.

A: is swimming B: will swim

C: will have been swimming D: swims


_____ you __________ the cricket match this Sunday?

A: Are… all going to B: Will… all going to

C: Do… all go to D: Did… all went to


There is no ____________ extra hours if you don’t get paid.

A: point in working B: why working

C: point to work D: point at working


How could you __________ those things? It was very mean _________ you.

A: say… of B: tell to him… from

C: say… from D: tell… of


I’d better give him a ring, ___________?

A: wouldn’t I B: hadn’t I

C: don’t I D: would not me


It serves him right! If he ____________ about his friends, he __________ more popular.

A: wouldn’t gossip… would be B: didn’t gossip… would be

C: doesn’t gossip… was D: won’t gossip… will be


He didn’t have ____________ as his mother told him ________ too many things.

A: many luggages… not to take B: much luggage… not taking

C: a lot of luggages… not taking D: much luggage… not to take


___________ people ____________ by this company. Without it the town would go bankrupt.

A: Two hundreds… are employed B: Hundreds of… employ

C: Two hundred… are employed D: Hundreds of… have employed


I’m sorry to say, but it was a waste of money. You ______________ any of those things.

A: might not have bought B: didn’t need to buy

C: needn’t have bought D: can’t have bought


I wish you _________ nicer to strangers. Why must you be so rude?

A: were B: can be

C: would be D: behave


_______________ excellent cooks. I really like whatever they cook.

A: Both of his sisters B: Both his sister are

C: His sisters, both of them D: Both his sisters are


The children suggested __________ the second part as well.

A: to watch B: watch

C: watching D: that watch


The burglars were searching ___________ in the room.

A: for values B: after values

C: for valuables D: after valuables


Two policemen came ____________ down the street. There must have been a burglary somewhere.

A: running B: to run

C: run D: to have run


She won’t apply for it unless _________ really necessary.

A: it will be B: it is

C: it was D: it isn’t


I couldn’t help wondering how long ___________ in Spain.

A: did he work B: he works

C: had he worked D: he had been working


The man I was talking to wasn’t __________.

A: ours friend B: one of our friend

C: a friend of ours D: a friend of our


His uncle is said______________.

A: that he likes dance B: to be keen on dancing

C: to be a keen dancer D: to like to dancing


Graham is already used ______________ hard.

A: to work B: to working

C: to be worked D: working


He _______________ in bed for a couple of days when I could finally visit him.

A: stayed B: was staying

C: had been staying D: has been staying


_____________ being present refused to answer the questions.

A: Every suspects B: Each suspect

C: Each of the suspect D: All of the suspect


I remember ____________ my documents in the drawer and now I can’t find them anywhere.

A: to put B: put

C: putting D: to have put


It’s very important that all of the students __________ warned about the danger.

A: should been B: to be

C: -- D: be


I can’t imagine why __________ ___ he did.

A: did he act like B: he acted as

C: he had acted as D: he acted like


This is not the pub ______________ his tooth was knocked out.

A: which B: in where

C: in which D: in that


Our postman is known ____________ a dark secret.

A: he has B: to have

C: having D: he should have


How could you fall ________ such an obvious trick?

A: at B: for

C: with D:by


My parents work for an international company, and ____________.

A: I work, too B: I am as well

C: so do I D: so me too


__________ a couple of spelling mistakes, it’s a brilliant piece of writing.

A: Regardless B: Except for

C: Except D: Upon without


I really don’t want to hurt her but her cousin from the mountains is ____________ depressing.

A: enough B: rather

C: horrible D: fairly


I know it’s none of my business but your window frames need _____________.

A: repaint B: repainted

C: to be repainted D: to have been repaint


‘Who is said to have the most important job in the office?’ ‘ ________.’

A: Mark has B: Mark does

C: Mark is D: Mark used


If you ________________ carefully, you ______________ questions now.

A: had listened… won’t ask B: listened… won’t ask

C: had listened… wouldn’t be asking D: listen… don’t have to


‘Shall I inform them?’ ‘I ____________. Let’s wait a couple of days.’

A: had better no B: would rather you didn’t

C: would rather you won’t D: would better not


_________ of the boys was really smart.

A: Either B: Neither

C: Some D: A few of


Intelligent___________, he couldn’t answer the question.

A: as he was B: though was he

C: he was D: he was to be believed


__________________, I will never let you down.

A: Whatever happen B: Come what may

C: Moreover D: So be it



________________ her a second chance. She will not do it differently.

A: It’s no good to give B: It’s no good giving

C: There’s no good of giving D: That’s no good to give


Although they are twins, Jenny is rather different __________ her sister.

A: of B: than

C: from D: by


I have something to ask you in ______________ your family.

A: connection with B: relation with

C: connection to D: reference with


The reason__________ he stormed out of the room was your behaviour.

A: because B: after why

C: for D: why


I don’t believe it! Why _________________ anything right?

A: do people think I can’t do B: people think I can’t do

C: am I thought to be not to do D: do people think I’m not able do


It was really careless_______ him _______________.

A: from… to drink and drive B: of… to drink and drive

C: of… for drinking and driving D: from… drinking and driving


King Béla IV, _________ known as the second state founder, was defeated at Muhi by the Mongol

A: elsehow B: otherwise

C: variantly D: too


They are not brothers, but they are so similar no one can tell them __________.

A: separately B: apart

C: along D: off


When ____________ your arm?

A: did you last broke B: have you last broken

C: were you last breaking D: did you last break


She said she couldn’t help as she _______________something really important.

A: did B: has been doing

C: was doing D: would be done


I can’t recall his name, although it is ____________ my tongue.

A: in the tip of B: on the tip of

C: on the top of D: in the edge of


You ______________ my car in town because at 6 it ___________.

A: mustn’t have seen… was being serviced B: can’t have seen… was serviced

C: mustn’t have seen… was servicing D: can’t have seen… was being serviced


You don’t need to worry. Everything is _________ control.

A: under B: out of

C: over D: upon


_____________, they will be met in front of the museum.

A: In arrangement B: As arranged

C: With reference to D: Along so


We ____________ the test when we __________ and explosion.

A: just finished… had heard B: were just finishing…. had heard

C: had just finished… heard D: have just finished… heard


Who__________ the dogs when you are away on holiday?

A: does feed B: is fed

C: feeds D: is eaten


In most factories work __________ earlier than ten years ago.

A: begin B: begins

C: is began D: will beginning


I didn’t want to explain why _________________.

A: hadn’t I sent her anything B: I hadn’t sent her anything

C: wasn’t I going to send her anything D: I didn’t sent her anything


It’s a new machine ___________ you can clean the rooms _________.

A: with which… more easily B: which… easily

C: with what… easily D: with that… more easily


Would you mind ____________ this desk, please? I need a bit more space.

A: to move B: moving

C: if I move D: if you move


I didn’t have any money left. __________, I didn’t like them.

A: Beside B: Besides

C: Whatever D: In addition to


________________, the little boy pretended to be doing something else.

A: Not knowing the answer B: As no answer to know

C: Not to be able answering D: For had not answers


Would you consider _____________ a job in the office?

A: to accept B: accepting

C: that you accept D: of accepting


May I ask you to___________?

A: get my clothes mend B: make my clothes mend

C: have my clothes mended D: do my clothes mended


I could hardly keep my eyes open. I _____________ more than 200 miles.

A: was driving B: drove

C: had been driving for D: had driven


It was midnight and we had no idea______________.

A: where spend the night B: where we will spend the night

C: where would we spend the night D: where to stay overnight


She can’t put on weight _____________.

A: even if she eats all day B: even she eats all day

C: nevertheless she eat everything D: furthermore she eats


He is a very successful car salesman. He usually sells ___________ cars a month.

A: two dozen B: two dozens

C: two dozens of D: two dozen’s


He says he is innocent and he __________________ it.

A: was forced doing B: forced to do

C: was forced to do D: forced in doing


The new machines were very strange _________, but we got used to it as time went by.

A: first of all B: at first

C: at the beginning D: for first


We all needed something _______________.

A: in that we could wash the clothes B: to wash the clothes in

C: which to wash the clothes D: where to wash the clothes at


______________ can type very fast, and ___________.

A: One of my classmate… so can I B: One of my classmates… so can I

C: One of my classmates… I either can D: One of my classmate… I either can


He hardly earns any money, _______?

A: doesn’t he B: does he

C: won’t he D: will he


This is the fifth time you ___________ my jumper without asking. Don’t do it again.

A: took B: have taken

C: are taking D: take


I ___________ do it if you showed me how.

A: might B: can

C: could D: was able to


She gives instructions as if she _______ the boss here.

A: is B: has been

C: were D: would be


It’s relaxing to sit by the fireplace _______________.

A: in a night at winter B: in a winter night

C: while a winter night D: on a winter night


They all said they _____________ home the following week.

A: were to come B: didn’t come

C: will come D: would but come


She wanted the job ____________ the money, which was quite an amount.

A: because B: because of

C: owing for D: despite of


I am going to be invited, _______?

A: am not I B: aren’t I

C: am I D: won’t I


Twenty thousand for a shirt? You ______________.

A: are sure joking B: must be joking

C: can’t be no joking D: may be joking


I didn’t know so many people were coming, or I _____________ three times as many sandwiches.

A: had made B: would have made

C: might make D: should made


His research was analysed in __________ report.

A: ten pages of B: a ten-pages

C: a ten pages’ D: a ten-page


He met his future wife in 1968 while he __________ in the army.

A: served B: had been serving

C: was serving D: has served


‘Do you do any sports?’ ‘I play football three times a week, but this week I ____________ for a

A: go to the gym B: am going to the gym

C: go work out D: do nothing


He was late far too often so I think he deserved____________.

A: to fire B: to be fired

C: fire D: of being fired


The story ________ he made up was unique indeed.

A: -- B: what

C: of which D: whose


I _________________ my notes for days. I can’t prepare for my exams.

A: couldn’t find B: haven’t been able to find

C: couldn’t have found D: can’t find


She ________ top in the final exam and her father bought her a car as_________.

A: came… an award B: went… usually

C: came… a reward D: scored… such


I _____________ letters all morning, but I still ______________.

A: am writing… can’t finish B: have written… couldn’t finish

C: have been writing… haven’t finished D: am writing… didn’t finish


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