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Mothers Class
First, we introduced ourselves to the mothers and their significant others and we obtained
permission to conduct a class regarding breastfeeding. We also informed them that the session
will be recorded for educational purposes only and that privacy and confidentiality will be
observed. We only had two newly delivered mothers that time and they were both primigravid so
we thought this session will help them especially because they are first time moms. They were
both listening attentively during the discussions and even answering our questions. The
significant others also participated in the session. We just found it a bit uncomfortable because
the weather is so hot and humid during that time but it was a very informative session.

Observing a Breastfeed
The mother actively participated during this session and the nurse observed her carefully.
The mother just looks a bit tired maybe because she still adjusts to her situation being a first-time
mother. But we observed that she is doing well in breastfeeding her baby.

Individual Counselling
During this session, the mother was a multigravid and had previously breastfed all of her
children. The midwife took her information and vital signs. She also did a prenatal checkup to
make sure that she s doing well in her pregnancy.

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