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*Prediction and Free Will*

Q: I went to a psychic and he told me a number of things that would

happen, some of which have happened.

B: All right.

Q: And you talk about creating our own destiny.

B: Yes.

Q: He...

B: Destiny and...

Q: What, what is...

B: ... the idea of the physiological, experiential reality are slightly

different things.

Q: What? He...

B: Go ahead.

Q: He was able to see certain things. Would that be destiny? I had not...

B: Yes and no. Not really. Allow us to explain the idea in this way, if
this will serve you: first of all, from our point of view, there is not
really any such thing as a prediction of the future. There is only the
sensing of the most probably manifestable reality that has the highest
degree of belief energy behind it, at the time the prediction is made. You
follow me so far?

Q: Yes.

B: A prediction is the sensing of the probable reality that has a high

degree of momentum behind it. You supply that momentum.

Sometimes just hearing the prediction, just being made aware that that
particular scenario has a high degree of energy behind it, can alter the
energy - because now you are aware of it. And if you find that you don't
prefer the scenario that has been sensed by the psychic, then you can use
the predicting to change the scenario simply by knowing that now you are
aware of it, if you prefer something else, that is where you will shift the
energy. So the prediction no longer stands, from that second forward.

Now, the idea of the predictions, so to speak, that do come to pass can
simply be, in a sense, the sensing of the ideas that you do believe need to
come to pass; so you have so much energy behind them they are very unlikely
to change, no matter how far down the road they have been predicted. But it
is always only an indication of the energy that exists at the time the
prediction is made, not of anything in the future, because the future does
not exist in the future. The future: the future exists in the present as
well as the past existing in the present. You follow me?

Q: Yes.
B: Destiny is the free will of the higher consciousness; but the free will
of the higher consciousness expresses itself in only the most generalized
of themes, general terms, general themes in life; general whole
conglomerate events or experiences - the theme of an event. The theme of a
succession of experiences is the destiny; but how you experience that theme
is up to your free will, now, as a physical being.

So, let us say the higher consciousness has determined that your so-called
destiny as a physical being, as a physical fragment of the higher self, of
the over-soul, is to experience many, many themes of events under the title
of the theme of "Exploring of Abundance." How you decide to view that idea
of the exploration of abundance is up to you. Positively, negatively,
quickly, slowly, so on and so forth. That is up to you. You always have
free will, in that way.

What the psychic is functioning as, as a service to you, is to let you

know, let us say, on what horses your bets are riding most heavily. (AUD:
laughs). So that you are being told the information long before the race,
so that if you change your mind, you can change your bet. (AUD: laughs).
You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Does that assist you in that definition?

Q: Yes. Um, is that... is destiny and karma, are they the same thing?

B: Oh, yes and no, to a certain degree. All karma is self-imposed, and
again, the idea of karma is simply the expression of the continuation of a
momentum; the idea of a balancing. It is so, but it is not what it is. It
is only the continuation of a destiny; but at the same time, the idea of
recognizing that you are at all times in complete control. And as to
/how/ you experience the general destiny, means that even the fulfillment of
your so-called karma doesn't have to be negative, it can be positive.

In other words, for example, let us say, just to use the colloquial
example: You murdered someone in you last life. Now you are in the new
life. Let us say, that believing that you have to live out the karma in a
negative way has created a scenario for you, which you attract to yourself,
in which you find yourself murdered. However, recognizing that the karma is
simply an expression of the /balance/ of an idea, then perhaps, you can
recognize that there are many positive ways to play out that momentum.
Perhaps you will be of service to someone who is a murderer and change
their mind about murdering someone. That can balance your karma. You follow

Q: Yes. Would it be the same person from the previous life that you played
this out with?

B: Oh, it can be.

Q: Are all the people that we know now...

B: Not all of them but many of them, and mostly the strongest connections,
yes, are ones you have lived with many times before. There are, in a sense,
psychic energy families - groups in that way. So, many of your physical
families always have new members of that family, and you can, in a sense,
sense the connections that will always be there on some level; but many of
the individuals you feel very close to in this life, you have related to in
many, many, many other lives. Yes. Does that assist you?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you.

Q2: This does not mean that one cannot create incredible affinity towards
someone one has not experienced.

B: Oh, yes. You can. As we said, it is not absolute, and the idea is you
can always add a new member... (AUD: laughs).

Q: Very good.

B: ... through an agreement. This association will serve this purpose with
this new being. So it will feel just as familiar as someone who has been
with you in thousands of lifetimes, because the degree of agreement is just
as strong, even if that is a new relationship, so to speak. You follow me?

Q: I do.

B: Thank you.

Q: Thank you.

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