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World Class "Ketel One"

Inspiration for this cocktail came to me when I was coming back home from work one night. I got stuck
at a traffic light at that moment. All that I could see around me were cars and a red traffic light signal.
It was one of those days when everything was going the opposite way of what was planned.
I had a lot of work to finish that day but everything was falling apart and I didn’t accomplish anything I
set out to.
I was looking for any reasons and came up with a lot of excuses. And suddenly it hit me.
There were several obstacles in my way to reach my goals. Same as a red traffic light that keeps the cars
from moving forward. Next day when I got to work I crafted this drink which represents todays society,
where a lot of people get stuck by a red light and instead of taking a pause to deliberate, get agitated by
the obstacles in their way to reach their destination.
Fewer people get stuck by a yellow light. They are ready to go to but they are waiting on the actions of
And a limited amount of people are actually seeing the green light. They don’t see obstacles, they
don’t look for excuses instead the only thing they see is their goals, their final destination, and no matter
what they will continue to move forward towards it.
I crafted this drink where you can see all colors of a traffic light: a lot of red, less yellow and very little
green as a remind for people to not get stuck by the traffic light of obstacles, excuses or expectations but
always move forward towards their dream, no matter what.

Traffic Light
Volume Ingredient
40 ml Ketel One Vodka
25 ml Fresh Lime Juice
15 ml Agave nectar (1:1)
20 ml Fresh Strawberry Juice
1 bsp Ginger Juice
2 drops Saline solution (15 %)
Top Passion fruit and orange Foam

1. Combine all ingredients except foam in the shaker.
2. Add Ice and shake
3. Double strain into chilled presidente glass
4. Top with Passion fruit and orange foam
5. Garnish with small basil leave on top
Passion Fruit and orange foam
Volume Ingredient
1. Combine all ingredients in small 50 ml Fresh Passion Fruit Juice
plastic container and blend. 100 ml Fresh Orange Juice
2. Leave mixture over night. 50 ml Fresh Pineapple juice
3. Next day its ready to go. 20 ml Agave nectar (1:1)
4. Blend to make a foam. 1,2 g Lectine
3 drops Saline solution (15 %)
* to make fresh passion fruit juice. Cut passion fruit in half. Remove all content and strain trough fine
strain. Important to use ripe passion fruits otherwise foam going to be to sour.
** Same applys to pineapple
Traffic Light

By Oleksandr Uvarov Fika restaurant JBH

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