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Summer School Arrival and Dismissal Expectations

Buses will run late the first few days of summer school. Thank you for your patience!
On the first day please have your student(s) wear the bracelet provided in the mail

Kindergarten - red 1st Grade - yellow 2nd/3rd Grade - blue 4th/5th Grade - green
Doors open at 7:45 every school day.
Walker/Bike Rider:
❖ Parents will be able to walk their students all the way down the sidewalk on Creekmoor drive should they
choose, however staff will be stationed along the way to ensure safety should a parent choose to drop them
at the triangle sign on the corner as in the past
❖ Please allow the crossing guards to stop traffic before attempting to cross the street
Car Rider:
❖ Enter the parking lot at the south entrance only.
❖ Please pull all the way forward before stopping to let your child out of the car, staff will be motioning you
forward as needed
❖ All children must enter and exit the car from the passenger side
❖ Parents must stay in the vehicle
❖ If a child is in a 5-point harness, staff will direct you to a safe place (paw 0) to help your child
❖ Once your child has entered or exited the car, do not pull around the car in front of you, stay in line wait for
the car in front of you to begin moving forward
❖ Please come to a complete stop and have your car in park when a child is entering/exiting the vehicle
Dismissal begins at 3:00 daily.

Walker/Bike Rider:
❖ Students will be dismissed from the cafeteria and
parents can meet them at the sidewalk.
❖ There will be a crossing guard at the north intersection
Car Rider:
❖ Enter the parking lot from the South Entrance.
❖ Please be courteous as we work to form two even lines
❖ Use the every other car method as we merge to one lane
❖ Be aware of staff members directing traffic at the south
entrance in case there is a need for overflow parking in
the staging area
❖ Please be sure your transportation sign is clearly visible.
Those without a sign will be required to show ID.

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