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Hazel Ann L.

NSTP 1100

WEEK 4 (November 14-19)

As the fourth week of growth for my garden plants arrives, I am pleased to see that all of
my plants are continuing to thrive. My eggplant, in particular, has really taken off, with its leaves
getting bigger and bigger each day. This is a good sign that the plant is healthy and receiving the
nutrients it needs. Meanwhile, my tomatoes, chili peppers, and ladies' fingers have started to
branch out and produce a variety of leaves, making them look more full and healthy. All of my
plants have grown taller than they were before, which is a good indication that they are growing
strong and vigorous.
I am committed to providing my plants with the best care possible, which is why I make
sure to water them every day. I know that proper watering is essential for plant health, and I don't
want to take any chances with the survival of my plants. I remember the disappointment I felt
when one of my cabbage plants died, and I am determined to do everything I can to prevent that
from happening again.
In addition to daily watering, I am also paying attention to other factors that can affect
plant growth, such as sunlight and soil quality. I have chosen a location for my garden that
receives plenty of sunlight, and I make sure to provide my plants with well-draining soil that is
rich in nutrients. By providing my plants with the right conditions for growth, I am confident that
they will continue to thrive and produce healthy fruits and vegetables for me to enjoy.

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