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Mathematical Concepts In The Game Gatrik

Istifaroh*, Azizah Nurul Wahidah

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding e-mail:

Mathematical content is abstract and basic mathematical objects include facts, concepts, principles, skills, and their
use in everyday life. In delivering this material clearly teachers must pay attention to their students. For that we need
an appropriate way so that students can understand well and correctly, so students will have a meaningful learning
experience. One method in learning mathematics is through games. According to his nature children love to play. If
mathematics lessons can be presented in the form of fun games for children, then the child will also develop a sense
of joy in learning mathematics. With math games children will more easily understand abstract concepts in
mathematics that are presented in a concrete form, so that in children the joy of mathematics arises. And this Gatrik
game selection because this game has been very popular among children, so that children will be easier to accept and
understand it. This study uses the literature review methodIn playing this gatrik there is mathematical activity for
elementary school children / equivalent. Unconsciously children have done some mathematical activities including: 1.
Measure distance At the stage of measuring distance using short / long gatrik, a prerequisite ability is needed to count.
If the child has not been able to count, it will not be able to measure the distance between the fall of the gatrik and
the gatrik hole. Therefore only children who are able to say are participating in this game. As for children who have
not been able to numerate but they want to play, they can learn to count by paying attention to their friends who are
playing. It is precisely that most children gain numerical knowledge from this game, not from school lessons. 2. Add
up At the stage of writing the acquisition score, children are required to be able to add up. Because if they are not
able to add up, they cannot know what score they get from each round of play. In addition, the players must also
know and be able to write with numbers. Most children gain knowledge on how to add up and write numbers from
this gatrik game. By paying attention to their friends who are playing, children who have not been able to add and
write numbers can learn it without being forced to, instead the children feel happy. This is because they only realize
that they are not learning, but are playing. Because when children are given orders to learn, what is in the minds of
children is learning that is a boring activity, not fun, making dizzy, not fun, making depressed, and so forth. Therefore,
learning while playing is an effective and fun way for children to gain knowledge. Learning methods in mathematics
vary greatly, one of which is to use the game method. Gatrik game is a traditional game where the game is played by
eight people who are divided into two teams and catching teams, one team consisting of four people. In the gatrik
game students can learn to measure distances, add up, and write numbers. Aside from being a fun learning method,
the use a learning method can also revive traditional game culture which is rarely found.
Keywords: Gatrik Game, Mathematical concepts, Tradisional game
How to cite: Istifaroh, Wahidah, A. N. (2022). Mathematical concepts in the game gatrik; Literature Review.

Mathematical content is abstract and basic mathematical objects include facts, concepts, principles, skills,
and their use in everyday life. In delivering this material clearly teachers must pay attention to their
students. For that we need an appropriate way so that students can understand well and correctly, so
students will have a meaningful learning experience.
One method in learning mathematics is through games. According to his nature children love to
play. If mathematics lessons can be presented in the form of fun games for children, then the child will
also develop a sense of joy in learning mathematics. With math games children will more easily understand
abstract concepts in mathematics that are presented in a concrete form, so that in children the joy of
mathematics arises. And this Gatrik game selection because this game has been very popular among
children, so that children will be easier to accept and understand it.
Gatrik game is a traditional game where the game is played by eight people who are divided into two teams
namely hitting teams and catching teams, one team consisting of four people. This game uses tools from
two pieces of bamboo, one resembling a stick measuring about 30 cm and the other smaller. Gatrik games
are usually done in a field or open ground yard. In other areas, gatrik are also known as Benthik or Patil

There are several things that must be met and observed.

a. Field
b. Number of Players
This game is formed into two groups consisting of hitting groups and capture groups, consisting of each (2-
5) people per group.
c. Game time
The end of this game is not determined by time, but in a set of this game is determined when a team loses
in this game.
d. Determination of losing wins
This gatric game in order to determine the winning team in this game is determined from the score
obtained by one of the squad’s.
e. Tools and materials

Figure 1. Tools and materials

This game requires a tool that is two pieces of bamboo / wood, one resembling a stick measuring
approximately 30 cm and the other smaller and also required bricks or holes as a gatrik base or other
objects as a gatrik foundation.
f. Rule of the game
In this gatrik game does not require special rules, it's just that in the game the hitter is required to hit with
a small bamboo stick and thrown, and for the catcher must be able / succeed in capturing bamboo stems
that are hit by the hitter if not the hitter will get value, then here the catcher must succeed in catching the
bamboo to frustrate the hitter to get the value. And if the catcher manages to catch the small bamboo,
they must switch places.
g. How to play
There are three stages of the game, namely: To determine which team first plays as a hitter, we can do a
suit, or throw a short Gatrik wood onto a platform on a rock.
The rounds in the game of gatrics are explained as follows:
Figure 2. How to play first round

The first half is crossing short gatrics on a rock and ready to be thrown with a long gatrik. The capture
team will keep the short gatrik throw, if caught successfully then the turn will change. If you can't catch it,
there's still one more chance by throwing a short gatrik at a long gatrik. If hit, the capture team will change
to the hitter team. If it is not about long gatrik, then we enter the Second Round.

Figure 3. How to play secound round

Long and short Gatrik are held by hand then short gatrik is beaten as hard as possible with a long gatrik. If
caught, the guard team has a chance to play gatrik. If not, the guard team throws a short gatrik close to
the runway, so that the hitter does not have a short distance per gatrik to get a grade.
Figure 4. How to play third round

Is what is called Patil Lele, place it on its side on the stone foundation. Hit the end until it is thrown
upwards, then immediately beaten even harder to the front. The capture team remains in charge of
capturing short gatrik. If not caught, the batting team will continue the game by hitting the short edge of
the short gatrik on the ground (like hitting a golf ball but while straddling the legs).

In hitting short gatrik, it is done in relay (if the 1st player fails to hit, the 2nd player is replaced, etc.).
Then the player measures the distance from the gatrik hole with the fall of the short gatrik using either the
long gatrik or the short gatrik. After measuring the distance, the player writes down the measurement
results on the ground as a record of the acquisition of his team's score.

Math Activities in the Gatrik Game

In playing this gatrik there is mathematical activity for elementary school children / equivalent.
Unconsciously children have done some mathematical activities including:

1. Measure distance
At the stage of measuring distance using short / long gatrik, a prerequisite ability is needed to count. If
the child has not been able to count, it will not be able to measure the distance between the fall of the
gatrik and the gatrik hole. Therefore only children who are able to say are participating in this game. As
for children who have not been able to numerate but they want to play, they can learn to count by paying
attention to their friends who are playing. It is precisely that most children gain numerical knowledge from
this game, not from school lessons.

2. Add up
At the stage of writing the acquisition score, children are required to be able to add up. Because if they
are not able to add up, they cannot know what score they get from each round of play. In addition, the
players must also know and be able to write with numbers. Most children gain knowledge on how to add
up and write numbers from this gatrik game. By paying attention to their friends who are playing, children
who have not been able to add and write numbers can learn it without being forced to, instead the children
feel happy. This is because they only realize that they are not learning, but are playing. Because when
children are given orders to learn, what is in the minds of children is learning that is a boring activity, not
fun, making dizzy, not fun, making depressed, and so forth. Therefore, learning while playing is an effective
and fun way for children to gain knowledge.

Learning methods in mathematics vary greatly, one of which is to use the game method. Gatrik game is a
traditional game where the game is played by eight people who are divided into two teams and catching
teams, one team consisting of four people. In the gatrik game students can learn to measure distances, add
up, and write numbers. Aside from being a fun learning method, the use a learning method can also revive
traditional game culture which is rarely found.

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