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A blessed morning dear brothers and sisters s in Christ.!

We are gathered today again to praise and thank the Lord for
the Successful Academic Year 2022-2023. We also praise and
thank him for the fruitful and successful journey of the
graduating batches and also these students who will be
recognized for their efforts in this Academic Year after long
years of struggle as students of Saint Joseph School
Yet, graduation is not the end of our endeavors. Rather, it is the
beginning of a new life—a new life of facing more challenges
more responsibilities, a new life with a MISSION. God calls us
by our names and we are his children. Thus, we also share the
mission of his Son, Jesus Christ: TO MAKE GOD’S KINGDOM
Let us join our hearts and minds together as a community of
faith, hope, and love to celebrate the Holy Eucharist in
thanksgiving for the blessings of the Lord in our life, especially
the love, care, and sacrifices of our parents, guardians,
teachers, and school administrators for us. May all their efforts
in educating us throughout the years bear abundant fruit
Let us now prepare ourselves to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass that will be presided over by the Rev. Fr.
Joined together as members of Christ's chosen people. We open
the celebration by raising our Voices in praise of God who is
present among us here we all rise

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