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Good afternoon my dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Welcome

to our Eucharistic celebration. Today we celebrate the Chinese
New Year. Xin Nin Kuai Le.
The season of spring ushers in a new year filled with joyful hope
and new beginnings. As we welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year,
we as Church give praise first and foremost to God from whom all
blessings flow.
Let us start this New Year firstly by being a people of gratitude.
We who celebrate the Eucharist (which means thanksgiving),
must live as Eucharistic people. We must cultivate gratitude, for it
nurtures in us humility and compassion and keeps us from pride,
envy and greed.
Let us imitate the meekness and humility of Christ in our
disposition, including our docility to the will of God, with faith in
the Good Shepherd who leads us. Like Jesus who sacrificed
Himself on the cross, we too can unite our struggles and sacrifice
with His, in loving and generous service to others.
Here with us this afternoon are the following:
Saint Joseph School Community
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Our Lady of Fatima Community
Chinese Community of Basilica, Minore
We offer this Holy Mass for the following intentions:
Eternal Repose of the Founding fathers of Saint Joseph School
Victims of wars, injustice, oppression and natural calamities
And for our personal intentions.
Our Main Celebrant and preacher for this afternoon is Reverend
Father Joseph Feng, LRMS
Let us all stand and join the choir in singing the entrance hymn.

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