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Covid-19 has been a part of our daily lives since the middle of March 2020, when the
lockdown started. It has been a long time since the pandemic started and there is no going
back, just forward. We need to live with the virus, to help the community adapt and grow despite
the changes. These adaptations were discussed in the webinar, to help the nation understand
the different exit strategies for Covid-19. One was starting from the source of the virus, NCR.
We need to contain and protect the unvaccinated from the vaccinated. This is to achieve a less
chance of spreading Covid into the provinces.
As a student-athlete who wants to pursue medicine after Sports Science, challenges will
come to me and I need several strategies and tactics on how to overcome them. Just like the
Philippines in this pandemic, we can move on to a post-pandemic world in different ways. For
athletes like me, we have limited opportunities to grow for our sport. We can maximize our
potential in this pandemic if we adapt and implement the “new normal” policies and control the
virus from spreading through conducting a bubble whenever we go train or compete.
On the medical side, I think that we should plan ahead and prepare ourselves because
any time another pandemic may hit us. We need to expect the unexpected because like what
happened to us a year ago came to us all of a sudden, without a warning.

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