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H1: Don't Want a Subscription?

Buy a Box as Needed

If you aren’t ready to commit to a monthly subscription or you just want a more flexible supply of the
most effective dry eye products, you can purchase a one-time box — at any time — without signing up
for a subscription.

Purchase any of our one-time boxes below for doctor-recommend lasting dry eye relief as often as you
need it.

H2: Very Mild Dry Eye Box

If you’re experiencing occasional stinging, burning, or a scratchy sensation in your eyes, having doctor-
recommended eye drops on-hand can bring you quick relief! Try this 6-month supply of artificial tears
(only $5/month for this box) which includes:

● 1 multi-pack of Refresh Tears Lubricant Eye Drops, 65 ml. (retail price, $28)

● 1 bottle Oasis TEARS® Multidose (retail price, $17)

Refresh Tears Lubricant Eye Drops function like your own natural tears to instantly moisturize and
soothe itchy, burning eyes.

Oasis TEARS® Multidose effectively lubricate, moisten, and relieve a range of uncomfortable dry eye
symptoms including irritation, dryness, burning, or a gritty feeling like something is in your eye.

Save more than on these doctor-recommended products $10 with this one-time box!

H2: Pre-Operative Box

A clean and stable ocular surface is essential for a the best surgical outcomes. If you’re scheduled for
any ocular surgery, use this one-time pre-operative box to prepare!

Proper eyelid and ocular surface hygiene can help your surgeon during your procedure and reduce your
risk of post-operative infections.

For best results, incorporate the products from this one-time box into your daily regimen 2-4 weeks
before your surgery:

● 1 box of CLEANSE: OPTASE® TTO Lid Wipes (retail price, $20)

● 1 bottle of HYDRATE: OPTASE® Dry Eye INTENSE Drops (retail price, $26)

CLEANSE: OPTASE® TTO Lid Wipes are preservative free and contain tea tree oil, Hyaluronic acid,
Chamomile and Aloe Vera to sooth and moisturize your eyes. They help keep your lid margin and lashes
clean from eyelid debris and excess oil.

HYDRATE: OPTASE® Dry Eye INTENSE Drops are an advanced, preservative-free formula that works with
your natural tears to prevent them from evaporating too quickly, keeping your eyes moisturized and

Save $12 with this one-time purchase!

H2: Talk to The Doctor

We know how confusing dry eye can be, but we’re here to help provide relief from your symptoms and
give you peace of mind with your treatments. When you purchase a BUSINESS NAME subscription or
one time box, you’re getting doctor recommendations and answers, too. Your subscription includes
access to our doctors on call so you can ask any questions you may have about your dry eyes or any
products in our boxes — and get real answers back within 24 hours!

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