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W Tq{T dlrr ft{ietn', T{srfl P{6R, rFi"ft , q-{r6r&- 7 I 1 I7l

Controller of Defence Accounts, Udyan Vihar, Narangi, Guwahati-781171

Fax: 036 l -2640204, Phone: 036 I -2640394, 264 I I 4?

ffi,ffi e-mai l :cda-guw(@nic. i n

No. IA/l/ I 3/Misc/Vol-XXII

l)ate: .05.2018

All LAOs
Officer-in-Charge E Section

Subject:- Revision/updation MES Local Audit Manual.

Reference: CDA (Army) Meerut letter No. lA/U8OgUupdation of MES LAM dated A7.02.2018

Please find enclosed herewith CDA Guwahati (Army) Meerut letter cited
under reference which is self explanatory.

It is requested to offer your comments/ suggestion and practice being in

your office (with specific authority) against Para (i) to (v) of CDA (Army) Meerut letter
cited under reference.
An early action is requested.

Joint Controller

Copy tv:
y/*" officer-in-Charge :- For information with a request to upload the same in CDA
EDP Section (Local) Guwahati website.

Sr. Accounts Officer (lA)

r\ ffiEt Y
F-ihrfr d"{6 tsrilS asoool
LI) .,m.. of'tnc cDn ( A n n :r )Meer++tcarttt-l .s 000 1

rlta.or ?1-?645632, fry$-f 'o#*iar[ircJ.ox.r. 2 6 "i 6 ] 54

pclat.iorr of MES L; L)arec'l:[-{ l]3il0iS

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PCt]AiC D,\-

,i rr I ::- ils]: is iadlpdsllslq|U Eq!2$Latd[ raanu a].

i)lt::rst' rt:fcr rlris ofl-icc Icrcr oi:cven No. clt- 07,,02i2018 (Cop,v cnclosccl)
Luti-i,ri-r,.'lrit'h youi- r,a)uilhlc suggesrionslcoilnrcnLs lrlve lrcen invircci i:r rcsl:crt,rl
ri'r-t.li11 l).r.ils lrrr rcr:i.sion,iultclrtion r,.l if,lljS Local auclir \4anr-ral. I-hc sanrc is crill.

ii. 1s i ir,,:r'cfirrc lc,Jr.icsi,;.'i li'icr uou-r conrlnentsr.sLiggcsrion .rnc1 1;l,r.titi


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resi.,.r.:il ',-rj'thr: l)ir"as ls ntcntionctl in iri-,lic tiii.:c]
..i. r' N* j)i-rrlrit!r.' rt:ltal c:i:r i-rc ilrclLr;1i'.i":intcnclcci (u'ith \llccifiL' :iriilrni"iir') i,.'
, i:,ri-rii. iiili oi'iii-c lo nr;rl<r it iii,:rl :r.l. r:trli,.'',L

.'lasc bc rrcatrr:cl a.s irll-.orIrnI

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*'rqta?T {qrT Arqr fiziTfi drz orq?fi 2sooor

ofFrce of the CDA (Anny) Meerut Cantt-250001
qta. o r 21 - z 6 4 6 6 32, ilra€ d, o I 2 I -26462 I 6, o I 2 l -264625

Dated zA7/A2/2018

All Regional PCDA/CDA

sub:- Revision tFdation of MES Locar Audit Manua'l .

Ref:- P.ra 49(f\. 102(ir) & 118(iii) of MES LAM, 1953 Edn.

rn terms of Para 500 and its paragraphs of oM

Part r 2oL4 edn , different pCsDA/csDA have been responsible
for maintenance/revision of various Codes and Manuals. Updation
of MES Local Audit Manua'l has been assigned to this office by
HQrs office.
MES Local Audit Manual is being revised ,/updated by this
office with reference to the rule position, regulation &
amendments as per latest orders/provisions.
rt is requested to offer your comments/suggestion ald
practice being followed in your office in respect of tne paris
as mentioned below & propose what can be included/anrended (with
spec'ific authority) to enable this office to nrake it final .
i) Para 49(fl & 107(iv):- "that the expenditure on local
printing and local purchase of stationery articles is not
paid f ron the cash assignrnent/inrprest but such bil I s
inc'ludinE those for supplies and services .procured through
Departnrent of PrintinE ancl Stationery are subnritted to the
"E" section of the Regional PCDA/CDA in whose audit area
the MES fornnration is 'located."
ii) Para 118 (iii):-"that bulk allotments for petty and
periodical repairs nade to s.D.os. as entered in the
Register of Appropriations agree with the anounts noted in
the Register of Requisitions nraintained by the Unit
iii) Para 177 (xi) (b): - Licence fee in respect of each
Reg'inrenta'l Shop fron the contractor/petty contractor and
Units and formation, if the regtnrental shops are run under
their own arrangements, has been recovered at rates fixed
by the concerned Statjon Commander from time to tinre. (If

rates are available in your office, kindly arrange and

forward to this office with specific author-ity.)
iv) Further, rt is also requested that correction Slips 4g/gs
and 50/93 may please be provided if available in your
offi ce.
v) A write up on detailed prnrzisions lrerta'ining t<, Cr:i'i & e-
tenderi ng may a1 so be prov'ided so as -t6--i ncorffi
same in the revised edition of MES LAM.
An early action is requested.
This issues with the approval of CDA,
(K.K Ahu$ a ,,, IDAS

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