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Qleurriorrs dlnlloi 6$110(6rl, 3!jrdr156!!r$g: .s$srg ruol,.r

Civil Aviatiot duth*rity of Sri I-ani.ia

€?o:J@Je 3i.J :.psr;-,0 t1a.a.

era,f,'r'D;o'i er!i/it, 6l!,,r;s e!6trr6" ijlq d,trniG6tr6rl . rJdl, s!:OE,i,.E. !i.Ji
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'S.ti aril Eficienl Skies forAil' Nliruw..go& Road, Kailrayal{e Sr I trrrl
lly li.t: No : .
AS/04/07 ?s19 14.11.2019
I \\ov

Attentionr Executive Director.


Airpor! & A\ iation Ser\ ices Sri Lanka Ltd.

Bandaranayake Itlternational Airpo(,


Dear Sir,

Periodicity of Ground and FIisht Testine ofNavisational Aids

This is to trotiry the issuance of a revision to the implementing Standard 034 (IS034) giving effect to the
ICAO standards and recommended pmctices contained in ANNEX 10 Volume 1.

Non availability ofthe state regulations on the periodicity ofground and flight testing ofNavigational Aids
was a finding at the ICAO USOAP audit 2018 that was required to be ad&essed by CAASL.

Accordingly, above revisiofi to IS 034 is published incorporating the periodicity requirements for the
Calibration of Navigatioml Aids.

Claufjes 2.2.2 Dp to 2.2,2.3 of IS034 declares the new periodicity.

Please find attached to this communique, Chapter 2 to IS034 containing above information for easy

Your attention is sought to adhere to above periodicity requirements in ground and flight t€sting of
Navigational Aids.
(E Ee r t'r"'u
Thanking You, fur i^k',^^+;,r', r(
l\te.€s54./ at:h<,\r

Rohan Manukulasooriya,
- Air
-2+il | {.1,1
i* **rt;u
Deputy Dircctor Genera.l Space Regulation.

Copy - Head ofElechonics and Air Navigation Engineering.

),9 0 \ts
9uF dbr.!r ?q6f,d g'Artud&b/H"aoOflLe.
6d6o6d / cl5trmdcldl / Tele. : +9.1 1l 2358800 old.i/ 6FtrodFe5n/Fax: +94 _ tl_2253038 6 6€el/l&ntr(i66i/e- roil: tk
eea / 6ro@ud / web:
Democratic Socialist Republic ofSri Lanka

Civil Avixtion AL(horitl ol Sri l-anltr

lmnlementing Standard
(lssucd undcr Scc. 120, CivilAviation Act No. 14 of20i0)

Titlc: Compliance to Annex-10 -Aeronautical'felecommunications

(Volume 1)

l{efcrence No. : lS-10-(i) all S.N.: 034 Date: lst September 20l9

Pusuant to Sec.l20 ofthe Civil Aviation Act No.l4 of2010, Directoi Geneml of Civil Aviation shall
have the power to issue, whenever he considers it necessary or appropdatgto do so, such Implementing
Standards foi the puq>ose of giving effect to any of the provisions of the Civil Aviation Act, any
regulations or rules made tlereunder including the Articles of the Convdntion oll Intemational Civil
Aviation \rhjch are specified in the Schedule to the Act.

Acccrdingl,r', the urdersiqneC being lhe Dirsctcr Cererrl of Civil Aviation do hereby issue lhc
Implementing Standards as mentioned in the Attachment hereto (Ref: Attachment No. Is-10-(i)-all -Att),
for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions in the aforementioncd Act and Standards & Procedures
described under A icle 37 ofthe Convention, which are specified in the Attachment.

Thcsc Implenicnting Standards shall come into force with immediatc effect and remain in force unless
rc\ olcd.

Atrcnlion is cl.o drasn Io sec. 101 of lhe Acl- \\hiclr .tiles inler clia rhal failurc ro comply uith
Implenenting Standard is an olfence.

Civil Aviation Authority ofSri Lanka

No. 152/1, Minuwangoda Road,

Enclosure: AttaclDlent No. IS-1o-(i)-all Att.

Str..l!rds lor thc l)tuvisior ol Acnnr !( .a ,\rhchnicnt No IS'10-(i)-all -Atl
Teleconrnn ricatio.s- ltarlio Nr!i!rti(n.{ids (

Notc2 llthough,\RL is ol co .tiLlarrLl, in oly ciraut,\ku1ccs. u sltis.facbr! alter otite

lrt:.i\io upprotch rutlar systanl, tltr Sll' Dtcty hc itlslqllad u d operatcLl vithout the
tt) thc
l'1R /it tlR't.tsiste t! ol uir tt'Ltflic ct)tltt.ol i hunLlling ]1it-cruli intending to use a radio
tkttiutlitDl oi(1, or .fin- turreillLut<e rtkktr ppt.odLlt.t [ukl dt:pdrturcs.

2.1.2 whcn a radio navigation aid is provided to support prccisjon approaoh and landing. it
should bc supplemented, as nccessary, by source or souces of uuidancc inforrration
\\iich, wher used iD conjunction with appropriate procedures, will pro\ide eft'cctive
guidance to, and efficient coupling (manual or automatic) with, the desired reference path.

Note DME, GNSS, VOR and aircraft ndrigation systems hate been used for suclt


2.2.2 Periodicit,vofTesting All Navigational Aids except NDBS shall be flight calibrated at a regular time interval not
greater than 365 days. With rcspect to NDBS, time interval shall not be greater than 730 days. All Navigational Aids shall bc ground tested at a rcgular time intenal not g.eater than j0
days. Any deviation to ihe conditions state d, in2)..2.1 & shall be approved by fie DGCA

2.J Provision ofinformation on (he operational stxtus ofradio navig:rtion senices

2.4 Aerodlome conhol towers and units providing app(oach control service sha1l bc provided
wilhinlornrxlionontheOperari^nal .LolLtsofradiond\ipJlion.ervicesessential lorapproaLh.
landing and take-off at the aerodrome(s) rvith rvhich thcy are concemed, on a timely basis
consistent $,ith the use ofthe senice(s) involved. Power supply for radio navigation aids
anJ comnunication s1 stems
Radio navigation aids and ground elements ofcommunication systems ofthe t)pes specified
in Annex 10 shall be provided with suitable power supplies and meals to ensure
continuity of scrvice consistent with thc use of the service(s) involvcd.
2,5 Human tractors considerations

2.5.1 Hunan Factors principles should bc observed in the design and ceftification of radio
navigation aids.

!\ote - Gltiritlfice aterial olt lluman Factots prineiples,cat belAorr?d i, /re HULnan Fuclors
Training Manual (Doc 9633) and Circtiar 219 (HLmar Factors Digest No.11.- lluman
Factors in CNS/ATM Svsterr

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