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nent t:f thc People's Republic of Banglldesh

VIirristr1,of CiviI Aviation ct, 'l'ourisrrr
CA-2 Scction
13angladesh Secretaliat, Diral<a.
\\,lv\v.11.]0cat. gov. bcl

\o.30.00.0000.0 r4. I 8.004.10 t, F96/ fu') Date: 03.06.1019

Tcr Clrailmarr
Civil i\r,iation ALrthorit.v of Banglade sh
Kurmitola. Dhitka.
'l'he undersigned is clirectcd to convev the (loriernment's
altproval in lavoLrr ol N4r'. Moharlrrrncl
Shafrul Az-am. Senior Conrmurrication Errgirreer olthe Civil Aviation ALrthority,ol'Bangladcsh to lssurance
o1'Technical Cllearance o1'8747-400Ij airclali. \4SN: 26562 o1' Bisr.nillah Airlines l,td. in [Jnited Aralr
Ettrit'ates (LIAL--) undel the terms and conditios specelid in para-2. The clLrratiori of his visit rvill bc tl'orn 06-
07 lv'la1,l0l9 or2 cla1,s exclLrdirrg trarrsit perit:d fiom the nealesl possiblc clate o1'his departure.

2. Terms & Corrditiorrs:

I-leu,ill bc treateci as on dutl' duriug the period ol his visit.
tr. Ile u,ill drarv lris pay. allon,ances and otlier chalges in local clrrrer1c-v; llo part of it shall Lre drarvn irr
t-oreign currenc!'.
c. i\llexpenses irr connection r.r,ith the r.,isit rvill[:e br:rne by,'Uismillalr Airlincs l-trl',
d. IIe n,illnot be allori,ed to sta),abroilci rnole tirarr the approved pcriod:
IIe has to submit x report on thc visil to tlre \4inistry of eivii Aviation ancl 'l'ourisnr r.r,ithin tll'tccn
tlay's alter his retlu'n. ?

l. ]'his order is issued *,ith the apploval olthe cornpctcnt authorily

' I 3 6- ,5
( I{ocks i nd a Irarhanri)
DrpLrtl' Secrcfar)
E-N'lai I : dsca2fiitntrrcat. gov. bci

r*o.i0.00.0000.0 t4. r 8.004.20 ts- Fb, fl &{ Date : 0i.06.1019

Copl'Ibr Kirrd Inibrnration and Ncccssarl'Action: (not irccording to seniority,'1:

l. Foreigrr Sccretar,r,. Nrlirristrl,'ol'l:ore igrr Al'fairs. Dliaka. (Atten:Consular Scction. N,iinistr-r,o1'[-'oreisn

;\fiairs-rvitlr the rerlucst to issue rrote ler'lrale fbr issLring necessar:y visa.)
?_ H.E Anrbassador. of'the Pcople's [{epublic of Barrgladesh. UAIi. (B-v- t}ag).
3. ll.ll. i\rrrbassaclor. EnTlrass1, o1'thc 1(ingc]orn ol l,lnitecl r\ralt Ljnrirates. Dhaka.
4. Director C'lencral. Irnnrisratiorr ct Passport. Agargaon. Dlial<a (Actual departr"ire clare w'ill be appiica[rlc)
,5. General lr4anager" Foreigrr l:rchiinge Po)ic1, Division. Bangladesh lJarrlt. Dhakir.
6. P.S to llonarable State lvliniste r. I\4ini.stry ol-Civil Aviation ct Tourism.
7. P.S to Secrctar.v. lr4inistry of Civil r\viation & ToLrrisrn.
(,. Azarn. Sclrior Communication Engineer. CAAli.
lr,1r. Moharnrnad SlrallLrl
9. Assistant Proglarnnrcr"" N,linistry of Civil Aviation & 'l"oLrrisrn (With the t'eqLrcst to pLrb)ish in r,r,ebsitc).
10. P.O to Acldltional Sccretar),(Adrrrin & T'oLrrisrrr)/ ([3inrarriCA)/ Joint Secretaly (ClA). Ivl inistry.' ol' Civi I

Aviation &'l'0Llrisnr.
(l{ocksinda Irarhana)
Dcpu lr Sccrerar i
Ph<:nc: 9549I 9l
E- N4 ai t : dsca2{r?lmocat. gov. bd

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