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COAR ANCASH is a recognized institution because there are high-performance students, this

school helps them develop academically and emotionally. To the aforementioned, we ask
ourselves the question: What negative and positive aspects affect the health and well-being
of students? This essay will show the positive aspects offered by the institution, as well as
the negative aspects.

Firstly, COAR offers quality teachers that benefit student performance, it also offers the IB
international baccalaureate, and it also has technology in each session. All this helps
students have a good education so that they can achieve different scholarships offered by
COAR, everything learned in this school helps you in your university life, likewise the COAR
student develops autonomously in carrying out their academic activities.

Secondly, COAR does not offer a comfortable residence, also the portion of food provided by
the dining room does not satisfy the students, also on Saturdays and Sundays there is no
mid-morning or mid-afternoon, also there are days when there are no staff health. In
addition, the topic does not have medicines. Likewise, there is a long rear to receive the
food, all these aspects affect the well-being of the students.

In conclusion, COAR is a good school that offers a great benefit for academic life, with
respect to its negative aspects, these can be improved over time.

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