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Ciri / Characteristics

- Fikir & ingat lalu bahasa / use language to remember

- Fahami peraturan dan fungsi bahasa / understand the rules and function of language
- Kawalan terhadap bahasa yg digunakan / protect the language using
- Mengaplikasi peraturan bahasa / use the rules of language
- Luahkan perasaan secara verbal / express your emotions verbally
- Berkemahiran dlm meluahkan idea dlm penulisan / express ideas in writing

Kebolehan / Abilities

- Teka-teki, teka kata, silang kata, baca, tulis, cerita / riddles, write, read, storytelling
- Guna tatabahasa yg luas, mainan bahasa / use bombastic words, word play
- Cipta puisi / create poems
- Rakam dan dengan sebuatan & intonasi / listen to the pronunciation
- Ajar kawan atau keluarga membaca / teach friends or family to read
- Sesi bercerita / have a storytelling session

Kerjaya / Jobs

- Pengarang / author
- Pensyarah / lecturer
- Wartawan / reporter
- Penyunting / editor
- Penyair / poet
- Penulis skrip / script writer
- Novelis / novelist
Tokoh / people or characters
- William Shakespeare
- J.K Rowling
- Jane Austen
- James Patterson

Ciri / Characteristics
- Kesan dunia visual dgn tepat / accurate visual of world
- Mincipta gambaran mental / create a mental image
- Blh fikir dlm 3D / can think in 3D
- Guna gambaran mental utk mengingat / use mental image to remember

Kebolehan / Abilities
- Beri maklum balas dan mencipta imej 3D / create a 3D image & feedback
- Dapat ‘melihat’ idea / can visualize the ideas

Kerjaya / Jobs
- Arkitek / architect
- Jurugambar / photographer
- Pengukir / sculptor
- Pereka dalaman / interior designer
- Kartunis / cartoonist
- Perancang bandar / town planner
- Pelukis / painter or drawer
Tokoh / people or characters
- Galileo Galilei
- Leonardo da Vinci

Ciri / Characteristics
- Lihat susunan dan ketalan dlm kehidupan / see order in life
- Cerakin sistem ke dlm bahagian / disassemble systems into parts first
- Guna simbol utk wakili idea yg konkrit / use symbol to represent ideas
- Kenal pasti sebab dan akibat dlm sistem / identify problems in the systems

Kebolehan / Abilities
- Menaakul secara saintifik / reason scientifically
- Kerja dgn nombor / use numbers to get the answer

Kerjaya / Jobs
- Saintis / scientist
- Pakar statisktik / statistician
- Ahli ekonomi / economist
- Juruaudit / auditor
- Akauntan / accountant
- Aktuaris / actuary

Tokoh / people or characters

- Bill Gates
- Warren Buffet
- Steve Jobs
- Martha Stewart
- Arianna Huffington
- Oprah Winfrey

Ciri / Characteristics
- Mendengar dan bermain muzik / listen and play music
- Memadan perasaan kpd muzik & rithma / match feelings with music & rhythm
- Bernyanyi dan bergerak ikut muzik / sing and move to the beat of music
- Mencipta & mereplika lagu / create & replicate songs

Kebolehan / Abilities
- Peka terhadap bunyi / sensitive to songs
- Suka gerak badan ikut bunyi atau irama / like to move to the beat or melody
- Cipta lagu dan bermain alat muzik / create songs & play instruments
- Mudah fikir dengan bunyi, irama, pattern / easy to remember with song, melody, pattern

Kerjaya / Jobs
- Pencipta lagu / song creator
- Komposer / composer
- Ahli music / musician

Tokoh / people or characters

- Tan Sri P.Ramlee
- Ramli MS
- Habsah Hassan
- Beethoven
- Kitaro
- Kenny G.

Ciri / Characteristics
- Bersukan dan aktiviti fizikal / sports and physical activities
- Guna bahasa badan / Use body language
- Buat kraf & projek mekanikal / make crafts & mechanical projects
- Menari, berlakon & miming / dancing, acting & miming

Kebolehan / Abilities
- Menginterpretasi pergerakan anggota atau tubuh / interpreting movement
- Melakukan aktiviti pergerakan badan / activities relate to body movement
- Manipulasi objek antara gerakan fizikal dgn mental / manipulate object movement

Kerjaya / Jobs
- Atlet / athlete
- Jurutera / engineer
- Mekanik / mechanic

Tokoh / people or characters

- Datuk Nicole David
- Shalin Zulkifli
- Datuk Lee Chong Wei
- Michael Jordan
- LeBron James

Ciri / Characteristics
- Memelihara & memerhati kitaran hidup haiwan / observe lifecycle of animals
- Jaga & memerhati proses hidup tumbuhan / take care & observe lifecycle of plants
- Memerhati & catat fasa bulan / observe & note phase of the moon
- Peka kpd alam semula jadi / sensitive to nature
- Pertalian & pola dlm tumbuhan & haiwan / relationship and pattern in animal & plants

Kebolehan / Abilities

- Sturktur & intrinsik yg tinggi / High structure & intrinsic

- Tunjuk kasih sayang kpd alam sekitar / show love to nature

- Mahir katogeri dan kelaskan bahan / master in classifying stuff

- menyukai carta, jadual, diagram & timeline / love charts, tables, diagrams & timelines

Kerjaya / Jobs
- Ahli biologi / biologist
- Zoologi / zoologist
- Ahli botani / botanist
- Ahli geologi / geologist
- Doktor haiwan / vet
- Nelayan / fisherman
- Pendaki gunung / mountain climber

Tokoh / people or characters

- Steve Irwin
- Simone Moro
- Jack Horner
- Dr. Lauren Thielen


Ciri / Characteristics
- Kawal mood dan emosi kendiri / control self-emotion & mood
- Dalami minat peribadi & menetapkan agenda / delve into personal interest, set agenda
- Belajar melalui pemerhatian & mendengar / learn to observing & listening
- Menggunakan cekapan metacognitif / using metacognitive skills

Kebolehan / Abilities
- Tulis autobiografi tentang sendiri / write autobiography about yourself
- Duduk bersendirian utk sesi refleksi / sit alone for refection section
- Catat perasaan, kenangan dalam diari harian / record memories in diary

Kerjaya / Jobs

- Pakar psikologi / psychological specialist

- Ahli falsafah / philosopher
- Pendeta / priest

Tokoh / people or characters

- Hamka
- Aristotle

Ciri / Characteristics
- Boleh komunikasi & bina kepercayaan orang lain / can communicate & gain trust
- Mampu memahami orang lain / can understand other people
- Sensitif kpd perasaan dan matlamat org lain / sensitive to other people’s feelings
- Cekap nilai emosi, motivasi org sekeliling / efficient emotional value of people around

Kebolehan / Abilities
- Blh interaksi dgn orang ramai di tpt awam / interact with people in public places
- Aktif dlm permainan yg merlu karjasama / active in teamwork games
- Tukar peranan dgn orang utk sehari (roleplay) / change roles with people for a day

Kerjaya / Jobs
- Pakar motivasi / motivation expert
- Kaunselor / counselor
- Ahli politik / politician
- Guru / teacher
- Pegawai diplomatik / diplomatic officer

Tokoh / people or characters

- Dato’ Dr. Fadzillah Kamsah
- Oprah Winfrey

Ciri / Characteristics
- Dapat makna dlm kehidupan harian / get meaning to life
- Menikmati halusan, adat dari budaya lain / enjoy customs from other cultures
- Melibat diri dlm hal sosial / get involved in social problems
- Komitmen yg tinggi ke arah kesejahteraan / high commitment towards well-being

Kebolehan / Abilities
- Pendapat berangsangkan berlandas nilai agama / stimulate opinions on religious value
- Hargai estetika persekitaran / appreciate aesthetic of environment
- Hormat & hargai orang lain / respect & appreciate other people

Kerjaya / Jobs
- Imam / priest
- Pemimpin / leader
- Ahli agama / religious member

Tokoh / people or characters

- Socrates
- Dr. Zakir Naik
- Mother Theresa
VERBAL LINGUISTIK - Merujuk kepada kebolehan murid mmenggunakan bahasa
dengan efektif secara lisan dan bertulis
RUANG VISUAL - Kebolehan utk berfikir secara gambaran, imej, bentuk & corak
LOGIC MATEMATIK - Kebolehan utk menaakul secara deduktif & induktif serta
berfikir secara konseptual & abstrak
MUZIK - Kebolehan & sensitiviti terhadap bunyi, irama, melodi & lagu.
Berkebolehan mengesan & membezakan bunyi muzik serta irama yg terdapat di
NATURALISTIK - Kebolehan & minat terhapat amal semula jadi
KINESTATIK - Kebolehan murid menggunakan sebahagian atau keseluran
anggota tubuh badan utk berkomunikasi & menyelesaikan masalah
INTERPERSONAL - Kebolehan induvidu memahami perasaan, sikap tabiat serta
hasrat orang lain
INTRAPERSONAL - Berkaitan dengan kesederaan tentang diri sendiri &
berkebolehan utk menilai diri sendiri
EKSISTENSIAL - Kebolehkan memahami erti kewujudan manusia dan alam,
memahami makna sesuatu kejadian, menggunakan daya intuisi yg tinggi dlm
memahami reality kehidupan

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