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Density is the unique property of each substance or substance. It is related to the

mass and volume of the substance. The ratio of mass to volume. If a substance has the
same volume, the higher the density, the greater the mass. This density is also one of the
factors that cause objects to float or sink. Objects with lower density tend to float on
objects with higher density.
1. แผ่นไม้ลอยอยู่ในน้ำ ก็เพรำะว่ำมันมีควำมหนำแน่นน้อยกว่ำน้ำ
2. สมอเรือจมลงใต้น้ำ ก็เพรำะว่ำโลหะนันมีควำมหนำแน่นมำกกว่ำน้ำ
3. ลูกโป่งสำมำรถลอยไปในอำกำศได้ก็เพรำะภำยในบรรจุแก๊สฮีเลียมที่มีควำมหนำแน่นน้อยกว่ำอำกำศ

Mass is the amount of matter or the number of particles contained in that object.
The particles mentioned are electrons, protons, and neutrons, collectively known as atoms.
Mass is not related to any location in space or on Earth. How much mass is measured on
Earth? must be equal to those measured on the moon because the number of atoms is the
same but the weight of the object depending on its position in space or on the earth
Because weight is the result of mass multiplied by gravity. which is different between the
moon and the earth Therefore, the weight on the Moon will be less than the weight on
Earth. but the mass remains the same and mass can be obtained by weighing
สาร สถานะ ความหนาแน่น
อำกำศ แก๊ส 0.0013
น้ำ ของเหลว 1
เอทำนอล ของเหลว 0.94
เมทำนอล ของเหลว 0.79
อะลูมิเนียม ของแข็ง 2.7
ตะกั่ว ของแข็ง 11.3
ทองค้ำ ของแข็ง 19.3
น้ำทะเล ของเหลว 1.025
น้ำมันพืช ของเหลว 0.92
ปรอท ของเหลว 13.6
น้ำแข็ง ของแข็ง 0.92
From the material density table, it can be seen that except for liquid mercury, the
density of most solids is greater than that of liquids. But unlike other liquids, it has a very
high density.
When placed in the same container, liquids with different densities float on top.
Liquids with lower densities float on top. Any liquid with a higher density will sink to the
bottom. For example, water and oil in the same container float above the water surface.
Volume refers to a number that represents the size of a three-dimensional shape. In
mathematics, it usually refers to the volume of a solid with a geometric shape. Measuring
the volume of a liquid requires a container. The volume is measured in cubic meters (m3),
such as spoons, droppers, syringes, and measuring cylinders. Beaker
Geometric volume
sphere volume = 4/3πr3

conical volume = 1/3 πr2h

Pyramid volume = 1/3 × base area x height

Prismatic volume = base area x height

Density calculation
The density is calculated according to the formula.
D is the density, in g/cm3 or kg/m3.
M is the mass in grams (g) or kilograms (kg).
V is the volume, expressed in cubic centimeters (cm3), cubic meters (m3), milliliters (ml), or
liters (L).
1. You have a rock with a volume of 15cm3 and a mass of 45 g. What is its density?

2. You have a different rock with a volume of 30cm3 and a mass of 60g. What is its


3. A bottle is filled with 22 kg of olive oil which has a density of 0.9250.925 g/cm3. What is
the volume of the olive oil to the nearest cm3?

4. Metal A has a density of 3.23 g/cm3 and metal B has a density of 5.55 g/cm3. Metal C is
made from combining metal A and metal B in a ratio of 3:7 To one decimal place, what
is the density of metal C if it has a mass of 2500 g?

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