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1. QUESTION 1 (a):
Solution: To prove that for any element x in a group G where a is not equal to e (the identity
element) and the only element of order 2, we need to show that ax = xa holds for all x in G.
Let’s assume, for the sake of contradiction, that there exists an element x in G such that
Since G is a group, it must satisfy the group axioms, including closure, associativity, identity
element existence, and inverse element existence.
Consider the element y = ax. Since a is not equal to e, and a is the only element of order 2
in G, we know that y ̸= e.
Now, let’s examine the element z = yx. Using the group axioms, we can rewrite z as:
z = yx = (ax)x (substituting the value of y) = a(xx) (associativity) = ae (since xx = e by
the existence of inverses) = a (since a is not equal to e)
On the other hand, we can also rewrite z as:
z = yx = ax (since y = ax)
Since z = a and z = ax, we have a = ax. This contradicts our initial assumption that ax ̸=
Therefore, our assumption that there exists an element x in G such that ax ̸= xa is false.
Thus, we can conclude that ax = xa holds for all x in G when a is not equal to e and is the
only element of order 2 in G.

2. QUESTION 1 (b):
Solution: To prove that L(f, p1) ≤ U (f, p2) and L(f, p2) ≤ U (f, p1), where p1 and p2 are
two partitions of the interval [a, b], we need to show that the lower sum of f with respect to
p1 is less than or equal to the upper sum of f with respect to p2, and vice versa.
Let’s begin by defining some terms:
Lower Sum: The lower sum of a function f with respect to a partition p is denoted by L(f, p)
and is defined as the sum of the infimum of f over each subinterval multiplied by the width
of the subinterval.

Preprint submitted to SIMPLE MATHS May 24, 2023

Upper Sum: The upper sum of a function f with respect to a partition p is denoted by U (f, p)
and is defined as the sum of the supremum of f over each subinterval multiplied by the width
of the subinterval.
Now, let’s prove the first inequality: L(f, p1) ≤ U (f, p2).
Consider an arbitrary subinterval [x, y] in p1, and let’s denote its corresponding subinterval
in p2 as [u, v]. Since p1 and p2 are partitions of the same interval [a, b], every subinterval in
p1 has a corresponding subinterval in p2.
Now, we know that the infimum of f over [x, y] is less than or equal to the supremum of f
over [u, v]. Therefore, we have:
inf (f, [x, y]) ≤ sup(f, [u, v])
Multiplying both sides of the inequality by the width of the subinterval (y − x), we get:
inf (f, [x, y]) ∗ (y − x) ≤ sup(f, [u, v]) ∗ (y − x)
Summing up this inequality over all subintervals in p1, we obtain:
[inf (f, [x, y]) ∗ (y − x)] ≤ [sup(f, [u, v]) ∗ (y − x)]
Since [inf (f, [x, y]) ∗ (y − x)] is the lower sum L(f, p1) and [sup(f, [u, v]) ∗ (y − x)] is the
upper sum U (f, p2), we can rewrite the inequality as:
L(f, p1) ≤ U (f, p2)
Thus, we have proved the first inequality.
Similarly, we can prove the second inequality: L(f, p2) ≤ U (f, p1). By considering the corre-
sponding subintervals in p1 and p2, we can show that the lower sum of f with respect to p2
is less than or equal to the upper sum of f with respect to p1.
Therefore, we have:
L(f, p2) ≤ U (f, p1)
Hence, both inequalities are proven:
L(f, p1) ≤ U (f, p2) and L(f, p2) ≤ U (f, p1).

3. QUESTION 1 (c):
SOLUTION:To evaluate the Laplace transform of the function f (x) = (x + 2)2 ex , we can
use the linearity property and the Laplace transform of elementary functions.
Let’s denote the Laplace transform of f (x) as F (s), where s is the complex variable.
Applying the linearity property:
L{f (x)} = L{(x + 2)2 ex }
= L{(x2 + 4x + 4)ex }
= L{x2 ex + 4xex + 4ex }

Using the Laplace transform of elementary functions:
L{x2 ex } = d2 /ds2 (L{ex })
= d2 /ds2 (1/(s − 1)2 )
= 2!/(s − 1)3 = 2/(s − 1)3
L{4xex } = d/ds(L{ex })
= d/ds(1/(s − 1)) = 1/(s − 1)2
L{4ex } = 4/(s − 1)
Now, summing up the individual Laplace transforms:
F (s) = L{f (x)} = L{x2 ex + 4xex + 4ex }
= L{x2 ex } + L{4xex } + L{4ex }
= 2/(s − 1)3 + 1/(s − 1)2 + 4/(s − 1)
Therefore, the Laplace transform of the function f (x) = (x + 2)2 ex is given by:
F (s) = 2/(s − 1)3 + 1/(s − 1)2 + 4/(s − 1)

4. QUESTION 1 (d):
SOLUTION: To determine the curves on which the functional f [y(x)] = 0
[(y ′ )2 + 12xy]dx,
subject to the boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and y(1) = 1, can be extremized, we can apply
the Euler-Lagrange equation.
The Euler-Lagrange equation states that for a functional of the form F [y(x), y ′ (x), x] =
L(y, y ′ , x)dx, the extremals (curves that extremize the functional) satisfy the following dif-

ferential equation:
d ∂L
dx ( ∂y ′ ) − ( ∂L
∂y ) = 0

Let’s apply this to our functional f [y(x)]:

L(y, y ′ , x) = (y ′ )2 + 12xy
∂y ′ = 2y ′
∂y = 12x
Using the Euler-Lagrange equation, we have:
d ∂L ′
dx ( ∂y ′ ) − ( ∂L
∂y ) =
dx (2y ) − 12x = 0
Differentiating 2y ′ with respect to x gives:
2y ′′ − 12 = 0
Simplifying the equation, we obtain:
y ′′ = 6
This is a second-order linear ordinary differential equation. Solving this differential equation
gives the general solution for y(x).

Integrating y ′′ = 6 with respect to x twice, we get:
y(x) = 3x2 + C1 x + C2
Using the boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and y(1) = 1, we can determine the values of the
constants C1 and C2 .
From y(0) = 0, we have:
0 = C2
From y(1) = 1, we have:
1 = 3(1)2 + C1 (1) + C2
1 = 3 + C1
Simplifying, we find:
C1 = −2
C2 = 0
Therefore, the specific curve that extremizes the functional f [y(x)] with the given boundary
conditions is:
y(x) = 3x2 − 2x
In conclusion, the functional f [y(x)] = 0
[(y ′ )2 + 12xy]dx is extremized on the curve y(x) =
3x2 − 2x, subject to the boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and y(1) = 1.

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