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Grade 10 Geography

Unit 1: What is Geography?

Megacities Article

1. Show evidence of reading by annotating the text.
2. Write a one page reflection about the article.

Potential Prompts:
1. Summarize the article - identify the main points in 3-5 sentences.
2. What are your thoughts about the article? Explain.
3. How do you think the rise in population will affect people in Canada? Explain
4. Did something in the article surprise you? Discuss.
5. Pick a word/line/passage from the article and respond to it.
6. Explain the connection between the article and our discussions about Globalization.


Learning Goals Student Reflection Teacher Assessment

I am able to display Beginning Beginning

thoughtful analysis and Developing Developing
insights about the article. Meeting Meeting
Proficient Proficient
Mastered Mastered

I am able to organize my Beginning Beginning

ideas into proper, thorough Developing Developing
paragraphs as well as attend Meeting Meeting
to mechanics (ie. spelling, Proficient Proficient
grammar, punctuation). Mastered Mastered

First and Last Name

Teacher’s Name
Course Code
Due Date

Article of the Week: Megacities

More and more megacities are appearing, and especially in Asia, 10 billion people are expected
to congregate in urban areas by mid-century. On top of that, it won't just happen in Asia, the
fastest growing cities will be in sub-Saharan Africa, where it is projected to be home to 2.1
billion people over the next three decades.
I think that the growth of the population in the cities is due to the fact that not only the world
population is growing but also people are beginning to prefer the urban instead of the rural, they
do it to look for better job and livelihood opportunities for their families.
The increase in population will affect people in Canada because the shortage of jobs will begin,
since many people will be looking for a job. Supermarkets may collapse, and suddenly it will
become a bit unsafe as the government will not be able to take care of so many people.
It amazes me that although the increase can bring good things to a country, it can also bring bad
things, which will worsen its economy and sustainability.
"Generally, they are in low-income, low-peace countries, which means they simply don't have
the financial capacity to cope with growth." Most of the countries in Africa are identified with this
quote, they are countries that are highly populated and will continue to grow, but they do not
have the capacity to sustain this growth, since they live in constant war and have very few

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