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Mind Map/ Reflection Guidelines

In grade 5 I had soccer try outs, I was really nervous a the girls I was going to be trying out against went
to my elementary school and were now my friendemies as before they had been my best friends but as we
got older they had done some shady actions towards me in the sake of their benefit which I didn’t
appreciate, my dad knew this and he knew how much they had bothered me ; He also knew that since I
was the coaches daughter everyone’s eyes would be on me, and I did not want to let his name down in
front of people who genuinely respected him. I had to do good there was no other option. The try out was
after spring break it was a a Newton athletic park not the field we practiced on it was the field that had a
stadium attached to it where the big kids would play I was both excited yet terrified. I always remember
this moment as it was a memory where I remember how I proud I made my dad on the car ride home, he
was actually seeing the result of his hard work and patience he had had towards me and my journey in
soccer. It also felt great that I proved those girls wrong it showed me that I didn’t need to participate in
something nasty or viscous if I was to lock in and focus on my gaols the results would show and all those
actions they took to hurt me wouldn’t shine as bright as what I brought to the table for myself. Earlier that
year one girl on my soccer team had a falling out with me as she had a new friend group and I chose to
stay loyal to my own friends, this upset her and she begun trying to steal my friends, I had a huge ego and
knew that people knew my heart and what I brought in everyone of my friendships, she then lied when we
had a in team scrimmage and said that I tried to take out her shins when I clearly did not, this was
brought to my parents attention and now I was on a no talk basis with her even though we played on the
same team. Honestly this girl was major competition she was a hard worker and equally as killed at me
but with everything she had been doing I needed to win and outshine her in front of all the coaches I
needed to prove that a pure heart and hard working person always wins as I really didn’t get back at her
for all the things she had done to me.Once my dad announced the try outs would be in a month from now
I started putting in full force, I ate whole foods no protein, never skipping a meal and skipping out on
drinking juice or packaged snacks, always put in 100% during practice trying to out do all the other girls,
I would go downstairs on my off days and lift weights and try out circuits that built my endurance. I now
ran home instead of walking and took any opportunity to really fuel my body with everything it needed.
For me this was the end all be all. I have a very all of nothing personality so if I do something I will either
give no effort at all or I will put in all my effort and really let that goal consume me, I really hadn’t been
this passionate about soccer in years so putting in effort outside of practice and everything had made me
realize that everyone on my team, everyone on the other 3 teams had the same opportunity presented, they
also had the same Amount of time it was just up to them on what they wanted to do with that time and
how they’d let that time pass. It taught me to set goals to and preserver even if a recognition in a soccer
try out when I was 11 didn’t matter the time I spent and what I had learnt had carried with me. I learnt
that I enjoy routines that if I Set alarms and memorized my workouts it would be beneficial to me, Id like
to say that I’m a carefree go with the flow person but I really like being organized, so making the
workouts and having my mom know what meals I wanted to eat helped me feel at ease and made me
more confident in what I could achieve. My dad owns a trucking business and I’m quite involved in his
endeavours he pushes towards when, in fact I do his billing and overlock some emails just to know the
trick of the trade and keep my dad happy, managing this is difficult at times but when I reflect on how
organized I try to be I always think back to the memory of me preparing for that try out how I stayed
organized and wrote my goals on sticky notes and stuck them to the wall above my bedside table. In the
future I want to became a therapist and bring my own non profit organization have a bigger impact and
really make a difference managing this will be difficult and I will often have to put in time that people
wont know about, I realize that that’s okay if I really want to make a impact on this world staying in
planning is important even if it doesn’t matter to others its matters to me, staying firm on my values and
goals will come in handy and really matter in the long run.

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