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Vasquez, Mari Sheanne M.

May 21, 2023

BSN 4-A NCM 120 & IC 7
Dean Ma. Carmelita Villegas


1. What is the most important thing you learned from the interactive videos?

Answer: The most important lesson I learned from the interactive videos is how to
perform the correct skill techniques for infection prevention and control practices
including hand hygiene, alcohol-based hand rub, donning and removing personal
protective equipment (PPE), and removing non-sterile gloves. Performing the correct
skill techniques for infection prevention and control practices is essential for preventing
the transmission of infections, protecting healthcare workers and patients, promoting
client safety, mitigating antimicrobial resistance, and complying with established

2. What areas of strengths did you identify when playing the videos?

Answer: There are several areas of strength that I identified when playing the interactive
videos. First, being able to see the visual demonstration of infection prevention and
control practices allows me to understand the correct techniques in action. This visual
demonstration enhances my understanding and made it easier for me to grasp the
specific steps and movements involved in procedures such as hand hygiene, donning and
doffing PPE, or removing non-sterile gloves. Moreover, the interactive videos helped me
test my knowledge through the provided questions throughout the demonstration of
the different skills such as hand hygiene, alcohol-based hand rub, donning and removing
PPE, and removing non-sterile gloves. This active learning approach encourages
participation and reinforces my understanding by allowing me to practice
decision-making or problem-solving related to infection prevention and control.

3. What areas do you need to learn more about regarding infection prevention and client

Answer: As a future healthcare professional, there are several areas I need to learn more
regarding infection prevention and client safety. This includes staying updated on the
latest information about emerging infectious diseases is crucial to effectively prevent
and control their spread. Learning more about newly identified pathogens, their modes
of transmission, and appropriate prevention strategies will help me stay informed and
take necessary precautions. Moreover, I need to gain knowledge about outbreak
management is essential for timely response and control. Learning how to recognize and
investigate outbreaks, implement appropriate infection control measures, and
communicate effectively during an outbreak situation will help in mitigating the spread
of infections and protect client safety. Lastly, I need to enhance my skills in client
education and communication regarding infection prevention and client safety is
essential. Learning effective strategies to convey information to clients and their
families, addressing their concerns, and promoting active participation in infection
prevention measures will contribute to better client outcomes and satisfaction.

4. Think about infection prevention and control guidelines that you learned in your
healthcare program. How do the videos compare or contrast with what you learned?

Answer: Upon watching the interactive videos, I observed that they provided a clear and
concise demonstration of infection prevention and control techniques that I have also
learned in my healthcare program. The visual presentation was easy to follow and I was
able to understand the correct steps and movements involved in procedures such as
hand hygiene, PPE donning and doffing, or glove removal. Moreover, the videos were
relevant to the specific healthcare settings and scenarios that I am likely to encounter.
The information and demonstrations regarding infection prevention and control
guidelines which are provided in the interactive videos are consistent with the
knowledge and skills taught in formal education and clinical settings.

5. Why do you believe it is important for healthcare students to maintain infection

prevention and control practices?

Answer: Maintaining infection prevention and control practices is crucial for healthcare
students for several reasons. Firstly, healthcare students come into direct contact with
patients, who may already have compromised immune systems or be susceptible to
infections. By adhering to infection prevention and control practices, healthcare
students can help minimize the risk of transmitting infections to vulnerable patients,
ensuring their safety and well-being. Additionally, infection prevention and control
practices are not only important for patient safety but also for the well-being of
healthcare students themselves. By following proper hand hygiene, using personal
protective equipment (PPE), and implementing other preventive measures, students can
protect themselves from exposure to infectious diseases and reduce their own risk of
acquiring infections. Furthermore, infection prevention and control are fundamental
aspects of healthcare practice. It is the responsibility of healthcare students to learn and
apply these practices to provide safe and effective care. By demonstrating a
commitment to infection prevention and control, students uphold the professional
standards and ethics of the healthcare profession. Lastly, infections can easily spread
within healthcare settings and into the community, contributing to public health
concerns. Healthcare students, as future healthcare professionals, have the opportunity
to positively influence public health outcomes by practicing and promoting infection
prevention and control practices. Their adherence to these practices can help break the
chain of infection transmission and mitigate the impact of infectious diseases on a larger
6. How will you decrease the risk of spreading infections within the healthcare system
during your clinical placement?

Answer: During my clinical placement, I will take these several steps to decrease the risk
of spreading infections within the healthcare system. First, I will consistently practice
proper hand hygiene by washing my hands thoroughly with soap and water or using an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after every patient interaction, after touching
potentially contaminated surfaces, and before donning or removing gloves. I will also
use PPE, such as gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection, as appropriate, based on the
specific patient care tasks and the risk of exposure to infectious materials. I will ensure
proper donning and doffing techniques to minimize contamination. Furthermore, I will
stay informed about current infection control guidelines and updates. I will actively
engage in educational programs and participate in training sessions related to infection
prevention and control. Lastly, I will communicate effectively with other healthcare
professionals, patients, and their families about infection control practices and the
importance of compliance.

7. What is one skill regarding infection prevention and control practice that you would
like to improve before going to clinical?

Answer: One skill regarding infection prevention and control practice that I would like to
improve before going to clinical is proper donning and doffing of personal protective
equipment (PPE). While I understand the importance of using PPE correctly to prevent
the spread of infections, it is essential to ensure that I am proficient in the precise steps
involved in donning and doffing various types of PPE, such as gloves, masks, gowns, and
eye protection. This includes understanding the sequence of putting on and taking off
each item, maintaining a sterile or clean technique, and avoiding contamination during
the process. By improving this skill, I can enhance my ability to protect myself and
others, reduce the risk of cross-contamination, and contribute to effective infection
prevention and control practices in the clinical setting.

8. How will you use what you have learned during the interactive videos in clinical?

Answer: Based on what I have learned during the interactive videos, I will apply this
knowledge in the clinical setting in the following ways. First, I will ensure that I perform
hand hygiene using the correct technique, including proper handwashing with soap and
water for the appropriate duration. I will pay attention to all areas of the hands,
including between fingers, fingertips, and wrists, to effectively remove potential
pathogens. Additionally, I will use alcohol-based hand rub correctly by applying the
recommended amount of product and rubbing it thoroughly on all surfaces of my hands
until dry. I will also ensure to apply in my clinical practice the proper sequence and
technique for donning and removing PPE depending on the specific situation and
required level of protection. This includes ensuring a secure fit, avoiding contamination
during donning, and using the appropriate technique for removing and disposing of used
PPE to prevent cross-contamination. Lastly, I will adhere to the correct technique for
removing non-sterile gloves to minimize the risk of contaminating myself or the
surrounding environment. By applying the correct skill techniques for infection
prevention and control practices I learned from the interactive videos, I will prioritize
patient safety and minimize the risk of spreading infections in clinical settings. It is
important for me to consistently practice these techniques to maintain a safe healthcare
environment and protect both patients and healthcare providers.

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