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Nama : Putri Arifa Nur’aini

NRP : 464211052
Kelas : KALK 4 Bravo

Assignment 11

1. Answer the following questions!
1. What is inventory management?
Answer: Inventory management is the tracking of inventory from
manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to point of sale.
2. What are the four types of inventory?
Answer: Raw Materials, Work-InProgress (WIP), Maintenance, Repair, and
Overhaul (MRO) and Finished Goods.
3. Mention the benefit of having a good inventory management?
Answer: Inventory management helps track what's in stock and what's on
backorder, so you don't oversell products.

2. Match the words or phrases (1-5) with the definitions (A-E)
1. E consignment 4. B work in process
2. A raw materials 5. C distribution inventory
3. D inventory

A. materials that are purchased by a company to be processed or

B. materials that have been processed in some way, but are not finished
C. materials that are in transit, off-site, or held by a seller on consignment
D. a complete list of materials or products in stock
E. products sent to seller with the agreement that payment will be made to
the manufacturer only when the items are sold

3. Find the answer based on the video!
1. What are Jerry confirmed of being late for 3 days?
Answer: Jerry was stuck in the traffic because many animals found in the
highway, the second is Jerry was pulled over by the policeman for being
suspected, and the last reason is Jerry’s car was stolen.

2. Are the reasons given by Jerry can be trusted by Carlos? Why?

Answer: Yes, because Jerry didn’t lie to Carlos and he found out about the
truth himself.
4. How did Carlos finally accept Jerry’s excuse?
Answer: Carlos watched TV to prove what did Jerry said to him and the
truth is proved. Also, Carlos tries to understand his partner because they
need to work together with good performance.

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