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Hello friends, see let me tell you.

Must people talk to you as their free type, while most

people free their time in other to talk to you, so learn the difference. Successful people
always have two things on their face Smile and Silence. They smile to overcome their
problems and they are always silent to avoid problems but don't forget the capacity to learn
is the Gift, the ability to learn is a skills and the willingness to learn is your choice always
remember failure is a part of life because if you don't fail you won't learn and if you don't
learn you won't understand and if you don't understand you can never change.

Their friends, weak people revenge, but strong people forgive and intelligent people
ignores. Maturity does not depend on your age, it's depend on your responsibility. Don't
forget do good to people with intention but not attention. Be careful with who you tell your
problems because a friend today might be an enemy tomorrow.

Always remember salt and sugar look similar, so be careful on who you trust no one
will be able to be with you when you're passing throw heard time because even your shadow
left you during the time. Friend every unfriendly friends using the garment of friends in other
to determinate your life in this hour should be distroyed. Gentle Men let me tell you the worse
people to be around you are does who complain for everything and appreciate nothing. What
last long does not come easily. Don't forget you can only fail if you stop trying. Your success
requires your daily activities, people can work it with you, but no one can work it for you.
Always remember Bird sitting on a tree does not care if the branch get broken because they
believe on it's wing. So if you believe in yourself not challenges can over shadow you but let
me tell you coming together is the beginning, keeping together is a process but working
together is a success focus on your goal not the obstacle but don't forget the pain you fill
today determain the straight you will get tomorrow. Those who are afraid of failure are also
afraid of success, always remember your limitation depends on your determination. If you are
afraid to sacrifice for what you want, then what you want becomes your sacrifices.

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