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Lesson Summary and Reflection

The lesson I taught included using an iPad and the Viewsonic board. It ran much like my

morning meeting does in the regular school year. We always use our Phonics First card to review

the letters and sounds. I had to borrow another teacher's Phonics cards because they had just

waxed the floor in my classroom. I was able to get a few students to participate that are a part of

the summer soar program at my school. They were some of my former students who are in

kindergarten. It was videoed by my nine-year-old niece. The students enjoyed using the

technology. The students were able to help make the Google slides alphabet book. We completed

this off camera. We only completed the letters A-F. It really had them think about words that

begin with certain letters. We ran into the issue that the students could only write on the

Viewsonic board one at a time, but they waited very patiently. This part did not make it into the

video as the students I was using had to go back to their class. Overall, it worked out well with

the students that participated. The students gave me positive feedback on the lesson. We did not

discuss passwords due to the age of the students. We did discuss not giving away personal

information on the internet. The students added their own take on this information.

Before this class I did not know how to use Weebly. I found it easy to use and have thought

about many ways it can be useful to teaching. It would have been a useful tool when school was

out for Covid-19. It is an uncomplicated way to get information out.

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