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Well, people like different kinds of weather like hot, cloudy, windy and cold.

When the weather changes, it deeply impacts the psyche and body of the person.
Here I would like to speak about the bad weather which I experienced.
It was cold weather, and the month was December. I felt colder in cold weather.
Actually, I needed to go to attend my friend’s reception. It was bitterly cold, and I
thought of wearing a beautiful gown. When I reached the venue, I was astonished
because it was a cold and windy day, and I was shivering, and the venue was an
open space, so I couldn’t enjoy that day. Although I was well dressed up, I did not
smile as I felt colder. Even I couldn’t eat anything due to this bad weather. I relied
more on hot beverages. I couldn’t explain how I spent that day. I laughed at my
foolishness. I chose to wear a gown on that cold day.
So all my hopes were dashed to the ground, and I couldn’t have a good picture of
the function. So it was not a good day for me.

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