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Hanoi – Amsterdam High school for the gifted 

2nd semester final - 65 points
Grade 6



Listening section - Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

11. Each day, pandas need to eat:

A Very little nutrition B 12-38 kg of bamboo

C 330 pounds of bamboo

12. If pandas are cared for away from the wild, they can live for approximately:

A 6 months B 14-20 years

C 30 years

Questions 13-14 - Choose TWO letters A-E.

Select two things that are endangering pandas:

A Public awareness B Ecotourism

C Poaching D Other wildlife

E Building of roads and railroads


15. What proportion of the panda population in China is protected by reserves?______________

16. What did the WWF create which encouraged people to support pandas?_________________

Questions 17 - 20 - Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Reasons that pandas may not be worth saving:

They are extremely (17)_______________ to look after

They have a diet that is not (18)_________________

They get sick easily and are hard to breed

Reasons that pandas should not be allowed to die out:

They are in danger because (19)_______________________ are damaging the forests

We should protect their homes because other animals live there

The number of pandas in the wild is (20)________________ so they will not become extinct

Airport vocab - Give the name of the place in an airport

1. Change your money here__________________

2. Where your flight takes off from_______________
3. Where officers check your luggage_________________
4. Where you enter after landing in the airplane_________________
5. Where you pick up your flight tickets___________________

Gerunds - fill in the blanks in the sentences with an -ing verb:

1. I prefer___________at home rather than going out.

2. Would you enjoy___________the whole day on the beach or would you get bored?
3. One of my favorite things is _____________new food in a new place.
4. How many hours a day do you spend______________games?
5. What is something that you truly enjoy_____________?
Report what Sarah said about her vacation, or what she asks about yours:

1. “I ate so much seafood”___________________________________________________________

2. “I’ve learned to dive”_____________________________________________________________
3. “My parents and I had a wonderful
4. “Have you seen
5. “Where are you

Complete the sentences using PREPOSITIONS AND VERBS (-ING):

1. I have to punish many students ______ ________ too noisy in class.

2. I can’t concentrate______ ____________ my work with the construction noise outside.
3. Don’t be scared _______ ____________ questions in class if you don’t understand.
4. It seems you never get tired _______ ___________ video games.
5. She learns a skill best _______ __________ it, instead of just reading about it.

Fill in the blank with either the GERUND(-ING) or the INFINITIVE (TO + VERB) of the verbs:

1. We regret ___________________(tell) you that you failed the driving test.

2. They recommend____________________(travel) to South Africa.
3. You can’t afford____________________(buy) a house, can you?
4. She avoids _____________________(make) mistakes by carefully checking her work.
5. He would like___________________(meet) you soon.
Rewrite the sentences using the provided verbs - USE EACH ONCE -

encourage allow invite ask expect

1. Mr. Nathan: “Mỹ, please write their names in the book”.


2. The PE teacher: “I think you should try out for the football team”.


3. Mrs. Joy: “You can use your notes on this experiment”.


4. Your friend: “You’re late! You were supposed to be here hours ago”.


5. Your friend’s parents: “Would you like to go to Danang with us next week”?

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Have you ever been to the beach? Did you see a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground? If
so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal. Metal
detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit
metal. Then the device beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close. The first
metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big. They cost a lot of money. They used a lot of
power. And worst of all, they didn't work well. People kept trying to make them better. Metal detectors
got smaller. Now they are light and cheap. They also work better. That is why people bring them to the
beach. They can look for rings in the water. They can look for phones in the sand. Metal detectors help
them find these things. They usually just find junk though.

Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places. They are in airports. They
are in courthouses. Some schools use them. They help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands
to find metal on a person. These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in
the ground. When the war ends, they don't clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in
those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These
devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it's true. Most clothes are made in big factories.
There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes.
They would poke people trying them on. They don't though. That's because our clothes are scanned for
metal. Isn't that nice? Let's hear it for metal detectors. They make the world a safer place.

1. Which was NOT one of the problems with the first metal detectors?

a. They were too big. b. They were too expensive. c. They didn't work well. d. They were unsafe.

2. Which best describes the main idea of the first half of the first paragraph?

a. It describes the sounds of a metal detector. b. It explains how metal detectors work.

c. It warns about the effects of metal detectors.

3. How do metal detectors make clothing safer?

a. Metal detectors make sure factory machines are working the right way.

b. Metal detectors make sure workers don't bring weapons into factories.

c. Metal detectors make sure that broken needles don't get into clothing.

4. Why were metal detectors first used?

a. To help miners b. To help security guards c. To help doctors

5. According to the text, metal detectors have been used in all of the following EXCEPT which?

a. schools b. churches c. courthouses d. airports

Writing - choose one of the following and write about it using the space provided:

150-200 words

● Do children need cell phones?

● Compare and contrast the food you get at school and the food you get at home.
● What is one thing that makes you unique?


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