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Ecological Management Of Waste To Create A Balance Of Ecosystem Environment By

Applying The Principle Of Sustainability in Malang


In Completing Courses Of Dasar-Dasar Lingkungan

Taught by Dr. H. Sueb, M.Kes
Will be presented on Thursday, -------2018


Group 2 Offering A

Alfia Nur Anisa (170341615060)

Fadilah Eka Wulandari (170341615061)

Rahmat Aditya Khuzaini (170341615055)


Februari 2018


1.1 Background

Waste is the remnant of human daily activities and or of a solid shaped nature process
(Suyoto,2008).The rate of waste production is increase, and equal to the rate of population
growth and also in step with the increase of public consumption. On the other side, the
capacity of waste management conducted by the community and local government has not
been optimal. Waste that is not managed properly will affect the environment and the health
of the human’s populations. Therefore the amount of waste increases with time and added
with the habit of human to throw garbage carelessly.

Ecological Waste management is the way how to waste generated by daily activities
can be processed into goods or mahan more useful. waste management can be done by
everyone, starting from dumping in its place, and also separating between organic and
inorganic waste ( Environmental Science, Miller, Thirtheen Edition,2010).

Environment is space unity with all things, energy, condition, and creature including
human and their behavior that influences the human-being sustainability and other creature’s
welfare. Environmental protection and management is a systematic and integrated effort
which is done to conserve the environmental function and prevent pollution and/ or
environmental damage, which covers planning, utilization, control, maintenance, supervision,
and law enforcement (Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2015).

Sustainability Principle is study how life on the earth has survived and adapted to
major changes in environmental conditions for billions of years ( Miller & Spoolman,2010).
Sustainable principle is a recent concept that has become important for a wide range of
people and industries. Sustainable principles are needed to build a good environment.

Sustainable development is an aware and planned effort that integrates aspect of

environment, social, and economy into development strategy to guarantee integral
environment and its safety, ability, welfare, and quality life of nowadays and future
generation (Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2015).
In addition, the low self-cognition of the human community and there is no initiatives
to manage the waste prove that people today only think of themselves without any concern
for the environment for the next generations. Malang area that most of the area is place for
students, some people used to throwing garbage around the house or to the river. In our
location has been provided 2 pieces of TPS in each house.Janitor is only take away garbages
every 3 days (sometimes more than 3 days) so that the pile of garbage has exceeded the
capacity of TPS. The accumulated waste causes environmental degradation and can cause
various problems such as disease.

In a research release published in 2015, researchers from the University of Georgia

led by Jenna Jambeck have ranked plastic waste dumping countries to the sea. From a total of
275 million metric tons (MT) of plastic waste, divided into 192 countries worldwide in 2010,
it is estimated that between 4.8 and 12.7 million MT enter the high seas. Based on 2010 data,
Indonesia ranked second in the world's largest "contributor" of plastic waste in the world,
amounting to 3.2 million tons, after China which was 8.8 million tons followed by
Philippines with third rate of 1.9 million tons ( Mongabay situs berita lingkungan, L. P.
Hutahaean di 30 March 2016 ).

Indonesia is currently facing severe challenges in handling waste conditions,

including in terms of management and future impacts. Currently, Indonesia produces 64
million tons of waste per year including 3.2 million tons of plastic waste, of which 1.3
million tons ends at sea. Various study results have even found that Indonesia is the world's
second-largest plastic waste contaminant after China.According to the Governor of DKI
Anies Baswedan the problem of waste is the problem of everyone. As a capital city, Jakarta
produces about 7000 tons of waste per day. As of November 2017, Jakarta generates about
2.3 million tons of waste per year, including 54% of organic waste and 14% of plastic waste
( ByAhmad Fauzi 31/01/2018).

Table 1 Waste Production in Several Provinces in Indonesia from 2000 to 2006

Waste production (juta ton)

No Province
2000 2002 2004 2006
1 Jawa Barat 10,00 10,37 10,75 11,13
2 Jawa Timur 9,73 9,82 9,91 9,99
3 Jawa Tengah 8,74 8,82 8,89 8,96
4 Sumatra Utara 3,26 3,35 3,44 3,53
5 DKI Jakarta 2,34 2,38 2,42 2,45
Garbage produced is dominated by household waste and among them is food waste.
Household waste accounts for 44.5% of total waste in Indonesia. Garbage generated reaches
1.12 kg / capita per day (Ministry of Environment, 2008a). Food waste dominates 58% of
total household waste (Ministry of Environment, 2008b).

Java Island is the smallest island among the five major islands in Indonesia but
produces the most waste. The amount is very significant, reaching almost 21.2 million tons
per year. This correlates with population density in Java. West Java Province is the largest
province of waste producers and Bandung as the capital of West Java produces garbage with
a range of 0.61 kg / person per day (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2013).

Garbage is a problem in every region in Indonesia, including East Java.

East Java Governor Soekarwo said, at least garbage in East Java every day reaches 64 million
cubic meters."It is generated from 800 an thousand factories that operate throughout East
Java," said Soekarwo in District Bulak, Surabaya ( tribun news, Tuesday, 28/2/2017).

The waste load in Malang reaches 650 tons per day. The entrance to the landfill is
about 500 tons. This is not separated from the population in Malang is big enough, Head of
Department of Sanitation and Garden City of Malang, Erik S Santoso, ( Kominfo Jatim,
Wednesday 14/12).

Actually, the waste can be utilized to become more useful material for the
environment, and with the utilization of waste the volume of waste in Ambarawa area can be
reduced and can have a benefit impact for the environment. According to Bebassari (2008),
there are generally five important aspects of waste management: technology, institutions,
laws/regulations, financing and community participation.

Department of Hygiene and Gardening (DKP) Malang City socialize the entire
community of Malang about waste processing system by 3R, most people of Malang City
have done waste sorting, differentiated between organic and inorganic waste. Some people
already process organic waste to be used as compost and the compost is used to fertilize the
plants around their house and the rest is marketed.

Malang city has 110,06 km area consisting of 5 sub-districts, 57 sub-districts, 480

RW, 3,462 RT with population of 84,973 people and has garbage pile every day 2,271,90
km3or 567,98 ton / day = 100% managed by the government of Malang in this case Office of
Hygiene and Gardening (DKP) Malang 2.157,73 m3 or = 539.43 ton / day = 94.97% and
managed by society 114,17 m3 or = 28.55 ton/day=5.03%.

The reason we choose Malang as the location is a lot of the students from other areas
who live in Malang City the number of hundreds of thousands. "Malang is known as the City
of Education. There are about 60 universities with a number of students around 300-350
thousand people who live on average in Malang so that many waste produced and to
overcome it is necessary to make them aware about the importance of waste management.
Therefore, the authors want to raise the issue of waste with the purpose to help solve the
problem of waste and balance of the environmental ecosystem in Malang.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. How is ecologycal management of waste in Malang.

2. How is balance of ecosystem environment in Malang.

3. How is principle of sustainability in Malang.

4. Is there any relationship between Ecological Management Of Waste To Create A

Balance Of Ecosystem Environment.

1.3 Purpose

1. Knowing the relationship between Ecological Management Of Waste

2. Knowing ecolgycal management of waste

3. knowing balance of ecosystem environment

4. knowing principle of sustainability

1.4 Benefit

1) Increasing public awareness of waste dangers

2) Improving human community creativity through waste management
3) Able to apply attitude of love the environment
4) To add knowledge of waste
5) Able to reduce the volume of waste in Malang
6) Know the relationship between diseases caused by solid waste.


2.1 Ecological Waste Management

Neolaka (2008) argues that waste management is an effort to create beauty by

processing waste that is harmoniously carried out between people and managers or
government together. Meanwhile, according to Alex (2012) waste management is an activity
that includes the collection, transportation, processing, recycling or disposal of waste
materials. In Law No. 18/2008 on Waste Management, waste management is a systematic,
comprehensive and continuous activity that includes waste reduction and handling which
aims to improve public health and environmental quality and make waste as a resource.

Waste is the remnant of human daily activities and or of a solid shaped nature process
(Suyoto,2008).The rate of waste production is increase, and equal to the rate of population
growth and also in step with the increase of public consumption. On the other side, the
capacity of waste management conducted by the community and local government has not
been optimal. Waste that is not managed properly will affect the environment and the health
of the human’s populations. Therefore the amount of waste increases with time and added
with the habit of human to throw garbage carelessly.

Ecological Waste management is the way how to waste generated by daily activities
can be processed into goods or more useful material. waste management can be done by
everyone, starting from dumping in its place, and also separating between organic and
inorganic waste. Indicators of research on effectiveness of waste management are waste
collection, collection, transportation of waste, waste removal, processing, service level,
operational techniques.

Good waste management must meet 3R or Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle is still the best
way to manage and handle waste with various problems. The application of 3R or reuse,
reduce, and recycle systems is one of the waste management solutions in addition to
processing waste into compost or utilizing waste to be a source of electricity (PLTSa, Waste
Power Generation).

Precisely waste management with 3R system (Reuse Reduce Recycle) can be

implemented by everyone in daily activities.3R consists of reuse, reduce, and recycle. Reuse
means reusing waste that can still be used for the same function or other functions. Reduce
means reducing everything that results in waste. And Recycle means reprocessing (recycling)
waste into useful items or new products.

Ecologycal waste management due to our opinion is a way of managing unused things
around us and creating a useful product for the people and keep the quality of
environment,and in procces made the balance of environment.

2.1.1 Mechanism of waste management

Mechanism of waste management inside Law No.18 Year 2008 on Waste

Management includes, the following activities:

1.Waste reduction, is activities to overcome the incidence of waste since from waste
producers (household, market, and others), reuse waste from the source and / or at place of
processing, and recycling garbage at the source and or in place processing. Waste reduction
will arranged in Ministerial Regulation alone, activities included in the this waste reduction
a. Setting reduction goals garbage

b. Develop Clean Technology And Product Label

c. Using a production material that is can be recycled or reused
d. Facilities of use or recycling
e. Develop program awareness reuse or recycle

2. Handling of garbage, is series garbage handling activities including sorting (grouping and
separation of waste by type and its nature), collection (removing waste from sources garbage
to TPS or processing place integrated waste), transportation (the activity of removing waste
from source, TPS atua place of processing integrated waste, processing of the end result
(changing shape, composition, characteristics and amount of waste agar processed further,
exploited or returned nature and active processing waste processing activities or residues the
results of previous processing in order to returned to the environmental media.
2.2 Balance Of Ecosystem Environment

Ecosystem imbalances occur when all biotic or abiotic components are not in a
portion that should be both quantity and role in the environment. So The ecosystem called
unbalanced if one component on the ecosystem is damaged.

Ecosystem is structure of environmental elements that are integral unity and mutual
influence in equilibrium, stability, and environ-mental productivity. Environmental carrying
capacity is the ability of environment to support the human’s life, other creature, and the
balance of both. Natural resources are the environmental elements that cover of biological
and non-biological resources that establish the overall component of ecosystems.
Environmental quality standard is a parameter of the limit or degree of creature, substance,
energy or component that exist or must exist and/or pollutants whose existence is tolerable in
a specified resource as environmental element (Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2015).

The good and healthy environment is a right of every citizen of Indonesia as

mandated under the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Section 28-H.
Environment is space unity with all things, energy, condition, and creature including human
and their behavior that influences the human-being sustainability and other creature’s

2.2.1 Indicator of the balance of Ecosystem Environmental :

There are two indicators, and the Indicator of the balance of Ecosystem
Environmental is :
 Population Dynamic
Population size changes over time. Changes in the size of this population is called
population dynamics. This change can be calculated using the formula of change in the
amount of time divided. The result is a future change in the population. basically the
population has a characteristic unique to the group that is not owned by each individual
member. These characteristics include: density, birth rate (natality), mortality rate (mortality),
biotic potential, age spreading, and growth form. mortality is the main determinant of
population growth.

Every years the human population in Indonesia is increase, because uncontrolled

population growh. Population growth is the population increasing from year to year.
Population growth is said to be increased when higher birth than death. In addition, the
number of people dating (migrate) a lot more than death. Population growth is said to be
declining, if death is higher than the birth, in addition, the number of people that come out
less than death. 6.8 billion of us annually increased by over 83 million people more to the
average population of 227,000 per day or almost 9,500 per half-day. The growth continued,
and the number of human beings on this earth is estimated to be increased by 5-9 billion in
2009 until the year 2050, with most of the people who do the waste of natural resources in
developed countries. Most of the rapidly increasing growth occurred in the midst of the
countries that have low income, or the developing worldIf left constantly on the prediction in
the year 2050 until next year it takes 5 planet Earth to meet resource requirements (Miller,

Increasing human population is impact for natural capital degradation. Natural capital
degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air,
water and soil, caused the destruction of ecosystems, habitat destruction, extinction of
wildlife, and pollution. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment
perceived to be deleterious or undesirable (Jhonson, D.L. dkk, 1997).

Environmental degradation is of many types. When natural habitats are destroyed or

natural resources are depleted, the environment is degraded. Efforts to counteract this
problem include environmental protection and environmental resources management
(Huesemann&joyce, 2011).

Facts of Dynamics Population. Population number can change from time to time, it
can be increase or decrease. Dynamics population is Affected by three factors :

1. Birth (fertility)

2. Death (mortalitas)

3. Migration (Moving)

Birth and death number are very determine on the growth of the population in
indonesia, because of that we need to know the factors that influence of birth and

 Productivity in Ecosystems

     Productivity involves the study of energy flows in the ecosystem. Energy enters the biotic
components of the ecosystem through the perodusen, this energy is stored in the form of
organic substances that can be used as food. It is a parameter to calculate all the energy
currents passing through the energy currents through the biotic components in the ecosystem,
and from this it can be measured the amount of life that can be supported by an ecosystem.

Components of the environment consisting of human, material, energy, and the

creation of the science of the environment are arranged so that the components and their
reciprocal relationships can maintain human existence, create the dynamics and human
welfare. Solving environmental problems with new environmental science can be said to
result if the arrangement is carried out in a fixed area with a fixed number of people as well.

Energy flows through ecosystems in food chains and webs.As energy flows through
ecosystems in food chains and webs, the amount of chemical energy available to organisms at
each succeeding feeding level decreas. A sequence of organisms, each of which serves as a
source of food or energy for the next, is called a food chain, and in natural ecosystems, most
consumers feed on more than one type of organism, and most organisms are eaten or
decomposed by more than one type of consumer. Because of this, organisms in most eco
systems form a complex network of interconnected food chains called a food web (Miller &
Spoolman, 2010).

2.2.2 Recycling objectives indicators

• Prevent waste of potentially useful materials,
• Reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials,
• Reduce energy usage,
• Reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing
the need for waste disposal,
• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions as comparedto virgin production.

2.3 Sustainability Principle

Sustainability Principle is study how life on the earth has survived and adapted to
major changes in environmental conditions for billions of years [ Miller & Spoolman,2010].
Sustainable principle is a recent concept that has become important for a wide range of
people and industries. Sustainable principles are needed to build a good environment.

Sustainable development is the process of bringing three processes of economic,

social and environmental development in a balanced way. At the local level, sustainable
principle development requires that economic development can sustain people's livelihoods
through local resource use. If the results of economic development (welfare) is to be
distributed in the long term, then the protection environment to prevent the occurrence of
ecological damage is one paths to be taken (ICLEI, 1996).

National economic development as mandated by the 1945 Constitution of the

Republic of Indonesia organized by the principles of sustainable development and
environmently. But in reality, the implementation of development projects were not
accounted the environmental aspect. This is compounded by the widespread lack of
understanding and public awareness about the environment so that people’s participation in
environmental conservation efforts are also low (Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2015).
Sustainable development is one alternative to address environmental
problems.Sustainable development is a development process that optimizes the benefits of
natural resources and human resources, by harmonizing natural and human resource in
development. Sustainable development is basically aimed at improving quality of life while
trying not to exceed the ecosystems that support life (Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2015).

2.3.1 The principle of sustainability

Nature has sustained itself for billions of years by using solar energy, biodiversity,
population control, and nutrient cycling—lessons from nature that we can apply to our
lifestyles and economies. The principle of sustainability is divided into several categories :
 Reliance on Solar Energy: the sun (solar capital)warms the planet and supports
photosynthesisused by plants to provide food for themselves and
for us and most other animals.
 Biodiversity (short for biological diversity): the astounding variety of different
organisms, the genes they contain, the ecosystems in which they exist,and the natural
services they provide have yielded countless ways for life to adapt to changing
environmental conditions through out the earth’s history.
 Population Control: competition for limited resources among different species places
a limit on how much their populations can grow.
 Nutrient Cycling: natural processes recycle chemicals that plants and animals need to
stay alive and reproduce. There is little or no waste innatural systems.
2.3.1 Indicator of sustainability of Ecological Management Of Waste

The ideal criteria of the development indicator sustainable are:

 Reflecting a fundamental or fundamental economic in the long run and social

environment for generations to come.
 Easy to understand and clear: simple, can understood and accepted by the community.
 Can be quantifiedn.
 sensitive to location or group changes community.
 Predictive and anticipatory.
 Has a reference or threshold value relatively easy to collect and use.
 Quality aspect: the methodology used to build indicators should be clear undefined an
accurately, scientifically and socially acceptable.
 Sensitive to time: if applied each year an indicator can show.
 Representative trend
Source: Warren, 1997

Operationalization or implementation of the concept of sustainable development requires

an indicator to assess its effectiveness, in the sense to know whether an activity, program or
policy can be said to be sustainable or unsustainable.

2.4 Relationship Between Ecological Management Of Waste and Balance Of Ecosystem


Waste is one source of pollution in Indonesia, the pile of waste that very much
without the management can disrupt the balance of existing ecosystems in the environment.
disturbed ecosystem balance will result in various environmental impacts. Various kinds of
pollution, pollution, and other environmental problems in this world will continue to happen
over time. Lack of awareness and knowledge of environmental worldview is one of the
factors the causes of environmental problems occurs. The man considered trivializing the
importance of maintaining a balance in utilizing resources of nature that exist in this world.
Attitudes like this is what makes the quality of the environment over the years will continue
to decline.Nowadays, the sophistication of technology increasingly prevail lela in this world,
all things design se instant may without seeing another aspect that caused. The use of
pesticides by farmers for example, farmers using chemical pesticides to eradicate the pests
without thinking of the harm posed by chemical pesticides such as the death of other
organisms around plants and plant material by terkontaminasinya the chemistry of pesticides.
Use of ingredients of chemical pesticides also pose a negative impact on the environment
such as pollution of soil, water, etc. Attitudes such as these should be eliminated so that the
environmental quality is maintained. In this kind of thing, insights into the environment is
indispensable in order to strike a balance between the environment by human activities stay
awake.The increase of human population increases along with the increasing use of the
science, the technology also increases will lead to an increase in the range of damage and
pollution. Law No. 32 (2009) on the protection and management of the environment States
that environmental pollution is the entrance or the inclusion of living things, substances,
energy, and/or other components into the environment by human activities so that beyond the
raw quality of the environment that has been established. To cope with all kinds of
environmental problems of form, starting from overcrowding, pollution and all kinds of
pollution, the insight environment is urgently needed to improve the quality of awareness
Division travelled in utilizing the environment ( Miller, 2010 ).

2.5 Profil Of Sumbersari Distric

Malang city Geographical city of Malang is located at an altitude between 440 - 667
meters above sea level. It is astronomically located at 112.06 ° - 112.07 ° East Longitude and
7.06 ° - 8.02 ° south latitude. With boundaries as follows:
• North: Singosari District and Karangploso District, Malang Regency
• West side: Wagir District and Dau District, Malang Regency
• East: Pakis District and Tumpang District, Malang Regency
• South: Tajinan District and Pakisaji District, Malang Regency

Malang is located in the mountains, so the city of Malang is surrounded by several

mountains. Here are the mountains that surround the city of Malang.
• On the North: Mount Arjuna
• To the west: Mount Semeru
• To the East: Gunung Kawi and Panderman
• To the south: Mount Kelud
The total area of 110.06 km ², then the population density of Malang city less than
7,420 inhabitants per square kilometer.
Lowokwaru is a district in Malang, East Java is located in the highlands of Malang City and
located at an altitude of 460 meters above sea level. This district is adjacent to Karangploso
subdistrict in the north, Blimbing subdistrict in the south with Klojen and west districts with
Dau sub-district. This area has a minimum temperature of 20 C and a maximum of 28 C with
an average rainfall of 2.71 mm. Lowokwaru District has the largest population of 186,013
With sub-district boundaries as follows:
a. Northern boundary: Karangploso sub-district
b. The western boundary: Dau District (Malang Regency)
c. Eastern boundary: Blimbing sub-district
d. Southern boundary: Kecamatan Klojen
Kecamatan Lowokwaru has an area of 2,089,513 hectares with a population of
165,513 inhabitants consisting of 81,493 male and 84,020 female.
Year Total Population Male Total Population Female Total Population
2007 (86,904 82,090 168,994), 2008 (79,710 79,896 159,606), 2009 (81.493 84,020
Source: BPS Malang City 2010
The waste management system in Sumbersari especially in RW 01 and RW 02 has
been well implemented and the transportation is carried out by the yellow forces. From the
result of the research, the data show that the number of houses served by the janitor has
covered the whole house for each house in RT 07 and RT 11 in RW I and RT 02 and RT 03
in RW II. The source of waste generated comes from household waste and garbage from the
store. For the type of waste generated based on its nature is in the form of organic waste such
as foliage and food scraps and non-organic waste such as plastic.


3.1 Research Methods

The type of research used descriptive corelational research type. The reason
researchers use descriptive research method in this research is to systematically describe data
obtained from facts in the field which then given the analysis and comparison in accordance
with the standard normative effect. The purpose of this descriptive study is to give
description, systematic, detailed, actual and accurate description of the factors, nature and
relationship between the phenomena studied. Data collection techniques in accordance with
the use of qualitative methods in this study techniques used are: interviews, observation,

3.1.1 Interviews

What is meant by the interview according to Nazir (1988) is the process of obtaining
information for the purpose of research by means of question and answer while face to face
between the questioner or the interviewer with the answerers or respondents using a tool
called interview guide (interview guide).

Interview is a method of collecting data by way of unilateral question and answer

done systematically and based on the purpose of research (Lerbin, 1992 in Hadi, 2007).
Furthermore, interviews can be done in a structured and not terstruktut, and can be done with
face to face (face to face) or use the phone (Sugiyono, 2006; 138-140).

Although the interview is a conversation process in the form of question and answer
with face to face, the interview is a process of collecting data for a study. Some things can
distinguish interviews with everyday conversations are among others:

• Interviewers and respondents usually have not known each other before.

• Respondents always answer questions.

• The interviewer always asks.

• The interviewer does not ask questions to an answer, but should always be neutral.

• Questions asked follow the guidelines that have been made before. This guide question is
called an interview guide.
3.1.2 Observation

Some information obtained from the observation is space (place), actors, activities,
objects, deeds, events or events, time, and feelings. The reason the researcher conducted the
observation was to present a realistic picture of the behavior or event, to answer the question,
to help understand human behavior, and to evaluate the measurement of a particular aspect of
doing feedback on the measurement.

Bungin (2007: 115) suggests some forms of observation that can be used in
qualitative research, namely participant observation, unstructured observation, and
unstructured group observation.

3.1.3 Documentation Study

Documentation is one method of collecting qualitative data by viewing or analyzing

documents created by the subject himself or by others about the subject. Document Is A large
number of facts and data are stored in material in the form of documentation. Most of the
available data is in the form of letters, diaries, souvenirs, reports, artifacts, photographs, and
so on. The main nature of this data is not limited to space and time so as to give researchers
the opportunity to know things that have happened in the past. In detail documentary material
is divided into several kinds, namely autobiography, personal letters, books or diaries,
memorials, clippings, government documents or private, data on servers and flash, data stored
on the website, and others.

Meleong (in Herdiansyah, 2010: 143) presents two forms of documents that can be
used as material in the study documentation, namely:

 Daily document

Personal documentation is a written record or written essay of his actions,

experiences, and beliefs. The purpose of this documentation is to derive the original point of
view of real-life events.

 Official document

Official documents are deemed capable of providing an image of the activity, the
involvement of individuals in a particular communi- ties in the social setting.
4.1 Time and Place

This project is done in February - March 2018 located in the area Sumbersari,

5.1 Populasi, Sampel, Teknik Sampling

A. Ketersediaan Tempat Pembuangan Sampah
No. Pertanyaan
Ya Tidak
1. Apakah tempat pembuangan sampah tersedia
dirumah anda?
2. Apakah tempat pembuangan sampah Anda
cukup untuk menampung produksi sampah
Anda perhari?
3. Apakah tempat pembuangan sampah Anda
adalah tempat pembuangan sampah tertutup ?
4. Apakah tempat pembuangan sampah Anda
digunakan setiap hari?
5. Apakah setelah ada bank sampah,anda
membuang sampah ke bank sampah, atau tetap
membuang sampah pada tempat pembuangan
sampah dirumah?

B. Ketersediaan Memilah Sampah

No. Pertanyaan
Ya Tidak
1. Apakah dirumah Anda tersedia tempat
sampah organik dan anorganik?
2. Apakah Anda melakukan pemilahan sampah
3. Apakah sebelum ada bank sampah Anda
sudah memilah sampah menurut jenisnya?
4. Apakah pemilahan sampah hanya dilakukan
oleh warga yang menjadi nasabah bank
5. Apakah Anda tahu manfaat memilah sampah?
6. Apakah sebelum ada bank sampah, Anda
sudah memanfaatkan sampah dengan cara
mendaur ulang kembali sampah yang masih
dapat digunakan?
7. Apakah pemilahan sampah dapat
memudahkan Anda dalam pengelolahan
sampah ?
8. Apakah Anda sudah memanfaatkan barang
bekas ?
9. Apakah seluruh anggota keluarga dapat
melakukan pemilhan sampah ?
10. Apakah setelah ada bank sampah Anda sudah
memilih sampah menurut jenisnya ?

C. Partisipasi Masyarakat

No. Pertanyaan
Ya Tidak
1. Apakah Anda mengikuti kegiatan
penyuluhan dalam pengelolahan sampah?
2. Apakah Anda ikut dalam pengelolahan
pengelolahan dikarenakan manfaat yang
didapat dari pengelolahan sampah ?
3. Apakah Anda setiap minggu selalu
mengumpulkan sampah untuk diolah ?
4. Apakah Anda selalu melakukan pemilihan
sampah rumah tangga dalam pegumpulan
sampah ke bank sampah ?
5. Apakah tokoh masyarakat memberikan
sosialisasi mengenai tujuan pengolahan
sampah ?
6. Apakah tokoh masyarakat memberikan
sosialisasi mengenai manfaat yang diperoleh
dari pengolahan sampah ?
7. Apakah ada tokoh masyarakat atau pihak
lain memberikan sosialisasi mengenai
pengolahan sampah yang benar?
8. Apakah keikutsertaan Anda dalam kegiatan
pengelolahan sampah dapat meningkatkan
pengetahuan Anda?
9. Apakah Anda ikut dalam kegiatan
pengelolahan sampah di bank sampah
dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi sampah
per hari?
10. Apakah Anda ikut dalam pengelolahan bank
sampah dikarenakan adanya instruksi dari
petugas kesehatan ?

Malang, ......................................2018


6.1 Instrumen atau alat dan bahan ( pedoman observasi )



7.1 Analisis Data

Analysis of Waste Management System in Sumbersari Village. The waste

management system in Kelurahan Sumbersari especially in RW 01 and RW 02 has been well
implemented and the transportation is carried out by the yellow forces. From the result of the
research, the data show that the number of houses served by the janitor has covered the whole
house for each house in RT 07 and RT 11 in RW I and RT 02 and RT 03 in RW II. The
source of waste generated comes from household waste and garbage from the store. For the
type of waste generated based on its nature is in the form of organic waste such as foliage and
food scraps and non-organic waste such as plastic. The garbage collection system in
Sumbersari Village uses the services of the yellow forces. The following is a chart of waste
management in Kelurahan Sumbersari RW 01 and RW 02:

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Table Of Variable Description
No Variable Sub variable indicators Scale of Ways of
variable meassur
and ing data
option of

1 Ecological  Definition Neolaka (2008) argues Interval Closed

Waste of that waste management question
Managemen Ecologica is an effort to create er
t l Waste beauty by processing
Managem waste that is
ent harmoniously carried
out between people and
managers or
government together.
Meanwhile, according
to Alex (2012) waste
management is an
activity that includes
the collection,
processing, recycling or
disposal of waste
materials. In Law No.
18/2008 on Waste
Management, waste
management is a
comprehensive and
continuous activity that
includes waste
reduction and handling
which aims to improve
public health and
environmental quality
and make waste as a

- Waste reduction
 Mechanis - Handling of
m of garbage
waste (Law No.18
manage Year 2008)

2 Balance Of  Indicator  Population Interval Closed

Ecosystem of the Dynamic question
Environme balance (Miller,2010). er
nt of Environmental
Ecosyste degradation is of many
m types. When natural
Environ habitats are destroyed
mental or natural resources are
depleted, the
environment is
degraded. Efforts to
counteract this problem
include environmental
protection and
resources management
 Productivity in
Productivity involves
the study of energy
flows ithe ecosystem
( Miller,2010).

• Prevent waste of
potentially useful
• Reduce the
consumption of fresh
raw materials,
• Reduce energy usage,
• Reduce air pollution
(from incineration)
and water pollution
 Recycling (from landfilling) by
reducing the need for
waste disposal,
• Reduce greenhouse
gas emissions as
comparedto virgin
(Miller & Spoolman, 2010).

3. Sustainabilit  Definition Sustainability Principle

y Principle is study how life on the
earth has survived and
adapted to major
changes in
conditions for billions
of years [ Miller &

 Reliance on Solar
 Biodiversity
(short for biological
Population Control
 Nutrient Cycling
( Miller,2010 )

 Indicator  Reflecting a
of sustainability fundamental or
of Ecological fundamental
Management economic in the
Of Waste long run and
environment for
generations to
 Easy to
understand and
clear: simple,
can understood
and accepted by
 The the community.
principle of  Can be
sustainability quantifiedn.
 sensitive to
location or
group changes
 Predictive and
 Has a reference
or threshold
value relatively
easy to collect
and use.
 Quality aspect:
used to build
should be clear
undefined an
and socially
 Sensitive to
time: if applied
each year an
indicator can
 Representative
(Warren, 1997)
4. Relationship
Between Waste is one source of
pollution in Indonesia,
the pile of waste that
Of Waste and
very much without the
Balance Of
management can
Environment. disrupt the balance of
existing ecosystems in
the environment.
disturbed ecosystem
balance will result in
various environmental
impacts. Various kinds
of pollution, pollution,
and other
problems in this world
will continue to happen
over time. Lack of
awareness and
knowledge of
worldview is one of the
factors the causes of
problems occurs.
( Miller,2010)

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