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Class : III

S.N o. Name of the Book Publisher


Pearls Book - 3 (Unit Booklets - 1to 6)
(For - English, Maths, G.Sc./S.St and G.K.)

2. lqugjh /kwi fgUnh ikB~;iqLrd&3 (Together with) Rachna Sagar Pvt. Ltd.

3. fiVkjk dgkfu;ksa dk & 3 P.P. Publications

4. PAC BOOK-3 Pragya Prakashan

5. Go Digital (A Book of Computers) Cordova Publications

Pvt. Ltd.
Class III
Syllabus 2023-24
Unit – I

Unit - I April 3 to May 20 = 19 + 15 = 34 Working days

Ch.1 : Ali and the Innkeeper
Ch.3 : The North Wind (Reading)
Poem : Nice Words to Say
Language : Punctuation, Use of is, am, are, Comprehension, Picture Composition
Activity : Recitation

ikB~;Øe % vuks[kk tknw dk [ksy ¼ikB½] dkSu fl[kkrk gS\ ¼dfork½] [ksy&[ksy esa ¼ekSf[kd ikB½] dBiqryh cuk yM+dk &
¼ekSf[kd dgkuh½A
O;kdj.k % okD;ksa esa opu cnyks] okD;ksa esa fyax cnyks] i;kZ;okph ‘kCn] lkekU; v'kqnf~ /k 'kks/ku] vuqPNsn ys[ku] vifBr
xn~;ka ’kA
fiVkjk dgkfu;ksa dk % igys iwtk fdldh] igjsnkj dk bukeA
Ch. 2 : Numbers upto 9999
4-digit Numbers, Numbers on the abacus, Place, Place Value and Face-Value,
Expanded Form (2 ways), Ordering of Numbers, Successors and Predecessors,
Odd and Even Numbers, Roman Numerals upto 40.
Ch. 3 : Addition
Addition of 4-digit numbers without and with regrouping, Properties of Addition,
Word Problems.

E.V.S - (G.Sc./S.St.)
Ch. 2 : Animals and Plants (G.Sc.)
Ch. 2 : The Earth, Our Home (S.St.)
Activities :- 1. Conservation of Plants and Animals
2. 3D model of the Earth
Environmental Education
Western Music
1. Do Re Me Fa So .........
2. All things bright
Indian Music
1- Basic swar with their place

2. Earth day song

3- rw I;kj dk lkxj gS
Physical Education
1. Various Commands
2. Football - General rules
3. Skill - Dribbling with ball
Aerobics & Meditation
1. Step Heel
2. Step Tap Out
3. Hand Movements
4. Meditation
Art & Craft
PAC Book - Pg. No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 31
Free Expression - Puppet drawing, My family
Computer Science
Ch. 1 : Introduction to Computers
Introduction, Computer System, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Application
Software, System Software.
1. Earth day dance on a soulful song
2. Dance as a means of communication (MUDRAS)
Life Skills / Sustainable Development Goals
1. Know your emotions and body (L.S)
2. Save Earth, Save Life (L.S)
General Knowledge
1. Pearls Unit I pages : 266 to 269
2. States and Capitals (1-19 till Odisha)
Story Telling
1. Empathy
2. Competing with Self
3. Safety

Note: Portfolio activities will be conducted in all subjects

Class III
Syllabus 2023-24
Unit – II

Unit - II July 03 to August 18 = 22 + 14 = 36 Working days

Ch.2 : My Home, Your Home

Ch.5 : A Tiger in the Storeroom (Reading)

Poem : Opposite Day

Language : Use of was, were, has, have, had, Articles, Comprehension, Picture Composition

Activity : Reading

ikB~;Øe % cgknqj cPPks ¼ikB½] dNqvk vkSj [kjxks’k ¼dfork½] eSa Vh-oh- gw¡ ¼ekSf[kd ikB½] o”kkZ jkuh ¼dfork½] tUefnu dk
migkj ¼ekSf[kd ikB½A

O;kdj.k % okD; ‘kq) djks] eqgkojs&dsoy vFkZ] foykse ‘kCn] vusd ‘kCnksa ds fy, ,d ‘kCn] fp= ys[ku] vifBr xn~;ka’kA

fiVkjk dgkfu;ksa dk % udy dk Qy] lgh c¡VokjkA

Ch. 4 Subtraction
Subtraction of 4-digit numbers without and with regrouping, Checking subtraction
with addition, Properties of Subtraction, Word Problems.
Ch. 5 : Multiplication
Introduction, Properties of Multiplication, Multiplication by 10, 100 and 1000,
Multiplication by 1 digit number, Multiplication by 2 digit numbers, Word Problems.

E.V.S (G.Sc./S.St.)

Ch. 3 : Parts of a Plant (G.Sc.)

Ch. 4 : Food and Feeding Habits of Animals (G.Sc.)
Activities :- 1. Labelling and showing specimen of a plant
2. Poster making - Save Animals
Environmental Education
Western Music
1. We are so Proud of our School (Life Skills)
2. Counting with Rhythm
Indian Music
1- vks ikyu gkjs
2- esjk eqYd esjk ns’k (Patriotic Song)
Physical Education
1. General Exercise
2. Basketball - General rules
Aerobics & Meditation
1. Step Lunge
2. Step Cross
3. Hand Movements
4. Meditation
Art & Craft
PAC Book - Pg. No. 14, 15, 16, 17, 37
Free Expression - Tiger in Jungle, Parts of Plants / Animal Care
Computer Science
Ch. 2 : Learn To Use MS Windows 10
Introduction, MS Windows, Windows 10 Desktop, Desktop Background, Icons, Taskbar,
Shortcut Buttons in a Window.
1. Introduction of classical dance (KATHAK) with Teentaal padhant and footwork on counts.
2. Dance on a Hindi patriotic song
Life Skills / Sustainable Development Goals
1. Team Building (L.S)
2. My School, My Pride
3. Partnership for the Goals (S.D.G)
General Knowledge
1. Pearls Unit II pages 270-274
2. States and Capitals (20 onwards + Union Territories)
Story Telling
1. Team Building
2. Healthy Habits

Note: Portfolio activities will be conducted in all subjects

Class III
Syllabus 2023-24
Unit – III

Unit - III August 21 to September 29 = 9 + 21 = 30 Working days

Reader Ch.2: Sona's Adventures-1 (Reading)
Reader Ch.4 : The Giant Panda
Poems : On the Way Home
: Tommy’s Five Senses
Language : Nouns (Common and Proper), Adjectives, Comprehension, Paragraph Writing
Activity : Listen and Draw

ikB~;Øe % ‘kjkjrh canj ¼ekSf[kd ikB½] lkbfdy fey xbZ ¼ekSf[kd ikB½] i`Foh ¼dfork½] et+&s ets+ esa ¼ fØ;k dyki½A
O;kdj.k % le>us ;ksX; 'kCn] fojke fpg~u ¼3½] lkekU; v'kqnf~ /k 'kks/ku] vaxtsz h+ 'kCnksa ds fgUnh vuqokn] vuqPNsn ys[ku] fp=
ys[ku] vifBr xn~;ka’k] Jo.k dkS’ky vH;klA
fiVkjk dgkfu;ksa dk % pk¡n dk dqjrk] esgur dk QyA
Ch. 6 : Division
Division as repeated subtraction, Multiplication and division facts, Properties of
division, Using multiplication tables to divide, Long division without and with
verification, Division with remainder, Division by 10, 100 and 1000, Word Problems.

E.V.S (G.Sc./S.St.)

Ch. 4 : Our Beautiful Country (S.St.)

Ch. 5 : Birds (G.Sc.)
Activities :- a. Model making of Landforms
b. Different types of Beaks and Claws
Environmental Education
Our Ecosystem

Western Music

1. We our on way to heaven (English)

2. Scale practice with Instruments
Indian Music

1. Different types of Sargam with proper timing

2- xq: us viuk cuk ds eq>dks

3- NksVh & NksVh xbZ;k
Physical Education

1. Athletics
2. Rules and regulation
3. Competition

Aerobics & Meditation

1. Step Knee Up
2. Step Twice Knee Up
3. Hand Movements
4. Meditation
Art & Craft
PAC Book - Pg. No. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35
Free Expression - Giant Panda, Bird drawing.
Computer Science
Handout : TuxPaint
Introduction, Screen Elements, Drawing the picture, Tools, Magic tool
1. Patriotic dance continued
2. Teentaal - Dwigun
Life Skills / Sustainable Development Goals
1. Good Health and Well - Being (S.D.G)
2. Knowing My Country - India (L.S)
General Knowledge
1. Pearls Unit III pages 275-279
Story Telling
1. Bullying
2. Helping Others
Note: Portfolio activities will be conducted in all subjects
Class III
Syllabus 2023-24
Unit – IV

Unit - IV October 03 to November 30 = 20 + 16 = 36 Working days

Ch.3 : Sona's Adventures-2 (Reading)
Ch.4 : Sabina's Composition
Poem : High Flyer
Language : Simple Present, Past and Future Tense, Comprehension, Paragraph Writing
Activity : Public Speaking

ikB~;Øe % ;g fnokyh ;kn jgsxh ¼ikB½] leL;k ,sls lqy>h ¼i=&ekSf[kd½] iks”keik HkbZ iks”keik ¼dfork½A
O;kdj.k % okD;ksa esa opu cnyks] okD;ksa esa fyax cnyks] i;kZ;okph ‘kCn] okD; ‘kqn~/k djks] laKk ‘kCnksa dh igpku] vifBr
xn~;ka'k] vuqPNsn ys[kuA
fiVkjk dgkfu;ksa dk % prqj xhnM+] [kq’kcw dh dherA
Ch. 1 : Fractions
Introduction of Fractions, Half, Quarter, one eighth and other fractions, Numerator
and Denominator, Like fractions, Comparison of fractions, Fractions of a Collection,
Addition and Subtraction of like fractions, Word Problems.
Ch. 2 : Money
Writing rupees and paise, conversion of rupees and paise, Addition and Subtraction
of Money, Word problems

E.V.S (G.Sc./S.St.)

Ch. 1 : Safety and Home (G.Sc.)

Ch. 3 : The Festivals We Celebrate (S.St.)
Activities :- a. First Aid Box
b. Festivals
Environmental Education
Conserve Water
Western Music
1. I’ve got the Joy (Story telling)
2. Do Re Me Fa Scale with different pitch..........
Indian Music
1- lruke & lruke
2- tue lQy gksxk js cUns (Diwali Song)
Physical Education
1. Various commands, left turn, right turn
2. Cricket - General rules
3. Skill , Competition, Match
Aerobics & Meditation
1. Single Step Touch
2. Step Easy Walk
3. Hand Movements
4. Meditation
Art & Craft
PAC Book - Pg. No. 21, 22, 28, 29, 36, 39
Free Expression - (Composition) Diwali Celebration, Conserve Water (Poster)
Computer Science
Ch. 3 : More on Paint
Introduction, The Ribbon, Drawing the picture, The Home tab, Selecting an image
Ch. 6 : More on ICT
Introduction, ICT and Computers, Robots and Computers.
1. Dance on any popular Hindi song to celebrate the festival of Diwali
2. Teentaal - Chaugun
Life Skills / Sustainable Development Goals
1. Quality Education (S.D.G)
2. Be Healthy, Be Safe (L.S)
General Knowledge
1. Pearls Unit IV pages 253 to 256
2. Countries and Capitals (1-10)
Story Telling
1. Joy of Learning and Unlearning
2. Sharing the Festival Spirit

Note: Portfolio activities will be conducted in all subjects

Class III
Syllabus 2023-24
Unit – V

Unit - V December 01 to January 31 = 21 + 18 = 39 Working days

Ch.1 : Old Brer Rabbit
Poem : The Star
Language : Prepositions, Pronouns, Comprehension, Paragraph Writing
Activity : Listening Skills

ikB~;Øe % prqj rsukyh jkeu ¼ikB½] tknqbZ vke ¼ekSf[kd ikB½] ;wfyfll vkSj ikWyhQ+hfel ¼fons’kh dgkuh & ekSf[kd½] esjh
Nk;k ¼dfork½A
O;kdj.k % okD; 'kqn~/k djks] eqgkojs & dsoy vFkZ] vusd ‘kCnksa ds fy, ,d ‘kCn] foykse ‘kCn] fp= ys[ku] vifBr xn~;ka'kA
fiVkjk dgkfu;ksa dk % eqlhcr] vczkge fyaduA
Ch. 3 : Time
Reading and showing time, Units of time, a.m and p.m, calendar and conversions
Ch. 4 : Measurement
Conversions, Addition, Subtraction and Word Problems of Length and Weight.

E.V.S (G.Sc./S.St.)

Ch. 2 : Water and Weather (G.Sc.)

Ch. 5 : Going into Space (G.Sc.)
Activities :- 1. Water Cycle
2. Solar System
Environmental Education

Western Music

1. Rudolph the red nose .........

2. You better (Christmas)
Indian Music
1. Basic swar practice with rhythm

2- oS”.ko tu rks
3- ;s oDr dh vkokt+ gS
Physical Education
Basket ball
1. Skill - Chest pass
2. Competition
Aerobics & Meditation
1. Step ‘V’
2. Step ‘A’
3. Hand Movements
4. Meditation
Art & Craft
PAC Book - Pg. No. 8, 9, 19, 35, 38
Free Expression:- Space (Composition), Fruit bowl (Shapes)
Computer Science
Ch. 4 : Learn to Use Word 2013
Introduction, Word Processing, Word 2013, Screen elements of Word 2013, Creating
a New Document, A Quick Recap of Keyboard, Inserting a New Line, Selecting the text,
Deleting text, Formatting a Document, Saving a Document, Closing a Document,
Opening an Existing Document, Printing a Document, Exiting Word 2013.
1. Christmas dance on a tuneful western song
2. Elementary steps with sequential choreography
Life Skills / Sustainable Development Goals
1. Gender Equality (S.D.G)
2. Competing with self (L.S)
General Knowledge
1. Pearls Unit V pages 257-260
2. Countries and Capitals (11-20)
Story Telling
1. Resilience
2. Gratitude

Note: Portfolio activities will be conducted in all subjects

Class III
Syllabus 2023-24
Unit – VI

Unit - VI February 01 to March 16 = 22 + 12 = 34 Working days

Reader Ch.5: In Grandmother’s Hut
Poem : Where Go the Boats?
Language : Recapitulation of Tenses (Simple Present, Past and Future), Antonyms, Conjunctions
(and, but, or, because), Comprehension, Paragraph Writing
Activity : Story Narration

ikB~;Øe % NksVk jksCkksV & gekjk nksLr ¼ekSf[kd ikB½] ets+&ets+ esa ¼fØ;k dyki½] ‘kgj dk cPpk & xk¡o dk cPpk ¼dfork½A
O;kdj.k % le>us ;ksX; ‘kCn] okD; ‘kqn/~ k djks] vaxtzs h+ ‘kCnksa ds fgUnh vuqokn] lIrkg ds fnuksa ds uke] fgUnh fxurh ¼1&10½]
vuqPNsn ys[ku] fp= ys[ku] vifBr xn~;ka’k] Jo.k dkS’ky vH;klA
fiVkjk dgkfu;ksa dk % lcls mtyh oLrq] et+ns kj lwiA
Ch. 4 : Measurement - Capacity
Conversions, Addition, Subtraction and Word Problems of Capacity.
Ch. 5 : Geometry and Patterns
Plane Figures, Solid shapes-faces, edges and corners, Simple Concepts in Geometry,
Measuring Line Segments, Drawing Line Segments, Patterns.
Ch. 6 : Data Handling
Pictograph, Reading and Collecting data using Tally Marks

E.V.S (G.Sc./S.St.)

Ch - 4 : How we travel (S.St.)

Ch - 5 : How we communicate (S.St.)
Activities :- 1. Origami - Transport
2. Dumb Charades
Environmental Education
Planet Refuel
Western Music
1. Open the eyes of my heart
2. It’s me O Lord (EVS / Communication)
Indian Music

1- gs ‘kkjns ek¡
2- ,s oru & oru esjs
Physical Education
1. Skill - Passing
2. Competition - Penalty Shoot

Aerobics & Meditation

1. Step ‘T’
2. Step ‘X’
3. Hand Movements
4. Meditation
Art & Craft
PAC Book - Pg. No. 10, 11, 12, 13, 32, 40
Free Expression: - Means of Transport
Composition - Boat in a Lake (origami)
Computer Science
Ch. 5 : Introduction to Internet
Introduction,Internet, Uses of Internet, Internet terms - Website, Webpage, World Wide Web,
Web Browser, Requirements for an Internet Connection
1. Dance on a western song with geometrical shapes and patterns.
Life Skills / Sustainable Development Goals
1. Affordable and Clean Energy (S.D.G)
2. Hands on Activity (L.S)
General Knowledge
1. Pearls Unit VI pages 261 to 263
Story Telling
1. Good Touch / Bad Touch
2. Time Management

Note: Portfolio activities will be conducted in all subjects


Date Subject Syllabus
O;kdj.k & okD;ksa esa fyax cnyks] okD;ksa esa opu cnyks] i;kZ;okph ‘kCn] lkekU; v'kqn~f/k
01-05-2023 Hindi 'kks/ku] vifBr xn~;ka'k] vuqPNsn ys[kuA
ekSf[kd & iBu ijh{k.k
8-05-2023 Maths Numbers up to 9999
Ch - 2 Animals and Plants (G.Sc.)
15-05-2023 G.Sc./S.St.
Ch - 2 The Earth, Our Home (S.St.) (till globes and maps)
Ch - 1 : Ali and the Innkeeper
Language : Punctuation, Use of is, am, are, Comprehension, Picture
10-07-2023 English
Oral: Reading
Pearls Unit I pages:266 - 269
17-07-2023 G.K.
States and Capitals(1-19 till Odisha)
Ch.1 : Introduction to Computers
24-07-2023 Computers
Ch.2 : Learn to Use MS Windows 10

Date Subject Syllabus
ikB & vuks[kk tknw dk [ksy ¼dfBu ‘kCn] ‘kCn vFkZ] iz’u & mÙkj] okD; cukvks] [kkyh
LFkku Hkjks @ okD; iwjs djks½
14-08-2023 Hindi O;kdj.k & eqgkojs & dsoy vFkZ] foykse 'kCn] vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] fp=
ys[ku] vifBr xn~;ka'kA
ekSf[kd & Jqrys[k ¼ikB vuks[kk tknw dk [ksy½
21-08-2023 Maths Subtraction and Multiplication
Ch - 3 Parts of a Plant (G.Sc.)
28-08-2023 G.Sc./S.St. Ch - 4 Food and Feeding Habits of Animals (till food for domestic
animals) (G.Sc.)
Ch - 2 : My Home, Your Home
Language : Use of was, were, has, have, had, Articles
04-09-2022 English
Comprehension, Picture Composition
Oral : Recitation
Pearls Unit II pages 270-274 and Pearls Unit III pages 277-278
11-09-2023 G.K.
States and Capitals (20 onwards + Union Territories)
18-09-2023 Computers Handout : Tux Paint

Date Subject Syllabus
O;kdj.k & okD;ksa esa fyax cnyks] okD;ksa esa opu cnyks] i;kZ;okph ‘kCn] laKk 'kCnksa dh
20-11-2023 Hindi igpku] vifBr xn~;ka'k] vuqPNsn ys[kuA
ekSf[kd & dfork ¼o"kkZ jkuh½
28-11-2023 Maths Division

Ch - 1 Safety and Home (G.Sc.)

04-12-2023 G.Sc./S.St.
Ch - 4 Our Beautiful Country (S.St.)

Ch - 4 : The Giant Panda

Language : Nouns (Common and Proper), Adjectives, Tenses
11-12-2023 English
(Simple Present, Past & Future), Comprehension, Paragraph Writing
Oral : Listening Skills
Pearls Unit IV pages 253 to 256
18-12-2023 G.K.
Countries and Capitals(1-10)
Ch.3 : MS Paint
22-12-2023 Computers
Ch.6 : More on ICT

Date Subject Syllabus

ikB & ;g fnokyh ;kn jgsxh ¼dfBu ‘kCn] ‘kCn vFkZ] iz’u & mÙkj] okD; cukvks] [kkyh
LFkku Hkjks @ okD; iwjs djks½
29-01-2024 Hindi O;kdj.k & okD; 'kqn~/k djks] eqgkojs & dsoy vFkZ] vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] foykse
'kCn] fp= ys[ku] vifBr xn~;ka'kA
ekSf[kd & Hkk"k.k ¼esjk fiz; R;ksgkj @ esjk fiz; fe=½
05-02-2024 Maths Time, Fraction
Ch - 5 Going into Space (G.Sc.)
12-02-2024 G.Sc./S.St.
Ch - 3 The festival we celebrate (S.St.)
Ch - 1 : Old Brer Rabbit
Language : Prepositions, Pronouns, Comprehension, Paragraph
19-02-2024 English
Oral : Public Speaking

Pearls Unit V pages 257 to 259 and Pearls Unit VI pages 261-262
26-02-2024 G.K.
Countries and Capitals (11-20)

Ch.4 : Learn to Use Microsoft Word 2013

04-03-2024 Computers
Ch.5 : Introduction to Internet

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