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Hello, my name is Luciano Lugo Galeana, I love spending my free time with my friends and playing
soccer. I am from Cuernavaca in Morelos, and I really like the facilities of my school.

- I hope this course will be easy but I also hope to learn a lot, I really like the idea of having classmates
from all the campuses in Mexico, I really like to make new friends. Something that I would also like is to
learn a lot about the subject because it sounds remarkably interesting.

- A biological phenomenon that I have recently witnessed is photosynthesis because my mom loves the
idea of consuming our own vegetables, so we bought some chili seeds, and it is fun to see how it starts
to grow and to see its first leaves.

- Biology helps me to know the incredible process that a living being like plants go through to grow
thanks to the help of sunlight and their method of feeding by it.

- Biology contains many things that make it so amazing such as botany, which is the study of plants,
cytology which studies cells, mycology which studies fungi, virology which studies viruses and one of my
favourites is embryology which studies the development and formation of embryos.

I hope y'all enjoyed your first week :)

Fernandes, A. Z. (2021, 2 junio). Ramas de la biología y qué estudian (con ejemplos).


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