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Lever pressing of children from three age groups (21½2 to 4, 5 to 6½h, and 7½/ to 9 years) could produce
reinforcers according to a fixed-interval 40-s schedule: (1) Some were instructed to respond at a high
rate, others at a low rate, and (2) they were subsequently taught to provide their own spoken self-
instructions consonant with the earlier, experimenter-supplied instructions. All subjects who received
high-rate instructions responded at a steady, high rate, which was maintained following self-instruc-
tional training. The effects of low-rate instructions were directly related to the age of the children.
The two older groups produced low-rate patterns, with the oldest children responding at very low
rates; effects were least noticeable in the youngest age group. Following self-instructional training,
all three groups showed adult-like low-rate behavior and the oldest children showed an improved
ability to estimate the interval length. The results provide further evidence of the importance of
language as a determinant of human behavior.
Key words: verbal behavior, instructions, self-instructions, developmental differences, fixed interval,
postreinforcement pause, response rate, lever press, children

When human adults perform on fixed-in- schedule parameter in a manner consistent

terval (FI) schedules of reinforcement, they with the animal data. (Although in biological
typically respond in one of two ways, neither terms humans are animals, the term "animal"
of which resembles the pause-respond or is used in the papers in this series to refer
"scalloped" pattern characteristic of animals: exclusively to nonhuman species.)
Their behavior shows either a constant high- In a subsequent study, Bentall, Lowe, and
rate pattern with little or no postreinforce- Beasty (1985) investigated the FI perfor-
ment pausing (Baron, Kaufman, & Stauber, mance of subjects ranging from 7 months to 9
1969; Buskist, Miller, & Bennett, 1980; years of age. Again, infant subjects showed
Lippman & Meyer, 1967; Weiner, 1962, animal-like performance, whereas subjects of
1969, 1970) or a low-rate pattern in which, 5 years or older produced either the low-rate
for the most part, only one response is made or the high-rate patterns characteristic of hu-
per interval just after reinforcement becomes man adults. Subjects in an intermediate 21/2 to
available (Buskist, Bennett, & Miller, 1981; 4-year-old group produced neither adult-like
Buskist et al., 1980; Lippman & Meyer, 1967; nor animal-like patterns of responding, but a
Weiner, 1964). In a recent study by Lowe, highly variable, uneven pattern that showed
Beasty, and Bentall (1983), however, 2 infant elements of both forms of responding. These
subjects performed on Fl schedules and studies lend support to the hypothesis that the
showed scalloped patterns of responding very development of verbal repertoires greatly al-
similar to those obtained from animal subjects ters human operant performance, and that this
(cf. Ferster & Skinner, 1957; Richelle & Le- accounts for many of the differences found be-
jeune, 1979; Zeiler, 1977). The performance tween animal and human learning (cf. Lowe,
of the infant subjects also varied with the 1979, 1983). These findings are also consis-
tent with research into the development of
Some of the data were presented at the annual confer- verbal self-regulatory skills in children, which
ence of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group
(U.K.) in 1982. During the study R. P. Bentall was in suggests that the capacity to "regulate" be-
receipt of a graduate studentship from the Science and havior by means of speech is not well devel-
Engineering Research Council. Special thanks are due to oped before the third or fourth year of life
the parents and children who have been involved with the (Fuson, 1979; Luria, 1981; Vygotsky, 1962).
study. Requests for reprints should be sent to C. F. Lowe,
Department of Psychology, University College of North Several studies have shown instructions to
Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DG, U.K. be an important determinant of operant be-
178 R. P. BENTALL and C. F. LOWE
Table 1 observed in human adults. Such instructions,
Age in years and months, of individual subjects in each of necessity, would have to be phrased in such
of the experimental conditions (F = female, M = male). a way as to be comprehensible to the child.
Conditions Verbal reports of subjects in the experiment
carried out by Bentall et al. (1985) provided
Low-rate instruc- High-rate instruc- clues as to how appropriate instructions might
tions tions
be phrased. For example, when questioned
Sub- Sub- about the availability of reinforcement, one of
Group ject Sex Age ject Sex Age the older children who produced the low-rate
7½-9 BN F 9.0 HW F 8.1 pattern reported that the puppet figure who
years CR F 7.8 MP M 8.2 delivered the reinforcer to him "went to sleep"
GL M 8.0 LR M 8.2 for a short while after making his appearance.
5-61/2 CH F 5.7 BP M 6.1 On the other hand, one of the older children
years TH M 6.2 TL F 5.7
GD M 5.6 JS F 5.4 who showed the high-rate pattern reported
21/2-4 GH F 4.0 ES F 3.3 that she had to "press as fast as possible" dur-
years JA M 3.5 CA F 3.2 ing the interval.
KE M 2.10 AN M 3.4
havior in both human adults and children Subjects
(Baron et al., 1969; Buskist et al., 1981; Ca- The subjects in the experiment were in three
tania, Matthews, & Shimoff, 1982; Holland, age groups corresponding to the three oldest
1958; Kaufman, Baron, & Kopp, 1966; Lipp- age groups used by Bentall et al. (1985); each
man & Meyer, 1967; Lovaas, 1961, 1964; group consisted of 3 boys and 3 girls. Those
Weiner, 1970). According to Vygotsky (1978), of Group 1 were between 71/2 and 9 years of
a child's performance under the instructional age, with a mean of 8 years 2 months at the
control of an adult may be an indicator of beginning of the experiment. The children of
future behavioral development, and he used Group 2 were between 5 and 61/2 years of age
the term "zone of next development" to denote with a mean of 5 years 8 months. The chil-
the range of activities that a child is able to dren in Group 3 were between 21/2 and 4 years
carry out if given instructions, but otherwise of age, with a mean of 3 years 4 months. The
cannot. Vygotsky's account suggests that if a ages of individual subjects at the beginning of
child's verbal self-regulatory skills are in the the study are given in Table 1.
process of developing, though not yet fully ac- The subjects were recruited from a local
quired, then appropriate instructions to the school and a local nursery group. Half the
child may produce a performance that is char- children in each age group were randomly as-
acteristic of older children or adults. A prin- signed to the low-rate condition, in which they
cipal aim of the present experiment was to received low-rate instruction followed by
test this prediction and to investigate how in- training in self-instruction, and half were as-
structions affect the operant performance of signed to the high-rate condition with analo-
children of different ages. gous high-rate instructional and self-instruc-
The present study also investigated how tional interventions. There was one constraint
training children of different ages to "self-in- on the randomization procedure, namely, that
struct" affects their performance on schedules there be either 2 girls and 1 boy or 2 boys and
of reinforcement. The work of Meichenbaum 1 girl in each condition at each age range.
and others on self-instructional training sug-
gests that a child's self-directed speech may Apparatus
come to affect related nonverbal behavior The experiment was conducted in the psy-
(Meichenbaum, 1977; Meyers & Craighead, chology laboratories at the University in a
1984; Yussen, 1985). room that had been decorated with posters of
With respect to performance on FI sched- cartoon characters. The apparatus was iden-
ules, the relevant instructions to employ were tical to that employed by Bentall et al. (1985)
those most likely to produce either the high- with children over the age of 2½/2 years. The
rate or the low-rate patterns of responding children sat at a table in front of a large
wooden screen near the center of which was this, he told the child he would be going be-
mounted a vertical column of 10 colored lights hind the screen and that he/she would have
that could be illuminated in sequence from to do everything without the experimenter's
bottom to top, the entire sequence taking 8 s. help. For the next five intervals, the experi-
To one side of the column of lights there was menter called, "Not yet, Sooty's still asleep,"
a translucent acrylic screen (28 by 20 cm) on if the subject pressed too early, and "Do you
which slides could be back-projected. The think Sooty's awake now?" if the subject was
slides used were in story sequences and de- more than 1Os late. No further instructions
picted cartoon characters such as Winnie the were given.
Pooh, Donald Duck, and The Lone Ranger. The high-rate subjects were instructed in a
Slide projection was accompanied by pop mu- similar manner except, in their case, the sub-
sic played on a tape-recorder behind the screen. jects were told that the reason Sooty failed to
On the other side of the column of lights was appear was that he was lazy, and that they
mounted a black plastic tube through which had to press the lever many times to make sure
snack items could be dropped by a glove pup- he woke up. During the first five intervals
pet, "Sooty," into a tray on the table; "Sooty" after the experimenter went behind the screen,
was operated by the experimenter who re- the subject was prompted to press faster if he
mained out of sight behind the screen. A lever stopped responding. This happened on only
was mounted on a small console in the middle two occasions.
of the table and could be operated by a force Subsequent sessions for subjects in both
of 6.7 N, producing an audible click. The ex- conditions were begun by reminding the sub-
periment was controlled by, and data were jects of their instructions. This was done by
recorded on, an Apple II microcomputer sit- asking them, "What do you have to do to make
uated behind the wooden screen. Sooty come and see you?" In all cases the
subjects were able to state some version of the
Procedure contingency that had previously been de-
After familiarizing a child with the exper- scribed to them and it never was necessary to
imental room, the experimenter set up an FI give additional instructions.
40-s schedule on the computer and sat by the The instructed subjects were exposed to the
subject's side. On this schedule the first re- FI 40-s schedule for five sessions during which,
sponse occurring 40 s or more after the pre- by inspection of the cumulative records, it was
vious reinforcement, was reinforced. ascertained that the performances of all of the
Instructions. In the case of children in the subjects had stabilized. Indeed, in most cases
low-rate condition, the experimenter then said, (but see Figure 2) the pattern of behavior al-
"Watch what happens when I press this le- tered little from the first session onwards. Each
ver," pressed the lever, and received a rein- session typically lasted for approximately 10
forcer. When at least 40 s had again elapsed, to 15 min and was terminated when the ex-
he suggested to the child that he or she press perimenter judged the child to be tired or to
the lever. When the child pressed the lever, require a rest from the task. Sessions were
reinforcement occurred. The experimenter usually carried out daily, on weekdays only,
then said, "Now try again." Because a rein- although in some cases two sessions were con-
forcer had just been delivered, the child's sec- ducted with a subject in one day; when this
ond response invariably was not reinforced. happened, there was an interval of 4 to 5 hr
The experimenter explained this in the fol- between sessions.
lowing manner: "Look, nothing happened. Self-instructional training. Having com-
Sooty didn't come to see you. That's because, pleted the instructions phase, the children be-
after he came to see you he had a rest and gan the self-instruction training sessions. In
went to sleep. You mustn't press the lever the first training session, the subjects in the
when he's asleep as that'll wake him and he high-rate condition were all taught by mod-
doesn't like that. You must wait until he's eling and explicit instruction to say "Faster,
awake.... Do you think he's awake yet?... faster," while pressing the lever. In the case
I think he's awake. You can press now." The of all subjects in the two oldest groups, 7½/2 to
experimenter then talked the subject through 9- and 5 to 6½/2-year-olds, and 1 child (GH)
the next response in a similar fashion. After in the youngest group, the subjects were then

tested on the FI schedule. The other 2 chil- val; those in the low-rate condition responded
dren in the youngest group, however, seemed only once or twice in each interval. These pat-
to find the self-instruction task aversive; it was terns of responding changed very little in sub-
only after two additional training sessions and sequent sessions.
much encouragement that they self-instructed The cumulative records in Figure 2 show
consistently. the development of performance of the 21/2 to
In their initial sessions of the low-rate self- 4-year-old children over the first two sessions
instruction condition, the children in the two on the FI schedule. Again, there were marked
oldest groups were told to count aloud to 40 differences between the performance of sub-
or 50 (with the number assigned on the basis jects in the high-rate and those in low-rate
of the individual subject's counting speed) be- conditions and these differences were present
fore pressing the lever. This was sufficient to at the beginning of the first session. By the
produce overt counting during additional ses- end of the second session, however, the be-
sions on the reinforcement schedule alone. havior, particularly of low-rate subjects, had
Unfortunately, none of the children in the 21/2 altered. All 3 subjects given high-rate instruc-
to 4-year-old group had sufficient counting tions continued to respond at high rates or, as
skills to allow them to perform the self-in- in the case of Subject GH, even increased their
structional task that was mastered easily by rate of responding. By the end of the second
the older subjects, and when asked to count, session, the low response rates shown by sub-
they all seemed to find the procedure highly jects in the low-rate condition had given way
aversive. Having failed to teach these subjects to higher rates of responding, this being par-
the counting strategy, it was decided to teach ticularly true for Subjects CA and AN, al-
them to "sing-and-press." This began with a though rates were still considerably lower than
"sing-song" period during which the experi- for subjects in the high-rate condition. This
menter prompted the child to sing various departure from the low-rate pattern occurred
nursery rhymes. Each subject was then taught in spite of the children's reporting that they
to sing a particular song before pressing the knew they had to wait after reinforcement and
lever. This was done by a combination of their obvious attempts to wait before respond-
shaping (with praise as the reinforcer), mod- ing on the manipulandum (see below).
eling, and explicit instruction. When the sub- The final form of responding on the FT 40-s
jects appeared to have learned the strategy, schedule for the children in the 7½/2 to 9-year-
which took a number of sessions, the experi- old group is shown in Figure 3, which pre-
menter withdrew behind the screen, leaving sents cumulative records obtained from the
the child to respond alone for the remaining final session in both the instruction and self-
sessions. instruction phases of the experiment. (In the
Following self-instructional training, each case of this and subsequent figures, it should
child was exposed to the FI 40-s schedule for be noted that the cumulative records that were
three sessions, with no further interventions obtained from the final session of the self-in-
from the experimenter. In the case of all sub- structional condition are representative of per-
jects, performance was stable across the three formance on the first through the third ses-
sessions and there was no change in pattern- sion, inasmuch as patterning was stable
ing from the first to the third session. Most throughout.) For comparison purposes, and to
sessions were tape recorded. show how children who received no instruc-
tions about the reinforcement conditions per-
formed on this schedule, the figure also con-
RESULTS tains equivalent cumulative records of 3
Figure 1 shows individual cumulative rec- children of the same age, taken from the study
ords from the first session of performance on by Bentall et al. (1985); these records show
the Fl 40-s schedule for subjects in the 7½/2 to the two characteristic patterns of FI respond-
9- and 5 to 6½/2-year-old groups. This shows ing, high-rate and low-rate, found in human
that even in the first intervals of the first ses- adults.
sion the effects of instructions were consider- Thus, all subjects in this age group who
able. All subjects in the high-rate condition were given the high-rate instruction showed
responded at high rates throughout the inter- the high-rate pattern; all those given the low-

72- 9yrs 5- 62yrs



/ HW


z _
c0 TL


LR 1-s

Fig. 1. Cumulative records of lever-press responding for 7½h to 9- and 5 to 6½h-year-old subjects in the high-rate
and low-rate conditions, from the first session on an FI 40-s schedule. In the case of this and subsequent figures, each
cumulative record portrays an entire session.

rate instruction showed the low-rate pattern. tion, who were probably responding as fast as
The records show that there was little differ- they could in the instructions phase. However,
ence between behavior during instruction and in the case of the low-rate subjects, all 3 chil-
self-instruction phases. This is particularly dren considerably overestimated the interval
true for the children in the high-rate condi- length in the instructions phase; the effect of

24- 4yrs





CA 1


AN ,
1 2 ' 1 ~~2

Fig. 2. Cumulative records of responding for the 2½/2 to 4-year-old children from the first two sessions on an FI
40-s schedule. The number adjacent to each record indicates the session from which it was obtained.

the self-instructions was to increase the fre- The effects of instructions and self-instruc-
quency of responding such that responses typ- tion on the performance of 5 to 61/2-year-olds
ically occurred just after the end of the inter- were very similar to those reported for chil-
val (see also Figure 6). dren in the oldest group, with the form of
Figure 4 shows cumulative records for the response patterning being determined by the
5 to 6½/2-year-olds. The three comparison rec- form of instructions. One difference between
ords, taken from Bentall et al. (1985), were these and the older children, however, was in
produced by 3 children of similar age on the the low-rate condition, where the effect of in-
same schedule of reinforcement but who had structions did not result in the 5 to 61/2-year-
received no experimental instructions; all 3 olds greatly overestimating the interval length;
showed the low-rate pattern. as a consequence, there was little difference





(I) CR




I(/ LR
r- --r ., r -r ff


Fig. 3. Cumulative records of responding for each child in the 7½h to 9-year-old group on an FI 40-s schedule,
during the fifth session following instructions (INST) and during the third session following subsequent self-instruc-
tional training (S-INST). Also shown are records from three 7½h to 9-year-old children who performed on the same
schedule but without instructions (N-INST), from Bentall et al. (1985). All records are from the final session on each
experimental condition.
184 R. P. BENTALL and C. F. LOWE




C,J r BP


O r




Fig. 4. Cumulative records of responding for each child in the 5 to 6½h-year-old group. Also shown are records
from three 5 to 6½/2-year-old children who performed on the same schedule but without instructions (N-INST), from
Bentall et al. (1985). All records are from the final session on each experimental condition.

between the performance of these subjects ords display response patterning typical of that
during the instruction and self-instruction obtained from children of this age on FI
phases. schedules, which is very different from the
Cumulative records for children in the 2½h performance of the older children. Respond-
to 4-year-old group are presented in Figure ing is variable from one interval to the next
5, which also shows comparison data from and there are elements of both animal- and
noninstructed subjects of similar age (from human adult-like FI behavior in the records.
Bentall et al., 1985). These comparison rec- The high-rate instructions produced a high-






0 KE



Fig. 5. Cumulative records of responding for each of the children in the 2½2 to 4-year-old group. Also shown are
records from three 2½2 to 4-year-old children who performed on the same schedule but without instructions (N-INST),
from Bentall et al. (1985). All records are from the final session on each experimental condition.

rate pattern in each of these 3 youngest sub- noninstructed children of the same age, re-
jects and this pattern persisted in the self-in- ported by Bentall et al. (1985). In contrast,
struction phase. This form of responding was the addition of the special self-instruction
very different from that observed in nonin- strategy, "sing-and-press," developed specifi-
structed subjects of similar age and in the chil- cally for these children, resulted in a constant
dren given the low-rate instructions. There low-rate performance similar to that of older
was little if any difference between the be- children. Thus, despite the ineffectiveness of
havior of children given instructions in the instructions alone, the effect of self-instruc-
low-rate condition and the behavior of the tions was to produce behavior that, at least in
186 R. P. BENTALL and C. F. LOWE

HIGH-RATE LOW-RATE emitted by far the greatest amount of inciden-

tal verbal behavior, some of it in an apparent
attempt to wait out the interval before re-
sponding. For example, following reinforce-
ment, Subject ES sometimes placed her hands
together, as if in prayer, and rocked from side
to side saying "Tick-tock, tick-tock" in imi-
tation of a clock. This apparent attempt to
mediate the interval was unsuccessful, how-
ever, because she increasingly spent less and
less time in rocking, until it only lasted for a
few seconds, before she would break off and
press the lever. She would also call "Now.
Now. Now." or "Yes. Yes. Yes." in time with
lever pressing even though no reinforcer was
forthcoming. Similarly, Subject CA would call
out "Sooty's awake" before responding. Ver-
bal behavior of this type usually would occur
at the end of a short period of waiting and at
the beginning of a burst of responding. In ad-
dition to these task-related verbalizations, these
2 subjects also emitted a variety of vocaliza-
tions including singing, laughing, squealing,
and other remarks addressed to the glove-pup-
pet or to nobody in particular. The third sub-
ject in this group was generally much less
talkative than the other 2 and emitted much
less verbal behavior in the course of the ex-
N INST S-INST INST S-NST periment. All 3 children in the low-rate group,
Fig. 6. Mean duration of postreinforcement pause however, unlike the other children, spent a
(PRP) for children in instructions (INST) and self-in- great deal of time running and walking around
struction (S-INST) conditions. Also shown (N) are data the room and exploring different areas.
for children who received no instructions (from Bentall et An overall picture of how responding was
al., 1985). Data are from the last three sessions of the affected by instructions and self-instruction is
instruction and no-instruction conditions and from all three
sessions of the self-instruction condition; performance was provided by Figure 6, which shows the aver-
stable across the three sessions of each condition. age duration of the postreinforcement pause
(i.e., the time from reinforcement to the first
response in the next interval) for each subject.
general characteristics, was similar to that Data from noninstructed subjects, from Ben-
produced by adults but that was markedly dif- tall et al. (1985), have also been included for
ferent from that produced by uninstructed comparison. Taking first their performance in
children of the same age. the instructions phase, pause durations were
Apart from their lever pressing, the other longer in the low-rate than in the high-rate
behavior, both verbal and nonverbal, of the condition and this effect was strongest in the
21/2 to 4-year-old children in the low-rate con- older children. An effect of self-instructional
dition was different from that of the other training was to decrease the pause duration of
subjects. The overt speech of those in the older the 71/2 to 9-year-olds in the low-rate condi-
groups was largely confined to repetition of tion to a value that more closely approximated
the taught self-instructions, and this was also the 40-s FI requirement. Self-instruction also
true of the youngest group in the high-rate resulted in a closer approximation of postrein-
condition who tended to concentrate on press- forcement pause to schedule value in the 5 to
ing the lever as fast as possible. On the other 6½h-year-olds, although in this case the pauses
hand, those 21/2 to 4-year-old children who increased in duration. There also were sub-
were in the low-rate instruction condition stantial increases in pause length for all 3


120 * MP
* HW
x 80
* MP
a< 2
* LR
t- 60 HW
BN LR 1 C)
z 40 A

* CR
> 20 GL
140 * BP "1

w 120 * TL
* BP
X 100 * TL Ol *s JS
,, 80 * JS 0) 5 -n
in 60 4
0 40
- * TH
CH lc
0- 20 3
A, J
JS a :D cn
w z 2
80 - *
m ES
---A * CA r')
60 A -- - & AN M
cr I I
40 * -' 0 JA A l
^ - *~ GH 111 m ES
20 A KE 0- 11
* CA CO)

10 A AN
Fig. 7. Overall rates of responding for children in 9
instructions (INST) and self-instruction (S-INST) con- U,)
ditions. Also shown are data for children who received no 8
instructions (from Bentall et al., 1985). Data are from the 0
last three sessions of the instruction and no-instruction C/) kl-
conditions and from all three sessions of the self-instruc- cw 6
tion condition. l<
5 1%

youngest subjects in the low-rate condition. 4

However, in the case of the 21/2 to 4-year-old 3

children in the high-rate condition, self-in- 2
struction had comparatively little effect on re-
sponding because, perhaps, pause duration 1
was already very short for all subjects. I I
The very marked effects of instructions on INST S-INST
overall rates of responding are shown in Fig- Fig. 8. Overall rates of responding for children given
ure 7; comparison data from Bentall et al. low-rate instructions and self-instructions, rescaled data
(1985) have also been included. In every case from Figure 7.
response rates were higher for subjects given
high-rate instructions than for those given low-
rate instructions; this was true at all age levels.
Self-instructions did not appear to have any though the direction of effect varied across
consistent effect on the performance of sub- groups. Self-instructional effects were greater
jects in the high-rate condition, although there in the 2½/2 to 4-year-olds, reducing response
is some evidence of a decline in the response rates considerably. Following self-instruc-
rate of the 5 to 6½/2-year-olds after self-instruc- tional training, there was also a consistent,
tional training. though less marked, reduction in the response
To show the effects of self-instructions on rates of the 5 to 6½/2-year-olds but an increase
the response rate of subjects in the low-rate in the rate of responding of the 7½/2 to 9-year-
groups, it is necessary to rescale the right- old children. These relationships mirror those
hand column of Figure 7. Thus, Figure 8 shown in Figure 6 for postreinforcement
shows consistent effects within each age group, pause.
188 R. P. BENTALL and C. F. LOWE
DISCUSSION The 21/2 to 4-year-old children who were
The children aged 5 years and upwards in provided with the low-rate instructions gave
the present experiment, unlike animal sub- every indication in the early stages of the study
jects, did not show a pause-respond or scal- that they tried to comply with the instructions
loped pattern of responding on the FI sched- but could not refrain from responding; con-
ule. This is entirely consistent with the findings sequently, there was no evidence that instruc-
of other studies, which have shown that above tions affected their lever pressing in this con-
the age of 5 years human FI performance bears dition. The "sing-and-press" self-instructional
little resemblance to that of animals and is strategy that was then introduced did produce
most frequently characterized by either the the low-rate pattern but it is important to note
low-rate or the high-rate response patterns that none of the older children in this or pre-
(Bentall et al., 1985; DeCasper & Zeiler, vious studies spontaneously emitted verbal be-
1972; Long, Hammack, May, & Campbell, havior of this type. The low-rate schedule pat-
1958; Zeiler & Kelley, 1969). The present ex- tern that subsequently emerged could be a
periment, however, showed that which of these simple response chain (i.e., sing-respond) and,
two patterns an individual child exhibited was therefore, it should not be concluded that these
dependent upon which form of experimental children's singing bore the same functional re-
instructions he or she had received. The ef- lation to lever pressing as did the verbal be-
fects of instructions were very marked and, havior of the older children.
although these instructions were only briefly The results obtained from the youngest
presented at the beginning of the first session, children, and in particular their difficulties
their effects persisted for the duration of the observed in the low-rate condition, are consis-
instruction condition which, in the case of most tent with the findings of Luria (1959, 1961,
subjects, took from 5 to 7 days to complete. 1981), who argued that verbal self-control
Perhaps the most interesting findings came skills normally do not develop fully until after
from the 21/2 to 4-year-old groups. The earlier the third and fourth years of life. According
study, by Bentall et al. (1985), had shown that to his account, success in manipulating a
children in this age range do not show either child's self-regulatory activity before this age
of the two patterns that characterize the per- will depend upon the nature of the instruc-
formance of older children and adults. The tions and how they are integrated into the
present results, however, show that high-rate child's existing verbal repertoire. For exam-
instructions, given briefly in the course of the ple, in a study he reported in 1959, children
first session, were sufficient to produce the were told to press a rubber bulb upon seeing
high-rate pattern in all 3 children and, again, a red light with the spoken instruction "Press";
these effects were maintained over the 5 to 7 when a blue light was presented they were
days of the instruction condition. It would ap- told "Don't press." It was found that 3-year-
pear then that a simple verbal instruction, olds responded in the presence of the red light
modeled on the verbal behavior emitted spon- but also that there was considerable respond-
taneously by older children, may be sufficient ing when the blue light was on. Only children
to transform the pattern of operant behavior aged 4 and upwards could master the task.
to the adult mode. This clearly exemplifies Other studies reported by Luria (1961) have
Vygotsky's (1978) concept of the "zone of next also shown the ineffectiveness of instructions
development," which recognizes the fact that in enabling young children to inhibit, as op-
although a child may have not yet reached a posed to initiate, behavior. On the basis of
given behavioral stage (i.e., acquired a partic- such evidence, Luria (1981) has proposed that
ular behavioral repertoire-in this case, adult- for the 3-year-old, words are in the main
like patterns of schedule performance), he or "sympractical" (i.e., tied to particular acts),
she may do so if given appropriate instruc- having an impellent function; thus the word
tions by an adult. The present results are also "press," even though embodied within the in-
consistent with those of Bem (1967), who struction "Don't press," frequently results in
taught self-regulatory behavior to 3-year-old an increase rather than a reduction in re-
children and found that subsequent perfor- sponding. The verbal processes that govern
mance on a lever-pressing task resembled that the planning and withholding of behavior de-
of older children. velop later than the more direct stimulus

properties of words, which, typically, serve ever been the case that issues of such import
only to initiate behavior. have been resolved by a single experiment
Another way of viewing the low-rate con- (Kuhn, 1970). But taken in concert with the
dition of the present experiment, particularly other studies in this series, the work of Vy-
inasmuch as the children were instructed to gotsky and Luria, and the expanding litera-
"wait" during the fixed interval, is as a form ture on interactions between verbal and non-
of "delay-of-gratification" task in which sub- verbal operant behavior (e.g., Catania et al.,
jects are required to wait, in this case 40s, 1982; Lowe & Horne, 1985; Lowe, Horne, &
before responding to produce the reinforcer. Higson, in press; Matthews, Catania, & Shi-
In a number of studies, Mischel and his col- moff, 1985; Vaughan, 1985; Wearden &
leagues (Mischel, 1981; Mischel, Ebbesen, & Shimp, 1985), the present study adds further
Zeiss, 1972) have found that, in comparison weight to the case for the language hypothesis.
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