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Table 1

Result in the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

15-30 9 37.50 1
31-40 1 4.17 5
41-50 2 8.33 4
51-60 4 16.67 3
61 and
above 8 33.33 2
total 24 100.00  

In table 2 of the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, they are classified into five age
groups: 15–30, 31–40, 41–50, 51–60, and 61 and above. The "frequency" column represents the number
of respondents in each age group. The "Percentage" column shows the proportion of respondents in each
age group as a percentage of the total respondents. The "Rank" column indicates the ranking of each age
group based on the percentage.
From the table, we can observe that the age group "15-30" has the highest frequency (9) and the highest
percentage (37.50%), making it the most represented age group among the respondents. The second most
represented age group is "61 and above," with a frequency of 8 and a percentage of 33.33%. The age
group "51-60" ranks third with a frequency of 4 and a percentage of 16.67%. The age groups "41-50" and
"31-40" have lower frequencies and percentages, ranking fourth and fifth, respectively.
Result in the Demographic Profile of the Re-
spondents in terms of Age






15-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61 and above total

Frequency Percentage Rank

Analysis: The analysis of the age distribution among the respondents reveals the following:

1. Age distribution: The respondents are divided into five age groups, namely 15-30, 31-40,
41-50, 51-60, and 61 and above. The largest age group is 15-30, comprising 37.50% of
the respondents, followed by the 61 and above age group, which accounts for 33.33% of
the respondents. This indicates that the survey captured a relatively balanced distribution
of respondents across different age brackets.
2. Younger respondents: The age group of 15-30 represents a significant portion of the
respondents since it is the highest frequency and percentage, comprising 37.50% of the
total. This indicates the participation of a sizable population of young adults. Their
perspectives and preferences can be crucial for understanding trends, behaviors, and
preferences within this age bracket.
3. Middle-aged respondents: The age groups of 31-40, 41-50, and 51-60 represent smaller
proportions of the respondents, with percentages ranging from 4.17% to 16.67%.
Although these groups are relatively smaller, they still contribute to the overall diversity
of the sample. Their insights may be particularly relevant for understanding the
preferences and behaviors of individuals in their respective age ranges.
4. Older respondents: The age group of 61 and above has the second highest frequency and
percentage, comprising 33.33%. This suggests that the survey was successful in capturing
the opinions and perspectives of older individuals. Their input can provide valuable
insights, as they may have different life experiences and perspectives compared to
younger respondents.
Table 2
Result in the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 4 16.66666667 2
Female 20 83.33333333 1
Total 24 100  

In table 2 of the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender, they are divided into
two genders: male and female. The number of responses in each gender category is shown in the
"Frequency" column. The "Percentage" column shows the percentage of respondents in each
gender category as a percentage of all respondents. The "Rank" column displays the percentage
rating of each gender category.

From the table, we can observe that most respondents are female, with a frequency of 20
and a percentage of 83.33%. Females rank first in terms of both frequency and
percentage, indicating that they are the most represented gender among the respondents.
On the other hand, the male respondents have a frequency of 4 and a percentage of
16.67%, ranking second.

The total frequency of respondents is 24, with a total percentage of 100 ensuring data
Result in the Demographic Profile of the
Respondents in terms of Gender


20 24
20 16.6666666666667
4 2 1
Male Female Total

Frequency Percentage Rank

Analysis: The analysis of the gender distribution among the respondents reveals the following:

1. Female respondents: Most of the respondents, accounting for 83.33% of the total, identify
as female. This indicates a significant representation of women in the survey sample.
Their perspectives and opinions can provide valuable insights into the various aspects
being studied. It is shown that females are active in observing the different folksongs and
chants in the community as it becomes part of their daily agendas.
2. Male respondents: The male respondents constitute a smaller proportion of the sample,
representing 16.67% of the total. Although the number is relatively low, it is still
important to consider their viewpoints and experiences. The result shows that few males
are into folksongs and chants but have made significant contributions to preserving them
as they are still practicing them in this present age. The inclusion of male respondents
allows for a more comprehensive understanding of diverse perspectives regarding the
topic of this study.
Analysis: The Folksong themes among the respondents reveals the following:

There are six (6) themes that the respondents provided: Love, Death, Environment, Farewell, and
Courtship. In terms of frequency, the theme "love" has the most respondents, with 34.78% ranking it as
number 1 out of the 6 themes that were presented. The least number with the theme "farewell" and
"Courtship" had the same number of respondents, with a total of two (2) having the same percentage of
8.70. The theme "environment" has four (4) respondents with a percentage of 17.39 ranking as number 3,
while the theme "Death" has seven (7) respondents with a percentage of 8.70 ranking as number 4.

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