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1) a.

Environmental problems: overfishing, global warming, ozone depletion, deforestation,

Social issues: crime, poverty, war, famine, homelessness, starvation, child labour, bullying,
overpopulation, illegal downloading of songs/films

b. A global warming B overpopulation C deforestation

D illegal downloading of songs/films E child labour F poverty

2) A 1 figure 2 needs 3 planning 4 living

B 5 fossil 6 greenhouse 7 temperatures 8 conditions 9 transport
C 10 illegal 11 affects 12 exploitation

1) a) 1 war 2 disasters 3 soil, grow

4 water shortages 5 emigrated 6 cholera

b) Sentences 3, 4, 5, 6 are true.

2) 1 E 2B 3C 4A 5F 6D

3) 1 Tuvalu is a low-lying country, and as the sea levels rise, more of the island becomes flooded. The
soil is ruined by the salty seawater, and the lack of groundwater means a drought creates serious
water shortages.

2 They don't want to leave the place where all their ancestors lived.

4) Suggested Answer
The nation that the sea is swallowing

5) Para A: small = tiny

Para B: not suitable for living = uninhabitable
Para E: ancestors = forefathers / to be expected = inevitable
Para F: important = significant / passionate = emotional / severe = brutal
6) 1 tiny: huge 2 popular: * unpopular 3 harmful: * safe
4 import: export 5 long: short 4 significantly: insignificantly

atoll (n): a landmass made from coral

at risk (phr): in danger
effect (n): the result of an action on sth; mental or emotional impression
thermal expansion (phr): the act of getting bigger because of heat
sea levels (n): the height of the sea water compared to the land
spell (v): to mean/result in sth
claim (v): to believe sth to be true
uninhabitable (adj): unsuitable for people to live there
emerge (v): to come out from a place where you could not be seen
soil (n): the top layer of earth in which plants grow
grow crops (phr): raise plants to eat
geological makeup (phr): what sth natural is made of, especially concerning rock
import (v): to bring into a country through legal means
home-grown food (phr): edible crops grown in one's own country
lack (n): when sth is not available/ enough
groundwater (n): water that comes naturally from under the ground
due to (phr): because of
drought (n): a long period of time in which no rain falls
contaminated (adj): dirty or harmful (because of dirt, chemicals or radiation)
but for (phr): except for
emergency shipment (phr): a cargo of emergency supplies
forefathers (n): ancestors
inevitable (adj): certain to happen and can't be prevented or avoided
significant (adj): very important
draw up (phr v): to formulate/prepare sth in writing
proposal (n): a suggestion/plan
emotional (adj): causing strong feelings
outline (v): to give the main ideas of sth
brutal (adj): cruel, violent

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