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Andrea Caballero Jiménez

It is often said that learning languages has a lot of benefits. Nowadays, almost
everyone knows more than two languages and this number is increasing, the reason is
that you may have more job opportunities and it is an advantage in order to compete
with other candidates.

On the one hand, it is important for your career to know how to express in other
languages. It does not matter if you are an engineer or you work in an hotel as a
receptionist, you will always have to communicate with people from all over the world,
especially if you work in a multinational company, where you have to attend meetings
with foreign people every day. Consequently, it is easier to get a job if you have this
acknowledgement in your curriculum.

On the other hand, many people want to learn new languages for their personal
development. Once they have finished their studies, they want to keep learning what
they consider useful for their lives. Not only they have a job but also they study for
being able to understand people when they travel out of their countries, and that is
pretty important if you want to enjoy a complete foreign experience.

To conclude, from my point of view, there is no point on only speak one language, you
are missing a lot of opportunities to open your mind in many ways, and your brain will
be grateful.

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