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Obecnie bardzo wielu ludzi wyjeżdża do pracy za granicę.

Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety takiego rozwiązania

Many young people go abroad to work. Mostly they are looking for better life. Does this
solution is really that good?

Of course, there are many disadvantages. For most people it is that they have to face a
language barrier. Learning new language is always hard, but become terryfing when you are throwed
in at the deep water and have to talk fluent immediately. Esspecially when you have to cope with
customers and professional language. Another bad thing is that you have to leave your family, friends
and country's culture. People have affection about places where they grown. They feel sad with so
many memories and people which care about them left far behind. Also it is sure that in new country
people can feel cut from society. They are surrounded by strangers. Stuck with different customs
which they didn't know. They feel like fools when they do something what doesn't suit to others.

On the other hand there are numerous advantages of this solution. First of them is that with
experience in other countries you gain your employablity. Employee like that is more valuable.
Language and adaptative skills are preciable in bussines. Secon advantage is that you can get more
money. Incomes attract people from poorer countries. Many of them had a financial problem in their
birth place so it is save for them. Also it must be said that working abroad give an opportunity to see
the world. People can learn new language, culture, customs. It makes them really feel aura of place
where they are being.

Summing up, this solution has moun advantages and discons and it is hard to say if it's right.

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