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Permission Letter Template Can't Keep Up With The Lessons

Sragen, 21 October 2020

Mr. Zainal Arifin, M.Pd.
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
In place

Assalamu’ alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Sincerely, I, the undersigned:
Name: Fuad Hanafi
Class: 1B PBSI.
Address: Balak Wetan, Rt 08, Tegaldowo, Gemolong, Sragen.

Tell the news to Mr. Zainal Arifin, as an English lecturer, said that I with the above identity
could not participate in teaching and learning activities on November 3, 2020. This was because
I was sick with fever and had to rest at home. Along with this, I also attach a sick letter
indicating that the news is true.

Therefore I implore Mr. Zainal Arifin, as a lecturer in English, gave permission to leave school
on that day and asked for his prayers that I would be given health so that I could participate in
teaching and learning activities again in college.

Thus I wrote this letter correctly. We apologize if there are errors in writing letters and language
that are not pleasing to your heart. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Your sincerely,

(Fuad Hanafi)

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