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Full name: Xyna I.

Course & Section: Medical Biology 15
Subject: GS0SC003: Art Appreciation
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero
University: De La Salle University


1. Art Nouveau.

As someone who loves going to the beach and snorkeling, it saddens me to see how the
coral reefs are progressively being destroyed and becoming extinct. Consequently, this
piece has been made. This piece is not merely an artwork; it serves a purpose, which is to
advocate for the protection of the coral reefs in our country and to help people recognize
the beauty and significance of these coral reefs. Therefore, I consider this to be my favorite
art output this semester.

Monitoring and Evalua/on
2. Art in Introspection of Life.

Before, I once approached art with a limited perspective as I focused more on aesthetics
and personal preference. But throughout my time in this class, I had the opportunity to
plunge into the sociocultural and historical contexts surrounding artworks and understand
the inspirations and intentions of artists as they produced their works. This newfound
knowledge has expanded my artistic horizons, allowing me to explore various styles,
techniques, and mediums I previously overlooked. Studying art history and engaging in
critical discussions during the class has also sharpened my ability to analyze and interpret
art, influencing my artistic decisions and pushing me to incorporate deeper meanings and
concepts into my work. My time thus far in art appreciation has enriched my creative
pursuit by providing a solid foundation of knowledge, encouraging exploration, and
fostering a more thoughtful and meaningful approach to creating art.

3. Final Message for your Professor.

Dear Sir Stranger,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the guidance and knowledge
you provided throughout this course. Your fascinating lectures and thought-
provoking discussions have given me a greater understanding for the power of art
to convey emotions, challenge perceptions, and shape cultural narratives. I
appreciate all the opportunities you gave me to explore various art forms. I will
definitely use the knowledge and appreciation I have gained from this course as I
continue to explore and engage with art in the future.

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