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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Lanuza


Name: __________________________________ Section: ____________________ Score: ________

I.Identify what feature of academic writing is evident in the given sentences. Choose your answer from the box
below. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
A. Formality B. Objectivity C. Explicitness D. Caution
1. Most of the casualties of COVID are individuals with existing health conditions or problems.
2. It cannot be denied that COVID cases are increasing.
3. The health care workers must be prioritized in the vaccination.
4. ..In addition, everybody needs to be careful when going out.
5. Countries with low temperature usually have high number of COVID cases.
II. Directions: Identity the strategy or the tips for effective interpersonal communication used in the statement.
Write the letter of the correct answer in the given activity sheets.
a. Be cognizant or conscious of yourself
b. Be conscious, respectful, and empathetic towards others
c. Actively listen to Others
d. Avoid talking over others or Speaking for them
e. Collaborate more by saying "YES" before saying "NO"

1. You are able to identify and understand others' emotions and understand how people feel by allowing them to
express themselves because they will consider that you value what they are saying. Allow them to finish before
responding and expressing your thoughts on the subject in a non-confrontational manner.
The ability to listen to what a person is saying is itself a skill and you should focus on that while communicating with
others. You need to listen well to understand the person's words rather than listening to respond.
2. This will hamper the thought process and it is disrespectful and rude to interrupt a person while they are speaking.
Holding in as long as you can with a silence without immediately jumping in.
3. Building positive communication by having a positive mindset which can help people refine and extend their
thinking, inspires rather than demoralizes and it encourages trust rather than doubt.
4. This is the ability to focus on your awareness and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don't align with
your internal standards. Thus, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behavior with
your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you.
5. The ability to listen to what a person is saying is itself a skill and you should focus on that while communicating with
others. You need to listen well to understand the person's words rather than listening to respond.
III. Identify the truthfulness and accuracy of a material viewed based on the following indicators. Write A if it is
accurate and NA if it is not accurate.
1. Quotations are "in context"- the meaning of the original work is kept in the work which quotes the original.
2. The presentation is free from logical fallacies or errors.
3. Sources used or cited are inadequate or non-existent.
4. Quotations are taken out of the context and given a different meaning.
5. The same information can be found in other reliable sources.
6. There is a presence of one or more logical fallacies.
7. Quotations are "in context"- the meaning of the original work is kept in the work which quotes the original.
8. The author of information is known to have expertise on that subject.
9. Facts cannot be verified or are contradicted on the other sources.
10. The sources used for documentation are known to be generally reliable.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Lanuza
IV. Read and carefully answer each question below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why is there a need to learn the features of academic writing?
A. We should learn the features of academic writing to impress people.
B. We should lear the features of academic writing to gain respect.
C. We should learn the features of academic writing to communicate effectively.
D. We should learn the features of academic writing to convince others that we are powerful in writing.
2. What is the improved version of the sentence below considering formality? Their effort and love can't be
A. Parents effort and love are genuine.
B. Parents effort and love can't be paid.
C. Their effort and love cannot be compensated.
D. Their effort and love can't be compensated.
3. Objectivity can be achieved by
A. Using rhetorical questions
B. Employing emotive language
C. Avoiding the use of personal pronouns
D. Using abbreviated equivalents instead of expanded terms
4. Considering explicitness in academic writing, which among the options shows the correct improved version of the
passage below?
With the Supreme Court ordering MERALCO to return overcharges to the end users, government offices have been
tapped to operate as claim centers. A number of MERALCO consumers trooping to the City Hall to claim the PHP
500.00 cash incentive.
A. With the Supreme Court ordering MERALCO to return overcharges to the end users, govemment offices have been
tapped to operate as claim centers. Also, a number of MERALCO consumers trooping to the City Hall to claim the PHP
500.00 cash incentive.
B. With the Supreme Court ordering MERALCO to return overcharges to the end users, goverment offices have been
tapped to operate as claim centers. However, a number of MERALCO consumers trooping to the City Hall to claim the
PHP 500.00 cash incentive.
C. With the Supreme Court ordering MERALCO to retum overcharges to the end users, govemment offices have been
tapped to operate as claim centers. This resulted in a number of MERALCO consumers trooping to the City Hall to claim
the PHP 500.00 cash incentive.
D. With the Supreme Court ordering MERALCO to return overcharges to the end users, goverment offices have been
tapped to operate as claim centers. On the other hand, a number of MERALCO consumers trooping to the City Hall to
claim the PHP 500.00 cash incentive.
5. The following are the ways to achieve formality except:
A. Choosing abbreviated equivalents instead of expanded terms
B. Avoiding colloquial/trite /idiomatic expressions
C. Choosing one verb form over two-word verb
D. Choosing contracted forms over expanded modal forms
6. Which of the following is NOT a step for an effective interpersonal communication?
A. Be an active listener.
B. Be cognizant of yourself.
C. Be conscious, respectful and empathetic towards others.
D. Be alert and express your thoughts on the topic in a confrontational way.
7. Which of the following tips is being emphasized in the given statement below?
Shiela was listening very well to her friend while she was narrating what happened to her when she bumped into a
stranger. Her friend expressed her dismay and Shield listened attentively and was able to understand her friend's
words more clearly. She showed that she really cared about what her friend had to say.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Lanuza
A. Actively listen to others
B. Avoid talking over others or speaking for them
C. Be conscious, respectful, and empathetic towards others
D. Collaborate more by saying "YES" before saying "NO"
8. Which of the following refers to a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or
between the characters in a novel, drama, etc.?
A. conversation B. debate C. dialog D. interview
9. What type of interpersonal communication is defined as a structured conversation where one participant asks
questions, and the other provides answers?
A. conversation B. debate C. dialogue D. interview
10. Why do we have to employ these tips or strategies in a communicative situation?
A. It helps build healthy relationships and maintains meaningful personal relationships with others.
B. It makes us to be more knowledgeable than others and lets others recognize their differences.
C. It allows us build unhealthy relationships with others.
D. It lets us to improve our skills and be able to boast about whatever achievement we have.
11. What refers to the condition or quality of being true, correct, or precise?
A. Accuracy B. Source C. Truthfulness D. Worthiness
12. Which of the following in NOT an indicator in determining the truthfulness and accuracy of a material viewed?
A. The presentation is free from any logical fallacies or errors.
B. Sources used or cited are inadequate or non-existent.
C. The same information can be found in other reliable sources.
D. The sources used for documentation are known to be generally reliable
13. How are we going to know if the text listened to is worth of idea?
A. If the topic or idea is irrelevant
B. If it is worth keeping and worth sharing to others
C. If it does not have discourse markers that emphasize a point
D. If it presents information that can be found in other reliable source
14. Why do we need to know if a material is worthy, truthful, and accurate?
A. to gain respect for your opinion
B. to promote fallacy in giving and sharing information
C. to help you in giving misjudgment of information heard or listened to
D. to make sure that the information is correct and without any mistake
15. Rhea is looking for the worth of ideas from the message of the speaker she listened to, she's actually looking for the
A. funny jokes uttered
B. most interesting facts of the talk
C. notable styles in engaging his audience
D. essence of the talk that can be applied to our life

V. Identify the following. Choose your answer inside the box.

Objectivity Dialog
Formality Worth of Idea
Academic Writing Truth
Interpersonal Communication Accuracy
Conversation Caution
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
District of Lanuza
1. In English, it is linear, which means it has one central point or theme with every part contributing to the
main line of argument.
2. It is one of the features of academic writing. It reflects your dignified stance in your academic writing as a
member of the academic community.
3. Academic writing requires special knowledge and use of more complex language and objectivity.
4. It is the process by which two or more people exchange information, ideas, and feelings using both verbal
and non-verbal methods.
5. It is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people.
6. A talk, especially, an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.
7. It is the reality behind facts. Facts are the available data.
8. It means not only getting the objectively verifiable 'fact' right - names, places, dates of birth, quotes, the
results of sporting fixtures - but accurately reporting opinions expressed by those who you report.
9. It is the value of ideas to capture, grow, and bring them to life. It is the relevance of such idea to one's life
that may influence him/her in his/her manner of living.
10. Academic Writing requires care since knowledge is built from proven theories and concepts. Therefore,
this is needed to avoid sweeping generalizations.

Prepared by:

Teacher 1

Checked by:


QA Member

QA Member

Noted by:

School Principal

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