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Value Judgement Exercise

When deciding which structures to retain, the following factors may be considered:
Importance to the community, Historical or cultural significance, Economic value,
and Environmental impact. Firstly, we should prioritize retaining structures that are
essential for the town's basic needs. We are to consider also the historical, cultural,
and environmental significance of the remaining structures. Based on these factors,
here are some possible recommendations for the structures to retain, listed in order of

1. A hospital and a clinic built by the Newly Elected Governor: This should be
prioritized because it is a crucial healthcare facility that serves the community.
Demolishing it could have a significant impact on the health and well-being of the
people, especially in times of emergencies or disasters.
2. A school building for elementary and secondary school children: Education is a
fundamental right of every child, and a school building is essential to provide a
conducive learning environment. Demolishing it could disrupt the education of the
children, and it could also affect the future of the community.
3. The only bank that serves the needs of the town: The bank is vital for the financial
needs of the community, and it provides essential services such as deposits,
withdrawals, loans, and money transfer. Losing the bank could cause inconvenience
and financial difficulties for the residents.
4. A public market where almost all local inhabitants shop: The market is essential for
the local economy, and it provides a source of livelihood for many residents.
Demolishing it could cause economic disruption and affect the livelihood of the
5. A municipal cemetery where almost all the local dead had been buried: This should
also be retained out of respect for the dead and their families. Demolishing it could
cause emotional distress and could also be culturally insensitive.

The other structures, while important in their own right, may not be as crucial to the
community as the ones listed above. The decision ultimately depends on the specific
circumstances and priorities of the community and the government.

6. An old Catholic Church - The church serves as a religious center for the
community, and it is essential to retain it to preserve the cultural and historical
significance of the town.
7. A natural park with exotic plants with potential use - The natural park can be
rebuilt elsewhere as well, and its potential use can be explored in the new location.
8. A row of commercial stores giving substantive income to the government - While
commercial stores generate revenue for the government, they can be rebuilt
elsewhere. Hence, they can be sacrificed to retain the structures that are more
important to the community.
9. A movie house with other recreational facilities including free wifi-access
patronized by the local citizens - While it is essential to provide recreational facilities
for the community, they can be rebuilt elsewhere.
10. A towering Iglesia ni Kristo Chapel - While the chapel serves as a religious
center, it can be rebuilt elsewhere, and the religious practice can still be continued.
11. A Muslim temple (mosque) - Similar to the Iglesia ni Kristo Chapel, the mosque
can be rebuilt elsewhere.
12. A century-old acacia tree - While the acacia tree has been standing for a long time,
it can be relocated if necessary to ensure the construction of the highway.

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